예제 #1
func resourceAwsAmiUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn


	if err := setTags(client, d); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {

	if d.Get("description").(string) != "" {
		_, err := client.ModifyImageAttribute(&ec2.ModifyImageAttributeInput{
			ImageId: aws.String(d.Id()),
			Description: &ec2.AttributeValue{
				Value: aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)),
		if err != nil {
			return err


	return resourceAwsAmiRead(d, meta)
func instanceProfileSetRoles(d *schema.ResourceData, iamconn *iam.IAM) error {
	oldInterface, newInterface := d.GetChange("roles")
	oldRoles := oldInterface.(*schema.Set)
	newRoles := newInterface.(*schema.Set)

	currentRoles := schema.CopySet(oldRoles)


	for _, role := range oldRoles.Difference(newRoles).List() {
		err := instanceProfileRemoveRole(iamconn, d.Id(), role.(string))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error removing role %s from IAM instance profile %s: %s", role, d.Id(), err)
		d.Set("roles", currentRoles)

	for _, role := range newRoles.Difference(oldRoles).List() {
		err := instanceProfileAddRole(iamconn, d.Id(), role.(string))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error adding role %s to IAM instance profile %s: %s", role, d.Id(), err)
		d.Set("roles", currentRoles)


	return nil
func resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	elbconn := meta.(*AWSClient).elbconn
	elbname := aws.String(d.Get("load_balancer").(string))

	input := &elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyInput{
		LoadBalancerName: elbname,
		PolicyAttributes: []*elb.PolicyAttribute{
				AttributeName:  aws.String("ProxyProtocol"),
				AttributeValue: aws.String("True"),
		PolicyName:     aws.String("TFEnableProxyProtocol"),
		PolicyTypeName: aws.String("ProxyProtocolPolicyType"),

	// Create a policy
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] ELB create a policy %s from policy type %s",
		*input.PolicyName, *input.PolicyTypeName)

	if _, err := elbconn.CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(input); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating a policy %s: %s",
			*input.PolicyName, err)

	// Assign the policy name for use later
	d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", *elbname, *input.PolicyName))
	log.Printf("[INFO] ELB PolicyName: %s", *input.PolicyName)

	return resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyUpdate(d, meta)
func resourceComputeTargetHttpProxyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)


	if d.HasChange("url_map") {
		url_map := d.Get("url_map").(string)
		url_map_ref := &compute.UrlMapReference{UrlMap: url_map}
		op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetHttpProxies.SetUrlMap(
			config.Project, d.Id(), url_map_ref).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating target: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitGlobal(config, op, "Updating Target Http Proxy")
		if err != nil {
			return err



	return resourceComputeTargetHttpProxyRead(d, meta)
func resourceComputeForwardingRuleUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)

	region := getOptionalRegion(d, config)


	if d.HasChange("target") {
		target_name := d.Get("target").(string)
		target_ref := &compute.TargetReference{Target: target_name}
		op, err := config.clientCompute.ForwardingRules.SetTarget(
			config.Project, region, d.Id(), target_ref).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating target: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Forwarding Rule")
		if err != nil {
			return err



	return resourceComputeForwardingRuleRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsElasticacheParameterGroupCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn

	createOpts := elasticache.CreateCacheParameterGroupInput{
		CacheParameterGroupName:   aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
		CacheParameterGroupFamily: aws.String(d.Get("family").(string)),
		Description:               aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)),

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Create Cache Parameter Group: %#v", createOpts)
	_, err := conn.CreateCacheParameterGroup(&createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating DB Parameter Group: %s", err)


	log.Printf("[INFO] Cache Parameter Group ID: %s", d.Id())

	return resourceAwsElasticacheParameterGroupUpdate(d, meta)
func resourceAwsDbParameterGroupCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	rdsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn
	tags := tagsFromMapRDS(d.Get("tags").(map[string]interface{}))

	createOpts := rds.CreateDBParameterGroupInput{
		DBParameterGroupName:   aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
		DBParameterGroupFamily: aws.String(d.Get("family").(string)),
		Description:            aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)),
		Tags:                   tags,

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Create DB Parameter Group: %#v", createOpts)
	_, err := rdsconn.CreateDBParameterGroup(&createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating DB Parameter Group: %s", err)


	log.Printf("[INFO] DB Parameter Group ID: %s", d.Id())

	return resourceAwsDbParameterGroupUpdate(d, meta)
func resourceComputeFirewallUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)


	firewall, err := resourceFirewall(d, meta)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	op, err := config.clientCompute.Firewalls.Update(
		config.Project, d.Id(), firewall).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error updating firewall: %s", err)

	err = computeOperationWaitGlobal(config, op, "Updating Firewall")
	if err != nil {
		return err


	return resourceComputeFirewallRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsSubnetUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn


	if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {

	if d.HasChange("map_public_ip_on_launch") {
		modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifySubnetAttributeInput{
			SubnetId: aws.String(d.Id()),
			MapPublicIpOnLaunch: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
				Value: aws.Bool(d.Get("map_public_ip_on_launch").(bool)),

		log.Printf("[DEBUG] Subnet modify attributes: %#v", modifyOpts)

		_, err := conn.ModifySubnetAttribute(modifyOpts)

		if err != nil {
			return err
		} else {


	return resourceAwsSubnetRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsAmiFromInstanceCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	req := &ec2.CreateImageInput{
		Name:        aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
		Description: aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)),
		InstanceId:  aws.String(d.Get("source_instance_id").(string)),
		NoReboot:    aws.Bool(d.Get("snapshot_without_reboot").(bool)),

	res, err := client.CreateImage(req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	id := *res.ImageId
	d.Partial(true) // make sure we record the id even if the rest of this gets interrupted
	d.Set("id", id)
	d.Set("manage_ebs_snapshots", true)

