예제 #1
func main() {

	// user needs help
	var needHelp bool

	// configuration file
	var configFile string

	// set up flag to point at conf, parse arguments and then verify
		"Display this dialog")
		"JSON configuration file")

	if needHelp {

	// defult configuration
	viper.SetDefault("log-level", "INFO")
	viper.SetDefault("broker", "localhost")
	viper.SetDefault("queue", "mdreceiver")

	// load config
	if configFile != "" {
		if parseErr := viper.ReadInConfig(); parseErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("%v", parseErr)
		logging.Log.Notice("Config file loaded")
	logging.Log.Infof("Log level: %v", viper.GetString("log-level"))

	broker := viper.GetString("broker")
	queueName := viper.GetString("queue")

	// check authentication for desired username
	if authErr := authentication.Load(); authErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Error in loading authenticators: %v", authErr)

	if !authentication.AmqpAvailable() {
		logging.Log.Critical("Authentication for AMQP is not available")

	amqpUser := authentication.AmqpUsername()
	amqpPassword := authentication.AmqpPassword()

	url := "amqp://" + amqpUser + ":" + amqpPassword + "@" + broker

	service := dripline.StartService(url, queueName)
	if service == nil {
		logging.Log.Critical("AMQP service did not start")
	logging.Log.Info("AMQP service started")

	// add .# to the queue name for the subscription
	subscriptionKey := queueName + ".#"
	if subscribeErr := service.SubscribeToRequests(subscriptionKey); subscribeErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Could not subscribe to requests at <%v>: %v", subscriptionKey, subscribeErr)

	if msiErr := fillMasterSenderInfo(); msiErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Could not fill out master sender info: %v", MasterSenderInfo)

	//context := build.defaultContext()


	for {
		select {
		case request, chanOpen := <-service.Receiver.RequestChan:
			if !chanOpen {
				logging.Log.Error("Incoming request channel is closed")
				break receiverLoop

			logging.Log.Debug("Received request")
			switch request.MsgOp {
			case dripline.MOCommand:
				var instruction string
				if request.Message.Target != queueName {
					instruction = strings.TrimPrefix(request.Message.Target, queueName+".")
				logging.Log.Debugf("Command instruction: %s", instruction)
				switch instruction {
				case "write_json":
					logging.Log.Debug("Received \"write_json\" instruction")
					//logging.Log.Warningf("type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(request.Message.Payload))
					//logging.Log.Warningf("try printing the payload? \n%v", request.Message.Payload)
					payloadAsMap, okPAM := request.Message.Payload.(map[interface{}]interface{})
					if !okPAM {
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripPayload, "Unable to convert payload to map; aborting message", MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop
					filenameIfc, hasFN := payloadAsMap["filename"]
					if !hasFN {
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripPayload, "No filename present in message; aborting", MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop
					thePath, okFP := utility.TryConvertToString(filenameIfc)
					if okFP != nil {
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripPayload, "Unable to convert filename to string; aborting message", MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop
					logging.Log.Debugf("Filename to write: %s", thePath)

					dir, _ := filepath.Split(thePath)
					// check whether the directory exists
					_, dirStatErr := os.Stat(dir)
					if dirStatErr != nil && os.IsNotExist(dirStatErr) {
						if mkdirErr := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModeDir|0775); mkdirErr != nil {
							msgText := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create the directory <%q>", dir)
							if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrHW, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
								break receiverLoop
							continue receiverLoop
						// Add a small delay after creating the new directory so that anything (e.g. Hornet) waiting for that directory can react to it before the JSON file is created
						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
					contentsIfc, hasContents := payloadAsMap["contents"]
					if !hasContents {
						msgText := fmt.Sprintf("No file contents present in the message for <%q>", thePath)
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripPayload, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop

					encoded, jsonErr := utility.IfcToJSON(&contentsIfc)
					if jsonErr != nil {
						msgText := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to convert file contents to JSON for <%q>", thePath)
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripPayload, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop

					theFile, fileErr := os.Create(thePath)
					if fileErr != nil {
						msgText := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create the file <%q>", thePath)
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrHW, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop

