func main() { var ( justVersion bool logLevel = "info" c proxy.Config withDNS bool ) c.Version = version mflag.BoolVar(&justVersion, []string{"#version", "-version"}, false, "print version and exit") mflag.StringVar(&logLevel, []string{"-log-level"}, "info", "logging level (debug, info, warning, error)") mflagext.ListVar(&c.ListenAddrs, []string{"H"}, nil, "addresses on which to listen") mflag.StringVar(&c.HostnameFromLabel, []string{"-hostname-from-label"}, "", "Key of container label from which to obtain the container's hostname") mflag.StringVar(&c.HostnameMatch, []string{"-hostname-match"}, "(.*)", "Regexp pattern to apply on container names (e.g. '^aws-[0-9]+-(.*)$')") mflag.StringVar(&c.HostnameReplacement, []string{"-hostname-replacement"}, "$1", "Expression to generate hostnames based on matches from --hostname-match (e.g. 'my-app-$1')") mflag.BoolVar(&c.RewriteInspect, []string{"-rewrite-inspect"}, false, "Rewrite 'inspect' calls to return the weave network settings (if attached)") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoDefaultIPAM, []string{"#-no-default-ipam", "-no-default-ipalloc"}, false, "do not automatically allocate addresses for containers without a WEAVE_CIDR") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoRewriteHosts, []string{"-no-rewrite-hosts"}, false, "do not automatically rewrite /etc/hosts. Use if you need the docker IP to remain in /etc/hosts") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.CACert, []string{"#tlscacert", "-tlscacert"}, "", "Trust certs signed only by this CA") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.Cert, []string{"#tlscert", "-tlscert"}, "", "Path to TLS certificate file") mflag.BoolVar(&c.TLSConfig.Enabled, []string{"#tls", "-tls"}, false, "Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.Key, []string{"#tlskey", "-tlskey"}, "", "Path to TLS key file") mflag.BoolVar(&c.TLSConfig.Verify, []string{"#tlsverify", "-tlsverify"}, false, "Use TLS and verify the remote") mflag.BoolVar(&withDNS, []string{"#-with-dns", "#w"}, false, "option removed") mflag.BoolVar(&c.WithoutDNS, []string{"-without-dns"}, false, "instruct created containers to never use weaveDNS as their nameserver") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoMulticastRoute, []string{"-no-multicast-route"}, false, "do not add a multicast route via the weave interface when attaching containers") mflag.Parse() if justVersion { fmt.Printf("weave proxy %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } SetLogLevel(logLevel) Log.Infoln("weave proxy", version) Log.Infoln("Command line arguments:", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) if withDNS { Log.Warning("--with-dns option has been removed; DNS is on by default") } c.Image = getenv("EXEC_IMAGE", "weaveworks/weaveexec") c.DockerBridge = getenv("DOCKER_BRIDGE", "docker0") c.DockerHost = getenv("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock") c.ProcPath = getenv("PROCFS", "/proc") p, err := proxy.NewProxy(c) if err != nil { Log.Fatalf("Could not start proxy: %s", err) } defer p.Stop() listeners := p.Listen() p.AttachExistingContainers() go p.Serve(listeners) go p.ListenAndServeStatus("/home/weave/status.sock") SignalHandlerLoop() }
func main() { var ( debug bool justVersion bool c = proxy.Config{ListenAddr: defaultListenAddr} ) c.Version = version getopt.BoolVarLong(&debug, "debug", 'd', "log debugging information") getopt.BoolVarLong(&justVersion, "version", 0, "print version and exit") getopt.StringVar(&c.ListenAddr, 'H', fmt.Sprintf("address on which to listen (default %s)", defaultListenAddr)) getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.NoDefaultIPAM, "no-default-ipam", 0, "do not automatically allocate addresses for containers without a WEAVE_CIDR") getopt.StringVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.CACert, "tlscacert", 0, "Trust certs signed only by this CA") getopt.StringVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Cert, "tlscert", 0, "Path to TLS certificate file") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Enabled, "tls", 0, "Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify") getopt.StringVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Key, "tlskey", 