func (rv *RoomViewer) drawFloor() { gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.MultMatrixf(&rv.mat[0]) defer gl.PopMatrix() gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4f(1, 0, 1, 0.9) if rv.edit_mode == editCells { gl.LineWidth(0.02 * rv.zoom) } else { gl.LineWidth(0.05 * rv.zoom) } gl.Begin(gl.LINES) for i := float32(0); i < float32(; i += 1.0 { gl.Vertex2f(i, 0) gl.Vertex2f(i, float32( } for j := float32(0); j < float32(; j += 1.0 { gl.Vertex2f(0, j) gl.Vertex2f(float32(, j) } gl.End() if rv.edit_mode == editCells { gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4d(1, 0, 0, 1) gl.LineWidth(0.05 * rv.zoom) gl.Begin(gl.LINES) for _, f := range { x, y := f.Pos() dx, dy := f.Dims() gl.Vertex2i(x, y) gl.Vertex2i(x, y+dy) gl.Vertex2i(x, y+dy) gl.Vertex2i(x+dx, y+dy) gl.Vertex2i(x+dx, y+dy) gl.Vertex2i(x+dx, y) gl.Vertex2i(x+dx, y) gl.Vertex2i(x, y) } gl.End() } gl.Disable(gl.STENCIL_TEST) }
func setupTextureList() { textureListSync.Do(func() { render.Queue(func() { textureList = gl.GenLists(1) gl.NewList(textureList, gl.COMPILE) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.TexCoord2d(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(0, 0) gl.TexCoord2d(0, -1) gl.Vertex2i(0, 1) gl.TexCoord2d(1, -1) gl.Vertex2i(1, 1) gl.TexCoord2d(1, 0) gl.Vertex2i(1, 0) gl.End() gl.EndList() }) }) }
func (te *TextEntry) RenderAt(x, y int) { te.Button.RenderAt(x, y) d := base.GetDictionary(te.Button.Text.Size) x += te.Entry.X y += te.Button.Y x2 := x + te.Entry.Dx y2 := y + int(d.MaxHeight()) te.Entry.bounds.x = x te.Entry.bounds.y = y te.Entry.bounds.dx = x2 - x te.Entry.bounds.dy = y2 - y gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) if te.Entry.entering { gl.Color4ub(255, 255, 255, 255) } else { gl.Color4ub(255, 255, 255, 128) } gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2i(x-3, y-3) gl.Vertex2i(x-3, y2+3) gl.Vertex2i(x2+3, y2+3) gl.Vertex2i(x2+3, y-3) gl.End() gl.Color4ub(0, 0, 0, 255) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2i(x, y) gl.Vertex2i(x, y2) gl.Vertex2i(x2, y2) gl.Vertex2i(x2, y) gl.End() gl.Color4ub(255, 255, 255, 255) d.RenderString(te.Entry.text, float64(x), float64(y), 0, d.MaxHeight(), gui.Left) if te.Entry.ghost.offset >= 0 { gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4ub(255, 100, 100, 127) gl.Begin(gl.LINES) gl.Vertex2i(te.Entry.bounds.x+te.Entry.ghost.offset, te.Entry.bounds.y) gl.Vertex2i(te.Entry.bounds.x+te.Entry.ghost.offset, te.Entry.bounds.y+te.Entry.bounds.dy) gl.End() } if te.Entry.entering { gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4ub(255, 100, 100, 255) gl.Begin(gl.LINES) gl.Vertex2i(te.Entry.bounds.x+te.Entry.cursor.offset, te.Entry.bounds.y) gl.Vertex2i(te.Entry.bounds.x+te.Entry.cursor.offset, te.Entry.bounds.y+te.Entry.bounds.dy) gl.End() } }
func drawFloor(room *Room, floor mathgl.Mat4, temp *WallTexture, cstack base.ColorStack, los_tex *LosTexture, los_alpha float64, floor_drawer []FloorDrawer) { gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.MultMatrixf(&floor[0]) defer gl.PopMatrix() gl.Enable(gl.STENCIL_TEST) defer gl.Disable(gl.STENCIL_TEST) gl.StencilFunc(gl.ALWAYS, 4, 4) gl.StencilOp(gl.REPLACE, gl.REPLACE, gl.REPLACE) gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2i(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(0, room.Size.Dy) gl.Vertex2i(room.Size.Dx, room.Size.Dy) gl.Vertex2i(room.Size.Dx, 0) gl.End() gl.StencilFunc(gl.EQUAL, 4, 15) gl.StencilOp(gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP) // Draw the floor gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) cstack.ApplyWithAlpha(los_alpha) room.Floor.Data().Render(0, 0, float64(room.Size.Dx), float64(room.Size.Dy)) if los_tex != nil { los_tex.Bind() gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE, gl.SRC_ALPHA) gl.Color4d(0, 