예제 #1
// SetTLS sets the tls configuration given a tls.Config scheme
func setTLS(cfg *etcd.Config, tls *tls.Config, addrs []string) {
	entries := store.CreateEndpoints(addrs, "https")
	cfg.Endpoints = entries

	// Set transport
	t := http.Transport{
		Dial: (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
		TLSClientConfig:     tls,

	cfg.Transport = &t
예제 #2
// setTimeout sets the timeout used for connecting to the store
func setTimeout(cfg *etcd.Config, time time.Duration) {
	cfg.HeaderTimeoutPerRequest = time