0, "Path to TLS key file") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Verify, "tlsverify", 0, "Use TLS and verify the remote") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.WithDNS, "with-dns", 'w', "instruct created containers to always use weaveDNS as their nameserver") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.WithoutDNS, "without-dns", 0, "instruct created containers to never use weaveDNS as their nameserver") getopt.Parse() if justVersion { fmt.Printf("weave proxy %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } if c.WithDNS && c.WithoutDNS { Error.Fatalf("Cannot use both '--with-dns' and '--without-dns' flags") } if debug { InitDefaultLogging(true) } Info.Println("weave proxy", version) Info.Println("Command line arguments:", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(c.ListenAddr, "://", 2) if len(protoAddrParts) == 2 { if protoAddrParts[0] != "tcp" { Error.Fatalf("Invalid protocol format: %q", protoAddrParts[0]) } c.ListenAddr = protoAddrParts[1] } else { c.ListenAddr = protoAddrParts[0] } p, err := proxy.NewProxy(c) if err != nil { Error.Fatalf("Could not start proxy: %s", err) } if err := p.ListenAndServe(); err != nil { Error.Fatalf("Could not listen on %s: %s", p.ListenAddr, err) } }
func main() { var ( justVersion bool logLevel = "info" c = proxy.Config{ListenAddrs: []string{}} ) c.Version = version mflag.BoolVar(&justVersion, []string{"#version", "-version"}, false, "print version and exit") mflag.StringVar(&logLevel, []string{"-log-level"}, "info", "logging level (debug, info, warning, error)") mflagext.ListVar(&c.ListenAddrs, []string{"H"}, nil, "addresses on which to listen") mflag.StringVar(&c.HostnameFromLabel, []string{"-hostname-from-label"}, "", "Key of container label from which to obtain the container's hostname") mflag.StringVar(&c.HostnameMatch, []string{"-hostname-match"}, "(.*)", "Regexp pattern to apply on container names (e.g. '^aws-[0-9]+-(.*)$')") mflag.StringVar(&c.HostnameReplacement, []string{"-hostname-replacement"}, "$1", "Expression to generate hostnames based on matches from --hostname-match (e.g. 'my-app-$1')") mflag.BoolVar(&c.RewriteInspect, []string{"-rewrite-inspect"}, false, "Rewrite 'inspect' calls to return the weave network settings (if attached)") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoDefaultIPAM, []string{"#-no-default-ipam", "-no-default-ipalloc"}, false, "do not automatically allocate addresses for containers without a WEAVE_CIDR") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoRewriteHosts, []string{"-no-rewrite-hosts"}, false, "do not automatically rewrite /etc/hosts. Use if you need the docker IP to remain in /etc/hosts") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.CACert, []string{"#tlscacert", "-tlscacert"}, "", "Trust certs signed only by this CA") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.Cert, []string{"#tlscert", "-tlscert"}, "", "Path to TLS certificate file") mflag.BoolVar(&c.TLSConfig.Enabled, []string{"#tls", "-tls"}, false, "Use TLS; implied by --tls-verify") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.Key, []string{"#tlskey", "-tlskey"}, "", "Path to TLS key file") mflag.BoolVar(&c.TLSConfig.Verify, []string{"#tlsverify", "-tlsverify"}, false, "Use TLS and verify the remote") mflag.BoolVar(&c.WithDNS, []string{"-with-dns", "w"}, false, "instruct created containers to always use weaveDNS as their nameserver") mflag.BoolVar(&c.WithoutDNS, []string{"-without-dns"}, false, "instruct created containers to never use weaveDNS as their nameserver") mflag.Parse() if justVersion { fmt.Printf("weave proxy %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } if c.WithDNS && c.WithoutDNS { Log.Fatalf("Cannot use both '--with-dns' and '--without-dns' flags") } SetLogLevel(logLevel) Log.Infoln("weave proxy", version) Log.Infoln("Command line arguments:", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) p, err := proxy.NewProxy(c) if err != nil { Log.Fatalf("Could not start proxy: %s", err) } listeners := p.Listen() p.AttachExistingContainers() go p.Serve(listeners) go p.ListenAndServeStatus("/home/weave/status.sock") SignalHandlerLoop() }
