예제 #1
파일: client.go 프로젝트: rhendric/machine
func (c *GenericClient) CreateKeyPair(d *Driver, name string, publicKey string) error {
	opts := keypairs.CreateOpts{
		Name:      name,
		PublicKey: publicKey,
	if result := keypairs.Create(c.Compute, opts); result.Err != nil {
		return result.Err
	return nil
예제 #2
func TestCreateServerWithKeyPair(t *testing.T) {
	client, err := newClient()
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)

	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("Skipping test that requires server creation in short mode.")

	privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
	publicKey := privateKey.PublicKey
	pub, err := ssh.NewPublicKey(&publicKey)
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
	pubBytes := ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(pub)
	pk := string(pubBytes)

	kp, err := keypairs.Create(client, keypairs.CreateOpts{
		Name:      keyName,
		PublicKey: pk,
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
	t.Logf("Created key pair: %s\n", kp)

	choices, err := ComputeChoicesFromEnv()
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)

	name := tools.RandomString("Gophercloud-", 8)
	t.Logf("Creating server [%s] with key pair.", name)

	serverCreateOpts := servers.CreateOpts{
		Name:      name,
		FlavorRef: choices.FlavorID,
		ImageRef:  choices.ImageID,

	server, err := servers.Create(client, keypairs.CreateOptsExt{
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
	defer servers.Delete(client, server.ID)
	if err = waitForStatus(client, server, "ACTIVE"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unable to wait for server: %v", err)

	server, err = servers.Get(client, server.ID).Extract()
	t.Logf("Created server: %+v\n", server)
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
	th.AssertEquals(t, server.KeyName, keyName)

	t.Logf("Deleting key pair [%s]...", kp.Name)
	err = keypairs.Delete(client, keyName).ExtractErr()
	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)

	t.Logf("Deleting server [%s]...", name)
func resourceComputeKeypairCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	computeClient, err := meta.(*Config).computeClient()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating ConoHa compute client: %s", err)

	createOpts := keypairs.CreateOpts{
		Name:      d.Get("name").(string),
		PublicKey: d.Get("public_key").(string),

	keypair, err := keypairs.Create(computeClient, createOpts).Extract()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating ConoHa keypair: %s", err)


	return resourceComputeKeypairRead(d, meta)
func resourceComputeKeypairV2Create(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)
	computeClient, err := config.computeV2Client(d.Get("region").(string))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack compute client: %s", err)

	createOpts := keypairs.CreateOpts{
		Name:      d.Get("name").(string),
		PublicKey: d.Get("public_key").(string),

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Create Options: %#v", createOpts)
	kp, err := keypairs.Create(computeClient, createOpts).Extract()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack keypair: %s", err)


	return resourceComputeKeypairV2Read(d, meta)
예제 #5
func main() {
	// step-1
	var authUsername string = "your_auth_username"
	var authPassword string = "your_auth_password"
	var authUrl string = "http://controller:5000"
	var projectName string = "your_project_id"
	var regionName string = "your_region_name"

	authOpts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{
		IdentityEndpoint: authUrl,
		Username:         authUsername,
		Password:         authPassword,
		TenantID:         projectName,
	provider, _ := openstack.AuthenticatedClient(authOpts)
	client, _ := openstack.NewComputeV2(provider, gophercloud.EndpointOpts{
		Region: regionName,

	// step-2
	pager := images.ListDetail(client, images.ListOpts{})
	page, _ := pager.AllPages()
	imageList, _ := images.ExtractImages(page)

	// step-3
	pager = flavors.ListDetail(client, flavors.ListOpts{})
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	flavorList, _ := flavors.ExtractFlavors(page)

	// step-4
	imageID := "74e6d1ec-9a08-444c-8518-4f232446386d"
	image, _ := images.Get(client, imageID).Extract()

	// step-5
	flavorID := "1"
	flavor, _ := flavors.Get(client, flavorID).Extract()

	// step-6
	instanceName := "testing"
	testingInstance, _ := servers.Create(client, servers.CreateOpts{
		Name:      instanceName,
		ImageRef:  imageID,
		FlavorRef: flavorID,

