func webhookHandler(c *integram.Context, wc *integram.WebhookContext) (err error) { wh := webhook{Mrkdwn: true} err = wc.JSON(&wh) if err != nil { return } if len(wh.Attachments) > 0 { if wh.Text != "" { wh.Text += "\n" } wp := c.WebPreview(wh.Attachments[0].Title, wh.Attachments[0].AuthorName, wh.Attachments[0].Pretext, wh.Attachments[0].TitleLink, wh.Attachments[0].ThumbURL) text := m.URL(" ", wp) + " " + wh.Text for i, attachment := range wh.Attachments { if i > 0 { text += "\n" } text += m.URL(attachment.Title, attachment.TitleLink) + " " + attachment.Pretext } return c.NewMessage().SetText(text).EnableAntiFlood().EnableHTML().Send() } if wh.Text != "" { m := c.NewMessage().SetText(wh.Text + " " + wh.Channel).EnableAntiFlood() if wh.Mrkdwn { m.EnableMarkdown() } return m.Send() } return errors.New("Text and Attachments not found") }
func webhookHandler(c *integram.Context, wc *integram.WebhookContext) (err error) { eventKey := wc.Header("X-Event-Key") if eventKey == "" { // try the old one Bitbucket POST service return oldWebhookHandler(c, wc) } if _, ok := eventTypeMap[eventKey]; !ok { return errors.New("Bad X-Event-Key: " + eventKey) } c.Log().Debugf("eventKey=%v", eventKey) if err != nil { return errors.New("JSON deserialization error: " + err.Error()) } switch eventKey { case "repo:push": event := api.RepoPushEvent{} wc.JSON(&event) for _, change := range event.Push.Changes { msg := c.NewMessage() commits := 0 text := "" if len(change.Commits) > 1 { anyOherPersonCommits := false for _, commit := range change.Commits { if commit.Author.User.UUID != event.Actor.UUID { anyOherPersonCommits = true break } } for _, commit := range change.Commits { commits++ if anyOherPersonCommits { text += mention(c, &commit.Author.User) + ": " } text += m.URL(commit.Message, commit.Links.HTML.Href) + "\n" } if change.Truncated { text += m.URL("... See all", change.Links.Commits.Href) + "\n" } } else if len(change.Commits) == 1 { commits++ commit := &change.Commits[0] if commit.Author.User.UUID != event.Actor.UUID { text += mention(c, &commit.Author.User) + ": " } text += commit.Message + "\n" } change.New.Target.Author.User.Links.Avatar.Href = strings.Replace(change.New.Target.Author.User.Links.Avatar.Href, "/32/", "/128/", 1) wp := "" if change.Truncated { wp = c.WebPreview("> 5 commits", "@"+commitShort(change.Old.Target.Hash)+" ... @"+commitShort(change.New.Target.Hash), "", change.Links.HTML.Href, change.New.Target.Author.User.Links.Avatar.Href) } else if commits > 1 { wp = c.WebPreview(fmt.Sprintf("%d commits", commits), "@"+commitShort(change.Old.Target.Hash)+" ... @"+commitShort(change.New.Target.Hash), "", change.Links.HTML.Href, change.New.Target.Author.User.Links.Avatar.Href) } else if commits == 1 { wp = c.WebPreview("Commit", "@"+commitShort(change.New.Target.Hash), "", change.Commits[0].Links.HTML.Href, change.New.Target.Author.User.Links.Avatar.Href) } if commits > 0 { pushedText := "" if change.Forced { pushedText = m.URL("❗️ forcibly pushed", wp) } else { pushedText = m.URL("pushed", wp) } err = msg.SetTextFmt("%s %s to %s/%s\n%s", mention(c, &change.New.Target.Author.User), pushedText, m.URL(event.Repository.Name, event.Repository.Links.HTML.Href), m.URL(change.New.Name, change.New.Links.HTML.Href), text). AddEventID(commitUniqueID(change.Commits[0].Hash)). EnableHTML(). Send() } } case "issue:created": event := api.IssueCreatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } event.Issue.Repository = &event.Repository c.SetServiceCache(issueUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID), event.Issue, time.Hour*24*365) return c.NewMessage().AddEventID(issueUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID)). SetInlineKeyboard(issueInlineKeyboard(&event.Issue)). SetText(issueText(c, &event.Issue)). SetCallbackAction(issueInlineButtonPressed, event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID). EnableHTML().Send() case "issue:comment_created": event := api.IssueCommentCreatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } var rm *integram.Message if event.Comment.Parent.ID > 0 { // actually bitbucket doesn't provide parent id for issue comments for now rm, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(issueCommentUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID, event.Comment.Parent.ID)) } if rm == nil { rm, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(issueUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID)) } msg := c.NewMessage().AddEventID(issueCommentUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID, event.Comment.ID)).EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Issue", event.Issue.Title, event.Repository.FullName, event.Comment.