예제 #1
파일: main.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
// importPaths returns the import paths to use for the given command line.
func importPaths(args []string) []string {
	args = importPathsNoDotExpansion(args)
	var out []string
	for _, a := range args {
		if strings.Contains(a, "...") {
			if build.IsLocalImport(a) {
				out = append(out, allPackagesInFS(a)...)
			} else {
				out = append(out, allPackages(a)...)
		out = append(out, a)
	return out
예제 #2
파일: pkg.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
// loadImport scans the directory named by path, which must be an import path,
// but possibly a local import path (an absolute file system path or one beginning
// with ./ or ../).  A local relative path is interpreted relative to srcDir.
// It returns a *Package describing the package found in that directory.
func loadImport(path string, srcDir string, stk *importStack, importPos []token.Position) *Package {
	defer stk.pop()

	// Determine canonical identifier for this package.
	// For a local import the identifier is the pseudo-import path
	// we create from the full directory to the package.
	// Otherwise it is the usual import path.
	importPath := path
	isLocal := build.IsLocalImport(path)
	if isLocal {
		importPath = dirToImportPath(filepath.Join(srcDir, path))
	if p := packageCache[importPath]; p != nil {
		return reusePackage(p, stk)

	p := new(Package)
	p.local = isLocal
	p.ImportPath = importPath
	packageCache[importPath] = p

	// Load package.
	// Import always returns bp != nil, even if an error occurs,
	// in order to return partial information.
	// TODO: After Go 1, decide when to pass build.AllowBinary here.
	// See issue 3268 for mistakes to avoid.
	bp, err := buildContext.Import(path, srcDir, 0)
	bp.ImportPath = importPath
	if gobin != "" {
		bp.BinDir = gobin
	p.load(stk, bp, err)
	if p.Error != nil && len(importPos) > 0 {
		pos := importPos[0]
		pos.Filename = shortPath(pos.Filename)
		p.Error.Pos = pos.String()

	return p
예제 #3
파일: get.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
// downloadPaths prepares the list of paths to pass to download.
// It expands ... patterns that can be expanded.  If there is no match
// for a particular pattern, downloadPaths leaves it in the result list,
// in the hope that we can figure out the repository from the
// initial ...-free prefix.
func downloadPaths(args []string) []string {
	args = importPathsNoDotExpansion(args)
	var out []string
	for _, a := range args {
		if strings.Contains(a, "...") {
			var expand []string
			// Use matchPackagesInFS to avoid printing
			// warnings.  They will be printed by the
			// eventual call to importPaths instead.
			if build.IsLocalImport(a) {
				expand = matchPackagesInFS(a)
			} else {
				expand = matchPackages(a)
			if len(expand) > 0 {
				out = append(out, expand...)
		out = append(out, a)
	return out
예제 #4
파일: test.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
func runTest(cmd *Command, args []string) {
	var pkgArgs []string
	pkgArgs, testArgs = testFlags(args)

	pkgs := packagesForBuild(pkgArgs)
	if len(pkgs) == 0 {
		fatalf("no packages to test")

	if testC && len(pkgs) != 1 {
		fatalf("cannot use -c flag with multiple packages")
	if testProfile && len(pkgs) != 1 {
		fatalf("cannot use test profile flag with multiple packages")

	// If a test timeout was given and is parseable, set our kill timeout
	// to that timeout plus one minute.  This is a backup alarm in case
	// the test wedges with a goroutine spinning and its background
	// timer does not get a chance to fire.
	if dt, err := time.ParseDuration(testTimeout); err == nil && dt > 0 {
		testKillTimeout = dt + 1*time.Minute

	// show passing test output (after buffering) with -v flag.
	// must buffer because tests are running in parallel, and
	// otherwise the output will get mixed.
	testShowPass = testV

	// stream test output (no buffering) when no package has
	// been given on the command line (implicit current directory)
	// or when benchmarking.
	// Also stream if we're showing output anyway with a
	// single package under test.  In that case, streaming the
	// output produces the same result as not streaming,
	// just more immediately.
	testStreamOutput = len(pkgArgs) == 0 || testBench ||
		(len(pkgs) <= 1 && testShowPass)

	var b builder

	if testI {
		buildV = testV

		deps := map[string]bool{
			// Dependencies for testmain.
			"testing": true,
			"regexp":  true,
		for _, p := range pkgs {
			// Dependencies for each test.
			for _, path := range p.Imports {
				deps[path] = true
			for _, path := range p.TestImports {
				deps[path] = true
			for _, path := range p.XTestImports {
				deps[path] = true

