예제 #1
func newEtcdStore(
	proposalc chan<- []byte,
	snapshotc <-chan raftpb.Snapshot,
	entryc <-chan raftpb.Entry,
	confentryc chan<- raftpb.Entry,
	logger mesh.Logger,
) *etcdStore {
	// It would be much better if we could have a proper in-memory backend. Alas:
	// backend.Backend is tightly coupled to bolt.DB, and both are tightly coupled
	// to os.Open &c. So we'd need to fork both Bolt and backend. A task for
	// another day.
	f, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "mesh_etcd_backend_")
	if err != nil {
	dbPath := f.Name()
	logger.Printf("etcd store: using %s", dbPath)

	b := backend.NewDefaultBackend(dbPath)
	lessor := lease.NewLessor(b)
	index := &consistentIndex{0}
	kv := mvcc.New(b, lessor, index)

	s := &etcdStore{
		proposalc:   proposalc,
		snapshotc:   snapshotc,
		entryc:      entryc,
		confentryc:  confentryc,
		actionc:     make(chan func()),
		quitc:       make(chan struct{}),
		terminatedc: make(chan struct{}),
		logger:      logger,

		dbPath: dbPath,
		kv:     kv,
		lessor: lessor,
		index:  index,

		idgen:   makeIDGen(),
		pending: map[uint64]responseChans{},
	go s.loop()
	return s
예제 #2
파일: server.go 프로젝트: weaveworks/mesh
func serverManager(
	router *mesh.Router,
	peer *meshconn.Peer,
	minPeerCount int,
	terminatec <-chan struct{},
	terminatedc chan<- error,
	logger mesh.Logger,
	out chan<- Server,
) {
	// Identify mesh peers to either create or join a cluster.
	// This algorithm is presently completely insufficient.
	// It suffers from timing failures, and doesn't understand channels.
	// TODO(pb): use gossip to agree on better starting conditions
	var (
		self   = meshconn.MeshAddr{PeerName: router.Ourself.Peer.Name, PeerUID: router.Ourself.UID}
		others = []net.Addr{}
	for {
		others = others[:0]
		for _, desc := range router.Peers.Descriptions() {
			others = append(others, meshconn.MeshAddr{PeerName: desc.Name, PeerUID: desc.UID})
		if len(others) == minPeerCount {
			logger.Printf("detected %d peers; creating", len(others))
		} else if len(others) > minPeerCount {
			logger.Printf("detected %d peers; joining", len(others))
			others = others[:0] // empty others slice means join
		logger.Printf("detected %d peers; waiting...", len(others))

	var (
		incomingc    = make(chan raftpb.Message)    // from meshconn to ctrl
		outgoingc    = make(chan raftpb.Message)    // from ctrl to meshconn
		unreachablec = make(chan uint64, 10000)     // from meshconn to ctrl
		confchangec  = make(chan raftpb.ConfChange) // from meshconn to ctrl
		snapshotc    = make(chan raftpb.Snapshot)   // from ctrl to state machine
		entryc       = make(chan raftpb.Entry)      // from ctrl to state
		confentryc   = make(chan raftpb.Entry)      // from state to configurator
		proposalc    = make(chan []byte)            // from state machine to ctrl
		removedc     = make(chan struct{})          // from ctrl to us
		shrunkc      = make(chan struct{})          // from membership to us

	// Create the thing that watches the cluster membership via the router. It
	// signals conf changes, and closes shrunkc when the cluster is too small.
	var (
		addc = make(chan uint64)
		remc = make(chan uint64)
	m := newMembership(router, membershipSet(router), minPeerCount, addc, remc, shrunkc, logger)
	defer m.stop()

	// Create the thing that converts mesh membership changes to Raft ConfChange
	// proposals.
	c := newConfigurator(addc, remc, confchangec, confentryc, logger)
	defer c.stop()

	// Create a packet transport, wrapping the meshconn.Peer.
	transport := newPacketTransport(peer, translateVia(router), incomingc, outgoingc, unreachablec, logger)
	defer transport.stop()

	// Create the API server. store.stop must go on the defer stack before
	// ctrl.stop so that the ctrl stops first. Otherwise, ctrl can deadlock
	// processing the last tick.
	store := newEtcdStore(proposalc, snapshotc, entryc, confentryc, logger)
	defer store.stop()

	// Create the controller, which drives the Raft node internally.
	ctrl := newCtrl(self, others, minPeerCount, incomingc, outgoingc, unreachablec, confchangec, snapshotc, entryc, proposalc, removedc, logger)
	defer ctrl.stop()

	// Return the store to the client.
	out <- store

	errc := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		errc <- fmt.Errorf("metcd server terminated by user request")
	go func() {
		errc <- fmt.Errorf("the Raft peer was removed from the cluster")
	go func() {
		errc <- fmt.Errorf("the Raft cluster got too small")
	terminatedc <- <-errc