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s", m.URL("💬", wp), mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() case "repo:commit_comment_created": event := api.RepoCommitCommentCreatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } var rm *integram.Message if event.Comment.Parent.ID > 0 { // actually bitbucket doesn't provide parent id for issue comments for now rm, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(commitCommentUniqueID(event.Commit.Hash, event.Comment.Parent.ID)) } if rm == nil { rm, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(commitUniqueID(event.Commit.Hash)) } msg := c.NewMessage().AddEventID(commitCommentUniqueID(event.Commit.Hash, event.Comment.Parent.ID)).EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Commit", "@"+event.Commit.Hash[0:10], event.Repository.FullName, event.Comment.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s", m.URL("💬", wp), mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() case "issue:updated": event := api.IssueUpdatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } eventID := issueUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID) rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(eventID) msg := c.NewMessage().AddEventID(issueCommentUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.Issue.ID, event.Comment.ID)).EnableHTML() if event.Comment.Content.Raw != "" { event.Comment.Content.Raw = ": " + event.Comment.Content.Raw } if rm != nil { c.EditMessagesTextWithEventID(eventID, issueText(c, &event.Issue)) // if last Issue message just posted if err == nil && time.Now().Sub(rm.Date).Seconds() < 60 { return nil } return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s update the issue%s", mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() } return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s updated an issue%s\n%s", mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw, issueText(c, &event.Issue))).Send() case "pullrequest:updated": event := api.PullRequestCreatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } prText := prText(c, &event.PullRequest) eventID := prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID) rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(eventID) msg := c.NewMessage() if rm != nil { c.EditMessagesTextWithEventID(eventID, prText) // if last PR message just posted if err == nil && time.Now().Sub(rm.Date).Seconds() < 60 { return nil } msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID) } else { msg.AddEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)) } return msg. SetText("✏️ " + prText). EnableHTML().Send() case "pullrequest:created": event := api.PullRequestCreatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } c.SetServiceCache(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID), event.PullRequest, time.Hour*24*365) return c.NewMessage().AddEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)). SetText(prText(c, &event.PullRequest)). EnableHTML().Send() case "pullrequest:approved": event := api.PullRequestApprovedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)) msg := c.NewMessage().EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("✅ Approved by %s", mention(c, &event.Actor))).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Pull Request", event.PullRequest.Title, "by "+event.PullRequest.Author.DisplayName+" in "+event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s by %s", m.URL("Approved", wp), mention(c, &event.Actor))).Send() case "pullrequest:unapproved": event := api.PullRequestApprovalRemovedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)) msg := c.NewMessage().EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("❌ %s removed approval", mention(c, &event.Actor))).