	_, err = resourceAwsAmiWaitForAvailable(id, client)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return resourceAwsAmiUpdate(d, meta)
func resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	elbconn := meta.(*AWSClient).elbconn
	elbname := aws.String(d.Get("load_balancer").(string))

	// Retrieve the current ELB policies for updating the state
	req := &elb.DescribeLoadBalancersInput{
		LoadBalancerNames: []*string{elbname},
	resp, err := elbconn.DescribeLoadBalancers(req)
	if err != nil {
		if isLoadBalancerNotFound(err) {
			// The ELB is gone now, so just remove it from the state
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving ELB attributes: %s", err)

	backends := flattenBackendPolicies(resp.LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].BackendServerDescriptions)
	_, policyName := resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyParseId(d.Id())

	if d.HasChange("instance_ports") {
		o, n := d.GetChange("instance_ports")
		os := o.(*schema.Set)
		ns := n.(*schema.Set)
		remove := os.Difference(ns).List()
		add := ns.Difference(os).List()

		inputs := []*elb.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServerInput{}

		i, err := resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyRemove(policyName, remove, backends)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		inputs = append(inputs, i...)

		i, err = resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyAdd(policyName, add, backends)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		inputs = append(inputs, i...)

		for _, input := range inputs {
			input.LoadBalancerName = elbname
			if _, err := elbconn.SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer(input); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error setting policy for backend: %s", err)


	return resourceAwsProxyProtocolPolicyRead(d, meta)
// resourceArmStorageAccountUpdate is unusual in the ARM API where most resources have a combined
// and idempotent operation for CreateOrUpdate. In particular updating all of the parameters
// available requires a call to Update per parameter...
func resourceArmStorageAccountUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*ArmClient).storageServiceClient
	id, err := parseAzureResourceID(d.Id())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	storageAccountName := id.Path["storageAccounts"]
	resourceGroupName := id.ResourceGroup


	if d.HasChange("account_type") {
		accountType := d.Get("account_type").(string)

		opts := storage.AccountUpdateParameters{
			Properties: &storage.AccountPropertiesUpdateParameters{
				AccountType: storage.AccountType(accountType),
		accResp, err := client.Update(resourceGroupName, storageAccountName, opts)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Azure Storage Account type %q: %s", storageAccountName, err)
		_, err = pollIndefinitelyAsNeeded(client.Client, accResp.Response.Response, http.StatusOK)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Azure Storage Account type %q: %s", storageAccountName, err)


	if d.HasChange("tags") {
		tags := d.Get("tags").(map[string]interface{})

		opts := storage.AccountUpdateParameters{
			Tags: expandTags(tags),
		accResp, err := client.Update(resourceGroupName, storageAccountName, opts)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Azure Storage Account tags %q: %s", storageAccountName, err)
		_, err = pollIndefinitelyAsNeeded(client.Client, accResp.Response.Response, http.StatusOK)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Azure Storage Account tags %q: %s", storageAccountName, err)


	return nil
func resourceAwsKinesisStreamUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).kinesisconn

	if err := setTagsKinesis(conn, d); err != nil {
		return err


	return resourceAwsKinesisStreamRead(d, meta)
func resourcePostgresqlRoleUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*Client)
	conn, err := client.Connect()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close()


	roleName := d.Get("name").(string)

	if d.HasChange("login") {
		loginAttr := getLoginStr(d.Get("login").(bool))
		query := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER ROLE %s %s", pq.QuoteIdentifier(roleName), pq.QuoteIdentifier(loginAttr))
		_, err := conn.Query(query)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating login attribute for role: %s", err)


	password := d.Get("password").(string)
	if d.HasChange("password") {
		encryptedCfg := getEncryptedStr(d.Get("encrypted").(bool))

		query := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER ROLE %s %s PASSWORD '%s'", pq.QuoteIdentifier(roleName), encryptedCfg, password)
		_, err := conn.Query(query)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating password attribute for role: %s", err)


	if d.HasChange("encrypted") {
		encryptedCfg := getEncryptedStr(d.Get("encrypted").(bool))

		query := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER ROLE %s %s PASSWORD '%s'", pq.QuoteIdentifier(roleName), encryptedCfg, password)
		_, err := conn.Query(query)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating encrypted attribute for role: %s", err)


	return resourcePostgresqlRoleRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsDbParameterGroupUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	rdsconn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn


	if d.HasChange("parameter") {
		o, n := d.GetChange("parameter")
		if o == nil {
			o = new(schema.Set)
		if n == nil {
			n = new(schema.Set)

		os := o.(*schema.Set)
		ns := n.(*schema.Set)

		// Expand the "parameter" set to aws-sdk-go compat []rds.Parameter
		parameters, err := expandParameters(ns.Difference(os).List())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if len(parameters) > 0 {
			modifyOpts := rds.ModifyDBParameterGroupInput{
				DBParameterGroupName: aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
				Parameters:           parameters,

			log.Printf("[DEBUG] Modify DB Parameter Group: %s", modifyOpts)
			_, err = rdsconn.ModifyDBParameterGroup(&modifyOpts)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error modifying DB Parameter Group: %s", err)

	if arn, err := buildRDSPGARN(d, meta); err == nil {
		if err := setTagsRDS(rdsconn, d, arn); err != nil {
			return err
		} else {


	return resourceAwsDbParameterGroupRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsSpotInstanceRequestUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {


	return resourceAwsSpotInstanceRequestRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsDbSecurityGroupUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn

	if arn, err := buildRDSSecurityGroupARN(d, meta); err == nil {
		if err := setTagsRDS(conn, d, arn); err != nil {
			return err
		} else {

	return resourceAwsDbSecurityGroupRead(d, meta)
예제 #18
func resourceAwsVpcCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
	instance_tenancy := "default"
	if v, ok := d.GetOk("instance_tenancy"); ok {
		instance_tenancy = v.(string)
	// Create the VPC
	createOpts := &ec2.CreateVpcInput{
		CidrBlock:       aws.String(d.Get("cidr_block").(string)),
		InstanceTenancy: aws.String(instance_tenancy),
	log.Printf("[DEBUG] VPC create config: %#v", *createOpts)
	vpcResp, err := conn.CreateVpc(createOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating VPC: %s", err)

