예제 #1
// TestVtctlThrottlerCommands tests all vtctl commands from the
// "Resharding Throttler" group.
func TestVtctlThrottlerCommands(t *testing.T) {
	// Run a throttler server using the default process throttle manager.
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot listen: %v", err)
	s := grpc.NewServer()
	go s.Serve(listener)
	grpcthrottlerserver.StartServer(s, throttler.GlobalManager)

	addr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%v", listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)

	ts := zktestserver.New(t, []string{"cell1", "cell2"})
	vp := NewVtctlPipe(t, ts)
	defer vp.Close()

	// Get and set rate commands do not fail when no throttler is registered.
		got, err := vp.RunAndOutput([]string{"ThrottlerMaxRates", "-server", addr})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("VtctlPipe.RunAndStreamOutput() failed: %v", err)
		want := "no active throttlers"
		if !strings.Contains(got, want) {
			t.Fatalf("ThrottlerMaxRates() = %v,  want substring = %v", got, want)

		got, err := vp.RunAndOutput([]string{"ThrottlerSetMaxRate", "-server", addr, "23"})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("VtctlPipe.RunAndStreamOutput() failed: %v", err)
		want := "no active throttlers"
		if !strings.Contains(got, want) {
			t.Fatalf("ThrottlerSetMaxRate(23) = %v, want substring = %v", got, want)

	// Add a throttler and check the commands again.
	t1, err := throttler.NewThrottler("t1", "TPS", 1 /* threadCount */, 2323, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled)
	if err != nil {
	defer t1.Close()
	// MaxRates() will return the initial rate.
	expectRate(t, vp, addr, "2323")

	// Disable the module by setting the rate to 'unlimited'.
	setRate(t, vp, addr, "unlimited")
	expectRate(t, vp, addr, "unlimited")

	// Re-enable it by setting a limit.
	setRate(t, vp, addr, "9999")
	expectRate(t, vp, addr, "9999")
예제 #2
func (tf *testFixture) setUp() error {
	for _, name := range throttlerNames {
		t, err := throttler.NewThrottler(name, "TPS", 1 /* threadCount */, 1, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		tf.throttlers = append(tf.throttlers, t)
	return nil
예제 #3
파일: split_clone.go 프로젝트: erzel/vitess
func (scw *SplitCloneWorker) createThrottlers() error {
	defer scw.throttlersMu.Unlock()

	for _, si := range scw.destinationShards {
		// Set up the throttler for each destination shard.
		keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		t, err := throttler.NewThrottler(keyspaceAndShard, "transactions", scw.destinationWriterCount, scw.maxTPS, scw.maxReplicationLag)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot instantiate throttler: %v", err)
		scw.throttlers[keyspaceAndShard] = t
	return nil
예제 #4
func newClient(master *master, replica *replica) *client {
	t, err := throttler.NewThrottler("client", "TPS", 1, throttler.MaxRateModuleDisabled, 5 /* seconds */)
	if err != nil {

	healthCheck := discovery.NewHealthCheck(1*time.Minute, 5*time.Second, 1*time.Minute)
	c := &client{
		master:      master,
		healthCheck: healthCheck,
		throttler:   t,
		stopChan:    make(chan struct{}),
	c.healthCheck.SetListener(c, false /* sendDownEvents */)
	c.healthCheck.AddTablet(replica.fakeTablet.Tablet, "name")
	return c
예제 #5
func newReplica(lagUpdateInterval, degrationInterval, degrationDuration time.Duration) *replica {
	t := &testing.T{}
	ts := zktestserver.New(t, []string{"cell1"})
	wr := wrangler.New(logutil.NewConsoleLogger(), ts, tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient())
	db := fakesqldb.Register()
	fakeTablet := testlib.NewFakeTablet(t, wr, "cell1", 0,
		topodatapb.TabletType_REPLICA, db, testlib.TabletKeyspaceShard(t, "ks", "-80"))
	fakeTablet.StartActionLoop(t, wr)

