예제 #1
//HandleSuccess returns message as successful json response.
func HandleSuccess(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, message string) {
	jsonResponse := models.ResponseMessage{}
	jsonResponse.Success = true
	jsonResponse.Response = message
	jsonResponseString, _ := json.Marshal(jsonResponse)
	http.Error(responseWriter, string(jsonResponseString), http.StatusOK)
예제 #2
//HandleError checks if passed in error is not null, logs it, and sets response status code and message as json.
func HandleError(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, err error, message string, statusCode int) bool {
	if err != nil {
		jsonResponse := models.ResponseMessage{}
		jsonResponse.Success = false
		jsonResponse.Response = message
		jsonResponseString, _ := json.Marshal(jsonResponse)
		http.Error(responseWriter, string(jsonResponseString), statusCode)
		return true
	return false