	// Get the ID and store it
	vpc := vpcResp.Vpc
	log.Printf("[INFO] VPC ID: %s", d.Id())

	// Set partial mode and say that we setup the cidr block

	// Wait for the VPC to become available
		"[DEBUG] Waiting for VPC (%s) to become available",
	stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
		Pending: []string{"pending"},
		Target:  "available",
		Refresh: VPCStateRefreshFunc(conn, d.Id()),
		Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
	if _, err := stateConf.WaitForState(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(
			"Error waiting for VPC (%s) to become available: %s",
			d.Id(), err)

	// Update our attributes and return
	return resourceAwsVpcUpdate(d, meta)
func resourceAwsElasticacheParameterGroupUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).elasticacheconn


	if d.HasChange("parameter") {
		o, n := d.GetChange("parameter")
		if o == nil {
			o = new(schema.Set)
		if n == nil {
			n = new(schema.Set)

		os := o.(*schema.Set)
		ns := n.(*schema.Set)

		// Expand the "parameter" set to aws-sdk-go compat []elasticacheconn.Parameter
		parameters, err := expandElastiCacheParameters(ns.Difference(os).List())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if len(parameters) > 0 {
			modifyOpts := elasticache.ModifyCacheParameterGroupInput{
				CacheParameterGroupName: aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
				ParameterNameValues:     parameters,

			log.Printf("[DEBUG] Modify Cache Parameter Group: %#v", modifyOpts)
			_, err = conn.ModifyCacheParameterGroup(&modifyOpts)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error modifying Cache Parameter Group: %s", err)


	return resourceAwsElasticacheParameterGroupRead(d, meta)
func resourceComputeTargetHttpsProxyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)


	if d.HasChange("url_map") {
		url_map := d.Get("url_map").(string)
		url_map_ref := &compute.UrlMapReference{UrlMap: url_map}
		op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetHttpsProxies.SetUrlMap(
			config.Project, d.Id(), url_map_ref).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Target HTTPS proxy URL map: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitGlobal(config, op, "Updating Target Https Proxy URL Map")
		if err != nil {
			return err


	if d.HasChange("ssl_certificates") {
		proxy, err := config.clientCompute.TargetHttpsProxies.Get(
			config.Project, d.Id()).Do()

		_old, _new := d.GetChange("ssl_certificates")
		_oldCerts := _old.([]interface{})
		_newCerts := _new.([]interface{})
		current := proxy.SslCertificates

		_oldMap := make(map[string]bool)
		_newMap := make(map[string]bool)

		for _, v := range _oldCerts {
			_oldMap[v.(string)] = true

		for _, v := range _newCerts {
			_newMap[v.(string)] = true

		sslCertificates := make([]string, 0)
		// Only modify certificates in one of our old or new states
		for _, v := range current {
			_, okOld := _oldMap[v]
			_, okNew := _newMap[v]

			// we deleted the certificate
			if okOld && !okNew {

			sslCertificates = append(sslCertificates, v)

			// Keep track of the fact that we have added this certificate
			if okNew {
				delete(_newMap, v)

		// Add fresh certificates
		for k, _ := range _newMap {
			sslCertificates = append(sslCertificates, k)

		cert_ref := &compute.TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest{
			SslCertificates: sslCertificates,
		op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetHttpsProxies.SetSslCertificates(
			config.Project, d.Id(), cert_ref).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Target Https Proxy SSL Certificates: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitGlobal(config, op, "Updating Target Https Proxy SSL certificates")
		if err != nil {
			return err



	return resourceComputeTargetHttpsProxyRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsDbInstanceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn


	req := &rds.ModifyDBInstanceInput{
		ApplyImmediately:     aws.Bool(d.Get("apply_immediately").(bool)),
		DBInstanceIdentifier: aws.String(d.Id()),

	requestUpdate := false
	if d.HasChange("allocated_storage") {
		req.AllocatedStorage = aws.Int64(int64(d.Get("allocated_storage").(int)))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("allow_major_version_upgrade") {
		req.AllowMajorVersionUpgrade = aws.Bool(d.Get("allow_major_version_upgrade").(bool))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("backup_retention_period") {
		req.BackupRetentionPeriod = aws.Int64(int64(d.Get("backup_retention_period").(int)))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("copy_tags_to_snapshot") {
		req.CopyTagsToSnapshot = aws.Bool(d.Get("copy_tags_to_snapshot").(bool))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("instance_class") {
		req.DBInstanceClass = aws.String(d.Get("instance_class").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("parameter_group_name") {
		req.DBParameterGroupName = aws.String(d.Get("parameter_group_name").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("engine_version") {
		req.EngineVersion = aws.String(d.Get("engine_version").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("iops") {
		req.Iops = aws.Int64(int64(d.Get("iops").(int)))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("backup_window") {
		req.PreferredBackupWindow = aws.String(d.Get("backup_window").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("maintenance_window") {
		req.PreferredMaintenanceWindow = aws.String(d.Get("maintenance_window").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("password") {
		req.MasterUserPassword = aws.String(d.Get("password").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("multi_az") {
		req.MultiAZ = aws.Bool(d.Get("multi_az").(bool))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("publicly_accessible") {
		req.PubliclyAccessible = aws.Bool(d.Get("publicly_accessible").(bool))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("storage_type") {
		req.StorageType = aws.String(d.Get("storage_type").(string))
		requestUpdate = true
	if d.HasChange("auto_minor_version_upgrade") {
		req.AutoMinorVersionUpgrade = aws.Bool(d.Get("auto_minor_version_upgrade").(bool))
		requestUpdate = true

