예제 #1
// emitter examines the config file for api information
// and returns the correct
func (js *JavascriptBuilder) emitter() events.Emitter {
	if js.config.API.URI == "" {
		// no URI set, return a noop emitter
		return events.NewNoopEmitter()

	return events.NewHTTPPostEmitter(js.config.API.URI, js.config.API.Key, js.config.API.Pid)
예제 #2
// NewDefaultPipeline returns a new Transporter Pipeline with the given node tree, and
// uses the events.HttpPostEmitter to deliver metrics.
// eg.
//   source :=
//   	transporter.NewNode("source", "mongo", adaptor.Config{"uri": "mongodb://localhost/", "namespace": "boom.foo", "debug": false, "tail": true}).
// 	  	Add(transporter.NewNode("out", "file", adaptor.Config{"uri": "stdout://"}))
//   pipeline, err := transporter.NewDefaultPipeline(source, events.Api{URI: "http://localhost/endpoint"}, 1*time.Second)
//   if err != nil {
// 	  fmt.Println(err)
// 	  os.Exit(1)
//   }
// pipeline.Run()
func NewDefaultPipeline(source *Node, uri, key, pid string, interval time.Duration) (*Pipeline, error) {
	emitter := events.NewHTTPPostEmitter(uri, key, pid)
	return NewPipeline(source, emitter, interval)