0, 0, 1) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.TexCoord2i(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(-room.X, -room.Y) gl.TexCoord2i(1, 0) gl.Vertex2i(-room.X, los_tex.Size()-room.Y) gl.TexCoord2i(1, 1) gl.Vertex2i(los_tex.Size()-room.X, los_tex.Size()-room.Y) gl.TexCoord2i(0, 1) gl.Vertex2i(los_tex.Size()-room.X, -room.Y) gl.End() gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) } cstack.ApplyWithAlpha(los_alpha) { g_texs = g_texs[0:0] if temp != nil { g_texs = append(g_texs, *temp) } for _, tex := range room.WallTextures { g_texs = append(g_texs, *tex) } for i, tex := range g_texs { if tex.X >= float32(room.Size.Dx) { tex.Rot -= 3.1415926535 / 2 } if temp != nil && i == 0 { cstack.Push(1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7) } cstack.ApplyWithAlpha(los_alpha) tex.Render() if temp != nil && i == 0 { cstack.Pop() } } } gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(-float64(room.X), -float64(room.Y), 0) for _, fd := range floor_drawer { fd.RenderOnFloor() } gl.PopMatrix() // Re-enable textures because floor_drawer.RenderOnFloor() might have // disabled them gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.StencilFunc(gl.ALWAYS, 5, 5) gl.StencilOp(gl.REPLACE, gl.REPLACE, gl.REPLACE) gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4d(0, 0, 0, 0) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2i(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(0, room.Size.Dy) gl.Vertex2i(room.Size.Dx, room.Size.Dy) gl.Vertex2i(room.Size.Dx, 0) gl.End() }
func (m *MainBar) Draw(region gui.Region) { m.region = region gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) m.layout.Background.Data().Bind() gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.TexCoord2d(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(region.X, region.Y) gl.TexCoord2d(0, -1) gl.Vertex2i(region.X, region.Y+region.Dy) gl.TexCoord2d(1, -1) gl.Vertex2i(region.X+region.Dx, region.Y+region.Dy) gl.TexCoord2d(1, 0) gl.Vertex2i(region.X+region.Dx, region.Y) gl.End() buttons := m.no_actions_buttons if m.ent != nil && len(m.ent.Actions) > m.layout.Actions.Count { buttons = m.all_buttons } for _, button := range buttons { button.RenderAt(region.X, region.Y) } ent := if ent == nil { ent = m.ent } if ent != nil && ent.Stats != nil { gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) ent.Still.Data().Bind() tdx := ent.Still.Data().Dx() tdy := ent.Still.Data().Dy() cx := region.X + m.layout.CenterStillFrame.X cy := region.Y + m.layout.CenterStillFrame.Y gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.TexCoord2d(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(cx-tdx/2, cy-tdy/2) gl.TexCoord2d(0, -1) gl.Vertex2i(cx-tdx/2, cy+tdy/2) gl.TexCoord2d(1, -1) gl.Vertex2i(cx+tdx/2, cy+tdy/2) gl.TexCoord2d(1, 0) gl.Vertex2i(cx+tdx/2, cy-tdy/2) gl.End() m.layout.Name.RenderString(ent.Name) m.layout.Ap.RenderString(fmt.Sprintf("Ap:%d", ent.Stats.ApCur())) m.layout.Hp.RenderString(fmt.Sprintf("Hp:%d", ent.Stats.HpCur())) m.layout.Corpus.RenderString(fmt.Sprintf("Corpus:%d", ent.Stats.Corpus())) m.layout.Ego.RenderString(fmt.Sprintf("Ego:%d", ent.Stats.Ego())) gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) m.layout.Divider.Data().Bind() tdx = m.layout.Divider.Data().Dx() tdy = m.layout.Divider.Data().Dy() cx = region.X + m.layout.Name.X cy = region.Y + m.layout.Name.Y - 5 gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.TexCoord2d(0, 0) gl.Vertex2i(cx-tdx/2, cy-tdy/2) gl.TexCoord2d(0, -1) gl.Vertex2i(cx-tdx/2, cy+(tdy+1)/2) gl.TexCoord2d(1, -1) gl.Vertex2i(cx+(tdx+1)/2, cy+(tdy+1)/2) gl.TexCoord2d(1, 0) gl.Vertex2i(cx+(tdx+1)/2, cy-tdy/2) gl.End() } if m.ent != nil && m.ent.Stats != nil { // Actions { spacing := m.layout.Actions.Icon_size * float64(m.layout.Actions.Count) spacing = m.layout.Actions.Width - spacing spacing /= float64(m.layout.Actions.Count - 1) = spacing s := m.layout.Actions.Icon_size num_actions := len(m.ent.Actions) xpos := m.layout.Actions.X if num_actions > m.layout.Actions.Count { xpos -= m.state.Actions.scroll_pos * (s + spacing) } d := base.GetDictionary(10) var r gui.Region r.X = int(m.layout.Actions.X) r.Y = int(m.layout.Actions.Y - d.MaxHeight()) r.Dx = int(m.layout.Actions.Width) r.Dy = int(m.layout.Actions.Icon_size + d.MaxHeight()) r.PushClipPlanes() gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) for i, action := range m.ent.Actions { // Highlight the selected action if action == { gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4d(1, 0, 0, 1) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex3d(xpos-2, m.layout.Actions.Y-2, 0) gl.Vertex3d(xpos-2, m.layout.Actions.Y+s+2, 0) gl.Vertex3d(xpos+s+2, m.layout.Actions.Y+s+2, 0) gl.Vertex3d(xpos+s+2, m.layout.Actions.Y-2, 0) gl.End() } gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) action.Icon().Data().Bind() if action.Preppable(m.ent, { gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) } else { gl.Color4d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) } gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.TexCoord2d(0, 0) gl.Vertex3d(xpos, m.layout.Actions.Y, 0) gl.TexCoord2d(0, -1) gl.Vertex3d(xpos, m.layout.Actions.Y+s, 0) gl.TexCoord2d(1, -1) gl.Vertex3d(xpos+s, m.layout.Actions.Y+s, 0) gl.TexCoord2d(1, 0) gl.Vertex3d(xpos+s, m.layout.Actions.Y, 0) gl.End() gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) ypos := m.layout.Actions.Y - d.MaxHeight() - 2 d.RenderString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1), xpos+s/2, ypos, 0, d.MaxHeight(), gui.Center) xpos += spacing + m.layout.Actions.Icon_size } r.PopClipPlanes() // Now, if there is a selected action, position it between the arrows if m.state.Actions.selected != nil { // a := m.state.Actions.selected d := base.GetDictionary(15) x := m.layout.Actions.X + m.layout.Actions.Width/2 y := float64(m.layout.ActionLeft.Y) str := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%dAP", m.state.Actions.selected.String(), m.state.Actions.selected.AP()) gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) d.RenderString(str, x, y, 0, d.MaxHeight(), gui.Center) } } // Conditions { gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 1) c := m.layout.Conditions d := base.GetDictionary(int(c.Size)) ypos := c.Y + c.Height - d.MaxHeight() + m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos var r gui.Region r.X = int(c.X) r.Y = int(c.Y) r.Dx = int(c.Width) r.Dy = int(c.Height) r.PushClipPlanes() for _, s := range m.ent.Stats.ConditionNames() { d.RenderString(s, c.X+c.Width/2, ypos, 0, d.MaxHeight(), gui.Center) ypos -= float64(d.MaxHeight()) } r.PopClipPlanes() } // Gear if m.ent.ExplorerEnt != nil && m.ent.ExplorerEnt.Gear != nil { gear := m.ent.ExplorerEnt.Gear layout := m.layout.Gear icon := gear.Small_icon.Data() icon.RenderNatural(int(layout.X), int(layout.Y)) d := base.GetDictionary(10) d.RenderString("Gear", layout.X+float64(icon.Dx())/2, layout.Y-d.MaxHeight(), 0, d.MaxHeight(), gui.Center) } } // Mouseover text if { var x int switch m.state.MouseOver.location { case mouseOverActions: x = int(m.layout.Actions.X + m.layout.Actions.Width/2) case mouseOverConditions: x = int(m.layout.Conditions.X + m.layout.Conditions.Width/2) case mouseOverGear: default: base.Warn().Printf("Got an unknown mouseover location: %d", m.state.MouseOver.location) = false } y := m.layout.Background.Data().Dy() - 40 d := base.GetDictionary(15) d.RenderString(m.state.MouseOver.text, float64(x), float64(y), 0, d.MaxHeight(), gui.Center) } }