예제 #1
파일: etcd-top.go 프로젝트: CliffYuan/etcd
// processor tries to parse an http request from each packet, and if
// successful it records metrics about it in the loghisto metric system.
func processor(ms *loghisto.MetricSystem, packetsIn chan *pcap.Packet) {
	for pkt := range packetsIn {
		req, reqErr := http.ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(pkt.Payload)))
		if reqErr == nil {
			ms.Counter(req.Method+" "+req.URL.Path, 1)
예제 #2
파일: etcd-top.go 프로젝트: w4ngyi/etcd-top
// processor tries to parse an http request or response from each packet,
// and if successful it records metrics about it in the loghisto metric
// system.  On successful parse of a response, it looks up a corresponding
// request so that it can record statistics about http verbs / individual
// paths being hit.
func processor(ms *loghisto.MetricSystem, packetsIn chan *pcap.Packet) {
	reqTimers := map[uint32]loghisto.TimerToken{}
	reqVerbTimers := map[uint32]loghisto.TimerToken{}
	globalTimers := map[uint32]loghisto.TimerToken{}
	reqVerb := map[uint32]string{}

	for pkt := range packetsIn {
		var token uint32
		req, reqErr := http.ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(pkt.Payload)))
		if reqErr == nil {
			token = (uint32(pkt.TCP.SrcPort) << 8) + uint32(pkt.TCP.DestPort)
			reqTimers[token] = ms.StartTimer("timer " + req.Method + " " + req.URL.Path)
			reqVerbTimers[token] = ms.StartTimer("verbtimer " + req.Method)
			globalTimers[token] = ms.StartTimer("globaltimer")
			ms.Histogram("size "+req.Method+" "+req.URL.Path, float64(req.ContentLength))
			ms.Counter(req.Method+" "+req.URL.Path, 1)
			reqVerb[token] = req.Method
		} else {
			res, resErr := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(pkt.Payload)), nil)
			if resErr != nil {
				// not a valid request or response
			ms.Histogram("globalsize", float64(res.ContentLength))
			token = (uint32(pkt.TCP.DestPort) << 8) + uint32(pkt.TCP.SrcPort)
			reqTimer, present := reqTimers[token]
			if present {
				delete(reqTimers, token)
			verbTimer, present := reqVerbTimers[token]
			if present {
				delete(reqVerbTimers, token)
			globalTimer, present := globalTimers[token]
			if present {
				delete(globalTimers, token)
			verb, present := reqVerb[token]
			if present {
				ms.Histogram("verbsize "+verb, float64(res.ContentLength))
				delete(reqVerb, token)