func (zom *zookeeperOffsetManager) commitOffset(topic string, partition int32, tracker *partitionOffsetTracker, logger zap.Logger) error { err := tracker.commit(func(offset int64) error { if offset >= 0 { return, partition, offset+1) } else { return nil } }) if err != nil { logger.Warn("ZOOKEEPER: FAILED to commit offset", zap.Int64("highestProcessedOffset", tracker.highestProcessedOffset), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) } else if zom.config.VerboseLogging { logger.Debug("ZOOKEEPER: Committed offset", zap.Int64("lastCommittedOffset", tracker.lastCommittedOffset), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) } return err }
func (zom *zookeeperOffsetManager) FinalizePartition(topic string, partition int32, lastOffset int64, timeout time.Duration, replicaId int, logger zap.Logger) error { zom.l.RLock() tracker := zom.offsets[topic][partition] zom.l.RUnlock() if lastOffset >= 0 { if lastOffset-tracker.highestProcessedOffset > 0 { logger.Info("ZOOKEEPER: Finalizing partition. Waiting before processing remaining messages", zap.Int("replicaId", replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Int64("lastProcessedOffset", tracker.highestProcessedOffset), zap.Duration("waitingTimeToProcessMoreMessages", timeout/time.Second), zap.Int64("numMessagesToProcess", lastOffset-tracker.highestProcessedOffset), ) if !tracker.waitForOffset(lastOffset, timeout) { return fmt.Errorf("REP %d - TIMEOUT waiting for offset %d. Last committed offset: %d", replicaId, lastOffset, tracker.lastCommittedOffset) } } if err := zom.commitOffset(topic, partition, tracker, logger); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("REP %d - FAILED to commit offset %d to Zookeeper. Last committed offset: %d", replicaId, tracker.highestProcessedOffset, tracker.lastCommittedOffset) } } zom.l.Lock() delete(zom.offsets[topic], partition) zom.l.Unlock() return nil }
func (cg *ConsumerGroup) GetBatchOfMessages(batchSize int, logger zap.Logger) []string { offsets := make(map[string]map[int32]int64) groupOfMessages := []string{} if batchSize == 0 { return groupOfMessages } counter := 0 for { if counter == batchSize { break } cg.reloadMutex.Lock() select { case message := <-cg.messages: if offsets[message.Topic] == nil { offsets[message.Topic] = make(map[int32]int64) } if offsets[message.Topic][message.Partition] != 0 && offsets[message.Topic][message.Partition] != message.Offset-1 { logger.Error("KAFKA: Unexpected offset for message topic and partition", zap.String("messageTopic", message.Topic), zap.Int64("messagePartition", int64(message.Partition)), zap.Int64("offsetExpected", offsets[message.Topic][message.Partition]+1), zap.Int64("offsetFound", message.Offset), zap.Int64("offsetDifference", message.Offset-offsets[message.Topic][message.Partition]+1), ) continue } groupOfMessages = append(groupOfMessages, string(message.Value)) offsets[message.Topic][message.Partition] = message.Offset cg.CommitUpto(message) counter += 1 cg.reloadMutex.Unlock() default: cg.reloadMutex.Unlock() continue } } return groupOfMessages }
func (r *request) get(u *url.URL) (int64, error) { urlStr := u.String() r.urls = make(map[string]sql.NullInt64) hostID, robotOk := r.hostMng.CheckURL(u) r.meta = proxy.NewMeta(hostID, urlStr, nil) if !hostID.Valid { r.meta.SetState(database.StateExternal) } if !robotOk { r.meta.SetState(database.StateDisabledByRobotsTxt) log.Printf("INFO: URL %s blocked by robot.txt", urlStr) return 0, nil } startTime := time.Now() request := &http.Request{ Method: "GET", URL: u, Proto: "HTTP/1.1", ProtoMajor: 1, ProtoMinor: 1, Header: map[string][]string{ "User-Agent": {"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; GoWebSearch/0.1)"}, "Accept": {"text/html;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.1"}, "Accept-Encoding": {"gzip;q=0.9,identity;q=0.5,*;q=0.1"}, "Accept-Language": {"ru-RU,ru;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.2,en;q=0.1"}, "Accept-Charset": {"utf-8;q=0.9,windows-1251;q=0.8,koi8-r;q=0.7,*;q=0.1"}, }, Body: nil, Host: u.Host, } response, err := r.client.Do(request) if err != nil { r.meta.SetState(database.StateConnectError) return 0, err } if r.meta.GetState() != database.StateSuccess { // here or early - logging!!! return 0, nil } // hostID, robotOk := r.hostMng.CheckURL(u) // if !robotOk { // r.meta.SetState(database.StateDisabledByRobotsTxt) // return fmt.Errorf("INFO: URL %s blocked by robot.txt", NormalizeURL(©URL)) // } loggerURL := r.logger.With(zap.String("url", r.meta.GetURL())) RequestDurationMs := int64(time.Since(startTime) / time.Millisecond) loggerURL.Debug(DbgRequestDuration, zap.Int64("duration", RequestDurationMs)) parser := newResponseParser(loggerURL, r.hostMng, r.meta) err = parser.Run(response) if err == nil { r.urls = parser.URLs } else { werrors.LogError(loggerURL, err) err = nil } return parser.BodyDurationMs, err }
