예제 #1
파일: metric.go 프로젝트: katyhuff/cyan
func doEnergy(cmd string, args []string) {
	fs := flag.NewFlagSet("energy", flag.ExitOnError)
	t0 := fs.Int("t1", 0, "beginning of time interval (default is beginning of simulation)")
	t1 := fs.Int("t2", -1, "end of time interval (default if end of simulation)")
	fs.Usage = func() {
		log.Print("Usage: energy")

	e, err := query.EnergyProduced(db, simid, *t0, *t1)
예제 #2
func ObjANS2014(scen *Scenario, db *sql.DB, simid []byte) (float64, error) {
	s := &ANSScenario{}
	err := s.Load(scen.File)
	if err != nil {
		return math.Inf(1), err

	// add up overnight and operating costs converted to PV(t=0)
	q1 := `
		SELECT tl.Time FROM TimeList AS tl
		INNER JOIN Agents As a ON a.EnterTime <= tl.Time AND (a.ExitTime >= tl.Time OR a.ExitTime IS NULL)
			a.SimId = tl.SimId AND a.SimId = ?
			AND a.Prototype = ?;
	q2 := `SELECT EnterTime FROM Agents WHERE SimId = ? AND Prototype = ?`

	totcost := 0.0
	for _, fac := range s.Facs {
		// calc total operating cost
		rows, err := db.Query(q1, simid, fac.Proto)
		if err != nil {
			return math.Inf(1), err
		for rows.Next() {
			var t int
			if err := rows.Scan(&t); err != nil {
				return math.Inf(1), err
			totcost += PV(fac.OpCost, t, s.Discount)
		if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
			return math.Inf(1), err

		// calc overnight capital cost
		rows, err = db.Query(q2, simid, fac.Proto)
		if err != nil {
			return math.Inf(1), err
		for rows.Next() {
			var t int
			if err := rows.Scan(&t); err != nil {
				return math.Inf(1), err
			totcost += PV(fac.CapitalCost, t, s.Discount)
		if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
			return math.Inf(1), err

		// add in waste penalty
		ags, err := query.AllAgents(db, simid, fac.Proto)
		if err != nil {
			return math.Inf(1), err

		// InvAt uses all agents if no ids are passed - so we need to skip
		// from here
		if len(ags) == 0 {

		ids := make([]int, len(ags))
		for i, a := range ags {
			ids[i] = a.Id

		for t := 0; t < s.SimDur; t++ {
			mat, err := query.InvAt(db, simid, t, ids...)
			if err != nil {
				return math.Inf(1), err
			for nuc, qty := range mat {
				nucstr := fmt.Sprint(nuc)
				totcost += PV(s.NuclideCost[nucstr]*float64(qty)*(1-fac.WasteDiscount), t, s.Discount)

	// normalize to energy produced
	joules, err := query.EnergyProduced(db, simid, 0, s.SimDur)
	if err != nil {
		return math.Inf(1), err
	mwh := joules / nuc.MWh
	mult := 1e6 // to get the objective around 0.1 same magnitude as constraint penalties
	return totcost / (mwh + 1e-30) * mult, nil