예제 #1
func rst(srcIP net.IP, dstIP net.IP, srcPort uint16, dstPort uint16, seq uint32, ack uint32, payloadLen uint32) *tcpPacket {
	iphdr := packet.NewIPv4()
	tcphdr := packet.NewTCP()

	iphdr.Version = 4
	iphdr.DstIP = srcIP
	iphdr.SrcIP = dstIP
	iphdr.TTL = 64
	iphdr.Protocol = packet.IPProtocolTCP

	tcphdr.DstPort = srcPort
	tcphdr.SrcPort = dstPort
	tcphdr.Window = uint16(MAX_RECV_WINDOW)
	tcphdr.RST = true
	tcphdr.ACK = true
	tcphdr.Seq = 0

	// RFC 793:
	// "If the incoming segment has an ACK field, the reset takes its sequence
	// number from the ACK field of the segment, otherwise the reset has
	// sequence number zero and the ACK field is set to the sum of the sequence
	// number and segment length of the incoming segment. The connection remains
	// in the CLOSED state."
	tcphdr.Ack = seq + payloadLen
	if tcphdr.Ack == seq {
		tcphdr.Ack += 1
	if ack != 0 {
		tcphdr.Seq = ack
	return packTCP(iphdr, tcphdr)
예제 #2
func (tt *tcpConnTrack) synAck(syn *tcpPacket) {
	iphdr := packet.NewIPv4()
	tcphdr := packet.NewTCP()

	iphdr.Version = 4
	iphdr.SrcIP = tt.remoteIP
	iphdr.DstIP = tt.localIP
	iphdr.TTL = 64
	iphdr.Protocol = packet.IPProtocolTCP

	tcphdr.SrcPort = tt.remotePort
	tcphdr.DstPort = tt.localPort
	tcphdr.Window = uint16(atomic.LoadInt32(&tt.recvWindow))
	tcphdr.SYN = true
	tcphdr.ACK = true
	tcphdr.Seq = tt.nxtSeq
	tcphdr.Ack = tt.rcvNxtSeq

	tcphdr.Options = []packet.TCPOption{{2, 4, []byte{0x5, 0xb4}}}

	synAck := packTCP(iphdr, tcphdr)
	// SYN counts 1 seq
	tt.nxtSeq += 1
예제 #3
func (tt *tcpConnTrack) ack() {
	iphdr := packet.NewIPv4()
	tcphdr := packet.NewTCP()

	iphdr.Version = 4
	iphdr.SrcIP = tt.remoteIP
	iphdr.DstIP = tt.localIP
	iphdr.TTL = 64
	iphdr.Protocol = packet.IPProtocolTCP

	tcphdr.SrcPort = tt.remotePort
	tcphdr.DstPort = tt.localPort
	tcphdr.Window = uint16(atomic.LoadInt32(&tt.recvWindow))
	tcphdr.ACK = true
	tcphdr.Seq = tt.nxtSeq
	tcphdr.Ack = tt.rcvNxtSeq

	ack := packTCP(iphdr, tcphdr)
예제 #4
func (tt *tcpConnTrack) payload(data []byte) {
	iphdr := packet.NewIPv4()
	tcphdr := packet.NewTCP()

	iphdr.Version = 4
	iphdr.SrcIP = tt.remoteIP
	iphdr.DstIP = tt.localIP
	iphdr.TTL = 64
	iphdr.Protocol = packet.IPProtocolTCP

	tcphdr.SrcPort = tt.remotePort
	tcphdr.DstPort = tt.localPort
	tcphdr.Window = uint16(atomic.LoadInt32(&tt.recvWindow))
	tcphdr.ACK = true
	tcphdr.PSH = true
	tcphdr.Seq = tt.nxtSeq
	tcphdr.Ack = tt.rcvNxtSeq
	tcphdr.Payload = data

	pkt := packTCP(iphdr, tcphdr)
	// adjust seq
	tt.nxtSeq = tt.nxtSeq + uint32(len(data))
예제 #5
func copyTCPPacket(raw []byte, ip *packet.IPv4, tcp *packet.TCP) *tcpPacket {
	iphdr := packet.NewIPv4()
	tcphdr := packet.NewTCP()
	pkt := newTCPPacket()
	if len(tcp.Payload) == 0 {
		// shallow copy headers
		// for now, we don't need deep copy if no payload
		*iphdr = *ip
		*tcphdr = *tcp
		pkt.ip = iphdr
		pkt.tcp = tcphdr
	} else {
		// get a block of buffer, make a deep copy
		buf := newBuffer()
		n := copy(buf, raw)
		pkt.mtuBuf = buf
		pkt.wire = buf[:n]
		packet.ParseIPv4(pkt.wire, iphdr)
		packet.ParseTCP(iphdr.Payload, tcphdr)
		pkt.ip = iphdr
		pkt.tcp = tcphdr
	return pkt