예제 #1
func (krc *keyRegionCache) put(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) []hrpc.RegionInfo {
	defer krc.m.Unlock()

	// Remove all the entries that are overlap with the range of the new region.
	os := krc.getOverlaps(reg)
	for _, o := range os {

	krc.regions.Put(reg.Name(), func(interface{}, bool) (interface{}, bool) {
		return reg, true
	return os
예제 #2
func (krc *keyRegionCache) getOverlaps(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) []hrpc.RegionInfo {
	var overlaps []hrpc.RegionInfo
	var v interface{}
	var err error

	// deal with empty tree in the beginning so that we don't have to check
	// EOF errors for enum later
	if krc.regions.Len() == 0 {
		return overlaps

	enum, ok := krc.regions.Seek(reg.Name())
	if !ok {
		// need to check if there are overlaps before what we found
		_, _, err = enum.Prev()
		if err == io.EOF {
			// we are in the end of tree, get last entry
			_, v = krc.regions.Last()
			currReg := v.(hrpc.RegionInfo)
			if isRegionOverlap(currReg, reg) {
				return append(overlaps, currReg)
		} else {
			_, v, err = enum.Next()
			if err == io.EOF {
				// we are before the beginning of the tree now, get new enum
				enum, err = krc.regions.SeekFirst()
			} else {
				// otherwise, check for overlap before us
				currReg := v.(hrpc.RegionInfo)
				if isRegionOverlap(currReg, reg) {
					overlaps = append(overlaps, currReg)

	// now append all regions that overlap until the end of the tree
	// or until they don't overlap
	_, v, err = enum.Next()
	for err == nil && isRegionOverlap(v.(hrpc.RegionInfo), reg) {
		overlaps = append(overlaps, v.(hrpc.RegionInfo))
		_, v, err = enum.Next()
	return overlaps
예제 #3
func (c *client) waitOnRegion(rpc hrpc.Call, reg hrpc.RegionInfo) (proto.Message, error) {
	ch := reg.AvailabilityChan()
	if ch == nil {
		// WTF, this region is available? Maybe it was marked as such
		// since waitOnRegion was called.
		return c.sendRPC(rpc)
	// The region is unavailable. Wait for it to become available,
	// or for the deadline to be exceeded.
	select {
	case <-ch:
		return c.sendRPC(rpc)
	case <-rpc.Context().Done():
		return nil, ErrDeadline
예제 #4
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) clientDown(reg hrpc.RegionInfo) []hrpc.RegionInfo {
	defer rcc.m.Unlock()

	var downregions []hrpc.RegionInfo
	c := reg.Client()
	for _, sharedReg := range rcc.regions[c] {
		succ := sharedReg.MarkUnavailable()
		if succ {
			downregions = append(downregions, sharedReg)
	delete(rcc.regions, c)
	return downregions
예제 #5
func (rcc *clientRegionCache) del(r hrpc.RegionInfo) {
	defer rcc.m.Unlock()

	c := r.Client()
	if c != nil {

		var index int
		for i, reg := range rcc.regions[c] {
			if reg == r {
				index = i
		rcc.regions[c] = append(
예제 #6
func (c *client) establishRegion(originalReg hrpc.RegionInfo, host string, port uint16) {
	var err error
	reg := originalReg
	backoff := backoffStart

	for {
		ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), regionLookupTimeout)
		if port != 0 && err == nil {
			// If this isn't the admin or meta region, check if a client
			// for this host/port already exists
			if c.clientType != adminClient && reg != c.metaRegionInfo {
				client := c.clients.checkForClient(host, port)
				if client != nil {
					// There's already a client, add it to the
					// region and mark it as available.
					c.clients.put(client, reg)
			// Make this channel buffered so that if we time out we don't
			// block the newRegion goroutine forever.
			ch := make(chan newRegResult, 1)
			var clientType region.ClientType
			if c.clientType == standardClient {
				clientType = region.RegionClient
			} else {
				clientType = region.MasterClient
			go newRegionClient(ctx, ch, clientType, host, port, c.rpcQueueSize, c.flushInterval)

