예제 #1
func Example_basic() {
	//Actual code in main() function:
	// the only additional information compared to is the application specific PREFIX t

	fmt.Printf("%s", *envflag)

예제 #2
func Example_json() {
	// -- set an exemplary variable in filesystem
	ioutil.WriteFile(TMPFILE+".json", []byte(`{ "jsonflag": "jsonvalue"}`), 0644)
	flagconf.FileList([]string{TMPFILE + ".json"})
	defer os.Remove(TMPFILE + ".json") // just make sure to remove temporary file
	// ---
	// The default used file is : "~/.flagconf/<PREFIX>.yml"

	//Actual code in main() function:
	flagconf.Parse(PREFIX) // Compared to the flag package, the prefix is the only additional information passed to the parse function.

	fmt.Printf("%s", *jsonflag)

예제 #3
func Example_fs() {
	// --- set an exemplary variable in filesystem
	ioutil.WriteFile(TMPFILE+".yml", []byte("fsflag: myvalue"), 0644)
	flagconf.FileList([]string{TMPFILE + ".yml"})
	defer os.Remove(TMPFILE + ".yml") // just make sure to remove temporary file
	// ---
	// The default used file is : "~/.flagconf/<PREFIX>.yml"

	//Actual code in main() function:
	// the only additional information compared to is the application specific PREFIX t

	fmt.Printf("%s", *fsflag)