	target := querypb.Target{
		Keyspace:   "ks",
		Shard:      "-80",
		TabletType: topodatapb.TabletType_REPLICA,
	qs := fakes.NewStreamHealthQueryService(target)
	grpcqueryservice.Register(fakeTablet.RPCServer, qs)

	throttler, err := throttler.NewThrottler("replica", "TPS", 1, *rate, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled)
	if err != nil {

	var nextDegration time.Time
	if degrationInterval != time.Duration(0) {
		nextDegration = time.Now().Add(degrationInterval)
	r := &replica{
		fakeTablet:        fakeTablet,
		qs:                qs,
		throttler:         throttler,
		replicationStream: make(chan time.Time, 1*1024*1024),
		lagUpdateInterval: lagUpdateInterval,
		degrationInterval: degrationInterval,
		degrationDuration: degrationDuration,
		nextDegration:     nextDegration,
		stopChan:          make(chan struct{}),
	go r.processReplicationStream()
	return r
예제 #6
// clone phase:
//	- copy the data from source tablets to destination masters (with replication on)
// Assumes that the schema has already been created on each destination tablet
// (probably from vtctl's CopySchemaShard)
func (vscw *VerticalSplitCloneWorker) clone(ctx context.Context) error {
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		statsStateDurationsNs.Set(string(WorkerStateCloneOffline), time.Now().Sub(start).Nanoseconds())

	// get source schema
	shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
	sourceSchemaDefinition, err := vscw.wr.GetSchema(shortCtx, vscw.sourceAlias, vscw.tables, nil, true)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot get schema from source %v: %v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(vscw.sourceAlias), err)
	if len(sourceSchemaDefinition.TableDefinitions) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no tables matching the table filter")
	vscw.wr.Logger().Infof("Source tablet has %v tables to copy", len(sourceSchemaDefinition.TableDefinitions))

	// In parallel, setup the channels to send SQL data chunks to
	// for each destination tablet.
	// mu protects firstError
	mu := sync.Mutex{}
	var firstError error

	ctx, cancelCopy := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	processError := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
		vscw.wr.Logger().Errorf(format, args...)
		if firstError == nil {
			firstError = fmt.Errorf(format, args...)

	destinationWaitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}

	// we create one channel for the destination tablet.  It
	// is sized to have a buffer of a maximum of
	// destinationWriterCount * 2 items, to hopefully
	// always have data. We then have
	// destinationWriterCount go routines reading from it.
	insertChannel := make(chan string, vscw.destinationWriterCount*2)
	// Set up the throttler for the destination shard.
	keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(vscw.destinationKeyspace, vscw.destinationShard)
	destinationThrottler, err := throttler.NewThrottler(
		keyspaceAndShard, "transactions", vscw.destinationWriterCount, vscw.maxTPS, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot instantiate throttler: %v", err)
	for j := 0; j < vscw.destinationWriterCount; j++ {
		go func(threadID int) {
			defer destinationWaitGroup.Done()
			defer destinationThrottler.ThreadFinished(threadID)

			executor := newExecutor(vscw.wr, vscw.tsc, destinationThrottler, vscw.destinationKeyspace, vscw.destinationShard, threadID)
			if err := executor.fetchLoop(ctx, insertChannel); err != nil {
				processError("executer.FetchLoop failed: %v", err)

	// Now for each table, read data chunks and send them to insertChannel
	sourceWaitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
	sema := sync2.NewSemaphore(vscw.sourceReaderCount, 0)
	dbName := vscw.destinationDbNames[topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(vscw.destinationKeyspace, vscw.destinationShard)]
	for tableIndex, td := range sourceSchemaDefinition.TableDefinitions {
		if td.Type == tmutils.TableView {

		chunks, err := generateChunks(ctx, vscw.wr, vscw.sourceTablet, td, vscw.minTableSizeForSplit, vscw.sourceReaderCount)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		vscw.tableStatusList.setThreadCount(tableIndex, len(chunks)-1)

		for _, c := range chunks {
			go func(td *tabletmanagerdatapb.TableDefinition, tableIndex int, chunk chunk) {
				defer sourceWaitGroup.Done()

				defer sema.Release()


