예제 #1
func TestListDropFolder(t *testing.T) {
	ldb, err := leveldb.Open(storage.NewMemStorage(), nil)
	if err != nil {

	s0 := db.NewFileSet("test0", ldb)
	local1 := []protocol.FileInfo{
		{Name: "a", Version: protocol.Vector{{ID: myID, Value: 1000}}},
		{Name: "b", Version: protocol.Vector{{ID: myID, Value: 1000}}},
		{Name: "c", Version: protocol.Vector{{ID: myID, Value: 1000}}},
	s0.Replace(protocol.LocalDeviceID, local1)

	s1 := db.NewFileSet("test1", ldb)
	local2 := []protocol.FileInfo{
		{Name: "d", Version: protocol.Vector{{ID: myID, Value: 1002}}},
		{Name: "e", Version: protocol.Vector{{ID: myID, Value: 1002}}},
		{Name: "f", Version: protocol.Vector{{ID: myID, Value: 1002}}},
	s1.Replace(remoteDevice0, local2)

	// Check that we have both folders and their data is in the global list

	expectedFolderList := []string{"test0", "test1"}
	if actualFolderList := db.ListFolders(ldb); !reflect.DeepEqual(actualFolderList, expectedFolderList) {
		t.Fatalf("FolderList mismatch\nE: %v\nA: %v", expectedFolderList, actualFolderList)
	if l := len(globalList(s0)); l != 3 {
		t.Errorf("Incorrect global length %d != 3 for s0", l)
	if l := len(globalList(s1)); l != 3 {
		t.Errorf("Incorrect global length %d != 3 for s1", l)

	// Drop one of them and check that it's gone.

	db.DropFolder(ldb, "test1")

	expectedFolderList = []string{"test0"}
	if actualFolderList := db.ListFolders(ldb); !reflect.DeepEqual(actualFolderList, expectedFolderList) {
		t.Fatalf("FolderList mismatch\nE: %v\nA: %v", expectedFolderList, actualFolderList)
	if l := len(globalList(s0)); l != 3 {
		t.Errorf("Incorrect global length %d != 3 for s0", l)
	if l := len(globalList(s1)); l != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Incorrect global length %d != 0 for s1", l)
예제 #2
파일: main.go 프로젝트: beride/syncthing
func syncthingMain() {
	// Create a main service manager. We'll add things to this as we go along.
	// We want any logging it does to go through our log system.
	mainSvc := suture.New("main", suture.Spec{
		Log: func(line string) {
			if debugSuture {

	// Set a log prefix similar to the ID we will have later on, or early log
	// lines look ugly.
	l.SetPrefix("[start] ")

	if auditEnabled {

	if verbose {

	// Event subscription for the API; must start early to catch the early events.
	apiSub := events.NewBufferedSubscription(events.Default.Subscribe(events.AllEvents), 1000)

	if len(os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS")) == 0 {

	// Ensure that that we have a certificate and key.
	cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(locations[locCertFile], locations[locKeyFile])
	if err != nil {
		cert, err = newCertificate(locations[locCertFile], locations[locKeyFile], tlsDefaultCommonName)
		if err != nil {
			l.Fatalln("load cert:", err)

	// We reinitialize the predictable RNG with our device ID, to get a
	// sequence that is always the same but unique to this syncthing instance.

	myID = protocol.NewDeviceID(cert.Certificate[0])
	l.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", myID.String()[:5]))

	l.Infoln("My ID:", myID)

	// Emit the Starting event, now that we know who we are.

	events.Default.Log(events.Starting, map[string]string{
		"home": baseDirs["config"],
		"myID": myID.String(),

	// Prepare to be able to save configuration

	cfgFile := locations[locConfigFile]

	var myName string

	// Load the configuration file, if it exists.
	// If it does not, create a template.

