예제 #1
// StartPods check for numPods in TestNS. If they exist, it no-ops, otherwise it starts up
// a temp rc, scales it to match numPods, then deletes the rc leaving behind the pods.
func StartPods(numPods int, host string, restClient *client.Client) error {
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		glog.Infof("StartPods took %v with numPods %d", time.Since(start), numPods)
	hostField := fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, host)
	pods, err := restClient.Pods(TestNS).List(labels.Everything(), hostField)
	if err != nil || len(pods.Items) == numPods {
		return err
	glog.Infof("Found %d pods that match host %v, require %d", len(pods.Items), hostField, numPods)
	// For the sake of simplicity, assume all pods in TestNS have selectors matching TestRCManifest.
	controller := RCFromManifest(TestRCManifest)

	// Make the rc unique to the given host.
	controller.Spec.Replicas = numPods
	controller.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeName = host
	controller.Name = controller.Name + host
	controller.Spec.Selector["host"] = host
	controller.Spec.Template.Labels["host"] = host

	if rc, err := StartRC(controller, restClient); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {
		// Delete the rc, otherwise when we restart master components for the next benchmark
		// the rc controller will race with the pods controller in the rc manager.
		return restClient.ReplicationControllers(TestNS).Delete(rc.Name)
// Benchmark pod listing by waiting on `Tasks` listers to list `Pods` pods via `Workers`.
func BenchmarkPodList(b *testing.B) {
	m := framework.NewMasterComponents(&framework.Config{nil, true, false, 250.0, 500})
	defer m.Stop(true, true)

	numPods, numTasks, iter := getPods(b.N), getTasks(b.N), getIterations(b.N)
	podsPerNode := numPods / numTasks
	if podsPerNode < 1 {
		podsPerNode = 1
	glog.Infof("Starting benchmark: b.N %d, pods %d, workers %d, podsPerNode %d",
		b.N, numPods, numTasks, podsPerNode)

	startPodsOnNodes(numPods, numTasks, m.RestClient)
	// Stop the rc manager so it doesn't steal resources
	m.Stop(false, true)

	for i := 0; i < iter; i++ {
		framework.RunParallel(func(id int) error {
			host := fmt.Sprintf("host.%d", id)
			now := time.Now()
			defer func() {
				glog.V(3).Infof("Worker %d: Node %v listing pods took %v", id, host, time.Since(now))
			if pods, err := m.RestClient.Pods(framework.TestNS).List(
				fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, host)); err != nil {
				return err
			} else if len(pods.Items) < podsPerNode {
				glog.Fatalf("List retrieved %d pods, which is less than %d", len(pods.Items), podsPerNode)
			return nil
		}, numTasks, Workers)
예제 #3
// NewSourceApiserver creates a config source that watches and pulls from the apiserver.
func NewSourceApiserver(c *client.Client, nodeName string, updates chan<- interface{}) {
	lw := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(c, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, nodeName))
	newSourceApiserverFromLW(lw, updates)
예제 #4
// ListResource returns a function that handles retrieving a list of resources from a rest.Storage object.
func ListResource(r rest.Lister, rw rest.Watcher, scope RequestScope, forceWatch bool, minRequestTimeout time.Duration) restful.RouteFunction {
	return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
		w := res.ResponseWriter

		namespace, err := scope.Namer.Namespace(req)
		if err != nil {
			errorJSON(err, scope.Codec, w)

		// Watches for single objects are routed to this function.
		// Treat a /name parameter the same as a field selector entry.
		hasName := true
		_, name, err := scope.Namer.Name(req)
		if err != nil {
			hasName = false

		ctx := scope.ContextFunc(req)
		ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)

		out, err := queryToObject(req.Request.URL.Query(), scope, "ListOptions")
		if err != nil {
			errorJSON(err, scope.Codec, w)
		opts := *out.(*api.ListOptions)

