func getEtcdTokenAuthenticator(etcdHelper tools.EtcdHelper) authenticator.Token {
	accessTokenStorage := accesstokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	accessTokenRegistry := accesstokenregistry.NewRegistry(accessTokenStorage)

	userStorage := useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(userStorage)

	return authnregistry.NewTokenAuthenticator(accessTokenRegistry, userRegistry)
예제 #2
func BuildAuthConfig(options configapi.MasterConfig) (*AuthConfig, error) {
	client, err := etcd.GetAndTestEtcdClient(options.EtcdClientInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	etcdHelper, err := NewEtcdHelper(client, options.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStorageVersion, options.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStoragePrefix)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error setting up server storage: %v", err)

	apiServerCAs, err := configapi.GetAPIServerCertCAPool(options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var sessionAuth *session.Authenticator
	if options.OAuthConfig.SessionConfig != nil {
		secure := isHTTPS(options.OAuthConfig.MasterPublicURL)
		auth, err := BuildSessionAuth(secure, options.OAuthConfig.SessionConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		sessionAuth = auth

	// Build the list of valid redirect_uri prefixes for a login using the openshift-web-console client to redirect to
	// TODO: allow configuring this
	// TODO: remove hard-coding of development UI server
	assetPublicURLs := []string{options.OAuthConfig.AssetPublicURL, "http://localhost:9000", "https://localhost:9000"}

	userStorage := useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(userStorage)
	identityStorage := identityetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	identityRegistry := identityregistry.NewRegistry(identityStorage)

	ret := &AuthConfig{
		Options: *options.OAuthConfig,

		OpenshiftEnabled:     options.OpenshiftEnabled,
		AssetPublicAddresses: assetPublicURLs,
		MasterRoots:          apiServerCAs,
		EtcdHelper:           etcdHelper,

		IdentityRegistry: identityRegistry,
		UserRegistry:     userRegistry,

		SessionAuth: sessionAuth,

	return ret, nil
func TestCLIGetToken(t *testing.T) {

	// setup
	etcdClient := testutil.NewEtcdClient()
	etcdHelper, _ := master.NewEtcdHelper(etcdClient, latest.Version, etcdtest.PathPrefix())

	accessTokenStorage := accesstokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	accessTokenRegistry := accesstokenregistry.NewRegistry(accessTokenStorage)
	authorizeTokenStorage := authorizetokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	authorizeTokenRegistry := authorizetokenregistry.NewRegistry(authorizeTokenStorage)
	clientStorage := clientetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	clientRegistry := clientregistry.NewRegistry(clientStorage)
	clientAuthStorage := clientauthetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	clientAuthRegistry := clientauthregistry.NewRegistry(clientAuthStorage)

	userStorage := useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(userStorage)
	identityStorage := identityetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	identityRegistry := identityregistry.NewRegistry(identityStorage)

	identityMapper := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(identityRegistry, userRegistry)

	authRequestHandler := basicauthrequest.NewBasicAuthAuthentication(allowanypassword.New("get-token-test", identityMapper), true)
	authHandler := oauthhandlers.NewUnionAuthenticationHandler(
		map[string]oauthhandlers.AuthenticationChallenger{"login": passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")}, nil, nil)

	storage := registrystorage.New(accessTokenRegistry, authorizeTokenRegistry, clientRegistry, oauthregistry.NewUserConversion())
	config := osinserver.NewDefaultServerConfig()

	grantChecker := oauthregistry.NewClientAuthorizationGrantChecker(clientAuthRegistry)
	grantHandler := oauthhandlers.NewAutoGrant()

	server := osinserver.New(
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	server.Install(mux, origin.OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix)
	oauthServer := httptest.NewServer(http.Handler(mux))
	defer oauthServer.Close()
	t.Logf("oauth server is on %v\n", oauthServer.URL)

	// create the default oauth clients with redirects to our server
	origin.CreateOrUpdateDefaultOAuthClients(oauthServer.URL, []string{oauthServer.URL}, clientRegistry)

	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("test-flags", pflag.ContinueOnError)
	clientCfg := clientcmd.NewConfig()
	flags.Parse(strings.Split("--master="+oauthServer.URL, " "))

	reader := bytes.NewBufferString("user\npass")

	accessToken, err := tokencmd.RequestToken(clientCfg.OpenShiftConfig(), reader, "", "")

	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(accessToken) == 0 {
		t.Error("Expected accessToken, but did not get one")

	// lets see if this access token is any good
	token, err := accessTokenRegistry.GetAccessToken(kapi.NewContext(), accessToken)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	if token.UserName != "user" {
		t.Errorf("Expected token for \"user\", but got: %#v", token)
func TestAuthProxyOnAuthorize(t *testing.T) {