	if d.HasChange("vpc_security_group_ids") {
		if attr := d.Get("vpc_security_group_ids").(*schema.Set); attr.Len() > 0 {
			var s []*string
			for _, v := range attr.List() {
				s = append(s, aws.String(v.(string)))
			req.VpcSecurityGroupIds = s
		requestUpdate = true

	if d.HasChange("vpc_security_group_ids") {
		if attr := d.Get("security_group_names").(*schema.Set); attr.Len() > 0 {
			var s []*string
			for _, v := range attr.List() {
				s = append(s, aws.String(v.(string)))
			req.DBSecurityGroups = s
		requestUpdate = true

	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Send DB Instance Modification request: %#v", requestUpdate)
	if requestUpdate {
		log.Printf("[DEBUG] DB Instance Modification request: %#v", req)
		_, err := conn.ModifyDBInstance(req)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error modifying DB Instance %s: %s", d.Id(), err)

	// separate request to promote a database
	if d.HasChange("replicate_source_db") {
		if d.Get("replicate_source_db").(string) == "" {
			// promote
			opts := rds.PromoteReadReplicaInput{
				DBInstanceIdentifier: aws.String(d.Id()),
			attr := d.Get("backup_retention_period")
			opts.BackupRetentionPeriod = aws.Int64(int64(attr.(int)))
			if attr, ok := d.GetOk("backup_window"); ok {
				opts.PreferredBackupWindow = aws.String(attr.(string))
			_, err := conn.PromoteReadReplica(&opts)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error promoting database: %#v", err)
			d.Set("replicate_source_db", "")
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot elect new source database for replication")

	if arn, err := buildRDSARN(d, meta); err == nil {
		if err := setTagsRDS(conn, d, arn); err != nil {
			return err
		} else {

	return resourceAwsDbInstanceRead(d, meta)
예제 #22
func resourceAwsVpcUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	// Turn on partial mode
	vpcid := d.Id()
	if d.HasChange("enable_dns_hostnames") {
		val := d.Get("enable_dns_hostnames").(bool)
		modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifyVpcAttributeInput{
			VpcId: &vpcid,
			EnableDnsHostnames: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
				Value: &val,

			"[INFO] Modifying enable_dns_support vpc attribute for %s: %#v",
			d.Id(), modifyOpts)
		if _, err := conn.ModifyVpcAttribute(modifyOpts); err != nil {
			return err


	if d.HasChange("enable_dns_support") {
		val := d.Get("enable_dns_support").(bool)
		modifyOpts := &ec2.ModifyVpcAttributeInput{
			VpcId: &vpcid,
			EnableDnsSupport: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
				Value: &val,

			"[INFO] Modifying enable_dns_support vpc attribute for %s: %#v",
			d.Id(), modifyOpts)
		if _, err := conn.ModifyVpcAttribute(modifyOpts); err != nil {
			return err


	if d.HasChange("enable_classiclink") {
		val := d.Get("enable_classiclink").(bool)

		if val {
			modifyOpts := &ec2.EnableVpcClassicLinkInput{
				VpcId: &vpcid,
				"[INFO] Modifying enable_classiclink vpc attribute for %s: %#v",
				d.Id(), modifyOpts)
			if _, err := conn.EnableVpcClassicLink(modifyOpts); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			modifyOpts := &ec2.DisableVpcClassicLinkInput{
				VpcId: &vpcid,
				"[INFO] Modifying enable_classiclink vpc attribute for %s: %#v",
				d.Id(), modifyOpts)
			if _, err := conn.DisableVpcClassicLink(modifyOpts); err != nil {
				return err


	if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {

	return resourceAwsVpcRead(d, meta)
func resourceComputeTargetPoolUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)
	region := getOptionalRegion(d, config)


	if d.HasChange("health_checks") {

		from_, to_ := d.GetChange("health_checks")
		from := convertStringArr(from_.([]interface{}))
		to := convertStringArr(to_.([]interface{}))
		fromUrls, err := convertHealthChecks(config, from)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		toUrls, err := convertHealthChecks(config, to)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		add, remove := calcAddRemove(fromUrls, toUrls)

		removeReq := &compute.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest{
			HealthChecks: make([]*compute.HealthCheckReference, len(remove)),
		for i, v := range remove {
			removeReq.HealthChecks[i] = &compute.HealthCheckReference{HealthCheck: v}
		op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetPools.RemoveHealthCheck(
			config.Project, region, d.Id(), removeReq).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating health_check: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Target Pool")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		addReq := &compute.TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest{
			HealthChecks: make([]*compute.HealthCheckReference, len(add)),
		for i, v := range add {
			addReq.HealthChecks[i] = &compute.HealthCheckReference{HealthCheck: v}
		op, err = config.clientCompute.TargetPools.AddHealthCheck(
			config.Project, region, d.Id(), addReq).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating health_check: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Target Pool")
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("instances") {

		from_, to_ := d.GetChange("instances")
		from := convertStringArr(from_.([]interface{}))
		to := convertStringArr(to_.([]interface{}))
		fromUrls, err := convertInstances(config, from)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		toUrls, err := convertInstances(config, to)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		add, remove := calcAddRemove(fromUrls, toUrls)