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Pull Request", event.PullRequest.Title, "by "+event.PullRequest.Author.DisplayName+" in "+event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("❌ %s %s", mention(c, &event.Actor), m.URL("removed approval", wp))).Send() case "pullrequest:fulfilled": event := api.PullRequestMergedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)) msg := c.NewMessage().EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("✅ Merged by %s", mention(c, &event.Actor))).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Pull Request", event.PullRequest.Title, "by "+event.PullRequest.Author.DisplayName+" in "+event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("✅ %s by %s", m.URL("Merged", wp), mention(c, &event.Actor))).Send() case "pullrequest:rejected": event := api.PullRequestDeclinedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)) msg := c.NewMessage().EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("❌ Declined by %s: %s", mention(c, &event.Actor), event.PullRequest.Reason)).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Pull Request", event.PullRequest.Title, "by "+event.PullRequest.Author.DisplayName+" in "+event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("❌ %s by %s", m.URL("Declined", wp), mention(c, &event.Actor))).Send() case "pullrequest:comment_created": event := api.PullRequestCommentCreatedEvent{} err := wc.JSON(&event) if err != nil { return err } rm, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(prUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID)) msg := c.NewMessage().AddEventID(prCommentUniqueID(event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.ID, event.Comment.ID)).EnableHTML() if rm != nil { return msg.SetReplyToMsgID(rm.MsgID).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Pull Request", event.PullRequest.Title, event.Repository.FullName, event.PullRequest.Links.HTML.Href, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: %s", m.URL("💬", wp), mention(c, &event.Actor), event.Comment.Content.Raw)).Send() } return err }
func webhookHandler(c *integram.Context, request *integram.WebhookContext) (err error) { wh := &webhook{} err = request.JSON(wh) if err != nil { return } msg := c.NewMessage() if wh.Repository.Homepage != "" { c.SetServiceBaseURL(wh.Repository.Homepage) } else if wh.ObjectAttributes != nil { if wh.ObjectAttributes.URL == "" { c.Log().WithField("wh", wh).Error("gitlab webhook empty url") } c.SetServiceBaseURL(wh.ObjectAttributes.URL) } switch wh.ObjectKind { case "push": s := strings.Split(wh.Ref, "/") branch := s[len(s)-1] text := "" added := 0 removed := 0 modified := 0 anyOherPersonCommits := false for _, commit := range wh.Commits { if commit.Author.Email != wh.UserEmail && commit.Author.Name != wh.UserName { anyOherPersonCommits = true } } for _, commit := range wh.Commits { commit.Message = strings.TrimSuffix(commit.Message, "\n") if anyOherPersonCommits { text += mention(c, commit.Author.Name, commit.Author.Email) + ": " } text += m.URL(commit.Message, commit.URL) + "\n" added += len(commit.Added) removed += len(commit.Removed) modified += len(commit.Modified) } f := "" if modified > 0 { f += strconv.Itoa(modified) + " files modified" } if added > 0 { if f == "" { f += strconv.Itoa(added) + " files added" } else { f += " " + strconv.Itoa(added) + " added" } } if removed > 0 { if f == "" { f += strconv.Itoa(removed) + " files removed" } else { f += " " + strconv.Itoa(removed) + " removed" } } wp := "" if len(wh.Commits) > 1 { wp = c.WebPreview(fmt.Sprintf("%d commits", len(wh.Commits)), "@"+wh.Before[0:10]+" ... @"+wh.After[0:10], f, compareURL(wh.Repository.Homepage, wh.Before, wh.After), "") } else if len(wh.Commits) == 1 { wp = c.WebPreview("Commit", "@"+wh.After[0:10], f, wh.Commits[0].URL, "") } var err error if len(wh.Commits) > 0 { if len(wh.Commits) == 1 { msg.SetReplyAction(commitReplied, c.ServiceBaseURL.String(), wh.ProjectID, wh.Commits[0].ID) } else { msg.SetReplyAction(commitsReplied, c.ServiceBaseURL.String(), wh.ProjectID, wh.Commits) } text := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s to %s\n%s", mention(c, wh.UserName, wh.UserEmail), m.URL("pushed", wp), m.URL(wh.Repository.Name+"/"+branch, wh.Repository.Homepage+"/tree/"+url.QueryEscape(branch)), text) c.Chat.SetCache("commit_"+wh.Commits[len(wh.Commits)-1].ID, text, time.Hour*24*30) err = msg.AddEventID("commit_" + wh.Commits[len(wh.Commits)-1].ID).SetText(text). EnableHTML(). Send() } else { if wh.After != "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" && wh.After != "" { err = msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s created branch %s\n%s", mention(c, wh.UserName, wh.UserEmail), m.URL(wh.Repository.Name+"/"+branch, wh.Repository.Homepage+"/tree/"+url.QueryEscape(branch)), text)). EnableHTML(). Send() } else { err = msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s deleted branch %s\n%s", mention(c, wh.UserName, wh.UserEmail), m.Bold(wh.Repository.Name+"/"+branch), text)). EnableHTML(). Send() } } return err case "tag_push": s := strings.Split(wh.Ref, "/") itemType := s[len(s)-2] if itemType == "tags" { itemType = "tag" } else if itemType == "heads" { itemType = "branch" } return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s pushed new %s at %s", mention(c, wh.UserName, wh.UserEmail), m.URL(itemType+" "+s[len(s)-1], wh.Repository.Homepage+"/tree/"+s[len(s)-1]), m.URL(wh.UserName+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.Repository.Homepage))). EnableHTML().DisableWebPreview().Send() case "issue": if wh.ObjectAttributes.MilestoneID > 0 { // Todo: need an API access to fetch milestones } msg.SetReplyAction(issueReplied, c.ServiceBaseURL.String(), wh.ObjectAttributes.ProjectID, wh.ObjectAttributes.ID) if wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "open" { return msg.AddEventID("issue_" + strconv.Itoa(wh.ObjectAttributes.ID)).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s at %s:\n%s\n%s", mention(c, wh.User.Username, wh.UserEmail), wh.ObjectAttributes.State, m.URL("issue", wh.ObjectAttributes.URL), m.URL(wh.User.Username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.Repository.Homepage), m.Bold(wh.ObjectAttributes.Title), wh.ObjectAttributes.Description)). EnableHTML().DisableWebPreview().Send() } action := "updated" if wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "reopen" { action = "reopened" } else if wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "close" { action = "closed" } id := issueMessageID(c, wh.ObjectAttributes.ID) if id > 0 { // reply to existing message return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s by %s", m.Bold(action), mention(c, wh.User.Username, ""))). EnableHTML().DisableWebPreview().SetReplyToMsgID(id).Send() } // original message not found. Send WebPreview wp := c.WebPreview("Issue", wh.ObjectAttributes.Title, wh.User.Username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.ObjectAttributes.URL, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s by %s", m.URL(action, wp), mention(c, wh.User.Username, ""))).EnableHTML().Send() case "note": wp := "" noteType := "" originMsg := &integram.Message{} noteID := strconv.Itoa(wh.ObjectAttributes.ID) if wh.ObjectAttributes.Note == "Commit" { // collisions by date are unlikely here noteID = wh.ObjectAttributes.CreatedAt } if msg, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(noteUniqueID(wh.ObjectAttributes.ProjectID, noteID)); msg != nil { return nil } switch wh.ObjectAttributes.NoteableType { case "Commit": noteType = "commit" originMsg, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(fmt.Sprintf("commit_%s", wh.ObjectAttributes.CommitID)) if originMsg != nil { break } wp = c.WebPreview("Commit", "@"+wh.ObjectAttributes.CommitID[0:10], wh.User.Username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.ObjectAttributes.URL, "") case "MergeRequest": noteType = "merge request" originMsg, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(fmt.Sprintf("mr_%d", wh.MergeRequest.ID)) if originMsg != nil { break } wp = c.WebPreview("Merge Request", wh.MergeRequest.Title, wh.User.Username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.ObjectAttributes.URL, "") case "Issue": noteType = "issue" originMsg, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(fmt.Sprintf("issue_%d", wh.Issue.ID)) if originMsg != nil { break } wp = c.WebPreview("Issue", wh.Issue.Title, wh.User.Username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.ObjectAttributes.URL, "") case "Snippet": noteType = "snippet" originMsg, _ = c.FindMessageByEventID(fmt.Sprintf("snippet_%d", wh.Snippet.ID)) if originMsg != nil { break } wp = c.WebPreview("Snippet", wh.Snippet.Title, wh.User.Username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.ObjectAttributes.URL, "") } if