					_, writeErr := theFile.Write(encoded)
					if writeErr != nil {
						msgText := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to write to the file <%q>", thePath)
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrHW, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop

					closeErr := theFile.Close()
					if closeErr != nil {
						msgText := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to close the file <%q>", thePath)
						if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrHW, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
							break receiverLoop
						continue receiverLoop

					msgText := fmt.Sprintf("File written: %q", thePath)
					if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCSuccess, msgText, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
						break receiverLoop

					message := "Incoming request operation instruction not handled: " + instruction
					if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripMethod, message, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
						break receiverLoop
					continue receiverLoop
				message := "Incoming request operation type not handled: " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(request.MsgOp), 10)
				if sendErr := PrepareAndSendReply(service, request, dripline.RCErrDripMethod, message, MasterSenderInfo); sendErr != nil {
					break receiverLoop
				continue receiverLoop

	logging.Log.Info("MdReceiver is finished")
예제 #2
파일: diopsid.go 프로젝트: project8/swarm
func main() {

	// user needs help
	var needHelp bool

	// configuration file
	var configFile string

	// set up flag to point at conf, parse arguments and then verify
		"Display this dialog")
		"JSON configuration file")

	if needHelp {

	// defult configuration
	viper.SetDefault("log-level", "INFO")
	viper.SetDefault("broker", "localhost")
	viper.SetDefault("wait-interval", "1m")
	viper.SetDefault("subscribe-queue", "diopsid-queue")
	viper.SetDefault("alerts-queue", "disk_status.machinename")

	// load config
	if configFile != "" {
		if parseErr := viper.ReadInConfig(); parseErr != nil {
			logging.Log.Criticalf("%v", parseErr)
		logging.Log.Notice("Config file loaded")
	logging.Log.Infof("Log level: %v", viper.GetString("log-level"))

	wheretolook := viper.GetStringSlice("where-to-look")
	if len(wheretolook) == 0 {
		logging.Log.Critical("No directories were provided")

	// computername := viper.GetString("computer-name")
	// computername,e := os.Hostname()
	// if e != nil {
	// 	logging.Log.Criticalf("Couldn't get the hostname")
	// 	return
	// }
	broker := viper.GetString("broker")
	queueName := viper.GetString("subscribe-queue")
	alertsQueueName := viper.GetString("alerts-queue")
	waitInterval := viper.GetDuration("wait-interval")

	// check authentication for desired username
	if authErr := authentication.Load(); authErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Error in loading authenticators: %v", authErr)

	if !authentication.AmqpAvailable() {
		logging.Log.Critical("Authentication for AMQP is not available")

	amqpUser := authentication.AmqpUsername()
	amqpPassword := authentication.AmqpPassword()
	url := "amqp://" + amqpUser + ":" + amqpPassword + "@" + broker

	service := dripline.StartService(url, queueName)
	if service == nil {
		logging.Log.Critical("AMQP service did not start")
	logging.Log.Info("AMQP service started")

	// add .# to the queue name for the subscription
	// the queue name does not have to be the same as the queue where to send the alerts!
	// it is better to define a proper queueName in the config file to prevent
	// conflict between services subscribing to the same queue (which is not allowed!)
	subscriptionKey := queueName + ".#"
	if subscribeErr := service.SubscribeToAlerts(subscriptionKey); subscribeErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Could not subscribe to alerts at <%v>: %v", subscriptionKey, subscribeErr)

	if msiErr := fillMasterSenderInfo(); msiErr != nil {
		logging.Log.Criticalf("Could not fill out master sender info: %v", MasterSenderInfo)

	for {
		for _, dir := range wheretolook {
			alert := dripline.PrepareAlert(alertsQueueName, "application/json", MasterSenderInfo)
			disk := DiskUsage(dir)
			var payload map[string]interface{}
			payload = make(map[string]interface{})
			payload["directory"] = dir
			payload["all"] = float64(disk.All) / float64(GB)
			payload["used"] = float64(disk.Used) / float64(GB)
			alert.Message.Payload = payload

			e := service.SendAlert(alert)
			logging.Log.Infof("Alert sent: [%s] All: %.2f GB Used: %.2f GB", dir, float64(disk.All)/float64(GB), float64(disk.Used)/float64(GB))
			if e != nil {
				logging.Log.Errorf("Could not send the alert: %v", e)
		logging.Log.Infof("Sleeping now")