				// Start streaming from the source tablet.
				rr, err := NewRestartableResultReader(ctx, vscw.wr.Logger(), vscw.wr.TopoServer(), vscw.sourceAlias, td, chunk)
				if err != nil {
					processError("NewRestartableResultReader failed: %v", err)
				defer rr.Close()

				// process the data
				if err := vscw.processData(ctx, dbName, td, tableIndex, rr, insertChannel, vscw.destinationPackCount); err != nil {
					processError("ResultReader failed: %v", err)
			}(td, tableIndex, c)

	// Stop Throttler.
	if firstError != nil {
		return firstError

	// then create and populate the blp_checkpoint table
	if vscw.strategy.skipPopulateBlpCheckpoint {
		vscw.wr.Logger().Infof("Skipping populating the blp_checkpoint table")
	} else {
		// get the current position from the source
		shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
		status, err := vscw.wr.TabletManagerClient().SlaveStatus(shortCtx, vscw.sourceTablet)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		queries := make([]string, 0, 4)
		queries = append(queries, binlogplayer.CreateBlpCheckpoint()...)
		flags := ""
		if vscw.strategy.dontStartBinlogPlayer {
			flags = binlogplayer.BlpFlagDontStart
		queries = append(queries, binlogplayer.PopulateBlpCheckpoint(0, status.Position, vscw.maxTPS, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled, time.Now().Unix(), flags))
		vscw.wr.Logger().Infof("Making and populating blp_checkpoint table")
		if err := runSQLCommands(ctx, vscw.wr, vscw.tsc, vscw.destinationKeyspace, vscw.destinationShard, dbName, queries); err != nil {
			processError("blp_checkpoint queries failed: %v", err)
		if firstError != nil {
			return firstError

	// Now we're done with data copy, update the shard's source info.
	if vscw.strategy.skipSetSourceShards {
		vscw.wr.Logger().Infof("Skipping setting SourceShard on destination shard.")
	} else {
		vscw.wr.Logger().Infof("Setting SourceShard on shard %v/%v", vscw.destinationKeyspace, vscw.destinationShard)
		shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
		err := vscw.wr.SetSourceShards(shortCtx, vscw.destinationKeyspace, vscw.destinationShard, []*topodatapb.TabletAlias{vscw.sourceAlias}, vscw.tables)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to set source shards: %v", err)

	err = vscw.findRefreshTargets(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed before refreshing state on destination tablets: %v", err)
	// And force a state refresh (re-read topo) on all destination tablets.
	// The master tablet will end up starting filtered replication
	// at this point.
	for _, tabletAlias := range vscw.refreshAliases {
		go func(ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
			defer destinationWaitGroup.Done()
			vscw.wr.Logger().Infof("Refreshing state on tablet %v", ti.AliasString())
			shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
			err := vscw.wr.TabletManagerClient().RefreshState(shortCtx, ti.Tablet)
			if err != nil {
				processError("RefreshState failed on tablet %v: %v", ti.AliasString(), err)
	return firstError
예제 #7
// findTargets phase:
// - find one rdonly in the source shard
// - mark it as 'worker' pointing back to us
// - get the aliases of all the targets
func (scw *LegacySplitCloneWorker) findTargets(ctx context.Context) error {
	var err error

	// find an appropriate tablet in the source shards
	scw.sourceAliases = make([]*topodatapb.TabletAlias, len(scw.sourceShards))
	for i, si := range scw.sourceShards {
		scw.sourceAliases[i], err = FindWorkerTablet(ctx, scw.wr, scw.cleaner, scw.tsc, scw.cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), scw.minHealthyRdonlyTablets)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("FindWorkerTablet() failed for %v/%v/%v: %v", scw.cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), err)
		scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Using tablet %v as source for %v/%v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(scw.sourceAliases[i]), si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())