func main() { var ( justVersion bool logLevel = "info" c = proxy.Config{ListenAddrs: []string{}} ) c.Version = version mflag.BoolVar(&justVersion, []string{"#version", "-version"}, false, "print version and exit") mflag.StringVar(&logLevel, []string{"-log-level"}, "info", "logging level (debug, info, warning, error)") ListVar(&c.ListenAddrs, []string{"H"}, defaultListenAddrs, "addresses on which to listen") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoDefaultIPAM, []string{"#-no-default-ipam", "-no-default-ipalloc"}, false, "do not automatically allocate addresses for containers without a WEAVE_CIDR") mflag.BoolVar(&c.NoRewriteHosts, []string{"no-rewrite-hosts"}, false, "do not automatically rewrite /etc/hosts. Use if you need the docker IP to remain in /etc/hosts") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.CACert, []string{"#tlscacert", "-tlscacert"}, "", "Trust certs signed only by this CA") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.Cert, []string{"#tlscert", "-tlscert"}, "", "Path to TLS certificate file") mflag.BoolVar(&c.TLSConfig.Enabled, []string{"#tls", "-tls"}, false, "Use TLS; implied by --tls-verify") mflag.StringVar(&c.TLSConfig.Key, []string{"#tlskey", "-tlskey"}, "", "Path to TLS key file") mflag.BoolVar(&c.TLSConfig.Verify, []string{"#tlsverify", "-tlsverify"}, false, "Use TLS and verify the remote") mflag.BoolVar(&c.WithDNS, []string{"-with-dns", "w"}, false, "instruct created containers to always use weaveDNS as their nameserver") mflag.BoolVar(&c.WithoutDNS, []string{"-without-dns"}, false, "instruct created containers to never use weaveDNS as their nameserver") mflag.Parse() if justVersion { fmt.Printf("weave proxy %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } if c.WithDNS && c.WithoutDNS { Log.Fatalf("Cannot use both '--with-dns' and '--without-dns' flags") } SetLogLevel(logLevel) Log.Infoln("weave proxy", version) Log.Infoln("Command line arguments:", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) p, err := proxy.NewProxy(c) if err != nil { Log.Fatalf("Could not start proxy: %s", err) } p.ListenAndServe() }
func main() { var ( justVersion bool logLevel = "info" c = proxy.Config{ListenAddrs: defaultListenAddrs} ) c.Version = version getopt.BoolVarLong(&justVersion, "version", 0, "print version and exit") getopt.StringVarLong(&logLevel, "log-level", 0, "logging level (debug, info, warning, error)", "info") getopt.ListVar(&c.ListenAddrs, 'H', fmt.Sprintf("address on which to listen (default %s)", defaultListenAddrs)) getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.NoDefaultIPAM, "no-default-ipalloc", 0, "do not automatically allocate addresses for containers without a WEAVE_CIDR") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.NoDefaultIPAM, "no-default-ipam", 0, "do not automatically allocate addresses for containers without a WEAVE_CIDR (deprecated; please use --no-default-ipalloc") getopt.StringVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.CACert, "tlscacert", 0, "Trust certs signed only by this CA") getopt.StringVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Cert, "tlscert", 0, "Path to TLS certificate file") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Enabled, "tls", 0, "Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify") getopt.StringVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Key, "tlskey", 0, "Path to TLS key file") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.TLSConfig.Verify, "tlsverify", 0, "Use TLS and verify the remote") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.WithDNS, "with-dns", 'w', "instruct created containers to always use weaveDNS as their nameserver") getopt.BoolVarLong(&c.WithoutDNS, "without-dns", 0, "instruct created containers to never use weaveDNS as their nameserver") getopt.Parse() if justVersion { fmt.Printf("weave proxy %s\n", version) os.Exit(0) } if c.WithDNS && c.WithoutDNS { Log.Fatalf("Cannot use both '--with-dns' and '--without-dns' flags") } SetLogLevel(logLevel) Log.Infoln("weave proxy", version) Log.Infoln("Command line arguments:", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")) p, err := proxy.NewProxy(c) if err != nil { Log.Fatalf("Could not start proxy: %s", err) } p.ListenAndServe() }