예제 #1
파일: main.go 프로젝트: f0/prom_sd_example
// persist writes the current services to disc.
func (srvs *services) persist() {
	for name, srv := range srvs.m {
		if !srv.info.Monitored {
		content, err := json.Marshal(srv.targetGroups())
		if err != nil {

		f, err := create("tgroups/" + name + ".json")
		if err != nil {
		if _, err := f.Write(content); err != nil {
	// Remove files for disappeared services.
	for _, name := range srvs.del {
		if err := os.Remove("tgroups/" + name + ".json"); err != nil {
	srvs.del = nil
예제 #2
파일: main.go 프로젝트: f0/prom_sd_example
// persist writes the current services to disc.
func (srvs services) persist() {
	var tgroups []*TargetGroup
	// Write files for current services.
	for job, instances := range srvs {
		var targets []string
		for _, addr := range instances {
			targets = append(targets, addr)

		tgroups = append(tgroups, &TargetGroup{
			Targets: targets,
			Labels:  map[string]string{"job": job},

	content, err := json.Marshal(tgroups)
	if err != nil {

	f, err := create(*targetFile)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	if _, err := f.Write(content); err != nil {
예제 #3
func (h *Handler) getTemplate(name string) (*template_std.Template, error) {
	t := template_std.New("_base")
	var err error

		"since":       time.Since,
		"getConsoles": h.getConsoles,
		"pathPrefix":  func() string { return h.options.PathPrefix },
		"stripLabels": func(lset clientmodel.LabelSet, labels ...clientmodel.LabelName) clientmodel.LabelSet {
			for _, ln := range labels {
				delete(lset, ln)
			return lset
		"globalURL": func(url string) string {
			for _, localhostRepresentation := range localhostRepresentations {
				url = strings.Replace(url, "//"+localhostRepresentation, "//"+h.options.Hostname, 1)
			return url
		"healthToClass": func(th retrieval.TargetHealth) string {
			switch th {
			case retrieval.HealthUnknown:
				return "warning"
			case retrieval.HealthGood:
				return "success"
				return "danger"

	file, err := h.getTemplateFile("_base")
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Could not read base template:", err)
		return nil, err
	t, err = t.Parse(file)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Could not parse base template:", err)

	file, err = h.getTemplateFile(name)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Could not read template %s: %s", name, err)
		return nil, err
	t, err = t.Parse(file)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not parse template %s: %s", name, err)
	return t, err
예제 #4
파일: main.go 프로젝트: f0/prom_sd_example
// update the services based on the given node.
func (srvs *services) update(node *etcd.Node) {
	if node.Dir {
		for _, n := range node.Nodes {

	if pathPatInfo.MatchString(node.Key) {
		var info *ServiceInfo
		err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(node.Value), &info)
		if err != nil {
		name := pathPatInfo.FindStringSubmatch(node.Key)[1]
		srv, ok := srvs.m[name]
		if !ok {
			srv = &service{instances: map[string]*Instance{}}
			srvs.m[name] = srv
		if !info.Monitored {
			srvs.del = append(srvs.del, name)
		srv.info = info

	} else if pathPatInstance.MatchString(node.Key) {
		match := pathPatInstance.FindStringSubmatch(node.Key)
		name := match[1]

