예제 #1
// ParseSubscribeResponseAndCallUnsubscribe will parse the response on the go channel.
// It will check the subscribe connection status and when connected
// it will initiate the unsubscribe request.
func ParseSubscribeResponseAndCallUnsubscribe(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, returnChannel chan []byte, channel string, message string, responseChannel chan string) {
	for {
		value, ok := <-returnChannel
		if !ok {
		if string(value) != "[]" {
			response := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
			message = "'" + channel + "' " + message
			//messageAbort := "'" + channel + "' aborted"
			if strings.Contains(response, message) {
				returnUnsubscribeChannel := make(chan []byte)
				errorChannel := make(chan []byte)

				go pubnubInstance.Unsubscribe(channel, returnUnsubscribeChannel, errorChannel)
				go ParseUnsubscribeResponse(returnUnsubscribeChannel, channel, "unsubscribed", responseChannel)
				go ParseResponseDummy(errorChannel)

			} /*else if (strings.Contains(response, messageAbort)){
			      responseChannel <- "Test unsubscribed: failed."
			  } else {
			      responseChannel <- "Test unsubscribed: failed."
예제 #2
// PublishSimpleMessage publises a message on a pubnub channel and
// calls the parse method to validate the message subscription.
func PublishSimpleMessage(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, t *testing.T, channel string, testName string, cipherKey string, responseChannel chan string) {
	message := "Test message"

	returnChannel := make(chan []byte)
	errorChannel := make(chan []byte)

	go pubnubInstance.Publish(channel, message, returnChannel, errorChannel)
	go ParseSubscribeResponse(pubnubInstance, returnChannel, t, channel, "", testName, cipherKey, responseChannel)
	go ParseErrorResponse(errorChannel, responseChannel)
예제 #3
// ParseResponse parses the publish response from the pubnub api on the returnChannel and
// when the sent response is received, calls the history method of the pubnubMessaging
// package to fetch 1 message.
func ParseResponse(returnChannel chan []byte, pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, channel string, message string, testName string, numberOfMessages int, responseChannel chan string) {
	for {
		value, ok := <-returnChannel
		if !ok {
		if string(value) != "[]" {
			returnHistoryChannel := make(chan []byte)
			var errorChannel = make(chan []byte)
			go pubnubInstance.History(channel, 1, 0, 0, false, returnHistoryChannel, errorChannel)
			go ParseHistoryResponse(returnHistoryChannel, channel, message, testName, responseChannel)
			go ParseErrorResponse(errorChannel, responseChannel)
예제 #4
// PublishMessages calls the publish method of pubnubMessaging package numberOfMessages times
// and appends the count with the message to distinguish from the others.
// Parameters:
// pubnubInstance: a reference of *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub,
// channel: the pubnub channel to publish the messages,
// t: a reference to *testing.T,
// startMessagesFrom: the message identifer,
// numberOfMessages: number of messages to send,
// message: message to send.
// returns a bool if the publish of all messages is successful.
func PublishMessages(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, channel string, t *testing.T, startMessagesFrom int, numberOfMessages int, message string) bool {
	messagesReceived := 0
	messageToSend := ""
	for i := startMessagesFrom; i < startMessagesFrom+numberOfMessages; i++ {
		messageToSend = message + strconv.Itoa(i)

		returnPublishChannel := make(chan []byte)
		errorChannel := make(chan []byte)
		go pubnubInstance.Publish(channel, messageToSend, returnPublishChannel, errorChannel)
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
	if messagesReceived == numberOfMessages {
		return true

	return false
예제 #5
// GetServerTime calls the GetTime method of the pubnubMessaging, parses the response to get the
// value and return it.
func GetServerTime(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, t *testing.T, testName string) int64 {
	returnTimeChannel := make(chan []byte)
	errorChannel := make(chan []byte)
	go pubnubInstance.GetTime(returnTimeChannel, errorChannel)
	return ParseServerTimeResponse(returnTimeChannel, t, testName)
예제 #6
// ParseSubscribeResponseForPresence will look for the connection status in the response
// received on the go channel.
func ParseSubscribeResponseForPresence(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, customUuid string, returnChannel chan []byte, channel string, testName string, responseChannel chan string) {
	for {
		value, ok := <-returnChannel
		if !ok {
		//response := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)