		addReq := &compute.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest{
			Instances: make([]*compute.InstanceReference, len(add)),
		for i, v := range add {
			addReq.Instances[i] = &compute.InstanceReference{Instance: v}
		op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetPools.AddInstance(
			config.Project, region, d.Id(), addReq).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating instances: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Target Pool")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		removeReq := &compute.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest{
			Instances: make([]*compute.InstanceReference, len(remove)),
		for i, v := range remove {
			removeReq.Instances[i] = &compute.InstanceReference{Instance: v}
		op, err = config.clientCompute.TargetPools.RemoveInstance(
			config.Project, region, d.Id(), removeReq).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating instances: %s", err)
		err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Target Pool")
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("backup_pool") {
		bpool_name := d.Get("backup_pool").(string)
		tref := &compute.TargetReference{
			Target: bpool_name,
		op, err := config.clientCompute.TargetPools.SetBackup(
			config.Project, region, d.Id(), tref).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating backup_pool: %s", err)

		err = computeOperationWaitRegion(config, op, region, "Updating Target Pool")
		if err != nil {
			return err


	return resourceComputeTargetPoolRead(d, meta)
예제 #24
func resourceAwsAmiCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	client := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	req := &ec2.RegisterImageInput{
		Name:               aws.String(d.Get("name").(string)),
		Description:        aws.String(d.Get("description").(string)),
		Architecture:       aws.String(d.Get("architecture").(string)),
		ImageLocation:      aws.String(d.Get("image_location").(string)),
		RootDeviceName:     aws.String(d.Get("root_device_name").(string)),
		SriovNetSupport:    aws.String(d.Get("sriov_net_support").(string)),
		VirtualizationType: aws.String(d.Get("virtualization_type").(string)),

	if kernelId := d.Get("kernel_id").(string); kernelId != "" {
		req.KernelId = aws.String(kernelId)
	if ramdiskId := d.Get("ramdisk_id").(string); ramdiskId != "" {
		req.RamdiskId = aws.String(ramdiskId)

	ebsBlockDevsSet := d.Get("ebs_block_device").(*schema.Set)
	ephemeralBlockDevsSet := d.Get("ephemeral_block_device").(*schema.Set)
	for _, ebsBlockDevI := range ebsBlockDevsSet.List() {
		ebsBlockDev := ebsBlockDevI.(map[string]interface{})
		blockDev := &ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
			DeviceName: aws.String(ebsBlockDev["device_name"].(string)),
			Ebs: &ec2.EbsBlockDevice{
				DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(ebsBlockDev["delete_on_termination"].(bool)),
				VolumeSize:          aws.Int64(int64(ebsBlockDev["volume_size"].(int))),
				VolumeType:          aws.String(ebsBlockDev["volume_type"].(string)),
		if iops := ebsBlockDev["iops"].(int); iops != 0 {
			blockDev.Ebs.Iops = aws.Int64(int64(iops))
		encrypted := ebsBlockDev["encrypted"].(bool)
		if snapshotId := ebsBlockDev["snapshot_id"].(string); snapshotId != "" {
			blockDev.Ebs.SnapshotId = aws.String(snapshotId)
			if encrypted {
				return errors.New("can't set both 'snapshot_id' and 'encrypted'")
		} else if encrypted {
			blockDev.Ebs.Encrypted = aws.Bool(true)
		req.BlockDeviceMappings = append(req.BlockDeviceMappings, blockDev)
	for _, ephemeralBlockDevI := range ephemeralBlockDevsSet.List() {
		ephemeralBlockDev := ephemeralBlockDevI.(map[string]interface{})
		blockDev := &ec2.BlockDeviceMapping{
			DeviceName:  aws.String(ephemeralBlockDev["device_name"].(string)),
			VirtualName: aws.String(ephemeralBlockDev["virtual_name"].(string)),
		req.BlockDeviceMappings = append(req.BlockDeviceMappings, blockDev)

	res, err := client.RegisterImage(req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	id := *res.ImageId
	d.Partial(true) // make sure we record the id even if the rest of this gets interrupted
	d.Set("id", id)
	d.Set("manage_ebs_block_devices", false)

	_, err = resourceAwsAmiWaitForAvailable(id, client)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return resourceAwsAmiUpdate(d, meta)
func resourceComputeInstanceGroupManagerUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)


	// If target_pools changes then update
	if d.HasChange("target_pools") {
		var targetPools []string
		if attr := d.Get("target_pools").(*schema.Set); attr.Len() > 0 {
			for _, v := range attr.List() {
				targetPools = append(targetPools, v.(string))

		// Build the parameter
		setTargetPools := &compute.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest{
			Fingerprint: d.Get("fingerprint").(string),
			TargetPools: targetPools,

		op, err := config.clientCompute.InstanceGroupManagers.SetTargetPools(
			config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id(), setTargetPools).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating InstanceGroupManager: %s", err)

		// Wait for the operation to complete
		err = computeOperationWaitZone(config, op, d.Get("zone").(string), "Updating InstanceGroupManager")
		if err != nil {
			return err


	// If instance_template changes then update
	if d.HasChange("instance_template") {
		// Build the parameter
		setInstanceTemplate := &compute.InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest{
			InstanceTemplate: d.Get("instance_template").(string),

		op, err := config.clientCompute.InstanceGroupManagers.SetInstanceTemplate(
			config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id(), setInstanceTemplate).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating InstanceGroupManager: %s", err)

		// Wait for the operation to complete
		err = computeOperationWaitZone(config, op, d.Get("zone").(string), "Updating InstanceGroupManager")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if d.Get("update_strategy").(string) == "RESTART" {
			managedInstances, err := config.clientCompute.InstanceGroupManagers.ListManagedInstances(
				config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id()).Do()

			managedInstanceCount := len(managedInstances.ManagedInstances)
			instances := make([]string, managedInstanceCount)
			for i, v := range managedInstances.ManagedInstances {
				instances[i] = v.Instance

			recreateInstances := &compute.InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest{
				Instances: instances,

			op, err = config.clientCompute.InstanceGroupManagers.RecreateInstances(
				config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id(), recreateInstances).Do()

