예제 #1
func main() {
	mflag.BoolVar(&useScheduler, []string{"scheduler"}, false, "Use scheduler to distribute tests across shards")
	mflag.BoolVar(&runParallel, []string{"parallel"}, false, "Run tests in parallel on hosts where possible")
	mflag.BoolVar(&verbose, []string{"v"}, false, "Print output from all tests (Also enabled via DEBUG=1)")
	mflag.StringVar(&schedulerHost, []string{"scheduler-host"}, defaultSchedulerHost, "Hostname of scheduler.")
	mflag.IntVar(&timeout, []string{"timeout"}, 180, "Max time to run one test for, in seconds")

	if len(os.Getenv("DEBUG")) > 0 {
		verbose = true

	testArgs := mflag.Args()
	tests, err := getTests(testArgs)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error parsing tests: %v (%v)\n", err, testArgs)

	hosts := strings.Fields(os.Getenv("HOSTS"))
	maxHosts := len(hosts)
	if maxHosts == 0 {
		fmt.Print("No HOSTS specified.\n")

	var errored bool
	if runParallel {
		errored = parallel(tests, hosts)
	} else {
		errored = sequential(tests, hosts)

	if errored {
예제 #2
파일: main.go 프로젝트: n054/weave
func main() {
	procs := runtime.NumCPU()
	// packet sniffing can block an OS thread, so we need one thread
	// for that plus at least one more.
	if procs < 2 {
		procs = 2

	var (
		justVersion        bool
		config             mesh.Config
		networkConfig      weave.NetworkConfig
		protocolMinVersion int
		resume             bool
		ifaceName          string
		routerName         string
		nickName           string
		password           string
		pktdebug           bool
		logLevel           string
		prof               string
		bufSzMB            int
		noDiscovery        bool
		httpAddr           string
		ipamConfig         ipamConfig
		dockerAPI          string
		peers              []string
		noDNS              bool
		dnsConfig          dnsConfig
		datapathName       string
		trustedSubnetStr   string
		dbPrefix           string
		isAWSVPC           bool

		defaultDockerHost = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

	if val := os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST"); val != "" {
		defaultDockerHost = val

	mflag.BoolVar(&justVersion, []string{"#version", "-version"}, false, "print version and exit")
	mflag.StringVar(&config.Host, []string{"-host"}, "", "router host")
	mflag.IntVar(&config.Port, []string{"#port", "-port"}, mesh.Port, "router port")
	mflag.IntVar(&protocolMinVersion, []string{"-min-protocol-version"}, mesh.ProtocolMinVersion, "minimum weave protocol version")
	mflag.BoolVar(&resume, []string{"-resume"}, false, "resume connections to previous peers")
	mflag.StringVar(&ifaceName, []string{"#iface", "-iface"}, "", "name of interface to capture/inject from (disabled if blank)")
	mflag.StringVar(&routerName, []string{"#name", "-name"}, "", "name of router (defaults to MAC of interface)")
	mflag.StringVar(&nickName, []string{"#nickname", "-nickname"}, "", "nickname of peer (defaults to hostname)")
	mflag.StringVar(&password, []string{"#password", "-password"}, "", "network password")
	mflag.StringVar(&logLevel, []string{"-log-level"}, "info", "logging level (debug, info, warning, error)")
	mflag.BoolVar(&pktdebug, []string{"#pktdebug", "#-pktdebug", "-pkt-debug"}, false, "enable per-packet debug logging")
	mflag.StringVar(&prof, []string{"#profile", "-profile"}, "", "enable profiling and write profiles to given path")
	mflag.IntVar(&config.ConnLimit, []string{"#connlimit", "#-connlimit", "-conn-limit"}, 30, "connection limit (0 for unlimited)")
	mflag.BoolVar(&noDiscovery, []string{"#nodiscovery", "#-nodiscovery", "-no-discovery"}, false, "disable peer discovery")
	mflag.IntVar(&bufSzMB, []string{"#bufsz", "-bufsz"}, 8, "capture buffer size in MB")
	mflag.StringVar(&httpAddr, []string{"#httpaddr", "#-httpaddr", "-http-addr"}, "", "address to bind HTTP interface to (disabled if blank, absolute path indicates unix domain socket)")
	mflag.StringVar(&ipamConfig.Mode, []string{"-ipalloc-init"}, "", "allocator initialisation strategy (consensus, seed or observer)")
	mflag.StringVar(&ipamConfig.IPRangeCIDR, []string{"#iprange", "#-iprange", "-ipalloc-range"}, "", "IP address range reserved for automatic allocation, in CIDR notation")
	mflag.StringVar(&ipamConfig.IPSubnetCIDR, []string{"#ipsubnet", "#-ipsubnet", "-ipalloc-default-subnet"}, "", "subnet to allocate within by default, in CIDR notation")
	mflag.IntVar(&ipamConfig.PeerCount, []string{"#initpeercount", "#-initpeercount", "-init-peer-count"}, 0, "number of peers in network (for IP address allocation)")
	mflag.StringVar(&dockerAPI, []string{"#api", "#-api", "-docker-api"}, defaultDockerHost, "Docker API endpoint")
	mflag.BoolVar(&noDNS, []string{"-no-dns"}, false, "disable DNS server")
	mflag.StringVar(&dnsConfig.Domain, []string{"-dns-domain"}, nameserver.DefaultDomain, "local domain to server requests for")
	mflag.StringVar(&dnsConfig.ListenAddress, []string{"-dns-listen-address"}, nameserver.DefaultListenAddress, "address to listen on for DNS requests")
	mflag.IntVar(&dnsConfig.TTL, []string{"-dns-ttl"}, nameserver.DefaultTTL, "TTL for DNS request from our domain")
	mflag.DurationVar(&dnsConfig.ClientTimeout, []string{"-dns-fallback-timeout"}, nameserver.DefaultClientTimeout, "timeout for fallback DNS requests")
	mflag.StringVar(&dnsConfig.EffectiveListenAddress, []string{"-dns-effective-listen-address"}, "", "address DNS will actually be listening, after Docker port mapping")
	mflag.StringVar(&dnsConfig.ResolvConf, []string{"-resolv-conf"}, "", "path to resolver configuration for fallback DNS lookups")
	mflag.StringVar(&datapathName, []string{"-datapath"}, "", "ODP datapath name")
	mflag.StringVar(&trustedSubnetStr, []string{"-trusted-subnets"}, "", "comma-separated list of trusted subnets in CIDR notation")
	mflag.StringVar(&dbPrefix, []string{"-db-prefix"}, "/weavedb/weave", "pathname/prefix of filename to store data")
	mflag.BoolVar(&isAWSVPC, []string{"-awsvpc"}, false, "use AWS VPC for routing")