		srv, ok := srvs.m[name]
		if !ok {
			log.Errorf("instance update for unknown service %q", name)
		var inst *Instance
		err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(node.Value), &inst)
		if err != nil {
		srv.instances[match[2]] = inst
	} else {
		log.Errorf("cannot resolve key %q", node.Key)
예제 #5
func (n *notifier) handleNotification(a *Alert, op notificationOp, config *pb.NotificationConfig) {
	for _, pdConfig := range config.PagerdutyConfig {
		if err := n.sendPagerDutyNotification(pdConfig.GetServiceKey(), op, a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending PagerDuty notification:", err)
	for _, emailConfig := range config.EmailConfig {
		if op == notificationOpResolve && !emailConfig.GetSendResolved() {
		if *smtpSmartHost == "" {
			log.Warn("No SMTP smarthost configured, not sending email notification.")
		if err := n.sendEmailNotification(emailConfig.GetEmail(), op, a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending email notification:", err)
	for _, poConfig := range config.PushoverConfig {
		if op == notificationOpResolve && !poConfig.GetSendResolved() {
		if err := n.sendPushoverNotification(poConfig.GetToken(), op, poConfig.GetUserKey(), a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending Pushover notification:", err)
	for _, hcConfig := range config.HipchatConfig {
		if op == notificationOpResolve && !hcConfig.GetSendResolved() {
		if err := n.sendHipChatNotification(op, hcConfig, a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending HipChat notification:", err)
	for _, scConfig := range config.SlackConfig {
		if op == notificationOpResolve && !scConfig.GetSendResolved() {
		if err := n.sendSlackNotification(op, scConfig, a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending Slack notification:", err)
	for _, fdConfig := range config.FlowdockConfig {
		if op == notificationOpResolve && !fdConfig.GetSendResolved() {
		if err := n.sendFlowdockNotification(op, fdConfig, a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending Flowdock notification:", err)
	for _, whConfig := range config.WebhookConfig {
		if op == notificationOpResolve && !whConfig.GetSendResolved() {
		if err := n.sendWebhookNotification(op, whConfig, a); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error sending Webhook notification:", err)
예제 #6
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) loop() {
	checkpointTimer := time.NewTimer(s.checkpointInterval)

	dirtySeriesCount := 0

	defer func() {
		log.Info("Maintenance loop stopped.")

	memoryFingerprints := s.cycleThroughMemoryFingerprints()
	archivedFingerprints := s.cycleThroughArchivedFingerprints()

	for {
		select {
		case <-s.loopStopping:
			break loop
		case <-checkpointTimer.C:
			err := s.persistence.checkpointSeriesMapAndHeads(s.fpToSeries, s.fpLocker)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorln("Error while checkpointing:", err)
			} else {
				dirtySeriesCount = 0
		case fp := <-memoryFingerprints:
			if s.maintainMemorySeries(fp, model.Now().Add(-s.dropAfter)) {
				// Check if we have enough "dirty" series so that we need an early checkpoint.
				// However, if we are already behind persisting chunks, creating a checkpoint
				// would be counterproductive, as it would slow down chunk persisting even more,
				// while in a situation like that, where we are clearly lacking speed of disk
				// maintenance, the best we can do for crash recovery is to persist chunks as
				// quickly as possible. So only checkpoint if the storage is not in "graceful
				// degradation mode".
				if dirtySeriesCount >= s.checkpointDirtySeriesLimit && !s.isDegraded() {
		case fp := <-archivedFingerprints:
			s.maintainArchivedSeries(fp, model.Now().Add(-s.dropAfter))
	// Wait until both channels are closed.
	for range memoryFingerprints {
	for range archivedFingerprints {
예제 #7
// Start implements Storage.
func (s *memorySeriesStorage) Start() (err error) {
	var syncStrategy syncStrategy
	switch s.options.SyncStrategy {
	case Never:
		syncStrategy = func() bool { return false }
	case Always:
		syncStrategy = func() bool { return true }
	case Adaptive:
		syncStrategy = func() bool { return !s.isDegraded() }
		panic("unknown sync strategy")

	var p *persistence
	p, err = newPersistence(s.options.PersistenceStoragePath, s.options.Dirty, s.options.PedanticChecks, syncStrategy)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.persistence = p
	// Persistence must start running before loadSeriesMapAndHeads() is called.
	go s.persistence.run()

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if e := p.close(); e != nil {
				log.Errorln("Error closing persistence:", e)

	log.Info("Loading series map and head chunks...")
	s.fpToSeries, s.numChunksToPersist, err = p.loadSeriesMapAndHeads()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Infof("%d series loaded.", s.fpToSeries.length())

	s.mapper, err = newFPMapper(s.fpToSeries, p)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	go s.handleEvictList()
	go s.loop()

	return nil
예제 #8
파일: main.go 프로젝트: f0/prom_sd_example
func main() {

	client := etcd.NewClient([]string{etcdServer})

	srvs := &services{
		m: map[string]*service{},
	updates := make(chan *etcd.Response)

	// Perform an initial read of all services.
	res, err := client.Get(servicesPrefix, false, true)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error on initial retrieval: %s", err)

	// Start watching for updates.
	go func() {
		res, err := client.Watch(servicesPrefix, 0, true, updates, nil)
		if err != nil {