		if string(value) != "[]" {
			if (testName == "CustomUuid") || (testName == "HereNow") || (testName == "HereNowWithCipher") {
				response := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
				message := "'" + channel + "' connected"
				messageReconn := "'" + channel + "' reconnected"
				if (strings.Contains(response, message)) || (strings.Contains(response, messageReconn)) {
					errorChannel := make(chan []byte)
					returnChannel := make(chan []byte)
					time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
					go pubnubInstance.HereNow(channel, returnChannel, errorChannel)
					go ParseHereNowResponse(returnChannel, channel, customUuid, testName, responseChannel)
					go ParseErrorResponse(errorChannel, responseChannel)
			} else {
				response := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
				message := "'" + channel + "' connected"
				messageReconn := "'" + channel + "' reconnected"
				//fmt.Println("Test3 '" + testName + "':" +response)
				if (strings.Contains(response, message)) || (strings.Contains(response, messageReconn)) {

					errorChannel2 := make(chan []byte)
					returnSubscribeChannel := make(chan []byte)
					time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
					go pubnubInstance.Subscribe(channel, "", returnSubscribeChannel, false, errorChannel2)
					go ParseResponseDummy(returnSubscribeChannel)
					go ParseResponseDummy(errorChannel2)
				} else {
					if testName == "Presence" {
						data, _, returnedChannel, err2 := pubnubMessaging.ParseJson(value, "")

						var occupants []struct {
							Action    string
							Uuid      string
							Timestamp float64
							Occupancy int

						if err2 != nil {
							responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed. Message: 1 :" + err2.Error()
						//fmt.Println("Test3 '" + testName + "':" +data)
						err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &occupants)
						if err != nil {
							//fmt.Println("err '" + testName + "':",err)
							responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed. Message: 2 :" + err.Error()
						} else {
							channelSubRepsonseReceived := false
							for i := 0; i < len(occupants); i++ {
								if (occupants[i].Action == "join") && occupants[i].Uuid == customUuid {
									channelSubRepsonseReceived = true
							if !channelSubRepsonseReceived {
								responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed. Message: err3"
							if channel == returnedChannel {
								responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': passed."
							} else {
								responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed. Message: err4"
예제 #7
// ParseSubscribeMultiplexedResponse publishes 2 messages on 2 different channels and
// when both the channels are connected
// it reads the responseChannel for the 2 messages. If we get the same 2 messages as response
// the test is passed.
// parameters:
// pubnubInstance: an instace of *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub,
// returnSubscribeChannel: the channel to read the subscribe response on.
// message1: first message to publish.
// message2: second message to publish.
// pubnubChannel1: pubnub Channel 1 to publish the first message.
// pubnubChannel2: pubnub Channel 2 to publish the second message.
// testName: test name.
// responseChannel: the channelto send a response back.
func ParseSubscribeMultiplexedResponse(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, returnSubscribeChannel chan []byte, message1 string, message2 string, pubnubChannel1 string, pubnubChannel2 string, testName string, responseChannel chan string) {
	messageCount := 0
	channelCount := 0
	for {
		value, ok := <-returnSubscribeChannel
		if !ok {
		if string(value) != "[]" {
			response := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
			message := "' connected"
			messageT1 := "'" + pubnubChannel1 + "' connected"
			messageT2 := "'" + pubnubChannel2 + "' connected"
			if strings.Contains(response, message) {
				if strings.Contains(response, messageT1) {

				if strings.Contains(response, messageT2) {
				if channelCount >= 2 {
					returnPublishChannel := make(chan []byte)
					errorChannelPub := make(chan []byte)

