예제 #1
// Leave icaoid as empty string to get all complaints; else limits to that aircraft
func (cdb ComplaintDB) GetComplaintPositionsInSpanByIcao(start, end time.Time, icaoid string) ([]geo.Latlong, error) {
	ret := []geo.Latlong{}

	q := datastore.
		Project("Profile.Lat", "Profile.Long").
		Filter("Timestamp >= ", start).
		Filter("Timestamp < ", end)

	if icaoid != "" {
		cdb.Infof("Oho, adding id2=%s", icaoid)
		q = q.Filter("AircraftOverhead.Id2 = ", icaoid)

	q = q.Limit(-1)

	var data = []types.Complaint{}
	if _, err := q.GetAll(cdb.Ctx(), &data); err != nil {
		return ret, err

	for _, c := range data {
		// Round off the position data to a certain level of precision
		lat, long := toFixed(c.Profile.Lat, 2), toFixed(c.Profile.Long, 2)
		pos := geo.Latlong{Lat: lat, Long: long}
		if !pos.IsNil() {
			ret = append(ret, pos)

	return ret, nil