예제 #1
func TestLatestMapEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()
	want := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "bar").
		Set("bar", now, "baz")

		gobs, err := want.GobEncode()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyLatestMap
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		json, err := want.MarshalJSON()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyLatestMap
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestEdgeMetadatasEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	want := EmptyEdgeMetadatas.
		Add("foo", EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
			MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(2),
		Add("bar", EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(3),
			MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(5),

		gobs, err := want.GobEncode()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		json, err := want.MarshalJSON()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #3
func TestFilterUnconnectedPesudoNodes(t *testing.T) {
	// Test pseudo nodes that are made unconnected by filtering
	// are also removed.
		nodes := render.RenderableNodes{
			"foo": {ID: "foo", Node: report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("bar")},
			"bar": {ID: "bar", Node: report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("baz")},
			"baz": {ID: "baz", Node: report.MakeNode(), Pseudo: true},
		renderer := render.Filter{
			FilterFunc: func(node render.RenderableNode) bool {
				return true
			Renderer: mockRenderer{RenderableNodes: nodes},
		want := nodes.Prune()
		have := renderer.Render(report.MakeReport()).Prune()
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
		renderer := render.Filter{
			FilterFunc: func(node render.RenderableNode) bool {
				return node.ID != "bar"
			Renderer: mockRenderer{RenderableNodes: render.RenderableNodes{
				"foo": {ID: "foo", Node: report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("bar")},
				"bar": {ID: "bar", Node: report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("baz")},
				"baz": {ID: "baz", Node: report.MakeNode(), Pseudo: true},
		want := render.RenderableNodes{
			"foo": {ID: "foo", Node: report.MakeNode()},
		have := renderer.Render(report.MakeReport()).Prune()
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
		renderer := render.Filter{
			FilterFunc: func(node render.RenderableNode) bool {
				return node.ID != "bar"
			Renderer: mockRenderer{RenderableNodes: render.RenderableNodes{
				"foo": {ID: "foo", Node: report.MakeNode()},
				"bar": {ID: "bar", Node: report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("foo")},
				"baz": {ID: "baz", Node: report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("bar"), Pseudo: true},
		want := render.RenderableNodes{
			"foo": {ID: "foo", Node: report.MakeNode()},
		have := renderer.Render(report.MakeReport()).Prune()
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #4
func TestCollector(t *testing.T) {
	window := time.Millisecond
	c := xfer.NewCollector(window)

	r1 := report.MakeReport()
	r1.Endpoint.NodeMetadatas["foo"] = report.MakeNodeMetadata()

	r2 := report.MakeReport()
	r2.Endpoint.NodeMetadatas["bar"] = report.MakeNodeMetadata()

	if want, have := report.MakeReport(), c.Report(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	if want, have := r1, c.Report(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))


	merged := report.MakeReport()
	merged = merged.Merge(r1)
	merged = merged.Merge(r2)
	if want, have := merged, c.Report(); !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #5
func TestCountersEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	want := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 1).
		Add("bar", 2)

		gobs, err := want.GobEncode()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyCounters
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		json, err := want.MarshalJSON()
		if err != nil {
		have := EmptyCounters
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #6
func TestWeaveTaggerOverlayTopology(t *testing.T) {
	oldExecCmd := exec.Command
	defer func() { exec.Command = oldExecCmd }()
	exec.Command = func(name string, args ...string) exec.Cmd {
		return testExec.NewMockCmdString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s/24\n", mockContainerID, mockContainerMAC, mockContainerIP))

	s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(mockWeaveRouter))
	defer s.Close()

	w := overlay.NewWeave(mockHostID, s.URL)
	defer w.Stop()