	// Apply updates sent on the channel.
	for res := range updates {
		if res.Action == "delete" {
			log.Debugf("delete: %s", res.Node.Key)
		} else {
			log.Debugf("%s: %s = %s", res.Action, res.Node.Key, res.Node.Value)
예제 #9
파일: main.go 프로젝트: f0/prom_sd_example
func main() {

	var (
		client  = etcd.NewClient([]string{*etcdServer})
		srvs    = services{}
		updates = make(chan *etcd.Response)

	// Perform an initial read of all services.
	res, err := client.Get(servicesPrefix, false, true)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error on initial retrieval: %s", err)
	srvs.handle(res.Node, srvs.update)

	// Start watching for updates.
	go func() {
		_, err := client.Watch(servicesPrefix, 0, true, updates, nil)
		if err != nil {

	// Apply updates sent on the channel.
	for res := range updates {
		log.Infoln(res.Action, res.Node.Key, res.Node.Value)

		h := srvs.update
		if res.Action == "delete" {
			h = srvs.delete
		srvs.handle(res.Node, h)
예제 #10
func Main() int {
	if err := parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
		return 2

	versionInfoTmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, BuildInfo)
	if cfg.printVersion {
		return 0

	memStorage := local.NewMemorySeriesStorage(&cfg.storage)

	var (
		sampleAppender      storage.SampleAppender
		remoteStorageQueues []*remote.StorageQueueManager
	if cfg.opentsdbURL == "" && cfg.influxdbURL == "" {
		log.Warnf("No remote storage URLs provided; not sending any samples to long-term storage")
		sampleAppender = memStorage
	} else {
		fanout := storage.Fanout{memStorage}

		addRemoteStorage := func(c remote.StorageClient) {
			qm := remote.NewStorageQueueManager(c, 100*1024)
			fanout = append(fanout, qm)
			remoteStorageQueues = append(remoteStorageQueues, qm)

		if cfg.opentsdbURL != "" {
			addRemoteStorage(opentsdb.NewClient(cfg.opentsdbURL, cfg.remoteStorageTimeout))
		if cfg.influxdbURL != "" {
			addRemoteStorage(influxdb.NewClient(cfg.influxdbURL, cfg.remoteStorageTimeout, cfg.influxdbDatabase, cfg.influxdbRetentionPolicy))

		sampleAppender = fanout

	var (
		notificationHandler = notification.NewNotificationHandler(&cfg.notification)
		targetManager       = retrieval.NewTargetManager(sampleAppender)
		queryEngine         = promql.NewEngine(memStorage, &cfg.queryEngine)

	ruleManager := rules.NewManager(&rules.ManagerOptions{
		SampleAppender:      sampleAppender,
		NotificationHandler: notificationHandler,
		QueryEngine:         queryEngine,
		PrometheusURL:       cfg.prometheusURL,
		PathPrefix:          cfg.web.PathPrefix,

	flags := map[string]string{}
	cfg.fs.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
		flags[f.Name] = f.Value.String()

	status := &web.PrometheusStatus{
		BuildInfo:   BuildInfo,
		TargetPools: targetManager.Pools,
		Rules:       ruleManager.Rules,
		Flags:       flags,
		Birth:       time.Now(),

	webHandler := web.New(memStorage, queryEngine, ruleManager, status, &cfg.web)

	if !reloadConfig(cfg.configFile, status, targetManager, ruleManager) {

	// Wait for reload or termination signals. Start the handler for SIGHUP as
	// early as possible, but ignore it until we are ready to handle reloading
	// our config.
	hup := make(chan os.Signal)
	hupReady := make(chan bool)
	signal.Notify(hup, syscall.SIGHUP)
	go func() {
		for range hup {
			reloadConfig(cfg.configFile, status, targetManager, ruleManager)

	// Start all components.
	if err := memStorage.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Error opening memory series storage:", err)
		return 1
	defer func() {
		if err := memStorage.Stop(); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error stopping storage:", err)

	// The storage has to be fully initialized before registering.

	for _, q := range remoteStorageQueues {

		go q.Run()
		defer q.Stop()

	go ruleManager.Run()
	defer ruleManager.Stop()

	go notificationHandler.Run()
	defer notificationHandler.Stop()

	go targetManager.Run()
	defer targetManager.Stop()

	defer queryEngine.Stop()

	go webHandler.Run()