		// translate C to runtime/cgo
		if deps["C"] {
			delete(deps, "C")
			deps["runtime/cgo"] = true
			if buildContext.GOOS == runtime.GOOS && buildContext.GOARCH == runtime.GOARCH {
				deps["cmd/cgo"] = true
		// Ignore pseudo-packages.
		delete(deps, "unsafe")

		all := []string{}
		for path := range deps {
			if !build.IsLocalImport(path) {
				all = append(all, path)

		a := &action{}
		for _, p := range packagesForBuild(all) {
			a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(modeInstall, modeInstall, p))
		if !testC {

	var builds, runs, prints []*action

	// Prepare build + run + print actions for all packages being tested.
	for _, p := range pkgs {
		buildTest, runTest, printTest, err := b.test(p)
		if err != nil {
			str := err.Error()
			if strings.HasPrefix(str, "\n") {
				str = str[1:]
			if p.ImportPath != "" {
				errorf("# %s\n%s", p.ImportPath, str)
			} else {
				errorf("%s", str)
		builds = append(builds, buildTest)
		runs = append(runs, runTest)
		prints = append(prints, printTest)

	// Ultimately the goal is to print the output.
	root := &action{deps: prints}

	// Force the printing of results to happen in order,
	// one at a time.
	for i, a := range prints {
		if i > 0 {
			a.deps = append(a.deps, prints[i-1])

	// If we are benchmarking, force everything to
	// happen in serial.  Could instead allow all the
	// builds to run before any benchmarks start,
	// but try this for now.
	if testBench {
		for i, a := range builds {
			if i > 0 {
				// Make build of test i depend on
				// completing the run of test i-1.
				a.deps = append(a.deps, runs[i-1])

	// If we are building any out-of-date packages other
	// than those under test, warn.
	okBuild := map[*Package]bool{}
	for _, p := range pkgs {
		okBuild[p] = true

	warned := false
	for _, a := range actionList(root) {
		if a.p != nil && a.f != nil && !okBuild[a.p] && !a.p.fake && !a.p.local {
			okBuild[a.p] = true // don't warn again
			if !warned {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "warning: building out-of-date packages:\n")
				warned = true
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s\n", a.p.ImportPath)
	if warned {
		args := strings.Join(pkgArgs, " ")
		if args != "" {
			args = " " + args
		extraOpts := ""
		if buildRace {
			extraOpts = "-race "
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "installing these packages with 'go test %s-i%s' will speed future tests.\n\n", extraOpts, args)

예제 #5
파일: get.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
// download runs the download half of the get command
// for the package named by the argument.
func download(arg string, stk *importStack) {
	p := loadPackage(arg, stk)

	// There's nothing to do if this is a package in the standard library.
	if p.Standard {

	// Only process each package once.
	if downloadCache[arg] {
	downloadCache[arg] = true

	pkgs := []*Package{p}
	wildcardOkay := len(*stk) == 0

	// Download if the package is missing, or update if we're using -u.
	if p.Dir == "" || *getU {
		// The actual download.
		err := downloadPackage(p)
		if err != nil {
			errorf("%s", &PackageError{ImportStack: stk.copy(), Err: err.Error()})

		args := []string{arg}
		// If the argument has a wildcard in it, re-evaluate the wildcard.
		// We delay this until after reloadPackage so that the old entry
		// for p has been replaced in the package cache.
		if wildcardOkay && strings.Contains(arg, "...") {
			if build.IsLocalImport(arg) {
				args = matchPackagesInFS(arg)
			} else {
				args = matchPackages(arg)

		// Clear all relevant package cache entries before
		// doing any new loads.
		for _, arg := range args {
			p := packageCache[arg]
			if p != nil {
				delete(packageCache, p.Dir)
				delete(packageCache, p.ImportPath)

		pkgs = pkgs[:0]
		for _, arg := range args {
			p := loadPackage(arg, stk)
			if p.Error != nil {
				errorf("%s", p.Error)
			pkgs = append(pkgs, p)

