func main() { c := clif.New("My App", "1.0.0", "An example application"). New("hello", "The obligatory hello world", func(out clif.Output) { out.Printf("Hello World\n") }) c.Run() }
func main() { // init cli app cli := clif.New("my-app", "Demo for using config", "1.2.3").SetDescription(description) // add a default option, which registers a new object in the injection container cli.AddDefaultOptions( clif.NewOption("config", "c", "Path to config", "fixtures/config.json", true, false).SetSetup(func(name, value string) (string, error) { conf := &MyConfig{make(map[string]string)} if raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(value); err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not read config file %s: %s", value, err) } else if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &conf.Data); err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not unmarshal config file %s: %s", value, err) } else if _, ok := conf.Data["name"]; !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("Config %s is missing \"name\"", value) } else { cli.Register(conf) return value, nil } }), ) // add command which uses the late injected configf cli.Add(clif.NewCommand("xxx", "Call xxx", func(c *clif.Command, foo *MyConfig, out clif.Output) { out.Printf("Hello there: <success>%s<reset>\n", foo.Data["name"]) })) // add another ocmmand, using the config as well cli.Add(clif.NewCommand("yyy", "Call yyy", func(c *clif.Command, foo *MyConfig, out clif.Output) { out.Printf("Hello there: <success>%s<reset>\n", foo.Data["name"]) })) cli.Run() }
func main() { cli := clif.New("my-app", "My kewl App", "0.8.5") cmd := clif.NewCommand("call", "Call me", callMe) cli.Add(cmd) cli.Register(new(MyBaz)). RegisterAs(reflect.TypeOf((*MyFoo)(nil)).Elem().String(), new(MyBar)) cli.Run() }
func main() { setStyle(os.Getenv("CLI_STYLE"), nil) // extend output styles clif.DefaultStyles["mine"] = "\033[32;1m" // initialize the app with custom registered objects in the injection container c := clif.New("My App", "1.0.0", "An example application"). Register(&exampleStruct{"bar1"}). RegisterAs(reflect.TypeOf((*exampleInterface)(nil)).Elem().String(), &exampleStruct{"bar2"}). New("hello", "The obligatory hello world", callHello) styleArg := clif.NewArgument("style", "Name of a style. Available: default, sunburn, winter", "default", true, false). SetParse(func(name, value string) (string, error) { setStyle(value, c); return value, nil }) c.Add(clif.NewCommand("styles", "Print all color style tokens", callStyles).AddArgument(styleArg)) // customize error handler clif.Die = func(msg string, args ...interface{}) { c.Output().Printf("<error>Everyting went wrong: %s<reset>\n\n", fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)) clif.Exit(1) } // build & add a complex command cmd := clif.NewCommand("foo", "It does foo", callFoo). NewArgument("name", "Name for greeting", "", true, false). NewArgument("more-names", "And more names for greeting", "", false, true). NewOption("whatever", "w", "Some required option", "", true, false) cnt := clif.NewOption("counter", "c", "Show how high you can count", "", false, false) cnt.SetParse(clif.IsInt) cmd.AddOption(cnt) c.Add(cmd) cb := func(c *clif.Command, out clif.Output) { out.Printf("Called %s\n", c.Name) } c.New("bar:baz", "A grouped command", cb). New("bar:zoing", "Another grouped command", cb). New("hmm:huh", "Yet another grouped command", cb). New("hmm:uhm", "And yet another grouped command", cb) // execute the main loop c.Run() }
func main() { clif.New("inputter", "0.1.0", "Input example"). New("in", "Test input", callIn). Run() }
func main() { clif.New("My App", "1.0.0", "An example application"). New("ls", "", func() { out, _ := exec.Command("ls", "-lha").Output(); fmt.Println(string(out)) }). New("ps", "", func() { out, _ := exec.Command("ps", "-auxf").Output(); fmt.Println(string(out)) }). Run() }