	// Wait for reload or termination signals.
	close(hupReady) // Unblock SIGHUP handler.

	term := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(term, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
	select {
	case <-term:
		log.Warn("Received SIGTERM, exiting gracefully...")
	case <-webHandler.Quit():
		log.Warn("Received termination request via web service, exiting gracefully...")


	log.Info("See you next time!")
	return 0
예제 #11
파일: main.go 프로젝트: nicr9/prometheus
// Main manages the startup and shutdown lifecycle of the entire Prometheus server.
func Main() int {
	if err := parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
		return 2

	if cfg.printVersion {
		return 0

	var reloadables []Reloadable

	var (
		memStorage     = local.NewMemorySeriesStorage(&cfg.storage)
		remoteStorage  = remote.New(&cfg.remote)
		sampleAppender = storage.Fanout{memStorage}
	if remoteStorage != nil {
		sampleAppender = append(sampleAppender, remoteStorage)
		reloadables = append(reloadables, remoteStorage)

	var (
		notificationHandler = notification.NewNotificationHandler(&cfg.notification)
		targetManager       = retrieval.NewTargetManager(sampleAppender)
		queryEngine         = promql.NewEngine(memStorage, &cfg.queryEngine)

	ruleManager := rules.NewManager(&rules.ManagerOptions{
		SampleAppender:      sampleAppender,
		NotificationHandler: notificationHandler,
		QueryEngine:         queryEngine,
		ExternalURL:         cfg.web.ExternalURL,

	flags := map[string]string{}
	cfg.fs.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
		flags[f.Name] = f.Value.String()

	status := &web.PrometheusStatus{
		TargetPools: targetManager.Pools,
		Rules:       ruleManager.Rules,
		Flags:       flags,
		Birth:       time.Now(),

	webHandler := web.New(memStorage, queryEngine, ruleManager, status, &cfg.web)

	reloadables = append(reloadables, status, targetManager, ruleManager, webHandler, notificationHandler)

	if !reloadConfig(cfg.configFile, reloadables...) {
		return 1

	// Wait for reload or termination signals. Start the handler for SIGHUP as
	// early as possible, but ignore it until we are ready to handle reloading
	// our config.
	hup := make(chan os.Signal)
	hupReady := make(chan bool)
	signal.Notify(hup, syscall.SIGHUP)
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case <-hup:
			case <-webHandler.Reload():
			reloadConfig(cfg.configFile, reloadables...)

	// Start all components.
	if err := memStorage.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Errorln("Error opening memory series storage:", err)
		return 1
	defer func() {
		if err := memStorage.Stop(); err != nil {
			log.Errorln("Error stopping storage:", err)

	if remoteStorage != nil {

		go remoteStorage.Run()
		defer remoteStorage.Stop()
	// The storage has to be fully initialized before registering.

	go ruleManager.Run()
	defer ruleManager.Stop()

	go notificationHandler.Run()
	defer notificationHandler.Stop()

	go targetManager.Run()
	defer targetManager.Stop()

	defer queryEngine.Stop()

	go webHandler.Run()

	// Wait for reload or termination signals.
	close(hupReady) // Unblock SIGHUP handler.

	term := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(term, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
	select {
	case <-term:
		log.Warn("Received SIGTERM, exiting gracefully...")
	case <-webHandler.Quit():
		log.Warn("Received termination request via web service, exiting gracefully...")
	case err := <-webHandler.ListenError():
		log.Errorln("Error starting web server, exiting gracefully:", err)

	log.Info("See you next time!")
	return 0
예제 #12
func (e *Exporter) scrape(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
	defer func(begun time.Time) {


	db, err := sql.Open("postgres", e.dsn)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error opening connection to database:", err)
	defer db.Close()

	for namespaceAndQuery, mapping := range e.metricMap {
		namespace := namespaceAndQuery.namespace
		log.Debugln("Querying namespace: ", namespace, " query: ", namespaceAndQuery.query)

		func() { // Don't fail on a bad scrape of one metric

			rows, err := db.Query(namespaceAndQuery.query)

			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Error running query on database: ", namespace, err)
			defer rows.Close()

			var columnNames []string
			columnNames, err = rows.Columns()
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Error retrieving column list for: ", namespace, err)