		have, err := w.Report()
		if err != nil {
		if want, have := report.MakeTopology().AddNode(
				overlay.WeavePeerName:     mockWeavePeerName,
				overlay.WeavePeerNickName: mockWeavePeerNickName,
		), have.Overlay; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		nodeID := report.MakeContainerNodeID(mockHostID, mockContainerID)
		want := report.Report{
			Container: report.MakeTopology().AddNode(nodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
				docker.ContainerID:       mockContainerID,
				overlay.WeaveDNSHostname: mockHostname,
				overlay.WeaveMACAddress:  mockContainerMAC,
				docker.ContainerIPs:           report.MakeStringSet(mockContainerIP),
				docker.ContainerIPsWithScopes: report.MakeStringSet(mockContainerIPWithScope),
		have, err := w.Tag(report.Report{
			Container: report.MakeTopology().AddNode(nodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{
				docker.ContainerID: mockContainerID,
		if err != nil {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #7
func TestMerge(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		hostID = "xyz"
		src    = newMockSource([]byte{}, nil)
		on     = time.Millisecond
		off    = time.Millisecond
		rpt    = report.MakeReport()
		p      = sniff.Packet{
			SrcIP:     "",
			SrcPort:   "1000",
			DstIP:     "",
			DstPort:   "2000",
			Network:   512,
			Transport: 256,

		_, ipnet, _ = net.ParseCIDR(p.SrcIP + "/24") // ;)
		localNets   = report.Networks([]*net.IPNet{ipnet})
	sniff.New(hostID, localNets, src, on, off).Merge(p, &rpt)

	var (
		srcEndpointNodeID = report.MakeEndpointNodeID(hostID, p.SrcIP, p.SrcPort)
		dstEndpointNodeID = report.MakeEndpointNodeID(hostID, p.DstIP, p.DstPort)
	if want, have := (report.Topology{
		Nodes: report.Nodes{
			srcEndpointNodeID: report.MakeNode().WithEdge(dstEndpointNodeID, report.EdgeMetadata{
				EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
				EgressByteCount:   newu64(256),
			dstEndpointNodeID: report.MakeNode(),
	}), rpt.Endpoint; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("%s", test.Diff(want, have))

	var (
		srcAddressNodeID = report.MakeAddressNodeID(hostID, p.SrcIP)
		dstAddressNodeID = report.MakeAddressNodeID(hostID, p.DstIP)
	if want, have := (report.Topology{
		Nodes: report.Nodes{
			srcAddressNodeID: report.MakeNode().WithEdge(dstAddressNodeID, report.EdgeMetadata{
				EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
				EgressByteCount:   newu64(512),
			dstAddressNodeID: report.MakeNode(),
	}), rpt.Address; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("%s", test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #8
func TestMetricCopy(t *testing.T) {
	want := report.MakeMetric()
	have := want.Copy()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("diff: %s", test.Diff(want, have))

	want = report.MakeMetric().Add(time.Now(), 1)
	have = want.Copy()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("diff: %s", test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #9
func TestMakeRenderableNodes(t *testing.T) {

	var (
		newu64     = func(value uint64) *uint64 { return &value }
		srcNodeID  = "srcNode"
		dstNode1ID = "dstNode1"
		dstNode2ID = "dstNode2"
		srcNode    = report.MakeNode().
				WithEdge(dstNode1ID, report.EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(100), EgressByteCount: newu64(1000)}).
				WithEdge(dstNode2ID, report.EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(200), EgressByteCount: newu64(2000)})
		dstNode1 = report.MakeNode()
		dstNode2 = report.MakeNode()
		topology = report.MakeTopology().
				AddNode(srcNodeID, srcNode).
				AddNode(dstNode1ID, dstNode1).
				AddNode(dstNode2ID, dstNode2)

	result := render.MakeRenderableNodes(topology)
	mustLookup := func(id string) render.RenderableNode {
		node, ok := result[id]
		if !ok {
			t.Fatalf("Expected result to contain node: %q, got: %v", id, result)
		return node

	// Source nodes should have the flattened edge metadata
		have := mustLookup(srcNodeID).EdgeMetadata
		want := report.EdgeMetadata{EgressPacketCount: newu64(300), EgressByteCount: newu64(3000)}
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))

	// Result destination nodes should have the reverse of the source nodes
		have := mustLookup(dstNode1ID).EdgeMetadata
		want := report.EdgeMetadata{IngressPacketCount: newu64(100), IngressByteCount: newu64(1000)}
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))

		have = mustLookup(dstNode2ID).EdgeMetadata
		want = report.EdgeMetadata{IngressPacketCount: newu64(200), IngressByteCount: newu64(2000)}
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
func TestEdgeMetadataFlatten(t *testing.T) {
	// Test two EdgeMetadatas flatten to the correct values
		have := (EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
			MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(2),
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(4),
			EgressByteCount:   newu64(8),
			MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(16),
		want := EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1 + 4),
			EgressByteCount:   newu64(8),
			MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(2 + 16), // flatten should sum MaxConnCountTCP
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