	// get the tablet info for them, and stop their replication
	scw.sourceTablets = make([]*topodatapb.Tablet, len(scw.sourceAliases))
	for i, alias := range scw.sourceAliases {
		shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
		ti, err := scw.wr.TopoServer().GetTablet(shortCtx, alias)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot read tablet %v: %v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(alias), err)
		scw.sourceTablets[i] = ti.Tablet

		shortCtx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
		err = scw.wr.TabletManagerClient().StopSlave(shortCtx, scw.sourceTablets[i])
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot stop replication on tablet %v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(alias))

		wrangler.RecordStartSlaveAction(scw.cleaner, scw.sourceTablets[i])

	// Initialize healthcheck and add destination shards to it.
	scw.healthCheck = discovery.NewHealthCheck(*remoteActionsTimeout, *healthcheckRetryDelay, *healthCheckTimeout)
	scw.tsc = discovery.NewTabletStatsCache(scw.healthCheck, scw.cell)
	for _, si := range scw.destinationShards {
		watcher := discovery.NewShardReplicationWatcher(scw.wr.TopoServer(), scw.healthCheck,
			scw.cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(),
			*healthCheckTopologyRefresh, discovery.DefaultTopoReadConcurrency)
		scw.destinationShardWatchers = append(scw.destinationShardWatchers, watcher)

	// Make sure we find a master for each destination shard and log it.
	scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Finding a MASTER tablet for each destination shard...")
	for _, si := range scw.destinationShards {
		waitCtx, waitCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
		defer waitCancel()
		if err := scw.tsc.WaitForTablets(waitCtx, scw.cell, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), []topodatapb.TabletType{topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER}); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot find MASTER tablet for destination shard for %v/%v: %v", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), err)
		masters := scw.tsc.GetHealthyTabletStats(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), topodatapb.TabletType_MASTER)
		if len(masters) == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot find MASTER tablet for destination shard for %v/%v in HealthCheck: empty TabletStats list", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		master := masters[0]

		// Get the MySQL database name of the tablet.
		shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
		ti, err := scw.wr.TopoServer().GetTablet(shortCtx, master.Tablet.Alias)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot get the TabletInfo for destination master (%v) to find out its db name: %v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(master.Tablet.Alias), err)
		keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		scw.destinationDbNames[keyspaceAndShard] = ti.DbName()

		// TODO(mberlin): Verify on the destination master that the
		// _vt.blp_checkpoint table has the latest schema.

		scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Using tablet %v as destination master for %v/%v", topoproto.TabletAliasString(master.Tablet.Alias), si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
	scw.wr.Logger().Infof("NOTE: The used master of a destination shard might change over the course of the copy e.g. due to a reparent. The HealthCheck module will track and log master changes and any error message will always refer the actually used master address.")

	// Set up the throttler for each destination shard.
	for _, si := range scw.destinationShards {
		keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		t, err := throttler.NewThrottler(
			keyspaceAndShard, "transactions", scw.destinationWriterCount, scw.maxTPS, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot instantiate throttler: %v", err)
		scw.destinationThrottlers[keyspaceAndShard] = t

	return nil
예제 #8
// copy phase:
//	- copy the data from source tablets to destination masters (with replication on)
// Assumes that the schema has already been created on each destination tablet
// (probably from vtctl's CopySchemaShard)
func (scw *SplitCloneWorker) clone(ctx context.Context, state StatusWorkerState) error {
	if state != WorkerStateCloneOnline && state != WorkerStateCloneOffline {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid state passed to clone(): %v", state))
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		statsStateDurationsNs.Set(string(state), time.Now().Sub(start).Nanoseconds())

	var firstSourceTablet *topodatapb.Tablet
	if state == WorkerStateCloneOffline {
		// Use the first source tablet which we took offline.
		firstSourceTablet = scw.sourceTablets[0]
	} else {
		// Pick any healthy serving source tablet.
		si := scw.sourceShards[0]
		tablets := discovery.RemoveUnhealthyTablets(
			scw.healthCheck.GetTabletStatsFromTarget(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), topodatapb.TabletType_RDONLY))
		if len(tablets) == 0 {
			// We fail fast on this problem and don't retry because at the start all tablets should be healthy.
			return fmt.Errorf("no healthy RDONLY tablet in source shard (%v) available (required to find out the schema)", topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName()))
		firstSourceTablet = tablets[0].Tablet
	var statsCounters []*stats.Counters
	var tableStatusList *tableStatusList
	switch state {
	case WorkerStateCloneOnline:
		statsCounters = []*stats.Counters{statsOnlineInsertsCounters, statsOnlineUpdatesCounters, statsOnlineDeletesCounters}
		tableStatusList = scw.tableStatusListOnline
	case WorkerStateCloneOffline:
		statsCounters = []*stats.Counters{statsOfflineInsertsCounters, statsOfflineUpdatesCounters, statsOfflineDeletesCounters}
		tableStatusList = scw.tableStatusListOffline

