예제 #1
파일: main.go 프로젝트: VarLog/go-nano
func main() {
	fieldStrengthRange := [2]float32{1000, 1500}

	rand.Seed(420) // For debug

	field := &v.Vector3{}
	v.V3MakeFromElems(field, rand.Float32(), rand.Float32(), rand.Float32())
	v.V3ScalarMul(field, field, fieldStrengthRange[0])

	fmt.Printf("Field Strength %v\n", field)
	res, iterCount := nano.Calculate(field, dt, epsillon)

	fmt.Printf("Magnetization %v, Count of the iterations: %v\n", res, iterCount)

예제 #2
파일: nano.go 프로젝트: VarLog/go-nano
func Calculate(field *v.Vector3, dt, epsillon float32) (magnetization *v.Vector3, iterCount int) {

	//volume := (4. / 3.) * math.Pi * math.Pow(Radius, 3.)

	//anisotropyAxis := &v.Vector3{}
	//v.V3MakeFromElems(anisotropyAxis, rand.Float32(), rand.Float32(), rand.Float32())

	magnetization = &v.Vector3{}
	v.V3MakeFromElems(magnetization, rand.Float32(), rand.Float32(), rand.Float32())

	iterCount = 0

	for {
		v.V3Normalize(magnetization, magnetization)

		//fmt.Printf("magnetization %v\n", magnetization)

		fieldEffectiveAnisotropy := &v.Vector3{}
		fieldEffectiveAnisotropy.X = -Damping * magnetization.X
		fieldEffectiveAnisotropy.Y = -Damping * magnetization.Y
		fieldEffectiveAnisotropy.Z = 0.

		fieldEffective := &v.Vector3{}
		v.V3Add(fieldEffective, fieldEffectiveAnisotropy, field)

		fieldR := &v.Vector3{}
			vec := &v.Vector3{}
			v.V3Cross(vec, fieldEffective, magnetization)
			vec.X *= Damping
			vec.Y *= Damping
			vec.Z *= Damping
			v.V3Sub(fieldR, fieldEffective, vec)

		fieldM := fieldR.Length()

		v.V3Normalize(fieldR, fieldR)

		dte := (GyromagneticRatio * fieldM * dt) / (1 + float32(math.Pow(Damping, 2.)))

		res := &v.Vector3{}

			vec1 := &v.Vector3{}
			v.V3Copy(vec1, fieldR)

			dot := v.V3Dot(fieldR, magnetization)
			vec1.X *= dot
			vec1.Y *= dot
			vec1.Z *= dot

			dte2 := float32(math.Pow(float64(dte), 2.))

			vec1.X *= dte2
			vec1.Y *= dte2
			vec1.Z *= dte2

			vec2 := &v.Vector3{}
			v.V3Cross(vec2, fieldR, magnetization)

			vec2.X *= dte
			vec2.Y *= dte
			vec2.Z *= dte

			v.V3Add(res, magnetization, vec1)
			v.V3Add(res, res, vec2)

			c := 1. / (1. + (dte2 * fieldR.LengthSqr()))

			res.X *= c
			res.Y *= c
			res.Z *= c

			v.V3Normalize(res, res)

			vec := &v.Vector3{}
			v.V3Cross(vec, res, magnetization)
			dot := v.V3Dot(res, magnetization)

			fmt.Printf("res - magnetization %v\n", vec.Length())
			fmt.Printf("res - magnetization %v\n", dot)
		magnetization = res

			v.V3Normalize(fieldEffective, fieldEffective)
			vec := &v.Vector3{}
			v.V3Cross(vec, magnetization, fieldEffective)

			fmt.Printf("Diff %v\n", vec.Length())
			if vec.Length() <= epsillon {

