예제 #1
func (c Client) Update(id string, params *stripe.CouponParams) (*stripe.Coupon, error) {
	body := &stripe.RequestValues{}


	coupon := &stripe.Coupon{}
	err := c.B.Call("POST", "/coupons/"+url.QueryEscape(id), c.Key, body, &params.Params, coupon)

	return coupon, err
예제 #2
func (c Client) Get(id string, params *stripe.CouponParams) (*stripe.Coupon, error) {
	var body *stripe.RequestValues
	var commonParams *stripe.Params

	if params != nil {
		commonParams = &params.Params
		body = &stripe.RequestValues{}

	coupon := &stripe.Coupon{}

	err := c.B.Call("GET", "/coupons/"+url.QueryEscape(id), c.Key, body, commonParams, coupon)

	return coupon, err
예제 #3
func (c Client) New(params *stripe.CouponParams) (*stripe.Coupon, error) {
	// TODO: this doesn't check that the params are not nil.

	body := &url.Values{
		"duration": {string(params.Duration)},

	if len(params.ID) > 0 {
		body.Add("id", params.ID)

	if params.Percent > 0 {
		body.Add("percent_off", strconv.FormatUint(params.Percent, 10))
	} else if params.Amount > 0 {
		body.Add("amount_off", strconv.FormatUint(params.Amount, 10))
		body.Add("currency", string(params.Currency))
	} else {
		err := errors.New("Invalid coupon params: either amount and currency or percent need to be set")
		return nil, err

	if params.Duration == Repeating {
		body.Add("duration_in_months", strconv.FormatUint(params.DurationPeriod, 10))

	if params.Redemptions > 0 {
		body.Add("max_redemptions", strconv.FormatUint(params.Redemptions, 10))

	if params.RedeemBy > 0 {
		body.Add("redeem_by", strconv.FormatInt(params.RedeemBy, 10))


	coupon := &stripe.Coupon{}

	err := c.B.Call("POST", "/coupons", c.Key, body, &params.Params, coupon)

	return coupon, err