// Consumes a partition func (cg *ConsumerGroup) partitionConsumer(topic string, partition int32, messages chan<- *sarama.ConsumerMessage, errors chan<- *sarama.ConsumerError, wg *sync.WaitGroup, stopper <-chan struct{}, logger zap.Logger) { defer wg.Done() select { case <-stopper: return default: } for maxRetries, tries := 3, 0; tries < maxRetries; tries++ { if err := cg.instance.ClaimPartition(topic, partition); err == nil { break } else if err == kazoo.ErrPartitionClaimedByOther && tries+1 < maxRetries { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } else { logger.Warn("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to claim partition", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Error(err), ) return } } defer cg.instance.ReleasePartition(topic, partition) nextOffset, err := cg.offsetManager.InitializePartition(topic, partition) if err != nil { logger.Error("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to determine initial offset", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Error(err), ) return } if nextOffset >= 0 { logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer starting at offset", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Int64("nextOffset", nextOffset), ) } else { nextOffset = cg.config.Offsets.Initial if nextOffset == sarama.OffsetOldest { logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer starting at the oldest available offset", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) } else if nextOffset == sarama.OffsetNewest { logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer listening for new messages only", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) } } consumer, err := cg.consumer.ConsumePartition(topic, partition, nextOffset) if err == sarama.ErrOffsetOutOfRange { logger.Warn("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer offset out of Range", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) // if the offset is out of range, simplistically decide whether to use OffsetNewest or OffsetOldest // if the configuration specified offsetOldest, then switch to the oldest available offset, else // switch to the newest available offset. if cg.config.Offsets.Initial == sarama.OffsetOldest { nextOffset = sarama.OffsetOldest logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer offset reset to oldest available offset", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) } else { nextOffset = sarama.OffsetNewest logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica partition consumer offset reset to newest available offset", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) } // retry the consumePartition with the adjusted offset consumer, err = cg.consumer.ConsumePartition(topic, partition, nextOffset) } if err != nil { logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica FAILED to start partition consumer", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Error(err), ) return } defer consumer.Close() err = nil var lastOffset int64 = -1 // aka unknown partitionConsumerLoop: for { select { case <-stopper: break partitionConsumerLoop case err := <-consumer.Errors(): for { select { case errors <- err: continue partitionConsumerLoop case <-stopper: break partitionConsumerLoop } } case message := <-consumer.Messages(): for { select { case <-stopper: break partitionConsumerLoop case messages <- message: lastOffset = message.Offset continue partitionConsumerLoop } } } } logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica is stopping partition consumer at offset", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Int64("lastOffset", lastOffset), ) if err = cg.offsetManager.FinalizePartition(topic, partition, lastOffset, cg.config.Offsets.ProcessingTimeout, cg.replicaId, logger); err != nil { logger.Fatal("KAFKA: Replica error trying to stop partition consumer", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), zap.Error(err), ) } logger.Info("KAFKA: Replica successfully stoped partition", zap.Int("replicaId", cg.replicaId), zap.String("topic", topic), zap.Int64("partition", int64(partition)), ) }
func (s *Sentinel) findBestStandby(cd *cluster.ClusterData, masterDB *cluster.DB) (*cluster.DB, error) { var bestDB *cluster.DB for _, db := range cd.DBs { if db.UID == masterDB.UID { log.Debug("ignoring db since it's the current master", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID)) continue } if db.Status.SystemID != masterDB.Status.SystemID { log.Debug("ignoring db since the postgres systemdID is different that the master one", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID), zap.String("dbSystemdID", db.Status.SystemID), zap.String("masterSystemID", masterDB.Status.SystemID)) continue } if !db.Status.Healthy { log.Debug("ignoring db since it's not healthy", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.String("keeper", db.Spec.KeeperUID)) continue } if db.Status.CurrentGeneration != db.Generation { log.Debug("ignoring keeper since its generation is different that the current one", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.Int64("currentGeneration", db.Status.CurrentGeneration), zap.Int64("generation", db.Generation)) continue } if db.Status.TimelineID != masterDB.Status.TimelineID { log.Debug("ignoring keeper since its pg timeline is different than master timeline", zap.String("db", db.UID), zap.Uint64("dbTimeline", db.Status.TimelineID), zap.Uint64("masterTimeline", masterDB.Status.TimelineID)) continue } if bestDB == nil { bestDB = db continue } if db.Status.XLogPos > bestDB.Status.XLogPos { bestDB = db } } if bestDB == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no standbys available") } return bestDB, nil }
func (r *responseParser) timeTrack(start time.Time) { r.BodyDurationMs = int64(time.Since(start) / time.Millisecond) r.logger.Debug(DbgBodyProcessingDuration, zap.Int64("duration", r.BodyDurationMs)) }