			select {
			case res := <-ch:
				if res.Err == nil {
					if c.clientType != adminClient && reg != c.metaRegionInfo {
						// put will set region client so that as soon as we add
						// it to the key->region mapping, concurrent readers are
						// able to find the client
						c.clients.put(res.Client, reg)
						if reg != originalReg {
							removed := c.regions.put(reg)
							for _, r := range removed {
				} else {
					err = res.Err
			case <-ctx.Done():
				err = ErrDeadline
		if err != nil {
			if err == TableNotFound {
			// This will be hit if either there was an error locating the
			// region, or the region was located but there was an error
			// connecting to it.
			backoff, err = sleepAndIncreaseBackoff(ctx, backoff)
			if err != nil {
		if c.clientType == adminClient {
			host, port, err = c.zkLookup(ctx, c.master)
		} else if reg == c.metaRegionInfo {
			host, port, err = c.zkLookup(ctx, c.meta)
		} else {
			reg, host, port, err = c.locateRegion(ctx, originalReg.Table(),
예제 #7
func (c *client) sendRPCToRegion(rpc hrpc.Call, reg hrpc.RegionInfo) (proto.Message, error) {
	client := reg.Client()
	// On the first sendRPC to the meta or admin regions, a goroutine must be
	// manually kicked off for the meta or admin region client
	if reg == c.adminRegionInfo && client == nil && !c.adminRegionInfo.IsUnavailable() ||
		reg == c.metaRegionInfo && client == nil && !c.metaRegionInfo.IsUnavailable() {
		if reg.MarkUnavailable() {
			go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
	// The region was in the cache, check
	// if the region is marked as available
	if reg.IsUnavailable() {
		return c.waitOnRegion(rpc, reg)


	// Queue the RPC to be sent to the region
	var err error
	if client == nil {
		err = errors.New("no client for this region")
	} else {
		err = client.QueueRPC(rpc)

	if err != nil {
		// There was an error queueing the RPC.
		// Mark the region as unavailable.
		first := reg.MarkUnavailable()
		// If this was the first goroutine to mark the region as
		// unavailable, start a goroutine to reestablish a connection
		if first {
			go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
		// Block until the region becomes available.
		return c.waitOnRegion(rpc, reg)

	// Wait for the response
	var res hrpc.RPCResult
	select {
	case res = <-rpc.ResultChan():
	case <-rpc.Context().Done():
		return nil, ErrDeadline

	// Check for errors
	if _, ok := res.Error.(region.RetryableError); ok {
		// There's an error specific to this region, but
		// our region client is fine. Mark this region as
		// unavailable (as opposed to all regions sharing
		// the client), and start a goroutine to reestablish
		// it.
		first := reg.MarkUnavailable()
		if first {
			go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
		if reg != c.metaRegionInfo && reg != c.adminRegionInfo {
			// The client won't be in the cache if this is the
			// meta or admin region
		return c.waitOnRegion(rpc, reg)
	} else if _, ok := res.Error.(region.UnrecoverableError); ok {
		// If it was an unrecoverable error, the region client is
		// considered dead.
		if reg == c.metaRegionInfo || reg == c.adminRegionInfo {
			// If this is the admin client or the meta table, mark the
			// region as unavailable and start up a goroutine to
			// reconnect if it wasn't already marked as such.
			first := reg.MarkUnavailable()
			if first {
				go c.reestablishRegion(reg)
		} else {
			// Else this is a normal region. Mark all the regions
			// sharing this region's client as unavailable, and start
			// a goroutine to reconnect for each of them.
			downregions := c.clients.clientDown(reg)
			for _, downreg := range downregions {
				go c.reestablishRegion(downreg)

		// Fall through to the case of the region being unavailable,
		// which will result in blocking until it's available again.
		return c.waitOnRegion(rpc, reg)
	} else {
		// RPC was successfully sent, or an unknown type of error
		// occurred. In either case, return the results.
		return res.Msg, res.Error
예제 #8
func isRegionOverlap(regA, regB hrpc.RegionInfo) bool {
	return bytes.Equal(regA.Table(), regB.Table()) &&
		bytes.Compare(regA.StartKey(), regB.StopKey()) < 0 &&
		bytes.Compare(regA.StopKey(), regB.StartKey()) > 0