예제 #1
파일: blockgen.go 프로젝트: Roasbeef/btcd
// solveBlock attempts to find a nonce which makes the passed block header hash
// to a value less than the target difficulty. When a successful solution is
// found true is returned and the nonce field of the passed header is updated
// with the solution. False is returned if no solution exists.
func solveBlock(header *wire.BlockHeader, targetDifficulty *big.Int) bool {
	// sbResult is used by the solver goroutines to send results.
	type sbResult struct {
		found bool
		nonce uint32

	// solver accepts a block header and a nonce range to test. It is
	// intended to be run as a goroutine.
	quit := make(chan bool)
	results := make(chan sbResult)
	solver := func(hdr wire.BlockHeader, startNonce, stopNonce uint32) {
		// We need to modify the nonce field of the header, so make sure
		// we work with a copy of the original header.
		for i := startNonce; i >= startNonce && i <= stopNonce; i++ {
			select {
			case <-quit:
				hdr.Nonce = i
				hash := hdr.BlockHash()
				if blockchain.HashToBig(&hash).Cmp(targetDifficulty) <= 0 {
					results <- sbResult{true, i}
		results <- sbResult{false, 0}

	startNonce := uint32(0)
	stopNonce := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
	numCores := uint32(runtime.NumCPU())
	noncesPerCore := (stopNonce - startNonce) / numCores
	for i := uint32(0); i < numCores; i++ {
		rangeStart := startNonce + (noncesPerCore * i)
		rangeStop := startNonce + (noncesPerCore * (i + 1)) - 1
		if i == numCores-1 {
			rangeStop = stopNonce
		go solver(*header, rangeStart, rangeStop)
	for i := uint32(0); i < numCores; i++ {
		result := <-results
		if result.found {
			header.Nonce = result.nonce
			return true

	return false
예제 #2
파일: cpuminer.go 프로젝트: Roasbeef/btcd
// solveBlock attempts to find some combination of a nonce, extra nonce, and
// current timestamp which makes the passed block hash to a value less than the
// target difficulty.  The timestamp is updated periodically and the passed
// block is modified with all tweaks during this process.  This means that
// when the function returns true, the block is ready for submission.
// This function will return early with false when conditions that trigger a
// stale block such as a new block showing up or periodically when there are
// new transactions and enough time has elapsed without finding a solution.
func (m *CPUMiner) solveBlock(msgBlock *wire.MsgBlock, blockHeight int32,
	ticker *time.Ticker, quit chan struct{}) bool {

	// Choose a random extra nonce offset for this block template and
	// worker.
	enOffset, err := wire.RandomUint64()
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Unexpected error while generating random "+
			"extra nonce offset: %v", err)
		enOffset = 0

	// Create some convenience variables.
	header := &msgBlock.Header
	targetDifficulty := blockchain.CompactToBig(header.Bits)

	// Initial state.
	lastGenerated := time.Now()
	lastTxUpdate := m.g.TxSource().LastUpdated()
	hashesCompleted := uint64(0)

	// Note that the entire extra nonce range is iterated and the offset is
	// added relying on the fact that overflow will wrap around 0 as
	// provided by the Go spec.
	for extraNonce := uint64(0); extraNonce < maxExtraNonce; extraNonce++ {
		// Update the extra nonce in the block template with the
		// new value by regenerating the coinbase script and
		// setting the merkle root to the new value.
		m.g.UpdateExtraNonce(msgBlock, blockHeight, extraNonce+enOffset)

		// Search through the entire nonce range for a solution while
		// periodically checking for early quit and stale block
		// conditions along with updates to the speed monitor.
		for i := uint32(0); i <= maxNonce; i++ {
			select {
			case <-quit:
				return false

			case <-ticker.C:
				m.updateHashes <- hashesCompleted
				hashesCompleted = 0

				// The current block is stale if the best block
				// has changed.
				best := m.g.BestSnapshot()
				if !header.PrevBlock.IsEqual(best.Hash) {
					return false

				// The current block is stale if the memory pool
				// has been updated since the block template was
				// generated and it has been at least one
				// minute.
				if lastTxUpdate != m.g.TxSource().LastUpdated() &&
					time.Now().After(lastGenerated.Add(time.Minute)) {

					return false


				// Non-blocking select to fall through

			// Update the nonce and hash the block header.  Each
			// hash is actually a double sha256 (two hashes), so
			// increment the number of hashes completed for each
			// attempt accordingly.
			header.Nonce = i
			hash := header.BlockHash()
			hashesCompleted += 2

			// The block is solved when the new block hash is less
			// than the target difficulty.  Yay!
			if blockchain.HashToBig(&hash).Cmp(targetDifficulty) <= 0 {
				m.updateHashes <- hashesCompleted
				return true

	return false