	sourceSchemaDefinition, err := scw.getSourceSchema(ctx, firstSourceTablet)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Source tablet 0 has %v tables to copy", len(sourceSchemaDefinition.TableDefinitions))

	// In parallel, setup the channels to send SQL data chunks to for each destination tablet:
	// mu protects the context for cancelation, and firstError
	mu := sync.Mutex{}
	var firstError error

	ctx, cancelCopy := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	processError := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
		scw.wr.Logger().Errorf(format, args...)
		if firstError == nil {
			firstError = fmt.Errorf(format, args...)

	insertChannels := make([]chan string, len(scw.destinationShards))
	destinationThrottlers := make([]*throttler.Throttler, len(scw.destinationShards))
	destinationWaitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for shardIndex, si := range scw.destinationShards {
		// we create one channel per destination tablet.  It
		// is sized to have a buffer of a maximum of
		// destinationWriterCount * 2 items, to hopefully
		// always have data. We then have
		// destinationWriterCount go routines reading from it.
		insertChannels[shardIndex] = make(chan string, scw.destinationWriterCount*2)

		// Set up the throttler for each destination shard.
		keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
		t, err := throttler.NewThrottler(
			keyspaceAndShard, "transactions", scw.destinationWriterCount, scw.maxTPS, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot instantiate throttler: %v", err)
		destinationThrottlers[shardIndex] = t
		defer func(i int) {
			if t := destinationThrottlers[shardIndex]; t != nil {

		go func(keyspace, shard string, insertChannel chan string) {
			for j := 0; j < scw.destinationWriterCount; j++ {
				go func(throttler *throttler.Throttler, threadID int) {
					defer destinationWaitGroup.Done()
					defer throttler.ThreadFinished(threadID)

					executor := newExecutor(scw.wr, scw.healthCheck, throttler, keyspace, shard, threadID)
					if err := executor.fetchLoop(ctx, insertChannel); err != nil {
						processError("executer.FetchLoop failed: %v", err)
				}(t, j)
		}(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), insertChannels[shardIndex])

	// Now for each table, read data chunks and send them to all
	// insertChannels
	sourceWaitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
	sema := sync2.NewSemaphore(scw.sourceReaderCount, 0)
	for tableIndex, td := range sourceSchemaDefinition.TableDefinitions {
		if td.Type == tmutils.TableView {
		td = reorderColumnsPrimaryKeyFirst(td)

		var keyResolver keyspaceIDResolver
		if *useV3ReshardingMode {
			keyResolver, err = newV3ResolverFromTableDefinition(scw.keyspaceSchema, td)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve v3 sharding keys for keyspace %v: %v", scw.keyspace, err)
		} else {
			keyResolver, err = newV2Resolver(scw.keyspaceInfo, td)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve sharding keys for keyspace %v: %v", scw.keyspace, err)

		// TODO(mberlin): We're going to chunk *all* source shards based on the MIN
		// and MAX values of the *first* source shard. Is this going to be a problem?
		chunks, err := generateChunks(ctx, scw.wr, firstSourceTablet, td, scw.minTableSizeForSplit, scw.sourceReaderCount)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		tableStatusList.setThreadCount(tableIndex, len(chunks))

		for _, c := range chunks {
			go func(td *tabletmanagerdatapb.TableDefinition, tableIndex int, chunk chunk) {
				defer sourceWaitGroup.Done()