		// transform fields
		// TODO: queryToObject should do this.
		fn := func(label, value string) (newLabel, newValue string, err error) {
			return scope.Convertor.ConvertFieldLabel(scope.APIVersion, scope.Kind, label, value)
		if opts.FieldSelector, err = opts.FieldSelector.Transform(fn); err != nil {
			// TODO: allow bad request to set field causes based on query parameters
			err = errors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())
			errorJSON(err, scope.Codec, w)

		if hasName {
			// metadata.name is the canonical internal name.
			// generic.SelectionPredicate will notice that this is
			// a request for a single object and optimize the
			// storage query accordingly.
			nameSelector := fields.OneTermEqualSelector("metadata.name", name)
			if opts.FieldSelector != nil && !opts.FieldSelector.Empty() {
				// It doesn't make sense to ask for both a name
				// and a field selector, since just the name is
				// sufficient to narrow down the request to a
				// single object.
					errors.NewBadRequest("both a name and a field selector provided; please provide one or the other."),
			opts.FieldSelector = nameSelector

		if (opts.Watch || forceWatch) && rw != nil {
			watcher, err := rw.Watch(ctx, opts.LabelSelector, opts.FieldSelector, opts.ResourceVersion)
			if err != nil {
				errorJSON(err, scope.Codec, w)
			serveWatch(watcher, scope, w, req, minRequestTimeout)

		result, err := r.List(ctx, opts.LabelSelector, opts.FieldSelector)
		if err != nil {
			errorJSON(err, scope.Codec, w)
		if err := setListSelfLink(result, req, scope.Namer); err != nil {
			errorJSON(err, scope.Codec, w)
		write(http.StatusOK, scope.APIVersion, scope.Codec, result, w, req.Request)
예제 #5
// rebootNode takes node name on provider through the following steps using c:
//  - ensures the node is ready
//  - ensures all pods on the node are running and ready
//  - reboots the node (by executing rebootCmd over ssh)
//  - ensures the node reaches some non-ready state
//  - ensures the node becomes ready again
//  - ensures all pods on the node become running and ready again
// It returns true through result only if all of the steps pass; at the first
// failed step, it will return false through result and not run the rest.
func rebootNode(c *client.Client, provider, name, rebootCmd string, result chan bool) {
	// Setup
	ns := api.NamespaceDefault
	ps := newPodStore(c, ns, labels.Everything(), fields.OneTermEqualSelector(client.PodHost, name))
	defer ps.Stop()

	// Get the node initially.
	Logf("Getting %s", name)
	node, err := c.Nodes().Get(name)
	if err != nil {
		Logf("Couldn't get node %s", name)
		result <- false

	// Node sanity check: ensure it is "ready".
	if !waitForNodeToBeReady(c, name, nodeReadyInitialTimeout) {
		result <- false

	// Get all the pods on the node.
	pods := ps.List()
	podNames := make([]string, len(pods))
	for i, p := range pods {
		podNames[i] = p.ObjectMeta.Name
	Logf("Node %s has %d pods: %v", name, len(podNames), podNames)

	// For each pod, we do a sanity check to ensure it's running / healthy
	// now, as that's what we'll be checking later.
	if !checkPodsRunningReady(c, ns, podNames, podReadyBeforeTimeout) {
		result <- false

	// Reboot the node.
	if err = issueSSHCommand(node, provider, rebootCmd); err != nil {
		Logf("Error while issuing ssh command: %v", err)
		result <- false

	// Wait for some kind of "not ready" status.
	if !waitForNodeToBeNotReady(c, name, rebootNodeNotReadyTimeout) {
		result <- false

	// Wait for some kind of "ready" status.
	if !waitForNodeToBeReady(c, name, rebootNodeReadyAgainTimeout) {
		result <- false

	// Ensure all of the pods that we found on this node before the reboot are
	// running / healthy.
	if !checkPodsRunningReady(c, ns, podNames, rebootPodReadyAgainTimeout) {
		result <- false

	Logf("Reboot successful on node %s", name)
	result <- true