	// Test an EdgeMetadatas flatten to the correct value (should
	// just sum)
		have := EmptyEdgeMetadatas.
			Add("foo", EdgeMetadata{
				EgressPacketCount: newu64(1),
				MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(2),
			Add("bar", EdgeMetadata{
				EgressPacketCount: newu64(3),
				MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(5),
		want := EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(1 + 3),
			MaxConnCountTCP:   newu64(2 + 5),
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))

		// Should not panic on nil
		have := EdgeMetadatas{}.Flatten()
		want := EdgeMetadata{}
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #11
func TestCountersDeepEquals(t *testing.T) {
	want := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 3)
	have := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 3)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
	notequal := EmptyCounters.
		Add("foo", 4)
	if reflect.DeepEqual(want, notequal) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #12
func TestLatestMapDeepEquals(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()
	want := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Bar")
	have := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Bar")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
	notequal := EmptyLatestMap.
		Set("foo", now, "Baz")
	if reflect.DeepEqual(want, notequal) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #13
파일: weave_test.go 프로젝트: neviim/scope
func TestWeaveTaggerOverlayTopology(t *testing.T) {
	s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(mockWeaveRouter))
	defer s.Close()

	w, err := overlay.NewWeave(s.URL)
	if err != nil {

	have, err := w.Report()
	if err != nil {
	if want, have := (report.Topology{
		Adjacency:     report.Adjacency{},
		EdgeMetadatas: report.EdgeMetadatas{},
		NodeMetadatas: report.NodeMetadatas{
			report.MakeOverlayNodeID(mockWeavePeerName): report.NewNodeMetadata(map[string]string{
				overlay.WeavePeerName:     mockWeavePeerName,
				overlay.WeavePeerNickName: mockWeavePeerNickName,
	}), have.Overlay; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #14
func TestAPITopologyApplications(t *testing.T) {
	ts := httptest.NewServer(Router(StaticReport{}))
	defer ts.Close()
	is404(t, ts, "/api/topology/applications/foobar")
		body := getRawJSON(t, ts, "/api/topology/applications/"+expected.ServerProcessID)
		var node APINode
		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &node); err != nil {
		equals(t, expected.ServerProcessID, node.Node.ID)
		equals(t, "apache", node.Node.LabelMajor)
		equals(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s (server:%s)", test.ServerHostID, test.ServerPID), node.Node.LabelMinor)
		equals(t, false, node.Node.Pseudo)
		// Let's not unit-test the specific content of the detail tables
		body := getRawJSON(t, ts, fmt.Sprintf("/api/topology/applications/%s/%s", expected.ClientProcess1ID, expected.ServerProcessID))
		var edge APIEdge
		if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &edge); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("JSON parse error: %s", err)
		if want, have := (report.EdgeMetadata{
			EgressPacketCount: newu64(10),
			EgressByteCount:   newu64(100),
		}), edge.Metadata; !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
			t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #15
func TestHostRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := render.HostRenderer.Render(test.Report).Prune()
	want := expected.RenderedHosts
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #16
func TestReporter(t *testing.T) {
	want := report.MakeReport()
	want.Container = report.Topology{
		Adjacency:     report.Adjacency{},
		EdgeMetadatas: report.EdgeMetadatas{},
		NodeMetadatas: report.NodeMetadatas{
			report.MakeContainerNodeID("", "ping"): report.NewNodeMetadata(map[string]string{
				docker.ContainerID:   "ping",
				docker.ContainerName: "pong",
				docker.ImageID:       "baz",
	want.ContainerImage = report.Topology{
		Adjacency:     report.Adjacency{},
		EdgeMetadatas: report.EdgeMetadatas{},
		NodeMetadatas: report.NodeMetadatas{
			report.MakeContainerNodeID("", "baz"): report.NewNodeMetadata(map[string]string{
				docker.ImageID:   "baz",
				docker.ImageName: "bang",

	reporter := docker.NewReporter(mockRegistryInstance, "")
	have, _ := reporter.Report()
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("%s", test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #17
func TestMetadataRowCopy(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		row = report.MetadataRow{
			ID:       "id",
			Value:    "value",
			Priority: 1,
			Datatype: "datatype",
		cp = row.Copy()