	// crude way of detecting that we probably have been started in a
	// container, with `weave launch` --> suppress misleading paths in
	// mflags error messages.
	if os.Args[0] == "/home/weave/weaver" { // matches the Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT
		os.Args[0] = "weave"
		mflag.CommandLine.Init("weave", mflag.ExitOnError)


	peers = mflag.Args()
	if resume && len(peers) > 0 {
		Log.Fatalf("You must not specify an initial peer list in conjunction with --resume")


	if justVersion {
		fmt.Printf("weave router %s\n", version)

	Log.Println("Command line options:", options())

	if prof != "" {
		defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile, profile.ProfilePath(prof), profile.NoShutdownHook).Stop()

	if protocolMinVersion < mesh.ProtocolMinVersion || protocolMinVersion > mesh.ProtocolMaxVersion {
		Log.Fatalf("--min-protocol-version must be in range [%d,%d]", mesh.ProtocolMinVersion, mesh.ProtocolMaxVersion)
	config.ProtocolMinVersion = byte(protocolMinVersion)

	if pktdebug {
		networkConfig.PacketLogging = packetLogging{}
	} else {
		networkConfig.PacketLogging = nopPacketLogging{}

	overlay, bridge := createOverlay(datapathName, ifaceName, isAWSVPC, config.Host, config.Port, bufSzMB)
	networkConfig.Bridge = bridge

	name := peerName(routerName, bridge.Interface())

	if nickName == "" {
		var err error
		nickName, err = os.Hostname()

	config.Password = determinePassword(password)
	config.TrustedSubnets = parseTrustedSubnets(trustedSubnetStr)
	config.PeerDiscovery = !noDiscovery

	if isAWSVPC && len(config.Password) > 0 {
		Log.Fatalf("--awsvpc mode is not compatible with the --password option")

	db, err := db.NewBoltDB(dbPrefix + "data.db")
	defer db.Close()

	router := weave.NewNetworkRouter(config, networkConfig, name, nickName, overlay, db)
	Log.Println("Our name is", router.Ourself)

	if peers, err = router.InitialPeers(resume, peers); err != nil {
		Log.Fatal("Unable to get initial peer set: ", err)

	var dockerCli *docker.Client
	dockerVersion := "none"
	if dockerAPI != "" {
		dc, err := docker.NewClient(dockerAPI)
		if err != nil {
			Log.Fatal("Unable to start docker client: ", err)
		} else {
		dockerCli = dc
		dockerVersion = dockerCli.DockerVersion()

	network := ""
	if isAWSVPC {
		network = "awsvpc"
	checkForUpdates(dockerVersion, network)

	observeContainers := func(o docker.ContainerObserver) {
		if dockerCli != nil {
			if err := dockerCli.AddObserver(o); err != nil {
				Log.Fatal("Unable to start watcher", err)
	isKnownPeer := func(name mesh.PeerName) bool {
		return router.Peers.Fetch(name) != nil

	var (
		allocator     *ipam.Allocator
		defaultSubnet address.CIDR
		trackerName   string
	if ipamConfig.Enabled() {
		var t tracker.LocalRangeTracker
		if isAWSVPC {
			Log.Infoln("Creating AWSVPC LocalRangeTracker")
			t, err = tracker.NewAWSVPCTracker()
			if err != nil {
				Log.Fatalf("Cannot create AWSVPC LocalRangeTracker: %s", err)
			trackerName = "awsvpc"
		allocator, defaultSubnet = createAllocator(router, ipamConfig, db, t, isKnownPeer)
		if dockerCli != nil {
			ids, err := dockerCli.AllContainerIDs()

	var (
		ns        *nameserver.Nameserver
		dnsserver *nameserver.DNSServer
	if !noDNS {
		ns, dnsserver = createDNSServer(dnsConfig, router.Router, isKnownPeer)
		defer ns.Stop()
		defer dnsserver.Stop()

	if errors := router.InitiateConnections(peers, false); len(errors) > 0 {

	// The weave script always waits for a status call to succeed,
	// so there is no point in doing "weave launch --http-addr ''".
	// This is here to support stand-alone use of weaver.
	if httpAddr != "" {
		muxRouter := mux.NewRouter()
		if allocator != nil {
			allocator.HandleHTTP(muxRouter, defaultSubnet, trackerName, dockerCli)
		if ns != nil {
			ns.HandleHTTP(muxRouter, dockerCli)
		HandleHTTP(muxRouter, version, router, allocator, defaultSubnet, ns, dnsserver)
		http.Handle("/", common.LoggingHTTPHandler(muxRouter))
		Log.Println("Listening for HTTP control messages on", httpAddr)
		go listenAndServeHTTP(httpAddr)
