예제 #1
파일: main.go 프로젝트: Richardphp/noms
func main() {
	// use [from/to/by] or [from/iterations]
	nFrom := flag.Uint64("from", 1e2, "start iterations from this number")
	nTo := flag.Uint64("to", 1e4, "run iterations until arriving at this number")
	nBy := flag.Uint64("by", 1, "increment each iteration by this number")
	nIncrements := flag.Uint64("iterations", 0, "number of iterations to execute")
	encodingType := flag.String("encoding", "string", "encode/decode as 'string', 'binary', 'binary-int', 'binary-varint'")

	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", os.Args[0])

	t0 := time.Now()
	nBytes := uint64(0)
	nIterations := uint64(0)

	encoderDecoder := getEncoder(*encodingType)
	startingLoop := newBigFloat(*nFrom)

	var endLoop *big.Float
	var incrementer *big.Float

	if *nIncrements > 0 {
		// using from/iterations flags
		fmt.Printf("encoding: %v from: %v iterations: %v\n", *encodingType, *nFrom, *nIncrements)

		incrementer = newBigFloat(1)
		n := newBigFloat(*nIncrements)
		endLoop = n.Add(n, startingLoop)
	} else {
		// using from/to/by flags
		fmt.Printf("encoding: %v from: %v to: %v by: %v\n", *encodingType, *nFrom, *nTo, *nBy)
		incrementer = newBigFloat(*nBy)
		endLoop = newBigFloat(*nTo)

	for i := startingLoop; i.Cmp(endLoop) < 0; i = i.Add(i, incrementer) {
		nBytes += runTest(encoderDecoder, i)

	t1 := time.Now()
	d := t1.Sub(t0)
	fmt.Printf("IO  %s (%v nums) in %s (%s/s)\n", humanize.Bytes(nBytes), humanize.Comma(int64(nIterations)), d, humanize.Bytes(uint64(float64(nBytes)/d.Seconds())))
예제 #2
파일: main.go 프로젝트: Richardphp/noms

	flag "github.com/tsuru/gnuflag"

var (
	count    = flag.Uint64("count", 100000, "number of elements")
	blobSize = flag.Uint64("blobsize", 2<<24 /* 32MB */, "size of blob of create")

const numberSize = uint64(8)
const strPrefix = "i am a 32 bytes.....%12d"
const stringSize = uint64(32)
const boolSize = uint64(1)
const structSize = uint64(64)

func main() {

	buildCount := *count
	insertCount := buildCount / 50