					go pubnubInstance.Publish(pubnubChannel1, message1, returnPublishChannel, errorChannelPub)
					go ParseResponseDummy(returnPublishChannel)
					go ParseResponseDummy(errorChannelPub)

					returnPublishChannel2 := make(chan []byte)
					errorChannelPub2 := make(chan []byte)

					go pubnubInstance.Publish(pubnubChannel2, message2, returnPublishChannel2, errorChannelPub2)
					go ParseResponseDummy(returnPublishChannel2)
					go ParseResponseDummy(errorChannelPub2)
			} else {
				var s []interface{}
				err := json.Unmarshal(value, &s)
				if err == nil {
					if len(s) > 2 {
						if message, ok := s[0].([]interface{}); ok {
							if messageT, ok2 := message[0].(string); ok2 {
								if (len(message) > 0) && (messageT == message1) && (s[2].(string) == pubnubChannel1) {
								if (len(message) > 0) && (messageT == message2) && (s[2].(string) == pubnubChannel2) {

				if messageCount >= 2 {
					responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': passed."
예제 #8
// ParseSubscribeResponse reads the response from the go channel and unmarshal's it.
// It is used by multiple test cases and acts according to the testcase names.
// The idea is to parse each message in the response based on the type of message
// and test against the sent message. If both match the test case is successful.
// _publishSuccessMessage is defined in the common.go file.
func ParseSubscribeResponse(pubnubInstance *pubnubMessaging.Pubnub, returnChannel chan []byte, t *testing.T, channel string, message string, testName string, cipherKey string, responseChannel chan string) {
	for {
		value, ok := <-returnChannel
		if !ok {
		if string(value) != "[]" {
			response := fmt.Sprintf("%s", value)
			//fmt.Println("Response1:", response)
			if (testName == "SubscriptionConnectedForComplex") || (testName == "SubscriptionConnectedForComplexWithCipher") {
				message = "'" + channel + "' connected"
				if strings.Contains(response, message) {
					PublishComplexMessage(pubnubInstance, t, channel, _publishSuccessMessage, cipherKey, responseChannel)
				} else {
					//fmt.Println("resp:", response)
					if ParseSubscribeData(t, value, testName, cipherKey, responseChannel) {
						responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': passed."
					} else {
						responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed."
			} else if (testName == "SubscriptionConnectedForSimple") || (testName == "SubscriptionConnectedForSimpleWithCipher") {
				message = "'" + channel + "' connected"
				if strings.Contains(response, message) {
					PublishSimpleMessage(pubnubInstance, t, channel, _publishSuccessMessage, cipherKey, responseChannel)
				} else {
					if ParseSubscribeData(t, value, testName, cipherKey, responseChannel) {
						responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': passed."
					} else {
						responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed."
			} else if testName == "SubscriptionAlreadySubscribed" {
				message = "'" + channel + "' connected"

				if strings.Contains(response, message) {
					returnSubscribeChannel2 := make(chan []byte)
					errorChannel2 := make(chan []byte)

					go pubnubInstance.Subscribe(channel, "", returnSubscribeChannel2, false, errorChannel2)
					go ParseSubscribeResponse(pubnubInstance, errorChannel2, t, channel, "already subscribed", "SubscriptionAlreadySubscribedResponse", "", responseChannel)
					go ParseResponseDummy(returnSubscribeChannel2)
			} else if testName == "SubscriptionAlreadySubscribedResponse" {
				message = "'" + channel + "' already subscribed"
				if strings.Contains(response, message) {
					responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': passed."
				} else {
					responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed."
					//t.Error("Test '" + testName + "': failed.");
			} else if testName == "SubscriptionConnectStatus" {
				message = "'" + channel + "' connected"
				if strings.Contains(response, message) {
					responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': passed."
				} else {
					responseChannel <- "Test '" + testName + "': failed."
					//t.Error("Test '" + testName + "': failed.");