	// copy should be identical
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(row, cp) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(row, cp))

	// changing the copy should not change the original
	cp.ID = ""
	cp.Value = ""
	cp.Priority = 2
	cp.Datatype = ""
	if row.ID != "id" || row.Value != "value" || row.Priority != 1 || row.Datatype != "datatype" {
		t.Errorf("Expected changing the copy not to modify the original")
예제 #18
func TestLatestMapDeleteNil(t *testing.T) {
	want := LatestMap{}
	have := LatestMap{}.Delete("foo")
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #19
func TestContainerImageRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := render.ContainerImageRenderer.Render(fixture.Report).Prune()
	want := expected.RenderedContainerImages
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #20
func TestMergeRenderableNode(t *testing.T) {
	node1 := render.RenderableNode{
		ID:         "foo",
		LabelMajor: "",
		LabelMinor: "minor",
		Rank:       "",
		Pseudo:     false,
		Node:       report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("a1"),
		Origins:    report.MakeIDList("o1"),
	node2 := render.RenderableNode{
		ID:         "foo",
		LabelMajor: "major",
		LabelMinor: "",
		Rank:       "rank",
		Pseudo:     false,
		Node:       report.MakeNode().WithAdjacent("a2"),
		Origins:    report.MakeIDList("o2"),
	want := render.RenderableNode{
		ID:           "foo",
		LabelMajor:   "major",
		LabelMinor:   "minor",
		Rank:         "rank",
		Pseudo:       false,
		Node:         report.MakeNode().WithAdjacency(report.MakeIDList("a1", "a2")),
		Origins:      report.MakeIDList("o1", "o2"),
		EdgeMetadata: report.EdgeMetadata{},
	have := node1.Merge(node2)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #21
func TestMemoise(t *testing.T) {
	calls := 0
	r := renderFunc(func(rpt report.Report) render.RenderableNodes {
		return render.RenderableNodes{rpt.ID: render.NewRenderableNode(rpt.ID)}
	m := render.Memoise(r)
	rpt1 := report.MakeReport()

	result1 := m.Render(rpt1)
	// it should have rendered it.
	if _, ok := result1[rpt1.ID]; !ok {
		t.Errorf("Expected rendered report to contain a node, but got: %v", result1)
	if calls != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to have been called the first time")

	result2 := m.Render(rpt1)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(result1, result2) {
		t.Errorf("Expected memoised result to be returned: %s", test.Diff(result1, result2))
	if calls != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to not have been called the second time")

	rpt2 := report.MakeReport()
	result3 := m.Render(rpt2)
	if reflect.DeepEqual(result1, result3) {
		t.Errorf("Expected different result for different report, but were the same")
	if calls != 2 {
		t.Errorf("Expected renderer to have been called again for a different report")
예제 #22
파일: host_test.go 프로젝트: CNDonny/scope
func TestHostRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := Prune(render.HostRenderer.Render(fixture.Report, FilterNoop))
	want := Prune(expected.RenderedHosts)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #23
func TestMetricRowSummary(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		now    = time.Now()
		metric = report.MakeMetric().Add(now, 1.234)
		row    = report.MetricRow{
			ID:       "id",
			Format:   "format",
			Group:    "group",
			Value:    1.234,
			Priority: 1,
			Metric:   &metric,
		summary = row.Summary()
	// summary should not have any samples
	if summary.Metric.Len() != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Expected summary to have no samples, but had %d", summary.Metric.Len())
	// original metric should still have its samples
	if metric.Len() != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Expected original metric to still have it's samples, but had %d", metric.Len())
	// summary should have all the same fields (minus the metric)
	summary.Metric = nil
	row.Metric = nil
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(summary, row) {
		t.Errorf("Expected summary to have same fields as original: %s", test.Diff(summary, row))
예제 #24
func TestLinuxConnections(t *testing.T) {
	defer fs_hook.Restore()