				// We need our own error per Go routine to avoid races.
				var err error

				defer sema.Release()


				if state == WorkerStateCloneOnline {
					// Wait for enough healthy tablets (they might have become unhealthy
					// and their replication lag might have increased since we started.)
					if err := scw.waitForTablets(ctx, scw.sourceShards, *retryDuration); err != nil {
						processError("table=%v chunk=%v: No healthy source tablets found (gave up after %v): ", td.Name, chunk, *retryDuration, err)

				// Set up readers for the diff. There will be one reader for every
				// source and destination shard.
				sourceReaders := make([]ResultReader, len(scw.sourceShards))
				destReaders := make([]ResultReader, len(scw.destinationShards))
				for shardIndex, si := range scw.sourceShards {
					var sourceAlias *topodatapb.TabletAlias
					if state == WorkerStateCloneOffline {
						// Use the source tablet which we took offline for this phase.
						sourceAlias = scw.sourceAliases[shardIndex]
					} else {
						// Pick any healthy serving source tablet.
						tablets := discovery.RemoveUnhealthyTablets(
							scw.healthCheck.GetTabletStatsFromTarget(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), topodatapb.TabletType_RDONLY))
						if len(tablets) == 0 {
							processError("no healthy RDONLY tablets in source shard (%v) available", topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName()))
						sourceAlias = scw.tabletTracker.Track(tablets)
						defer scw.tabletTracker.Untrack(sourceAlias)

					sourceResultReader, err := NewRestartableResultReader(ctx, scw.wr.Logger(), scw.wr.TopoServer(), sourceAlias, td, chunk)
					if err != nil {
						processError("NewRestartableResultReader for source tablet: %v failed: %v", sourceAlias, err)
					defer sourceResultReader.Close()
					sourceReaders[shardIndex] = sourceResultReader
				// Wait for enough healthy tablets (they might have become unhealthy
				// and their replication lag might have increased due to a previous
				// chunk pipeline.)
				if err := scw.waitForTablets(ctx, scw.destinationShards, *retryDuration); err != nil {
					processError("table=%v chunk=%v: No healthy destination tablets found (gave up after %v): ", td.Name, chunk, *retryDuration, err)
				for shardIndex, si := range scw.destinationShards {
					// Pick any healthy serving destination tablet.
					tablets := discovery.RemoveUnhealthyTablets(
						scw.healthCheck.GetTabletStatsFromTarget(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), topodatapb.TabletType_RDONLY))
					if len(tablets) == 0 {
						processError("no healthy RDONLY tablets in destination shard (%v) available", topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName()))
					destAlias := scw.tabletTracker.Track(tablets)
					defer scw.tabletTracker.Untrack(destAlias)

					destResultReader, err := NewRestartableResultReader(ctx, scw.wr.Logger(), scw.wr.TopoServer(), destAlias, td, chunk)
					if err != nil {
						processError("NewQueryResultReaderForTablet for dest tablet: %v failed: %v", destAlias, err)
					defer destResultReader.Close()
					destReaders[shardIndex] = destResultReader

				var sourceReader ResultReader
				var destReader ResultReader
				if len(sourceReaders) >= 2 {
					sourceReader, err = NewResultMerger(sourceReaders, len(td.PrimaryKeyColumns))
					if err != nil {
						processError("NewResultMerger for source tablets failed: %v", err)
				} else {
					sourceReader = sourceReaders[0]
				if len(destReaders) >= 2 {
					destReader, err = NewResultMerger(destReaders, len(td.PrimaryKeyColumns))
					if err != nil {
						processError("NewResultMerger for dest tablets failed: %v", err)
				} else {
					destReader = destReaders[0]

				dbNames := make([]string, len(scw.destinationShards))
				for i, si := range scw.destinationShards {
					keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
					dbNames[i] = scw.destinationDbNames[keyspaceAndShard]
				// Compare the data and reconcile any differences.
				differ, err := NewRowDiffer2(ctx, sourceReader, destReader, td, tableStatusList, tableIndex,
					scw.destinationShards, keyResolver,
					insertChannels, ctx.Done(), dbNames, scw.writeQueryMaxRows, scw.writeQueryMaxSize, scw.writeQueryMaxRowsDelete, statsCounters)
				if err != nil {
					processError("NewRowDiffer2 failed: %v", err)
				// Ignore the diff report because all diffs should get reconciled.
				_ /* DiffReport */, err = differ.Diff()
				if err != nil {
					processError("RowDiffer2 failed: %v", err)