			// Make a lookup map for the column indices
			var columnIdx = make(map[string]int, len(columnNames))
			for i, n := range columnNames {
				columnIdx[n] = i

			var columnData = make([]interface{}, len(columnNames))
			var scanArgs = make([]interface{}, len(columnNames))
			for i := range columnData {
				scanArgs[i] = &columnData[i]

			for rows.Next() {
				err = rows.Scan(scanArgs...)
				if err != nil {
					log.Println("Error retrieving rows:", namespace, err)

				// Get the label values for this row
				var labels = make([]string, len(mapping.labels))
				for idx, columnName := range mapping.labels {

					labels[idx], _ = dbToString(columnData[columnIdx[columnName]])

				// Loop over column names, and match to scan data. Unknown columns
				// will be filled with an untyped metric number *if* they can be
				// converted to float64s. NULLs are allowed and treated as NaN.
				for idx, columnName := range columnNames {
					if metricMapping, ok := mapping.columnMappings[columnName]; ok {
						// Is this a metricy metric?
						if metricMapping.discard {

						value, ok := dbToFloat64(columnData[idx])
						if !ok {
							log.Errorln("Unexpected error parsing column: ", namespace, columnName, columnData[idx])

						// Generate the metric
						ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(metricMapping.desc, metricMapping.vtype, value, labels...)
					} else {
						// Unknown metric. Report as untyped if scan to float64 works, else note an error too.
						desc := prometheus.NewDesc(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", namespace, columnName), fmt.Sprintf("Unknown metric from %s", namespace), nil, nil)

						// Its not an error to fail here, since the values are
						// unexpected anyway.
						value, ok := dbToFloat64(columnData[idx])
						if !ok {
							log.Warnln("Unparseable column type - discarding: ", namespace, columnName, err)

						ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.UntypedValue, value, labels...)

// Turn the MetricMap column mapping into a prometheus descriptor mapping.
func makeDescMap(metricMaps map[string]map[string]ColumnMapping) map[string]MetricMapNamespace {
	var metricMap = make(map[string]MetricMapNamespace)

	for namespace, mappings := range metricMaps {
		thisMap := make(map[string]MetricMap)

		// Get the constant labels
		var constLabels []string
		for columnName, columnMapping := range mappings {
			if columnMapping.usage == LABEL {
				constLabels = append(constLabels, columnName)

		for columnName, columnMapping := range mappings {
			switch columnMapping.usage {
				thisMap[columnName] = MetricMap{
					discard: true,
					conversion: func(in interface{}) (float64, bool) {
						return math.NaN(), true
			case COUNTER:
				thisMap[columnName] = MetricMap{
					vtype: prometheus.CounterValue,
					desc:  prometheus.NewDesc(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", namespace, columnName), columnMapping.description, constLabels, nil),
					conversion: func(in interface{}) (float64, bool) {
						return dbToFloat64(in)
			case GAUGE:
				thisMap[columnName] = MetricMap{
					vtype: prometheus.GaugeValue,
					desc:  prometheus.NewDesc(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", namespace, columnName), columnMapping.description, constLabels, nil),
					conversion: func(in interface{}) (float64, bool) {
						return dbToFloat64(in)
				thisMap[columnName] = MetricMap{
					vtype: prometheus.GaugeValue,
					desc:  prometheus.NewDesc(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", namespace, columnName), columnMapping.description, constLabels, nil),
					conversion: func(in interface{}) (float64, bool) {
						text, ok := in.(string)
						if !ok {
							return math.NaN(), false

						val, ok := columnMapping.mapping[text]
						if !ok {
							return math.NaN(), false
						return val, true
			case DURATION:
				thisMap[columnName] = MetricMap{
					vtype: prometheus.GaugeValue,
					desc:  prometheus.NewDesc(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_milliseconds", namespace, columnName), columnMapping.description, constLabels, nil),
					conversion: func(in interface{}) (float64, bool) {
						var durationString string
						switch t := in.(type) {
						case []byte:
							durationString = string(t)
						case string:
							durationString = t
							log.Errorln("DURATION conversion metric was not a string")
							return math.NaN(), false

						d, err := time.ParseDuration(durationString)
						if err != nil {
							log.Errorln("Failed converting result to metric:", columnName, in, err)
							return math.NaN(), false
						return float64(d / time.Millisecond), true

		metricMap[namespace] = MetricMapNamespace{constLabels, thisMap}

	return metricMap