	// setup
	etcdClient := testutil.NewEtcdClient()
	etcdHelper, _ := master.NewEtcdHelper(etcdClient, latest.Version, etcdtest.PathPrefix())

	accessTokenStorage := accesstokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	accessTokenRegistry := accesstokenregistry.NewRegistry(accessTokenStorage)
	authorizeTokenStorage := authorizetokenetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	authorizeTokenRegistry := authorizetokenregistry.NewRegistry(authorizeTokenStorage)
	clientStorage := clientetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	clientRegistry := clientregistry.NewRegistry(clientStorage)
	clientAuthStorage := clientauthetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	clientAuthRegistry := clientauthregistry.NewRegistry(clientAuthStorage)

	userStorage := useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(userStorage)
	identityStorage := identityetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper)
	identityRegistry := identityregistry.NewRegistry(identityStorage)

	identityMapper := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(identityRegistry, userRegistry)

	// this auth request handler is the one that is supposed to recognize information from a front proxy
	authRequestHandler := headerrequest.NewAuthenticator("front-proxy-test", headerrequest.NewDefaultConfig(), identityMapper)
	authHandler := &oauthhandlers.EmptyAuth{}

	storage := registrystorage.New(accessTokenRegistry, authorizeTokenRegistry, clientRegistry, oauthregistry.NewUserConversion())
	config := osinserver.NewDefaultServerConfig()

	grantChecker := oauthregistry.NewClientAuthorizationGrantChecker(clientAuthRegistry)
	grantHandler := oauthhandlers.NewAutoGrant()

	server := osinserver.New(

	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	server.Install(mux, origin.OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix)
	oauthServer := httptest.NewServer(http.Handler(mux))
	defer oauthServer.Close()
	t.Logf("oauth server is on %v\n", oauthServer.URL)

	// set up a front proxy guarding the oauth server
	proxyHTTPHandler := NewBasicAuthChallenger("TestRegistryAndServer", validUsers, NewXRemoteUserProxyingHandler(oauthServer.URL))
	proxyServer := httptest.NewServer(proxyHTTPHandler)
	defer proxyServer.Close()
	t.Logf("proxy server is on %v\n", proxyServer.URL)

	// need to prime clients so that we can get back a code.  the client must be valid
	createClient(t, clientRegistry, &oauthapi.OAuthClient{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "test"}, Secret: "secret", RedirectURIs: []string{oauthServer.URL}})

	// our simple URL to get back a code.  We want to go through the front proxy
	rawAuthorizeRequest := proxyServer.URL + origin.OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix + "/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=test"

	// the first request we make to the front proxy should challenge us for authentication info
	shouldBeAChallengeResponse, err := http.Get(rawAuthorizeRequest)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	if shouldBeAChallengeResponse.StatusCode != http.StatusUnauthorized {
		t.Errorf("Expected Unauthorized, but got %v", shouldBeAChallengeResponse.StatusCode)

	// create an http.Client to make our next request.  We need a custom Transport to authenticate us through our front proxy
	// and a custom CheckRedirect so that we can keep track of the redirect responses we're getting
	// OAuth requests a few redirects that we don't really care about checking, so this simpler than using a round tripper
	// and manually handling redirects and setting our auth information every time for the front proxy
	redirectedUrls := make([]url.URL, 10)
	httpClient := http.Client{
		CheckRedirect: getRedirectMethod(t, &redirectedUrls),
		Transport:     kclient.NewBasicAuthRoundTripper("sanefarmer", "who?", http.DefaultTransport),

	// make our authorize request again, but this time our transport has properly set the auth info for the front proxy
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", rawAuthorizeRequest, nil)
	_, err = httpClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	// check the last redirect and see if we got a code
	foundCode := ""
	if len(redirectedUrls) > 0 {
		foundCode = redirectedUrls[len(redirectedUrls)-1].Query().Get("code")

	if len(foundCode) == 0 {
		t.Errorf("Did not find code in any redirect: %v", redirectedUrls)
	} else {
		t.Logf("Found code %v\n", foundCode)
func TestUserInitialization(t *testing.T) {

	masterConfig, clusterAdminKubeConfig, err := testutil.StartTestMaster()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	clusterAdminClient, err := testutil.GetClusterAdminClient(clusterAdminKubeConfig)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	etcdClient, err := etcd.GetAndTestEtcdClient(masterConfig.EtcdClientInfo)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	etcdHelper, err := origin.NewEtcdHelper(etcdClient, masterConfig.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStorageVersion, masterConfig.EtcdStorageConfig.OpenShiftStoragePrefix)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	userRegistry := userregistry.NewRegistry(useretcd.NewREST(etcdHelper))
	identityRegistry := identityregistry.NewRegistry(identityetcd.NewREST(etcdHelper))
	useridentityMappingRegistry := useridentitymapping.NewRegistry(useridentitymapping.NewREST(userRegistry, identityRegistry))

	lookup := identitymapper.NewLookupIdentityMapper(useridentityMappingRegistry, userRegistry)
	provisioner := identitymapper.NewAlwaysCreateUserIdentityToUserMapper(identityRegistry, userRegistry)

	testcases := map[string]struct {
		Identity authapi.UserIdentityInfo
		Mapper   authapi.UserIdentityMapper