			}(td, tableIndex, c)

	for shardIndex := range scw.destinationShards {
	// Stop Throttlers.
	for i, t := range destinationThrottlers {
		destinationThrottlers[i] = nil
	if firstError != nil {
		return firstError

	if state == WorkerStateCloneOffline {
		// Create and populate the blp_checkpoint table to give filtered replication
		// a starting point.
		if scw.strategy.skipPopulateBlpCheckpoint {
			scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Skipping populating the blp_checkpoint table")
		} else {
			queries := make([]string, 0, 4)
			queries = append(queries, binlogplayer.CreateBlpCheckpoint()...)
			flags := ""
			if scw.strategy.dontStartBinlogPlayer {
				flags = binlogplayer.BlpFlagDontStart

			// get the current position from the sources
			for shardIndex := range scw.sourceShards {
				shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
				status, err := scw.wr.TabletManagerClient().SlaveStatus(shortCtx, scw.sourceTablets[shardIndex])
				if err != nil {
					return err

				queries = append(queries, binlogplayer.PopulateBlpCheckpoint(uint32(shardIndex), status.Position, scw.maxTPS, throttler.ReplicationLagModuleDisabled, time.Now().Unix(), flags))

			for _, si := range scw.destinationShards {
				go func(keyspace, shard string) {
					defer destinationWaitGroup.Done()
					scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Making and populating blp_checkpoint table")
					keyspaceAndShard := topoproto.KeyspaceShardString(keyspace, shard)
					if err := runSQLCommands(ctx, scw.wr, scw.healthCheck, keyspace, shard, scw.destinationDbNames[keyspaceAndShard], queries); err != nil {
						processError("blp_checkpoint queries failed: %v", err)
				}(si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
			if firstError != nil {
				return firstError

		// Configure filtered replication by setting the SourceShard info.
		// The master tablets won't enable filtered replication (the binlog player)
		//  until they re-read the topology due to a restart or a reload.
		// TODO(alainjobart) this is a superset, some shards may not
		// overlap, have to deal with this better (for N -> M splits
		// where both N>1 and M>1)
		if scw.strategy.skipSetSourceShards {
			scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Skipping setting SourceShard on destination shards.")
		} else {
			for _, si := range scw.destinationShards {
				scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Setting SourceShard on shard %v/%v", si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName())
				shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
				err := scw.wr.SetSourceShards(shortCtx, si.Keyspace(), si.ShardName(), scw.sourceAliases, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("failed to set source shards: %v", err)

		// Force a state refresh (re-read topo) on all destination tablets.
		// The master tablet will end up starting filtered replication at this point.
		// Find all tablets first, then refresh the state on each in parallel.
		err = scw.findRefreshTargets(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed before refreshing state on destination tablets: %v", err)
		for shardIndex := range scw.destinationShards {
			for _, tabletAlias := range scw.refreshAliases[shardIndex] {
				go func(ti *topo.TabletInfo) {
					defer destinationWaitGroup.Done()
					scw.wr.Logger().Infof("Refreshing state on tablet %v", ti.AliasString())
					shortCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, *remoteActionsTimeout)
					err := scw.wr.TabletManagerClient().RefreshState(shortCtx, ti.Tablet)
					if err != nil {
						processError("RefreshState failed on tablet %v: %v", ti.AliasString(), err)
	} // clonePhase == offline

	return firstError
예제 #9
// ApplyBinlogEvents makes an RPC request to BinlogServer
// and processes the events. It will return nil if the provided context
// was canceled, or if we reached the stopping point.
// It will return io.EOF if the server stops sending us updates.
// It may return any other error it encounters.
func (blp *BinlogPlayer) ApplyBinlogEvents(ctx context.Context) error {
	// Instantiate the throttler based on the configuration stored in the db.
	maxTPS, maxReplicationLag, err := blp.readThrottlerSettings()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	t, err := throttler.NewThrottler(
		fmt.Sprintf("BinlogPlayer/%d", blp.uid), "transactions", 1 /* threadCount */, maxTPS, maxReplicationLag)
	if err != nil {
		err := fmt.Errorf("failed to instantiate throttler: %v", err)
		return err
	defer t.Close()

