func init() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) util.FlagUse("cpu") util.FlagParse("database-path frag-lib-dir query-pdb-file "+ "[query-pdb-file ...]", "") util.AssertLeastNArg(2) }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&flagChain, "chain", flagChain, "When set, only this chain will be tested for a correspondence. "+ "Otherwise, all chains will be tested.") util.FlagParse("pdb-file", "") util.AssertNArg(1) }
func init() { flag.BoolVar(&flagQuiet, "quiet", flagQuiet, "When set, hhblits/hhmake output will be hidden.") util.FlagUse("seq-db") util.FlagParse("in-fasta-file out-hhm-file", "") util.AssertNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagParse( "out-file matrix-file [ matrix-file ... ]", "Combines the input matrices into a 'best-of-all' matrix by\n"+ "using the best (lowest) SAS score for each pair. All given\n"+ "matrices must be exactly the same size.") util.AssertLeastNArg(2) }
func init() { flag.Float64Var(&flagRmsd, "rmsd", flagRmsd, "The RMSD cut-off to use to determine true positives.") util.FlagUse("pdb-dir") util.FlagParse("fmap-file", "") util.AssertNArg(1) }
func init() { util.FlagUse("cpu") util.FlagParse("frag-lib-dir chain pdb-file out-bow", "Computes and outputs a BOW file for the specified chain in the\n"+ "given PDB file. If 'out-bow' is '--', then a human readable\n"+ "version of the BOW will be printed to stdout instead.") util.AssertNArg(4) }
func init() { flag.IntVar(&flagRandoms, "n", flagRandoms, "The number of random permutations to use.") util.FlagUse("cpu", "cpuprof") util.FlagParse( "out-file vectors-csv 'comma-sep-cath-domains' ...", "Computes the probability that each cluster of cath domains is\n"+ "significantly different with respect to their Fragbag vectors.") util.AssertLeastNArg(3) }
func init() { flag.IntVar(&flagNum, "n", flagNum, "The number of PDB entries to echo.") flag.BoolVar(&flagPaths, "paths", flagPaths, "When set, full file paths will be echoed instead of PDB ids.") util.FlagUse("pdb-dir") util.FlagParse("", "") rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) }
func init() { flag.BoolVar(&flagPaths, "paths", flagPaths, "When set, the full path of each PDB chain identifier will be\n"+ "displayed, based on the value of the PDB_PATH environment\n"+ "variable.") util.FlagParse("pdb-select-file", "Given a file in the PDB Select format, output a list of PDB chain "+ "identifiers (one per line).") util.AssertNArg(1) }
func main() { flag.BoolVar(&flagAllFragments, "all-fragments", flagAllFragments, "When set, all fragments will be shown, even if the best fragment\n"+ "of each residue set is the same.") util.FlagParse( "fraglib align.{fasta,ali,a2m,a3m} out-csv", "Writes a CSV file to out-csv containing the best matching fragment\n"+ "for each pairwise contiguous set of residues between the\n"+ "first two proteins in the alignment.") util.AssertNArg(3) flib := util.SequenceLibrary(util.Arg(0)) aligned := util.MSA(util.Arg(1)) outcsv := util.CreateFile(util.Arg(2)) csvWriter := csv.NewWriter(outcsv) csvWriter.Comma = '\t' defer csvWriter.Flush() pf := func(record ...string) { util.Assert(csvWriter.Write(record), "Problem writing to '%s'", outcsv) } pf("start1", "end1", "start2", "end2", "frag1", "frag2", "rat1", "rat2") iter := newContiguous( flib.FragmentSize(), aligned.GetFasta(0), aligned.GetFasta(1)) for { best1 := flib.BestSequenceFragment(iter.res1) best2 := flib.BestSequenceFragment(iter.res2) if !flagAllFragments && best1 == best2 { continue } if best1 == -1 || best2 == -1 { continue } p1 := flib.AlignmentProb(best1, iter.res1) p2 := flib.AlignmentProb(best2, iter.res2) if p1.Distance(p2) > 0.14 { continue } pf( fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.s1()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.e1()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.s2()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.e2()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", best1), fmt.Sprintf("%d", best2), fmt.Sprintf("%f", p1), fmt.Sprintf("%f", p2), ) } }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&flagFragbag, "fragbag", "fragbag", "The old fragbag executable.") flag.BoolVar(&flagOldStyle, "oldstyle", false, "When true, PDB chains will be concatenated together as if they were "+ "one chain to compute a BOW vector.") util.FlagParse( "library-file brk-file pdb-file [pdb-file ...]", "Note that if the old library and the new library don't have the\n"+ "same number of fragments and the same fragment size, bad things\n"+ "will happen.\n") util.AssertLeastNArg(3) }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&flagInFmt, "infmt", flagInFmt, "Force the format of the input file. Legal values are fasta, "+ "stockholm, a2m and a3m.") flag.StringVar(&flagOutFmt, "outfmt", flagOutFmt, "Force the format of the output file. Legal values are fasta, "+ "stockholm, a2m and a3m.") util.FlagParse("in-msa out-msa", "Convert the format of an MSA file from 'in-msa' to 'out-msa'.