			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error restarting instance group managers instances: %s", err)

			// Wait for the operation to complete
			err = computeOperationWaitZoneTime(config, op, d.Get("zone").(string),
				managedInstanceCount*4, "Restarting InstanceGroupManagers instances")
			if err != nil {
				return err


	// If named_port changes then update:
	if d.HasChange("named_port") {

		// Build the parameters for a "SetNamedPorts" request:
		namedPorts := getNamedPorts(d.Get("named_port").([]interface{}))
		setNamedPorts := &compute.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest{
			NamedPorts: namedPorts,

		// Make the request:
		op, err := config.clientCompute.InstanceGroups.SetNamedPorts(
			config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id(), setNamedPorts).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error updating InstanceGroupManager: %s", err)

		// Wait for the operation to complete:
		err = computeOperationWaitZone(config, op, d.Get("zone").(string), "Updating InstanceGroupManager")
		if err != nil {
			return err


	// If size changes trigger a resize
	if d.HasChange("target_size") {
		if v, ok := d.GetOk("target_size"); ok {
			// Only do anything if the new size is set
			target_size := int64(v.(int))

			op, err := config.clientCompute.InstanceGroupManagers.Resize(
				config.Project, d.Get("zone").(string), d.Id(), target_size).Do()
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error updating InstanceGroupManager: %s", err)

			// Wait for the operation to complete
			err = computeOperationWaitZone(config, op, d.Get("zone").(string), "Updating InstanceGroupManager")
			if err != nil {
				return err



	return resourceComputeInstanceGroupManagerRead(d, meta)
func resourceCloudStackDiskCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)

	name := d.Get("name").(string)

	// Create a new parameter struct
	p := cs.Volume.NewCreateVolumeParams(name)

	// Retrieve the disk_offering ID
	diskofferingid, e := retrieveID(cs, "disk_offering", d.Get("disk_offering").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()
	// Set the disk_offering ID

	if d.Get("size").(int) != 0 {
		// Set the volume size

	// If there is a project supplied, we retrieve and set the project id
	if project, ok := d.GetOk("project"); ok {
		// Retrieve the project ID
		projectid, e := retrieveID(cs, "project", project.(string))
		if e != nil {
			return e.Error()
		// Set the default project ID

	// Retrieve the zone ID
	zoneid, e := retrieveID(cs, "zone", d.Get("zone").(string))
	if e != nil {
		return e.Error()
	// Set the zone ID

	// Create the new volume
	r, err := cs.Volume.CreateVolume(p)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error creating the new disk %s: %s", name, err)

	// Set the volume ID and partials

	if d.Get("attach").(bool) {
		err := resourceCloudStackDiskAttach(d, meta)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error attaching the new disk %s to virtual machine: %s", name, err)

		// Set the additional partial

	return resourceCloudStackDiskRead(d, meta)
func resourceCloudStackDiskUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)

	name := d.Get("name").(string)

	if d.HasChange("disk_offering") || d.HasChange("size") {
		// Detach the volume (re-attach is done at the end of this function)
		if err := resourceCloudStackDiskDetach(d, meta); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error detaching disk %s from virtual machine: %s", name, err)

		// Create a new parameter struct
		p := cs.Volume.NewResizeVolumeParams(d.Id())

		// Retrieve the disk_offering ID
		diskofferingid, e := retrieveID(cs, "disk_offering", d.Get("disk_offering").(string))
		if e != nil {
			return e.Error()

		// Set the disk_offering ID

		if d.Get("size").(int) != 0 {
			// Set the size

		// Set the shrink bit

		// Change the disk_offering
		r, err := cs.Volume.ResizeVolume(p)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error changing disk offering/size for disk %s: %s", name, err)

		// Update the volume ID and set partials

	// If the device changed, just detach here so we can re-attach the
	// volume at the end of this function
	if d.HasChange("device") || d.HasChange("virtual_machine") {
		// Detach the volume
		if err := resourceCloudStackDiskDetach(d, meta); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error detaching disk %s from virtual machine: %s", name, err)

	if d.Get("attach").(bool) {
		// Attach the volume
		err := resourceCloudStackDiskAttach(d, meta)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error attaching disk %s to virtual machine: %s", name, err)

		// Set the additional partials
	} else {
		// Detach the volume
		if err := resourceCloudStackDiskDetach(d, meta); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error detaching disk %s from virtual machine: %s", name, err)

	return resourceCloudStackDiskRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsNetworkAclUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	if d.HasChange("ingress") {
		err := updateNetworkAclEntries(d, "ingress", conn)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("egress") {
		err := updateNetworkAclEntries(d, "egress", conn)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("subnet_id") {
		//associate new subnet with the acl.
		_, n := d.GetChange("subnet_id")
		newSubnet := n.(string)
		association, err := findNetworkAclAssociation(newSubnet, conn)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update acl %s with subnet %s: %s", d.Id(), newSubnet, err)
		_, err = conn.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(&ec2.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationInput{
			AssociationId: association.NetworkAclAssociationId,
			NetworkAclId:  aws.String(d.Id()),
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("subnet_ids") {
		o, n := d.GetChange("subnet_ids")
		if o == nil {
			o = new(schema.Set)
		if n == nil {
			n = new(schema.Set)

		os := o.(*schema.Set)
		ns := n.(*schema.Set)

		remove := os.Difference(ns).List()
		add := ns.Difference(os).List()