	iter, err := cbConnections(true, process.NewWalker("/proc"))
	if err != nil {
	have := iter.Next()
	want := &Connection{
		LocalAddress:  net.ParseIP("").To4(),
		LocalPort:     42688,
		RemoteAddress: net.ParseIP("").To4(),
		RemotePort:    0,
		inode:         5107,
		Proc: Proc{
			PID:  1,
			Name: "foo",
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Fatal(test.Diff(want, have))

	if have := iter.Next(); have != nil {
예제 #25
func TestTagger(t *testing.T) {
	oldProcessTree := docker.NewProcessTreeStub
	defer func() { docker.NewProcessTreeStub = oldProcessTree }()

	docker.NewProcessTreeStub = func(_ process.Walker) (process.Tree, error) {
		return &mockProcessTree{map[int]int{3: 2}}, nil

	var (
		pid1NodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID("somehost.com", "2")
		pid2NodeID = report.MakeProcessNodeID("somehost.com", "3")
		wantNode   = report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{docker.ContainerID: "ping"})

	input := report.MakeReport()
	input.Process.AddNode(pid1NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "2"}))
	input.Process.AddNode(pid2NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "3"}))

	want := report.MakeReport()
	want.Process.AddNode(pid1NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "2"}).Merge(wantNode))
	want.Process.AddNode(pid2NodeID, report.MakeNodeWith(map[string]string{process.PID: "3"}).Merge(wantNode))

	tagger := docker.NewTagger(mockRegistryInstance, nil)
	have, err := tagger.Tag(input)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("%v", err)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Errorf("%s", test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #26
func TestLinuxConnections(t *testing.T) {
	defer fs_hook.Restore()
	scanner := NewConnectionScanner(process.NewWalker("/proc"))
	defer scanner.Stop()

	// let the background scanner finish its first pass
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	iter, err := scanner.Connections(true)
	if err != nil {
	have := iter.Next()
	want := &Connection{
		LocalAddress:  net.ParseIP("").To4(),
		LocalPort:     42688,
		RemoteAddress: net.ParseIP("").To4(),
		RemotePort:    0,
		inode:         5107,
		Proc: Proc{
			PID:  1,
			Name: "foo",
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Fatal(test.Diff(want, have))

	if have := iter.Next(); have != nil {

예제 #27
func TestContainerRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := (render.ContainerWithImageNameRenderer.Render(test.Report)).Prune()
	want := expected.RenderedContainers
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #28
func TestPipes(t *testing.T) {
	oldNewPipe := controls.NewPipe
	defer func() { controls.NewPipe = oldNewPipe }()
	controls.NewPipe = func(_ controls.PipeClient, _ string) (string, xfer.Pipe, error) {
		return "pipeid", mockPipe{}, nil

	mdc := newMockClient()
	setupStubs(mdc, func() {
		registry, _ := docker.NewRegistry(10*time.Second, nil)
		defer registry.Stop()

		test.Poll(t, 100*time.Millisecond, true, func() interface{} {
			_, ok := registry.GetContainer("ping")
			return ok

		for _, tc := range []string{
		} {
			result := controls.HandleControlRequest(xfer.Request{
				Control: tc,
				NodeID:  report.MakeContainerNodeID("ping"),
			want := xfer.Response{
				Pipe:   "pipeid",
				RawTTY: true,
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, want) {
				t.Errorf("diff: %s", test.Diff(want, result))
예제 #29
func TestPodRenderer(t *testing.T) {
	have := render.PodRenderer.Render(fixture.Report).Prune()
	want := expected.RenderedPods
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, have) {
		t.Error(test.Diff(want, have))
예제 #30
func TestDNSAdd(t *testing.T) {
	mtx := sync.Mutex{}
	published := map[string]entry{}
	s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		defer mtx.Unlock()
		parts := strings.SplitN(r.URL.Path, "/", 4)
		containerID, ip := parts[2], net.ParseIP(parts[3])
		fqdn := r.FormValue("fqdn")
		published[fqdn] = entry{containerID, ip}
	defer s.Close()

	client := weave.NewClient(s.URL)
	err := client.AddDNSEntry(mockHostname, mockContainerID, mockIP)
	if err != nil {

	want := map[string]entry{
		mockHostname: {mockContainerID, mockIP},
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(published, want) {
		t.Fatal(test.Diff(published, want))