	// step-7
	pager = servers.List(client, servers.ListOpts{})
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	serverList, _ := servers.ExtractServers(page)

	// step-8
	servers.Delete(client, testingInstance.ID)

	// step-9
	fmt.Println("Checking for existing SSH key pair...")
	keyPairName := "demokey"
	pubKeyFile := "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
	keyPairExists := false

	pager = keypairs.List(client)
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	keypairList, _ := keypairs.ExtractKeyPairs(page)
	for _, k := range keypairList {
		if k.Name == keyPairName {
			keyPairExists = true

	if keyPairExists {
		fmt.Println("Keypair " + keyPairName + " already exists. Skipping import.")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("adding keypair...")
		bs, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(pubKeyFile)
		keypairs.Create(client, keypairs.CreateOpts{
			Name:      keyPairName,
			PublicKey: string(bs),

	pager = keypairs.List(client)
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	keypairList, _ = keypairs.ExtractKeyPairs(page)

	// step-10
	fmt.Println("Checking for existing security group...")
	var allInOneSecurityGroup secgroups.SecurityGroup
	securityGroupName := "all-in-one"
	securityGroupExists := false

	pager = secgroups.List(client)
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	secgroupList, _ := secgroups.ExtractSecurityGroups(page)
	for _, secGroup := range secgroupList {
		if secGroup.Name == securityGroupName {
			allInOneSecurityGroup = secGroup
			securityGroupExists = true

	if securityGroupExists {
		fmt.Println("Security Group " + allInOneSecurityGroup.Name + " already exists. Skipping creation.")
	} else {
		allInOneSecurityGroup, _ := secgroups.Create(client, secgroups.CreateOpts{
			Name:        securityGroupName,
			Description: "network access for all-in-one application.",
		secgroups.CreateRule(client, secgroups.CreateRuleOpts{
			ParentGroupID: allInOneSecurityGroup.ID,
			FromPort:      80,
			ToPort:        80,
			IPProtocol:    "TCP",
			CIDR:          "",
		secgroups.CreateRule(client, secgroups.CreateRuleOpts{
			ParentGroupID: allInOneSecurityGroup.ID,
			FromPort:      22,
			ToPort:        22,
			IPProtocol:    "TCP",
			CIDR:          "",

	pager = secgroups.List(client)
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	secgroupList, _ = secgroups.ExtractSecurityGroups(page)

	// step-11
	userData := `#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -L -s https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/faafo/plain/contrib/install.sh | bash -s -- \
    -i faafo -i messaging -r api -r worker -r demo

	// step-12
	fmt.Println("Checking for existing instance...")
	instanceName = "all-in-one"
	instanceExists := false

	pager = servers.List(client, servers.ListOpts{})
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	serverList, _ = servers.ExtractServers(page)
	for _, s := range serverList {
		if s.Name == instanceName {
			testingInstance = &s
			instanceExists = true

	if instanceExists {
		fmt.Println("Instance " + testingInstance.Name + " already exists. Skipping creation.")
	} else {
		opts := servers.CreateOpts{
			Name:           instanceName,
			ImageRef:       image.ID,
			FlavorRef:      flavor.ID,
			SecurityGroups: []string{securityGroupName},
			UserData:       []byte(userData),
		testingInstance, _ = servers.Create(client, keypairs.CreateOptsExt{
			CreateOptsBuilder: opts,
			KeyName:           keyPairName,
	servers.WaitForStatus(client, testingInstance.ID, "ACTIVE", 300)

	pager = servers.List(client, servers.ListOpts{})
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	serverList, _ = servers.ExtractServers(page)

	// step-13
	var privateIP string
	for t, addrs := range testingInstance.Addresses {
		if t != "private" || len(privateIP) != 0 {
		addrs, ok := addrs.([]interface{})
		if !ok {
		for _, addr := range addrs {
			a, ok := addr.(map[string]interface{})
			if !ok || a["version"].(float64) != 4 {
			ip, ok := a["addr"].(string)
			if ok && len(ip) != 0 {
				privateIP = ip
				fmt.Println("Private IP found: " + privateIP)