originMsg == nil { if wp == "" { wp = wh.ObjectAttributes.URL } if noteType == "" { noteType = strings.ToLower(wh.ObjectAttributes.NoteableType) } return msg.SetTextFmt("%s commented on %s: %s", mention(c, wh.User.Username, ""), m.URL(noteType, wp), wh.ObjectAttributes.Note). EnableHTML(). Send() } return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", mention(c, wh.User.Username, ""), wh.ObjectAttributes.Note)). DisableWebPreview().EnableHTML().SetReplyToMsgID(originMsg.MsgID).Send() case "merge_request": cs := chatSettings(c) if !cs.MR.Open && (wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "open" || wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "reopen") { return nil } if !cs.MR.Close && (wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "close") { return nil } if !cs.MR.Update && (wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "update") { return nil } if !cs.MR.Merge && (wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "merge") { return nil } if wh.ObjectAttributes.Action == "open" { if wh.ObjectAttributes.Description != "" { wh.ObjectAttributes.Description = "\n" + wh.ObjectAttributes.Description } err := msg.AddEventID("mr_" + strconv.Itoa(wh.ObjectAttributes.ID)).SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s at %s:\n%s%s", mention(c, wh.User.Username, wh.UserEmail), wh.ObjectAttributes.State, m.URL("merge request", wh.ObjectAttributes.URL), m.URL(wh.UserName+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.Repository.Homepage), m.Bold(wh.ObjectAttributes.Title), wh.ObjectAttributes.Description)). EnableHTML().DisableWebPreview().Send() return err } originMsg, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(fmt.Sprintf("mr_%d", wh.ObjectAttributes.ID)) if originMsg != nil { return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s by %s", m.URL("merge request", wh.ObjectAttributes.URL), wh.ObjectAttributes.State, mention(c, wh.User.Username, wh.UserEmail))). EnableHTML().SetReplyToMsgID(originMsg.MsgID).DisableWebPreview().Send() } wp := c.WebPreview("Merge Request", wh.ObjectAttributes.Title, wh.ObjectAttributes.Description, wh.ObjectAttributes.URL, "") return msg.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s by %s", m.URL("Merge request", wp), wh.ObjectAttributes.State, mention(c, wh.User.Username, wh.UserEmail))). EnableHTML().Send() case "build": time.Sleep(time.Second) // workaround for simultaneously push/build webhooks // todo: replace with job? commitMsg, _ := c.FindMessageByEventID(fmt.Sprintf("commit_%s", wh.SHA)) text := "" commit := "" build := m.URL(strings.ToUpper(wh.BuildStage[0:1])+wh.BuildStage[1:], fmt.Sprintf("%s/builds/%d", wh.Repository.Homepage, wh.BuildID)) if commitMsg == nil { hpURL := strings.Split(wh.Repository.Homepage, "/") username := hpURL[len(hpURL)-2] commit = m.URL("Commit", c.WebPreview("Commit", "@"+wh.SHA[0:10], username+" / "+wh.Repository.Name, wh.Repository.URL+"/commit/"+wh.SHA, "")) + " " build = m.URL(wh.BuildStage, fmt.Sprintf("%s/builds/%d", wh.Repository.Homepage, wh.BuildID)) } else { msg.SetReplyToMsgID(commitMsg.MsgID).DisableWebPreview() } if strings.ToLower(wh.BuildStage) != strings.ToLower(wh.BuildName) { build += " #" + wh.BuildName } if wh.BuildStatus == "pending" { text = "⏳ CI: " + commit + build + " is pending" } else if wh.BuildStatus == "running" { text = "⚙ CI: " + commit + build + " is running" } else if wh.BuildStatus == "success" { text = fmt.Sprintf("✅ CI: "+commit+build+" succeeded after %.1f sec", wh.BuildDuration) } else if wh.BuildStatus == "failed" { text = fmt.Sprintf("‼️ CI: "+commit+build+" failed after %.1f sec", wh.BuildDuration) } else if wh.BuildStatus == "canceled" { text = fmt.Sprintf("🔚 CI: "+commit+build+" canceled by %s after %.1f sec", mention(c, wh.User.Name, ""), wh.BuildDuration) } if commitMsg != nil { var commitMsgText string c.Chat.Cache("commit_"+wh.Commit.SHA, &commitMsgText) if commitMsgText != "" { _, err = c.EditMessagesTextWithEventID(commitMsg.EventID[0], commitMsgText+"\n"+text) } } cs := chatSettings(c) if cs.CI.Success && (wh.BuildStatus == "success") || cs.CI.Cancel && (wh.BuildStatus == "canceled") || cs.CI.Fail && (wh.BuildStatus == "failed") { return msg.SetText(text). EnableHTML().Send() } } return }