		CreateIdentity *api.Identity
		CreateUser     *api.User
		CreateMapping  *api.UserIdentityMapping
		UpdateUser     *api.User

		ExpectedErr      error
		ExpectedUserName string
		ExpectedFullName string
		"lookup missing identity": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   lookup,

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"lookup existing identity": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   lookup,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),
			CreateMapping:  makeMapping("mappeduser", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity and user": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity and user with preferred username and display name": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", map[string]string{authapi.IdentityDisplayNameKey: "Bob, Sr.", authapi.IdentityPreferredUsernameKey: "admin"}),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
			ExpectedFullName: "Bob, Sr.",
		"provision missing identity for existing user": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser: makeUser("bob", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity with conflicting user": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser: makeUser("bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision missing identity with conflicting user and preferred username": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", map[string]string{authapi.IdentityPreferredUsernameKey: "admin"}),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser: makeUser("admin"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",
		"provision with existing unmapped identity": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"provision with existing mapped identity with invalid user UID": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentityWithUserReference("idp", "bob", "mappeduser", "invalidUID"),

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"provision with existing mapped identity without user backreference": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),
			CreateMapping:  makeMapping("mappeduser", "idp:bob"),
			// Update user to a version which does not reference the identity
			UpdateUser: makeUser("mappeduser"),

			ExpectedErr: kerrs.NewNotFound("UserIdentityMapping", "idp:bob"),
		"provision returns existing mapping": {
			Identity: makeIdentityInfo("idp", "bob", nil),
			Mapper:   provisioner,

			CreateUser:     makeUser("mappeduser"),
			CreateIdentity: makeIdentity("idp", "bob"),
			CreateMapping:  makeMapping("mappeduser", "idp:bob"),

			ExpectedUserName: "******",

	for k, testcase := range testcases {
		// Cleanup
		if err := etcdHelper.Delete(useretcd.EtcdPrefix, true); err != nil && !tools.IsEtcdNotFound(err) {
			t.Fatalf("Could not clean up users: %v", err)
		if err := etcdHelper.Delete(identityetcd.EtcdPrefix, true); err != nil && !tools.IsEtcdNotFound(err) {
			t.Fatalf("Could not clean up identities: %v", err)

		// Pre-create items
		if testcase.CreateUser != nil {
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Create(testcase.CreateUser)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not create user: %v", k, err)
		if testcase.CreateIdentity != nil {
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.Identities().Create(testcase.CreateIdentity)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not create identity: %v", k, err)
		if testcase.CreateMapping != nil {
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.UserIdentityMappings().Update(testcase.CreateMapping)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not create mapping: %v", k, err)
		if testcase.UpdateUser != nil {
			if testcase.UpdateUser.ResourceVersion == "" {
				existingUser, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Get(testcase.UpdateUser.Name)
				if err != nil {
					t.Errorf("%s: Could not get user to update: %v", k, err)
				testcase.UpdateUser.ResourceVersion = existingUser.ResourceVersion
			_, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Update(testcase.UpdateUser)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: Could not update user: %v", k, err)

		// Spawn 5 simultaneous mappers to test race conditions
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()

				userInfo, err := testcase.Mapper.UserFor(testcase.Identity)
				if err != nil {
					if testcase.ExpectedErr == nil {
						t.Errorf("%s: Expected success, got error '%v'", k, err)
					} else if err.Error() != testcase.ExpectedErr.Error() {
						t.Errorf("%s: Expected error %v, got '%v'", k, testcase.ExpectedErr.Error(), err)
				if err == nil && testcase.ExpectedErr != nil {
					t.Errorf("%s: Expected error '%v', got none", k, testcase.ExpectedErr)

				if userInfo.GetName() != testcase.ExpectedUserName {
					t.Errorf("%s: Expected username %s, got %s", k, testcase.ExpectedUserName, userInfo.GetName())

				user, err := clusterAdminClient.Users().Get(userInfo.GetName())
				if err != nil {
					t.Errorf("%s: Error getting user: %v", k, err)
				if user.FullName != testcase.ExpectedFullName {
					t.Errorf("%s: Expected full name %s, got %s", k, testcase.ExpectedFullName, user.FullName)