	// Log the mode of operation and when the player stops.
	if len(blp.tables) > 0 {
		log.Infof("BinlogPlayer client %v for tables %v starting @ '%v', server: %v",
	} else {
		log.Infof("BinlogPlayer client %v for keyrange '%v-%v' starting @ '%v', server: %v",
	if !blp.stopPosition.IsZero() {
		// We need to stop at some point. Sanity check the point.
		switch {
		case blp.position.Equal(blp.stopPosition):
			log.Infof("Not starting BinlogPlayer, we're already at the desired position %v", blp.stopPosition)
			return nil
		case blp.position.AtLeast(blp.stopPosition):
			return fmt.Errorf("starting point %v greater than stopping point %v", blp.position, blp.stopPosition)
			log.Infof("Will stop player when reaching %v", blp.stopPosition)

	clientFactory, ok := clientFactories[*binlogPlayerProtocol]
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("no binlog player client factory named %v", *binlogPlayerProtocol)
	blplClient := clientFactory()
	err = blplClient.Dial(blp.tablet, *BinlogPlayerConnTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		err := fmt.Errorf("error dialing binlog server: %v", err)
		return err
	defer blplClient.Close()

	// Get the current charset of our connection, so we can ask the stream server
	// to check that they match. The streamer will also only send per-statement
	// charset data if that statement's charset is different from what we specify.
	if dbClient, ok := blp.dbClient.(*DBClient); ok {
		blp.defaultCharset, err = dbClient.dbConn.GetCharset()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("can't get charset to request binlog stream: %v", err)
		log.Infof("original charset: %v", blp.defaultCharset)
		blp.currentCharset = blp.defaultCharset
		// Restore original charset when we're done.
		defer func() {
			// If the connection has been closed, there's no need to restore
			// this connection-specific setting.
			if dbClient.dbConn == nil {
			log.Infof("restoring original charset %v", blp.defaultCharset)
			if csErr := dbClient.dbConn.SetCharset(blp.defaultCharset); csErr != nil {
				log.Errorf("can't restore original charset %v: %v", blp.defaultCharset, csErr)

	var stream BinlogTransactionStream
	if len(blp.tables) > 0 {
		stream, err = blplClient.StreamTables(ctx, replication.EncodePosition(blp.position), blp.tables, blp.defaultCharset)
	} else {
		stream, err = blplClient.StreamKeyRange(ctx, replication.EncodePosition(blp.position), blp.keyRange, blp.defaultCharset)
	if err != nil {
		err := fmt.Errorf("error sending streaming query to binlog server: %v", err)
		return err

	for {
		// Block if we are throttled.
		for {
			backoff := t.Throttle(0 /* threadID */)
			if backoff == throttler.NotThrottled {
			// We don't bother checking for context cancellation here because the
			// sleep will block only up to 1 second. (Usually, backoff is 1s / rate
			// e.g. a rate of 1000 TPS results into a backoff of 1 ms.)

		// get the response
		response, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			switch err {
			case context.Canceled:
				return nil
				// if the context is canceled, we
				// return nil (some RPC
				// implementations will remap the
				// context error to their own errors)
				select {
				case <-ctx.Done():
					if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
						return nil
				return fmt.Errorf("Error received from Stream %v", err)

		// process the transaction
		for {
			ok, err = blp.processTransaction(response)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error in processing binlog event %v", err)
			if ok {
				if !blp.stopPosition.IsZero() {
					if blp.position.AtLeast(blp.stopPosition) {
						log.Infof("Reached stopping position, done playing logs")
						return nil
			log.Infof("Retrying txn")
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)