	// Process package, which might now be multiple packages
	// due to wildcard expansion.
	for _, p := range pkgs {
		if *getFix {
			run(stringList(tool("fix"), relPaths(p.allgofiles)))

			// The imports might have changed, so reload again.
			p = reloadPackage(arg, stk)
			if p.Error != nil {
				errorf("%s", p.Error)

		// Process dependencies, now that we know what they are.
		for _, dep := range p.deps {
			download(dep.ImportPath, stk)
예제 #6
파일: main.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
func main() {
	_ = go11tag
	flag.Usage = usage

	args := flag.Args()
	if len(args) < 1 {

	if args[0] == "help" {

	// Diagnose common mistake: GOPATH==GOROOT.
	// This setting is equivalent to not setting GOPATH at all,
	// which is not what most people want when they do it.
	if gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH"); gopath == runtime.GOROOT() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "warning: GOPATH set to GOROOT (%s) has no effect\n", gopath)
	} else {
		for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) {
			// Note: using HasPrefix instead of Contains because a ~ can appear
			// in the middle of directory elements, such as /tmp/git-1.8.2~rc3
			// or C:\PROGRA~1. Only ~ as a path prefix has meaning to the shell.
			if strings.HasPrefix(p, "~") {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: GOPATH entry cannot start with shell metacharacter '~': %q\n", p)
			if build.IsLocalImport(p) {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: %q.\nRun 'go help gopath' for usage.\n", p)

	if fi, err := os.Stat(goroot); err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: cannot find GOROOT directory: %v\n", goroot)

	for _, cmd := range commands {
		if cmd.Name() == args[0] && cmd.Run != nil {
			cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.Usage() }
			if cmd.CustomFlags {
				args = args[1:]
			} else {
				args = cmd.Flag.Args()
			cmd.Run(cmd, args)

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: unknown subcommand %q\nRun 'go help' for usage.\n", args[0])
예제 #7
파일: pkg.go 프로젝트: sbinet/goxx
// loadPackage is like loadImport but is used for command-line arguments,
// not for paths found in import statements.  In addition to ordinary import paths,
// loadPackage accepts pseudo-paths beginning with cmd/ to denote commands
// in the Go command directory, as well as paths to those directories.
func loadPackage(arg string, stk *importStack) *Package {
	if build.IsLocalImport(arg) {
		dir := arg
		if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) {
			if abs, err := filepath.Abs(dir); err == nil {
				// interpret relative to current directory
				dir = abs
		if sub, ok := hasSubdir(gorootSrc, dir); ok && strings.HasPrefix(sub, "cmd/") && !strings.Contains(sub[4:], "/") {
			arg = sub
	if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "cmd/") {
		if p := cmdCache[arg]; p != nil {
			return p
		defer stk.pop()

		if strings.Contains(arg[4:], "/") {
			p := &Package{
				Error: &PackageError{
					ImportStack: stk.copy(),
					Err:         fmt.Sprintf("invalid import path: cmd/... is reserved for Go commands"),
			return p

		bp, err := buildContext.ImportDir(filepath.Join(gorootSrc, arg), 0)
		bp.ImportPath = arg
		bp.Goroot = true
		bp.BinDir = gorootBin
		if gobin != "" {
			bp.BinDir = gobin
		bp.Root = goroot
		bp.SrcRoot = gorootSrc
		p := new(Package)
		cmdCache[arg] = p
		p.load(stk, bp, err)
		if p.Error == nil && p.Name != "main" {
			p.Error = &PackageError{
				ImportStack: stk.copy(),
				Err:         fmt.Sprintf("expected package main but found package %s in %s", p.Name, p.Dir),
		return p

	// Wasn't a command; must be a package.
	// If it is a local import path but names a standard package,
	// we treat it as if the user specified the standard package.
	// This lets you run go test ./ioutil in package io and be
	// referring to io/ioutil rather than a hypothetical import of
	// "./ioutil".
	if build.IsLocalImport(arg) {
		bp, _ := buildContext.ImportDir(filepath.Join(cwd, arg), build.FindOnly)
		if bp.ImportPath != "" && bp.ImportPath != "." {
			arg = bp.ImportPath

	return loadImport(arg, cwd, stk, nil)