예제 #1
func TestNewOnHostDatapoint(t *testing.T) {
	hostname, _ := os.Hostname()

	dp1 := NewOnHostDatapoint("metrica", nil, datapoint.Counter)
	assert.Equal(t, "metrica", dp1.Metric)
	dp := Wrap(datapoint.New("metric", map[string]string{}, datapoint.NewFloatValue(3.0), datapoint.Counter, time.Now()))
	assert.Equal(t, hostname, dp.Dimensions["host"], "Should get source back")

	osXXXHostname = func() (string, error) { return "", errors.New("unable to get hostname") }

	dp = Wrap(datapoint.New("metric", map[string]string{}, datapoint.NewFloatValue(3.0), datapoint.Counter, time.Now()))
	assert.Equal(t, "unknown", dp.Dimensions["host"], "Should get source back")
	osXXXHostname = os.Hostname
예제 #2
// NewDatapoint creates a new datapoint from collectd's write_http endpoint JSON format
// defaultDimensions are added to the datapoint created, but will be overridden by any dimension
// values in the JSON
// Dimensions are pulled out of type_instance, plugin_instance and host in that order of precedence
func NewDatapoint(point *JSONWriteFormat, index uint, defaultDimensions map[string]string) *datapoint.Datapoint {
	dstype, val, dsname := point.Dstypes[index], point.Values[index], point.Dsnames[index]
	// if you add another  dimension that we read from the json update this number
	const MaxCollectDDims = 6
	dimensions := make(map[string]string, len(defaultDimensions)+MaxCollectDDims)
	for k, v := range defaultDimensions {
		dimensions[k] = v

	metricType := metricTypeFromDsType(dstype)
	metricName, usedParts := getReasonableMetricName(point, index)

	addIfNotNullOrEmpty(dimensions, "plugin", true, point.Plugin)

	_, usedInMetricName := usedParts["type_instance"]
	parseDimensionsOut(dimensions, usedInMetricName, point.TypeInstance, point.PluginInstance, point.Host)

	_, usedInMetricName = usedParts["type"]
	addIfNotNullOrEmpty(dimensions, "type", !usedInMetricName, point.TypeS)

	_, usedInMetricName = usedParts["dsname"]
	addIfNotNullOrEmpty(dimensions, "dsname", !usedInMetricName, dsname)

	timestamp := time.Unix(0, int64(float64(time.Second)**point.Time))
	return datapoint.New(metricName, dimensions, datapoint.NewFloatValue(*val), metricType, timestamp)
예제 #3
// NewDatumValue creates new datapoint value referenced from a value of the datum protobuf
func NewDatumValue(val *com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.Datum) datapoint.Value {
	if val.DoubleValue != nil {
		return datapoint.NewFloatValue(val.GetDoubleValue())
	if val.IntValue != nil {
		return datapoint.NewIntValue(val.GetIntValue())
	return datapoint.NewStringValue(val.GetStrValue())
예제 #4
func TestNewProtobufDataPoint(t *testing.T) {
	protoDatapoint := &com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.DataPoint{
		Source: workarounds.GolangDoesnotAllowPointerToStringLiteral("asource"),
		Metric: workarounds.GolangDoesnotAllowPointerToStringLiteral("ametric"),
		Value:  &com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.Datum{IntValue: workarounds.GolangDoesnotAllowPointerToIntLiteral(2)},
		Dimensions: []*com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.Dimension{{
			Key:   workarounds.GolangDoesnotAllowPointerToStringLiteral("key"),
			Value: workarounds.GolangDoesnotAllowPointerToStringLiteral("value"),
	dp, err := NewProtobufDataPointWithType(protoDatapoint, com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.MetricType_COUNTER)
	assert.Equal(t, "asource", dp.Dimensions["sf_source"], "Line should be invalid")
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	assert.Equal(t, datapoint.Count, dp.MetricType, "Line should be invalid")

	v := com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.MetricType_CUMULATIVE_COUNTER
	protoDatapoint.MetricType = &v
	dp, err = NewProtobufDataPointWithType(protoDatapoint, com_signalfx_metrics_protobuf.MetricType_COUNTER)
	assert.NoError(t, err)
	assert.Equal(t, datapoint.Counter, dp.MetricType, "Line should be invalid")

	item := &BodySendFormatV2{
		Metric: "ametric",
		Value:  3.0,
	assert.Contains(t, item.String(), "ametric", "Should get metric name back")
	f, _ := ValueToValue(item.Value)
	assert.Equal(t, datapoint.NewFloatValue(3.0), f, "Should get value 3 back")

	item.Value = 3
	i, _ := ValueToValue(item.Value)
	assert.Equal(t, datapoint.NewIntValue(3), i, "Should get value 3 back")

	item.Value = int64(3)

	item.Value = "abc"
	s, _ := ValueToValue(item.Value)
	assert.Equal(t, datapoint.NewStringValue("abc"), s, "Should get value abc back")

	item.Value = struct{}{}
	_, err = ValueToValue(item.Value)
	assert.Error(t, err)
예제 #5
// ValueToValue converts the v2 JSON value to a core api Value
func ValueToValue(v ValueToSend) (datapoint.Value, error) {
	f, ok := v.(float64)
	if ok {
		return datapoint.NewFloatValue(f), nil
	i, ok := v.(int64)
	if ok {
		return datapoint.NewIntValue(i), nil
	i2, ok := v.(int)
	if ok {
		return datapoint.NewIntValue(int64(i2)), nil
	s, ok := v.(string)
	if ok {
		return datapoint.NewStringValue(s), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to convert value: %s", v)
예제 #6
func (decoder *JSONDecoderV1) Read(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) error {
	dec := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
	for {
		var d JSONDatapointV1
		if err := dec.Decode(&d); err == io.EOF {
		} else if err != nil {
			return err
		} else {
			log.WithField("dp", d).Debug("Got a new point")
			if d.Metric == "" {
				log.WithField("dp", d).Debug("Invalid Datapoint")
			mt := fromMT(decoder.TypeGetter.GetMetricTypeFromMap(d.Metric))
			dp := datapoint.New(d.Metric, map[string]string{"sf_source": d.Source}, datapoint.NewFloatValue(d.Value), mt, time.Now())
			decoder.Sink.AddDatapoints(ctx, []*datapoint.Datapoint{dp})
	return nil
func TestDatumForPoint(t *testing.T) {
	assert.Equal(t, int64(3), datumForPoint(datapoint.NewIntValue(3)).GetIntValue())
	assert.Equal(t, 0.0, datumForPoint(datapoint.NewIntValue(3)).GetDoubleValue())
	assert.Equal(t, .1, datumForPoint(datapoint.NewFloatValue(.1)).GetDoubleValue())
	assert.Equal(t, "hi", datumForPoint(datapoint.NewStringValue("hi")).GetStrValue())