\n"+ "The formats are auto detected from the file's extension, but\n"+ "they may be forced with the 'infmt' and 'outfmt' flags.") util.AssertNArg(2) }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&flagChain, "chain", flagChain, "This may be set to one or more chain identifiers. Only amino acids "+ "belonging to a chain specified will be included.") flag.StringVar(&flagSplit, "split", flagSplit, "When set, each FASTA entry produced will be written to a file in the "+ "specified directory with the PDB id code and chain identifier as "+ "the name.") util.FlagParse("in-pdb-file [out-fasta-file]", "") if util.NArg() != 1 && util.NArg() != 2 { util.Usage() } }
func main() { flag.BoolVar(&flagAllFragments, "all-fragments", flagAllFragments, "When set, all fragments will be shown, even if the best fragment\n"+ "of each ATOM set is the same.") util.FlagParse( "fraglib align.{fasta,ali,a2m,a3m} pdb-file out-csv", "Writes a CSV file to out-csv containing the best matching fragment\n"+ "for each pairwise contiguous set of alpha-carbon atoms of the\n"+ "first two proteins in the alignment and PDB file.") util.AssertNArg(4) flib := util.StructureLibrary(util.Arg(0)) aligned := util.MSA(util.Arg(1)) pentry := util.PDBRead(util.Arg(2)) outcsv := util.CreateFile(util.Arg(3)) csvWriter := csv.NewWriter(outcsv) csvWriter.Comma = '\t' defer csvWriter.Flush() pf := func(record ...string) { util.Assert(csvWriter.Write(record), "Problem writing to '%s'", outcsv) } pf("start1", "end1", "start2", "end2", "frag1", "frag2", "frag_rmsd") iter := newContiguous( flib.FragmentSize(), aligned.GetFasta(0), aligned.GetFasta(1), pentry.Chains[0], pentry.Chains[1]) for { best1 := flib.BestStructureFragment(iter.atoms1) best2 := flib.BestStructureFragment(iter.atoms2) if !flagAllFragments && best1 == best2 { continue } bestRmsd := structure.RMSD(flib.Atoms(best1), flib.Atoms(best2)) pf( fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.s1()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.e1()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.s2()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", iter.e2()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", best1), fmt.Sprintf("%d", best2), fmt.Sprintf("%f", bestRmsd), ) } }
func init() { flag.Float64Var(&flagThreshold, "threshold", flagThreshold, "The threshold at which to cut the tree.") flag.StringVar(&flagGobIt, "gobit", flagGobIt, "If set, alignment distances will be cached to the file given, "+ "then mattbench-cluster will quit.") util.FlagUse("cpu", "cpuprof", "verbose") util.FlagParse( "(astral-alignment-dir | alignment-distances-gob) dendrogram-tree "+ "out-clusters.csv", "Where `dendrogram-tree` is a file in Newick tree format.") if len(flagGobIt) > 0 { util.AssertNArg(1) } else { util.AssertNArg(3) } }
func init() { flag.Float64Var(&flagThreshold, "threshold", flagThreshold, "Set the distance threshold to use when computing AUC.") util.FlagUse("cpu", "cpuprof") util.FlagParse( "cath-domain-labels best-of-all-matrix"+ "(bowdb | matrix-file) out-file "+ "[ (bowdb | matrix-file) out-file ... ]", "Computes the AUC of each aligner matrix (or BOW database) given\n"+ "with respect to the 'best-of-all' matrix given. Each AUC is\n"+ "written to a separate out-file. The sizes of all matrices must\n"+ "be exactly equivalent.\n"+ "Files are interpreted as BOW databases if they have a '.bowdb'\n"+ "file extension.") util.AssertLeastNArg(4) if util.NArg()%2 != 0 { util.Fatalf("There must be an out file for each matrix or bowdb file.") } }
func init() { u := "pdb-file chain-id start stop pdb-file chain-id start stop" util.FlagParse(u, "") util.AssertNArg(8) }
func init() { util.FlagUse("cpu", "seq-db", "pdb-hhm-db", "blits", "hhfrag-min", "hhfrag-max", "hhfrag-inc") util.FlagParse("target-fasta out-fmap", "") util.AssertNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagParse("fasta-file", "Quickly count the number of sequences in a fasta file.") util.AssertNArg(1) }
func init() { util.FlagParse("fmap-file", "") util.AssertNArg(1) }
func init() { u := "fraglib pdb-file [ chain-id [ start stop ] ]" util.FlagParse(u, "") util.AssertLeastNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagParse("bow1 bow2", "") util.AssertNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagParse("fasta-file out-dir", "Split a single FASTA file into a set of files for each sequence.") util.AssertNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagParse("frag-lib-path output-file", "") util.AssertNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagUse("cpu", "seq-db", "pdb-hhm-db", "blits", "verbose", "hhfrag-min", "hhfrag-max", "hhfrag-inc") util.FlagParse("out-dir target-fasta", "") util.AssertLeastNArg(2) }
func init() { util.FlagUse("cpu") util.FlagParse("frag-lib-dir fmap-file out-bow", "") util.AssertNArg(3) }