		if len(remove) > 0 {
			// A Network ACL is required for each subnet. In order to disassociate a
			// subnet from this ACL, we must associate it with the default ACL.
			defaultAcl, err := getDefaultNetworkAcl(d.Get("vpc_id").(string), conn)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find Default ACL for VPC %s", d.Get("vpc_id").(string))
			for _, r := range remove {
				association, err := findNetworkAclAssociation(r.(string), conn)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find acl association: acl %s with subnet %s: %s", d.Id(), r, err)
				_, err = conn.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(&ec2.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationInput{
					AssociationId: association.NetworkAclAssociationId,
					NetworkAclId:  defaultAcl.NetworkAclId,
				if err != nil {
					return err

		if len(add) > 0 {
			for _, a := range add {
				association, err := findNetworkAclAssociation(a.(string), conn)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find acl association: acl %s with subnet %s: %s", d.Id(), a, err)
				_, err = conn.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(&ec2.ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationInput{
					AssociationId: association.NetworkAclAssociationId,
					NetworkAclId:  aws.String(d.Id()),
				if err != nil {
					return err


	if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {

	return resourceAwsNetworkAclRead(d, meta)
func resourceSqlDatabaseInstanceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	config := meta.(*Config)

	instance, err := config.clientSqlAdmin.Instances.Get(config.Project,

	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving instance %s: %s",
			d.Get("name").(string), err)

	if d.HasChange("settings") {
		_oListCast, _settingsListCast := d.GetChange("settings")
		_oList := _oListCast.([]interface{})
		_o := _oList[0].(map[string]interface{})
		_settingsList := _settingsListCast.([]interface{})
		if len(_settingsList) > 1 {
			return fmt.Errorf("At most one settings block is allowed")

		_settings := _settingsList[0].(map[string]interface{})
		settings := &sqladmin.Settings{
			Tier:            _settings["tier"].(string),
			SettingsVersion: instance.Settings.SettingsVersion,

		if v, ok := _settings["activation_policy"]; ok {
			settings.ActivationPolicy = v.(string)

		if v, ok := _settings["authorized_gae_applications"]; ok {
			settings.AuthorizedGaeApplications = make([]string, 0)
			for _, app := range v.([]interface{}) {
				settings.AuthorizedGaeApplications = append(settings.AuthorizedGaeApplications,

		if v, ok := _settings["backup_configuration"]; ok {
			_backupConfigurationList := v.([]interface{})
			if len(_backupConfigurationList) > 1 {
				return fmt.Errorf("At most one backup_configuration block is allowed")

			if len(_backupConfigurationList) == 1 && _backupConfigurationList[0] != nil {
				settings.BackupConfiguration = &sqladmin.BackupConfiguration{}
				_backupConfiguration := _backupConfigurationList[0].(map[string]interface{})

				if vp, okp := _backupConfiguration["binary_log_enabled"]; okp {
					settings.BackupConfiguration.BinaryLogEnabled = vp.(bool)

				if vp, okp := _backupConfiguration["enabled"]; okp {
					settings.BackupConfiguration.Enabled = vp.(bool)

				if vp, okp := _backupConfiguration["start_time"]; okp {
					settings.BackupConfiguration.StartTime = vp.(string)

		if v, ok := _settings["crash_safe_replication"]; ok {
			settings.CrashSafeReplicationEnabled = v.(bool)

		_oldDatabaseFlags := make([]interface{}, 0)
		if ov, ook := _o["database_flags"]; ook {
			_oldDatabaseFlags = ov.([]interface{})

		if v, ok := _settings["database_flags"]; ok || len(_oldDatabaseFlags) > 0 {
			oldDatabaseFlags := settings.DatabaseFlags
			settings.DatabaseFlags = make([]*sqladmin.DatabaseFlags, 0)
			_databaseFlagsList := make([]interface{}, 0)
			if v != nil {
				_databaseFlagsList = v.([]interface{})

			_odbf_map := make(map[string]interface{})
			for _, _dbf := range _oldDatabaseFlags {
				_entry := _dbf.(map[string]interface{})
				_odbf_map[_entry["name"].(string)] = true

			// First read the flags from the server, and reinsert those that
			// were not previously defined
			for _, entry := range oldDatabaseFlags {
				_, ok_old := _odbf_map[entry.Name]
				if !ok_old {
					settings.DatabaseFlags = append(
						settings.DatabaseFlags, entry)
			// finally, insert only those that were previously defined
			// and are still defined.
			for _, _flag := range _databaseFlagsList {
				_entry := _flag.(map[string]interface{})
				flag := &sqladmin.DatabaseFlags{}
				if vp, okp := _entry["name"]; okp {
					flag.Name = vp.(string)

				if vp, okp := _entry["value"]; okp {
					flag.Value = vp.(string)

				settings.DatabaseFlags = append(settings.DatabaseFlags, flag)

		if v, ok := _settings["ip_configuration"]; ok {
			_ipConfigurationList := v.([]interface{})
			if len(_ipConfigurationList) > 1 {
				return fmt.Errorf("At most one ip_configuration block is allowed")

			if len(_ipConfigurationList) == 1 && _ipConfigurationList[0] != nil {
				settings.IpConfiguration = &sqladmin.IpConfiguration{}
				_ipConfiguration := _ipConfigurationList[0].(map[string]interface{})

				if vp, okp := _ipConfiguration["ipv4_enabled"]; okp {
					settings.IpConfiguration.Ipv4Enabled = vp.(bool)

				if vp, okp := _ipConfiguration["require_ssl"]; okp {
					settings.IpConfiguration.RequireSsl = vp.(bool)

