예제 #1
// loadVCSPackage loads the package found at the given VCS path.
func (p *PackageLoader) loadVCSPackage(packagePath pathInformation) {
	// Lock on the package path to ensure no other checkouts occur for this path.
	pathLock := p.vcsLockMap.GetLock(packagePath.path)
	defer pathLock.Unlock()

	existingCheckoutDir, exists := p.vcsPathsLoaded.Get(packagePath.path)
	if exists {
		// Note: existingCheckoutDir will be empty if there was an error loading the VCS.
		if existingCheckoutDir != "" {
			// Push the now-local directory onto the package loading channel.
			p.pushPathWithId(packagePath.referenceId, packagePath.sourceKind, pathLocalPackage, existingCheckoutDir.(string), packagePath.sal)

	rootDirectory := path.Dir(p.rootSourceFile)
	pkgDirectory := path.Join(rootDirectory, SerulianPackageDirectory)

	// Perform the checkout of the VCS package.
	checkoutDirectory, err, warning := vcs.PerformVCSCheckout(packagePath.path, pkgDirectory, p.vcsDevelopmentDirectories...)
	if err != nil {
		p.vcsPathsLoaded.Set(packagePath.path, "")
		p.errors <- compilercommon.SourceErrorf(packagePath.sal, "Error loading VCS package '%s': %v", packagePath.path, err)

	p.vcsPathsLoaded.Set(packagePath.path, checkoutDirectory)
	if warning != "" {
		p.warnings <- compilercommon.NewSourceWarning(packagePath.sal, warning)

	// Push the now-local directory onto the package loading channel.
	p.pushPathWithId(packagePath.referenceId, packagePath.sourceKind, pathLocalPackage, checkoutDirectory, packagePath.sal)
예제 #2
// GetWarnings returns the warnings created during the build pass.
func (sb *scopeBuilder) GetWarnings() []compilercommon.SourceWarning {
	var warnings = make([]compilercommon.SourceWarning, 0)

	it := sb.sg.layer.StartQuery().

	for it.Next() {
		warningNode := it.Node()

		// Lookup the location of the SRG source node.
		warningSource := sb.sg.srg.GetNode(warningNode.GetValue(NodePredicateNoticeSource).NodeId())
		location := sb.sg.srg.NodeLocation(warningSource)

		// Add the error.
		msg := warningNode.Get(NodePredicateNoticeMessage)
		warnings = append(warnings, compilercommon.NewSourceWarning(location, msg))

	return warnings