	if info, err := os.Stat(cfgFile); err == nil {
		if !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
			l.Fatalln("Config file is not a file?")
		cfg, err = config.Load(cfgFile, myID)
		if err == nil {
			myCfg := cfg.Devices()[myID]
			if myCfg.Name == "" {
				myName, _ = os.Hostname()
			} else {
				myName = myCfg.Name
		} else {
			l.Fatalln("Configuration:", err)
	} else {
		l.Infoln("No config file; starting with empty defaults")
		myName, _ = os.Hostname()
		newCfg := defaultConfig(myName)
		cfg = config.Wrap(cfgFile, newCfg)
		l.Infof("Edit %s to taste or use the GUI\n", cfgFile)

	if cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion != config.CurrentVersion {
		l.Infoln("Archiving a copy of old config file format")
		// Archive a copy
		osutil.Rename(cfgFile, cfgFile+fmt.Sprintf(".v%d", cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion))
		// Save the new version

	if err := checkShortIDs(cfg); err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Short device IDs are in conflict. Unlucky!\n  Regenerate the device ID of one if the following:\n  ", err)

	if len(profiler) > 0 {
		go func() {
			l.Debugln("Starting profiler on", profiler)
			err := http.ListenAndServe(profiler, nil)
			if err != nil {

	// The TLS configuration is used for both the listening socket and outgoing
	// connections.

	tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
		Certificates:           []tls.Certificate{cert},
		NextProtos:             []string{bepProtocolName},
		ClientAuth:             tls.RequestClientCert,
		SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
		InsecureSkipVerify:     true,
		MinVersion:             tls.VersionTLS12,
		CipherSuites: []uint16{

	// If the read or write rate should be limited, set up a rate limiter for it.
	// This will be used on connections created in the connect and listen routines.

	opts := cfg.Options()

	if !opts.SymlinksEnabled {
		symlinks.Supported = false

	protocol.PingTimeout = time.Duration(opts.PingTimeoutS) * time.Second
	protocol.PingIdleTime = time.Duration(opts.PingIdleTimeS) * time.Second

	if opts.MaxSendKbps > 0 {
		writeRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1000*opts.MaxSendKbps), int64(5*1000*opts.MaxSendKbps))
	if opts.MaxRecvKbps > 0 {
		readRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1000*opts.MaxRecvKbps), int64(5*1000*opts.MaxRecvKbps))

	if (opts.MaxRecvKbps > 0 || opts.MaxSendKbps > 0) && !opts.LimitBandwidthInLan {
		lans, _ = osutil.GetLans()
		networks := make([]string, 0, len(lans))
		for _, lan := range lans {
			networks = append(networks, lan.String())
		l.Infoln("Local networks:", strings.Join(networks, ", "))

	dbFile := locations[locDatabase]
	ldb, err := leveldb.OpenFile(dbFile, dbOpts())
	if err != nil && errors.IsCorrupted(err) {
		ldb, err = leveldb.RecoverFile(dbFile, dbOpts())
	if err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Cannot open database:", err, "- Is another copy of Syncthing already running?")

	// Remove database entries for folders that no longer exist in the config
	folders := cfg.Folders()
	for _, folder := range db.ListFolders(ldb) {
		if _, ok := folders[folder]; !ok {
			l.Infof("Cleaning data for dropped folder %q", folder)
			db.DropFolder(ldb, folder)

	m := model.NewModel(cfg, myID, myName, "syncthing", Version, ldb)

	if t := os.Getenv("STDEADLOCKTIMEOUT"); len(t) > 0 {
		it, err := strconv.Atoi(t)
		if err == nil {
			m.StartDeadlockDetector(time.Duration(it) * time.Second)
	} else if !IsRelease || IsBeta {
		m.StartDeadlockDetector(20 * 60 * time.Second)

	// Clear out old indexes for other devices. Otherwise we'll start up and
	// start needing a bunch of files which are nowhere to be found. This
	// needs to be changed when we correctly do persistent indexes.
	for _, folderCfg := range cfg.Folders() {
		for _, device := range folderCfg.DeviceIDs() {
			if device == myID {
			m.Index(device, folderCfg.ID, nil, 0, nil)
		// Routine to pull blocks from other devices to synchronize the local
		// folder. Does not run when we are in read only (publish only) mode.
		if folderCfg.ReadOnly {
			l.Okf("Ready to synchronize %s (read only; no external updates accepted)", folderCfg.ID)
		} else {
			l.Okf("Ready to synchronize %s (read-write)", folderCfg.ID)


	// GUI

	setupGUI(mainSvc, cfg, m, apiSub)

