func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "envaws" app.Version = "0.1.0dev" app.Usage = `AWS access key manager Help you to export environment variables and unset them easily. e.g) To export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for default profile $ eval $(envaws env default) To unset them $ eval $(envaws unset)` app.Commands = []cli.Command{ cli.Command{ Name: "ls", Usage: "List available profiles in ~/.aws/credentials", Flags: []cli.Flag{}, Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) { listProfiles() }, }, cli.Command{ Name: "env", Usage: "Print keys as environtment variables for profile", Args: "<profile>", Flags: []cli.Flag{}, Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) { profile, _ := ctx.ArgFor("profile") sec := loadParams(profile) formatEnv(sec, ctx.String("format")) }, }, cli.Command{ Name: "unset", Usage: "Print commands to unset environtment variables for AWS_*", Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) { unset() }, }, cli.Command{ Name: "tf", Args: "<profile>", Usage: "Print keys as terraform variable definition for profile", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "format,f", Value: "var", Usage: "option,env,var,export"}, }, Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) { profile, _ := ctx.ArgFor("profile") sec := loadParams(profile) formatTf(sec, ctx.String("format")) }, }, } app.Run(os.Args) }
func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "kii-cli" app.Usage = "KiiCloud command line interface" app.Version = "0.1.7" app.Commands = []cli.Command{ cli.Command{ Name: "auth", Usage: "Authentication", Subcommands: kiicli.LoginCommands, }, cli.Command{ Name: "app", Usage: "Application management", Subcommands: kiicli.AppCommands, }, kiicli.LogCommands[0], cli.Command{ Name: "servercode", Usage: "Server code management", Subcommands: kiicli.ServerCodeCommands, }, cli.Command{ Name: "user", Usage: "User management", Subcommands: kiicli.UserCommands, }, cli.Command{ Name: "bucket", Usage: "Bucket management", Subcommands: kiicli.BucketCommands, }, cli.Command{ Name: "object", Usage: "Object management", Subcommands: kiicli.ObjectCommands, }, cli.Command{ Name: "dev", Usage: "Development support", Subcommands: kiicli.WSEchoCommands, }, cli.Command{ Name: "profile", Usage: "Profile management", Subcommands: kiicli.ProfileCommands, }, } if os.Getenv("FLAT") != "" { app.Commands = kiicli.Flatten(app.Commands) } kiicli.SetupFlags(app) app.Run(os.Args) }