	// step-14
	var publicIP string
	for t, addrs := range testingInstance.Addresses {
		if t != "public" || len(publicIP) != 0 {
		addrs, ok := addrs.([]interface{})
		if !ok {
		for _, addr := range addrs {
			a, ok := addr.(map[string]interface{})
			if !ok || a["version"].(float64) != 4 {
			ip, ok := a["addr"].(string)
			if ok && len(ip) != 0 {
				publicIP = ip
				fmt.Println("Public IP found: " + publicIP)

	// step-15
	fmt.Println("Checking for unused Floating IP...")
	var unusedFloatingIP string
	pager = floatingip.List(client)
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	floatingIPList, _ := floatingip.ExtractFloatingIPs(page)
	for _, ip := range floatingIPList {
		if ip.InstanceID == "" {
			unusedFloatingIP = ip.IP

	networkClient, _ := openstack.NewNetworkV2(provider, gophercloud.EndpointOpts{
		Region: regionName,

	pager = networks.List(networkClient, networks.ListOpts{})
	page, _ = pager.AllPages()
	poolList, _ := external.ExtractList(page)
	for _, pool := range poolList {
		if len(unusedFloatingIP) != 0 || !pool.External {
		fmt.Println("Allocating new Floating IP from pool: " + pool.Name)
		f, _ := floatingip.Create(client, floatingip.CreateOpts{Pool: pool.Name}).Extract()
		unusedFloatingIP = f.IP

	// step-16
	if len(publicIP) != 0 {
		fmt.Println("Instance " + testingInstance.Name + " already has a public ip. Skipping attachment.")
	} else {
		floatingip.Associate(client, testingInstance.ID, unusedFloatingIP)

	// step-17
	var actualIPAddress string
	if len(publicIP) != 0 {
		actualIPAddress = publicIP
	} else if len(unusedFloatingIP) != 0 {
		actualIPAddress = unusedFloatingIP
	} else {
		actualIPAddress = privateIP

	fmt.Println("The Fractals app will be deployed to http://" + actualIPAddress)
예제 #6
func (s *StepKeyPair) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
	if s.PrivateKeyFile != "" {
		privateKeyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.PrivateKeyFile)
		if err != nil {
			state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf(
				"Error loading configured private key file: %s", err))
			return multistep.ActionHalt

		state.Put("keyPair", s.KeyPairName)
		state.Put("privateKey", string(privateKeyBytes))

		return multistep.ActionContinue

	config := state.Get("config").(Config)
	ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)

	// We need the v2 compute client
	computeClient, err := config.computeV2Client()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Error initializing compute client: %s", err)
		state.Put("error", err)
		return multistep.ActionHalt

	ui.Say("Creating temporary keypair for this instance...")
	keyName := fmt.Sprintf("packer %s", uuid.TimeOrderedUUID())
	keypair, err := keypairs.Create(computeClient, keypairs.CreateOpts{
		Name: keyName,
	if err != nil {
		state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("Error creating temporary keypair: %s", err))
		return multistep.ActionHalt

	if keypair.PrivateKey == "" {
		state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("The temporary keypair returned was blank"))
		return multistep.ActionHalt

	// If we're in debug mode, output the private key to the working
	// directory.
	if s.Debug {
		ui.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Saving key for debug purposes: %s", s.DebugKeyPath))
		f, err := os.Create(s.DebugKeyPath)
		if err != nil {
			state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("Error saving debug key: %s", err))
			return multistep.ActionHalt
		defer f.Close()

		// Write the key out
		if _, err := f.Write([]byte(keypair.PrivateKey)); err != nil {
			state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("Error saving debug key: %s", err))
			return multistep.ActionHalt

		// Chmod it so that it is SSH ready
		if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
			if err := f.Chmod(0600); err != nil {
				state.Put("error", fmt.Errorf("Error setting permissions of debug key: %s", err))
				return multistep.ActionHalt

	// Set the keyname so we know to delete it later
	s.keyName = keyName

	// Set some state data for use in future steps
	state.Put("keyPair", keyName)
	state.Put("privateKey", keypair.PrivateKey)

	return multistep.ActionContinue
예제 #7
// Create requests the creation of a new keypair on the server, or to import a pre-existing
// keypair.
func Create(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, opts os.CreateOptsBuilder) os.CreateResult {
	return os.Create(client, opts)