				_oldAuthorizedNetworkList := make([]interface{}, 0)
				if ov, ook := _o["ip_configuration"]; ook {
					_oldIpConfList := ov.([]interface{})
					if len(_oldIpConfList) > 0 {
						_oldIpConf := _oldIpConfList[0].(map[string]interface{})
						if ovp, ookp := _oldIpConf["authorized_networks"]; ookp {
							_oldAuthorizedNetworkList = ovp.([]interface{})

				if vp, okp := _ipConfiguration["authorized_networks"]; okp || len(_oldAuthorizedNetworkList) > 0 {
					oldAuthorizedNetworks := settings.IpConfiguration.AuthorizedNetworks
					settings.IpConfiguration.AuthorizedNetworks = make([]*sqladmin.AclEntry, 0)

					_authorizedNetworksList := make([]interface{}, 0)
					if vp != nil {
						_authorizedNetworksList = vp.([]interface{})
					_oipc_map := make(map[string]interface{})
					for _, _ipc := range _oldAuthorizedNetworkList {
						_entry := _ipc.(map[string]interface{})
						_oipc_map[_entry["value"].(string)] = true
					// Next read the network tuples from the server, and reinsert those that
					// were not previously defined
					for _, entry := range oldAuthorizedNetworks {
						_, ok_old := _oipc_map[entry.Value]
						if !ok_old {
							settings.IpConfiguration.AuthorizedNetworks = append(
								settings.IpConfiguration.AuthorizedNetworks, entry)
					// finally, insert only those that were previously defined
					// and are still defined.
					for _, _ipc := range _authorizedNetworksList {
						_entry := _ipc.(map[string]interface{})
						if _, ok_old := _oipc_map[_entry["value"].(string)]; ok_old {
							entry := &sqladmin.AclEntry{}

							if vpp, okpp := _entry["expiration_time"]; okpp {
								entry.ExpirationTime = vpp.(string)

							if vpp, okpp := _entry["name"]; okpp {
								entry.Name = vpp.(string)

							if vpp, okpp := _entry["value"]; okpp {
								entry.Value = vpp.(string)

							settings.IpConfiguration.AuthorizedNetworks = append(
								settings.IpConfiguration.AuthorizedNetworks, entry)

		if v, ok := _settings["location_preference"]; ok {
			_locationPreferenceList := v.([]interface{})
			if len(_locationPreferenceList) > 1 {
				return fmt.Errorf("At most one location_preference block is allowed")

			if len(_locationPreferenceList) == 1 && _locationPreferenceList[0] != nil {
				settings.LocationPreference = &sqladmin.LocationPreference{}
				_locationPreference := _locationPreferenceList[0].(map[string]interface{})

				if vp, okp := _locationPreference["follow_gae_application"]; okp {
					settings.LocationPreference.FollowGaeApplication = vp.(string)

				if vp, okp := _locationPreference["zone"]; okp {
					settings.LocationPreference.Zone = vp.(string)

		if v, ok := _settings["pricing_plan"]; ok {
			settings.PricingPlan = v.(string)

		if v, ok := _settings["replication_type"]; ok {
			settings.ReplicationType = v.(string)

		instance.Settings = settings


	op, err := config.clientSqlAdmin.Instances.Update(config.Project, instance.Name, instance).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error, failed to update instance %s: %s", instance.Name, err)

	err = sqladminOperationWait(config, op, "Create Instance")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return resourceSqlDatabaseInstanceRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsInstanceUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
	conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn

	if err := setTags(conn, d); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {

	// SourceDestCheck can only be set on VPC instances
	// AWS will return an error of InvalidParameterCombination if we attempt
	// to modify the source_dest_check of an instance in EC2 Classic
	log.Printf("[INFO] Modifying instance %s", d.Id())
	_, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{
		InstanceId: aws.String(d.Id()),
		SourceDestCheck: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
			Value: aws.Bool(d.Get("source_dest_check").(bool)),
	if err != nil {
		if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
			// Toloerate InvalidParameterCombination error in Classic, otherwise
			// return the error
			if "InvalidParameterCombination" != ec2err.Code() {
				return err
			log.Printf("[WARN] Attempted to modify SourceDestCheck on non VPC instance: %s", ec2err.Message())

	if d.HasChange("vpc_security_group_ids") {
		var groups []*string
		if v := d.Get("vpc_security_group_ids").(*schema.Set); v.Len() > 0 {
			for _, v := range v.List() {
				groups = append(groups, aws.String(v.(string)))
		_, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{
			InstanceId: aws.String(d.Id()),
			Groups:     groups,
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("disable_api_termination") {
		_, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{
			InstanceId: aws.String(d.Id()),
			DisableApiTermination: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
				Value: aws.Bool(d.Get("disable_api_termination").(bool)),
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior") {
		log.Printf("[INFO] Modifying instance %s", d.Id())
		_, err := conn.ModifyInstanceAttribute(&ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{
			InstanceId: aws.String(d.Id()),
			InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: &ec2.AttributeValue{
				Value: aws.String(d.Get("instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior").(string)),
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if d.HasChange("monitoring") {
		var mErr error
		if d.Get("monitoring").(bool) {
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] Enabling monitoring for Instance (%s)", d.Id())
			_, mErr = conn.MonitorInstances(&ec2.MonitorInstancesInput{
				InstanceIds: []*string{aws.String(d.Id())},
		} else {
			log.Printf("[DEBUG] Disabling monitoring for Instance (%s)", d.Id())
			_, mErr = conn.UnmonitorInstances(&ec2.UnmonitorInstancesInput{
				InstanceIds: []*string{aws.String(d.Id())},
		if mErr != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("[WARN] Error updating Instance monitoring: %s", mErr)

	// TODO(mitchellh): wait for the attributes we modified to
	// persist the change...


	return resourceAwsInstanceRead(d, meta)