예제 #1
func (db *FlightDBFr24) ParsePlayback(body []byte) (*flightdb.Flight, error) {
	r := FlightPlaybackResponse{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &r); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if r.Result.Response.Timestamp == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ParsePlayback: no response element (%s no longer exists)",

	// Note: we need the track before we can do the flight identifier (it needs a timestamp from the track data)
	track := flightdb.Track{}
	for _, frame := range r.Result.Response.Data.Flight.Track {
		track = append(track, flightdb.TrackPoint{
			Source:       "fr24",
			TimestampUTC: time.Unix(int64(frame.Timestamp), 0).UTC(),
			Heading:      float64(frame.Heading),
			Latlong:      geo.Latlong{float64(frame.Latitude), float64(frame.Longitude)},
			SpeedKnots:   float64(frame.Speed.Kts),
			AltitudeFeet: float64(frame.Altitude.Feet),
			Squawk:       frame.Squawk,

	f := flightdb.Flight{
		EquipmentType: r.Result.Response.Data.Flight.Aircraft.Model.Code,
		Track:         track,
	f.Tracks = map[string]flightdb.Track{}

	if err := playback2FlightIdentifier(r, &f.Id); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &f, nil