	// The default port we announce, possibly modified by setupUPnP next.

	addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", opts.ListenAddress[0])
	if err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Bad listen address:", err)

	// Start discovery

	localPort := addr.Port
	discoverer = discovery(localPort)

	// Start UPnP. The UPnP service will restart global discovery if the
	// external port changes.

	if opts.UPnPEnabled {
		upnpSvc := newUPnPSvc(cfg, localPort)

	connectionSvc := newConnectionSvc(cfg, myID, m, tlsCfg)

	if cpuProfile {
		f, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("cpu-%d.pprof", os.Getpid()))
		if err != nil {
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

	for _, device := range cfg.Devices() {
		if len(device.Name) > 0 {
			l.Infof("Device %s is %q at %v", device.DeviceID, device.Name, device.Addresses)

	if opts.URAccepted > 0 && opts.URAccepted < usageReportVersion {
		l.Infoln("Anonymous usage report has changed; revoking acceptance")
		opts.URAccepted = 0
		opts.URUniqueID = ""
	if opts.URAccepted >= usageReportVersion {
		if opts.URUniqueID == "" {
			// Previously the ID was generated from the node ID. We now need
			// to generate a new one.
			opts.URUniqueID = randomString(8)

	// The usageReportingManager registers itself to listen to configuration
	// changes, and there's nothing more we need to tell it from the outside.
	// Hence we don't keep the returned pointer.
	newUsageReportingManager(m, cfg)

	if opts.RestartOnWakeup {
		go standbyMonitor()

	if opts.AutoUpgradeIntervalH > 0 {
		if noUpgrade {
			l.Infof("No automatic upgrades; STNOUPGRADE environment variable defined.")
		} else if IsRelease {
			go autoUpgrade()
		} else {
			l.Infof("No automatic upgrades; %s is not a release version.", Version)

	events.Default.Log(events.StartupComplete, map[string]string{
		"myID": myID.String(),
	go generatePingEvents()


	code := <-stop


예제 #3
파일: main.go 프로젝트: qbit/syncthing
func syncthingMain() {
	var err error

	if len(os.Getenv("GOGC")) == 0 {

	if len(os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS")) == 0 {

	events.Default.Log(events.Starting, map[string]string{"home": confDir})

	// Ensure that that we have a certificate and key.
	cert, err = loadCert(confDir, "")
	if err != nil {
		newCertificate(confDir, "", tlsDefaultCommonName)
		cert, err = loadCert(confDir, "")
		if err != nil {
			l.Fatalln("load cert:", err)

	// We reinitialize the predictable RNG with our device ID, to get a
	// sequence that is always the same but unique to this syncthing instance.

	myID = protocol.NewDeviceID(cert.Certificate[0])
	l.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", myID.String()[:5]))

	l.Infoln("My ID:", myID)

	// Prepare to be able to save configuration

	cfgFile := filepath.Join(confDir, "config.xml")

	var myName string

	// Load the configuration file, if it exists.
	// If it does not, create a template.

	if info, err := os.Stat(cfgFile); err == nil {
		if !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
			l.Fatalln("Config file is not a file?")
		cfg, err = config.Load(cfgFile, myID)
		if err == nil {
			myCfg := cfg.Devices()[myID]
			if myCfg.Name == "" {
				myName, _ = os.Hostname()
			} else {
				myName = myCfg.Name
		} else {
			l.Fatalln("Configuration:", err)
	} else {
		l.Infoln("No config file; starting with empty defaults")
		myName, _ = os.Hostname()
		newCfg := defaultConfig(myName)
		cfg = config.Wrap(cfgFile, newCfg)
		l.Infof("Edit %s to taste or use the GUI\n", cfgFile)

	if cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion != config.CurrentVersion {
		l.Infoln("Archiving a copy of old config file format")
		// Archive a copy
		osutil.Rename(cfgFile, cfgFile+fmt.Sprintf(".v%d", cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion))
		// Save the new version

	if len(profiler) > 0 {
		go func() {
			l.Debugln("Starting profiler on", profiler)
			err := http.ListenAndServe(profiler, nil)
			if err != nil {

	// The TLS configuration is used for both the listening socket and outgoing
	// connections.

	tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
		Certificates:           []tls.Certificate{cert},
		NextProtos:             []string{"bep/1.0"},
		ClientAuth:             tls.RequestClientCert,
		SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
		InsecureSkipVerify:     true,
		MinVersion:             tls.VersionTLS12,
		CipherSuites: []uint16{

	// If the read or write rate should be limited, set up a rate limiter for it.
	// This will be used on connections created in the connect and listen routines.

	opts := cfg.Options()

	if !opts.SymlinksEnabled {
		symlinks.Supported = false

	if opts.MaxSendKbps > 0 {
		writeRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1000*opts.MaxSendKbps), int64(5*1000*opts.MaxSendKbps))
	if opts.MaxRecvKbps > 0 {
		readRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1000*opts.MaxRecvKbps), int64(5*1000*opts.MaxRecvKbps))

	ldb, err := leveldb.OpenFile(filepath.Join(confDir, "index"), &opt.Options{OpenFilesCacheCapacity: 100})
	if err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Cannot open database:", err, "- Is another copy of Syncthing already running?")

	// Remove database entries for folders that no longer exist in the config
	folders := cfg.Folders()
	for _, folder := range db.ListFolders(ldb) {
		if _, ok := folders[folder]; !ok {
			l.Infof("Cleaning data for dropped folder %q", folder)
			db.DropFolder(ldb, folder)

	m := model.NewModel(cfg, myName, "syncthing", Version, ldb)

	sanityCheckFolders(cfg, m)

	// GUI

	setupGUI(cfg, m)

	// Clear out old indexes for other devices. Otherwise we'll start up and
	// start needing a bunch of files which are nowhere to be found. This
	// needs to be changed when we correctly do persistent indexes.
	for _, folderCfg := range cfg.Folders() {
		if folderCfg.Invalid != "" {
		for _, device := range folderCfg.DeviceIDs() {
			if device == myID {
			m.Index(device, folderCfg.ID, nil)

	// The default port we announce, possibly modified by setupUPnP next.

	addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", opts.ListenAddress[0])
	if err != nil {
		l.Fatalln("Bad listen address:", err)
	externalPort = addr.Port

	// UPnP
	igd = nil

	if opts.UPnPEnabled {

	// Routine to connect out to configured devices
	discoverer = discovery(externalPort)
	go listenConnect(myID, m, tlsCfg)

	for _, folder := range cfg.Folders() {
		if folder.Invalid != "" {

		// Routine to pull blocks from other devices to synchronize the local
		// folder. Does not run when we are in read only (publish only) mode.
		if folder.ReadOnly {
			l.Okf("Ready to synchronize %s (read only; no external updates accepted)", folder.ID)
		} else {
			l.Okf("Ready to synchronize %s (read-write)", folder.ID)

	if cpuProfile {
		f, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("cpu-%d.pprof", os.Getpid()))
		if err != nil {
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

	for _, device := range cfg.Devices() {
		if len(device.Name) > 0 {
			l.Infof("Device %s is %q at %v", device.DeviceID, device.Name, device.Addresses)

	if opts.URAccepted > 0 && opts.URAccepted < usageReportVersion {
		l.Infoln("Anonymous usage report has changed; revoking acceptance")
		opts.URAccepted = 0
		opts.URUniqueID = ""
	if opts.URAccepted >= usageReportVersion {
		if opts.URUniqueID == "" {
			// Previously the ID was generated from the node ID. We now need
			// to generate a new one.
			opts.URUniqueID = randomString(8)
		go usageReportingLoop(m)
		go func() {
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute)
			err := sendUsageReport(m)
			if err != nil {
				l.Infoln("Usage report:", err)

	if opts.RestartOnWakeup {
		go standbyMonitor()

	if opts.AutoUpgradeIntervalH > 0 {
		if noUpgrade {
			l.Infof("No automatic upgrades; STNOUPGRADE environment variable defined.")
		} else if IsRelease {
			go autoUpgrade()
		} else {
			l.Infof("No automatic upgrades; %s is not a relase version.", Version)

	events.Default.Log(events.StartupComplete, nil)
	go generateEvents()

	code := <-stop
