예제 #1
파일: index.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// IndexWithParameters takes all the potential parameters available
func IndexWithParameters(pretty bool, index string, _type string, id string, parentId string, version int, op_type string,
	routing string, timestamp string, ttl int, percolate string, timeout string, refresh bool, data interface{}) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	url, err := GetIndexUrl(index, _type, id, parentId, version, op_type, routing, timestamp, ttl, percolate, timeout, refresh)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	var method string
	if len(id) == 0 {
		method = "POST"
	} else {
		method = "PUT"

	body, err := api.DoCommand(method, url, data)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #2
// ClearCache allows to clear either all caches or specific cached associated with one ore more indices.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-clearcache/
func ClearCache(clearId bool, clearBloom bool, indices ...string) (api.ExtendedStatus, error) {
	var retval api.ExtendedStatus
	var clearCacheUrl string
	if len(indices) > 0 {
		clearCacheUrl = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_cache/clear", strings.Join(indices, ","))

	} else {
		clearCacheUrl = fmt.Sprintf("/_cache/clear")
	var values url.Values = url.Values{}

	if clearId {
		values.Add("id", "true")
	if clearBloom {
		values.Add("bloom", "true")
	clearCacheUrl += "?" + values.Encode()
	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", clearCacheUrl, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #3
파일: mget.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// MGet allows the caller to get multiple documents based on an index, type (optional) and id (and possibly routing).
// The response includes a docs array with all the fetched documents, each element similar in structure to a document
// provided by the get API.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/multi-get.html
func MGet(pretty bool, index string, _type string, mgetRequest MGetRequestContainer) (MGetResponseContainer, error) {
	var url string
	var retval MGetResponseContainer
	if len(index) <= 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/_mget?%s", api.Pretty(pretty))
	if len(_type) > 0 && len(index) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_mget?%s", index, _type, api.Pretty(pretty))
	} else if len(index) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_mget?%s", index, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #4
파일: get.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// GetSource retrieves the document by id and converts it to provided interface
func GetSource(index string, _type string, id string, source interface{}) error {
	url := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s/_source", index, _type, id)
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err == nil {
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &source)
	return err
예제 #5
파일: bulk.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// This does the actual send of a buffer, which has already been formatted
// into bytes of ES formatted bulk data
func BulkSend(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
	_, err := api.DoCommand("POST", "/_bulk", buf)
	if err != nil {
		BulkErrorCt += 1
		return err
	return nil
예제 #6
// NodesShutdown allows the caller to shutdown between one and all nodes in the cluster
// delay is a integer representing number of seconds
// passing "" or "_all" for the nodes parameter will shut down all nodes
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-cluster-nodes-shutdown/
func NodesShutdown(delay int, nodes ...string) error {
	shutdownUrl := fmt.Sprintf("/_cluster/nodes/%s/_shutdown", strings.Join(nodes, ","))
	if delay > 0 {
		var values url.Values = url.Values{}
		values.Add("delay", strconv.Itoa(delay))
		shutdownUrl += "?" + values.Encode()
	_, err := api.DoCommand("POST", shutdownUrl, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
예제 #7
// IndicesExists checks for the existance of indices. uses http 404 if it does not exist, and 200 if it does
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-indices-exists/
func IndicesExists(indices ...string) (bool, error) {
	var url string
	if len(indices) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", strings.Join(indices, ","))
	_, err := api.DoCommand("HEAD", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		eserror := err.(api.ESError)
		if eserror.Code == 404 {
			return false, err
		} else {
			return eserror.Code == 200, err
	return true, nil
예제 #8
파일: state.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// State gets the comprehensive state information for the whole cluster
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-cluster-state/
func State(filter_nodes bool, filter_routing_table bool, filter_metadata bool, filter_blocks bool,
	filter_indices ...string) (ClusterStateResponse, error) {
	url := getStateUrl(false, false, false, false, filter_indices...)
	var retval ClusterStateResponse
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #9
파일: update.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// Update updates a document based on a script provided. The operation gets the document
// (collocated with the shard) from the index, runs the script (with optional script language and parameters),
// and index back the result (also allows to delete, or ignore the operation). It uses versioning to make sure
// no updates have happened during the “get” and “reindex”. (available from 0.19 onwards).
// Note, this operation still means full reindex of the document, it just removes some network roundtrips
// and reduces chances of version conflicts between the get and the index. The _source field need to be enabled
// for this feature to work.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/update.html
// TODO: finish this, it's fairly complex
func Update(pretty bool, index string, _type string, id string, data interface{}) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s/_update?%s", index, _type, id, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", url, data)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #10
파일: count.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// Count allows the caller to easily execute a query and get the number of matches for that query.
// It can be executed across one or more indices and across one or more types.
// The query can either be provided using a simple query string as a parameter,
// or using the Query DSL defined within the request body.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/count.html
// TODO: take parameters.
// currently not working against 0.19.10
func Count(pretty bool, index string, _type string) (CountResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval CountResponse
	url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_count?%s", index, _type, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #11
// RegisterPercolate allows the caller to register queries against an index, and then send percolate requests which include a doc, and
// getting back the queries that match on that doc out of the set of registered queries.
// Think of it as the reverse operation of indexing and then searching. Instead of sending docs, indexing them,
// and then running queries. One sends queries, registers them, and then sends docs and finds out which queries
// match that doc.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/percolate.html
func RegisterPercolate(pretty bool, index string, name string, query api.Query) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	url = fmt.Sprintf("/_percolator/%s/%s?%s", index, name, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("PUT", url, query)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #12
파일: delete.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// Delete API allows to delete a typed JSON document from a specific index based on its id.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/delete.html
// todo: add routing and versioning support
func Delete(pretty bool, index string, _type string, id string, version int, routing string) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s?%s", index, _type, id, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("DELETE", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #13
// MoreLikeThis allows the caller to get documents that are “like” a specified document.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/more-like-this.html
func MoreLikeThis(pretty bool, index string, _type string, id string, query MoreLikeThisQuery) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s/_mlt?%s", index, _type, id, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, query)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #14
func Percolate(pretty bool, index string, _type string, name string, doc string) (api.Match, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.Match
	url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_percolate?%s", index, _type, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, doc)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #15
파일: search.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
func Scroll(pretty bool, scroll_id string, scroll string) (SearchResult, error) {
	var url string
	var retval SearchResult

	url = fmt.Sprintf("/_search/scroll?%s%s", api.Pretty(pretty), api.Scroll(scroll))

	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", url, scroll_id)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #16
// UpdateSettings allows to update cluster wide specific settings. Defaults to Transient setting
// Settings updated can either be persistent (applied cross restarts) or transient (will not survive a full cluster restart).
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-cluster-update-settings.html
func UpdateSettings(settingType string, key string, value int) (ClusterSettingsResponse, error) {
	var retval ClusterSettingsResponse
	if settingType != "transient" && settingType != "persistent" {
		return retval, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("settingType must be one of transient or persistent, you passed %s", settingType))
	var url string = "/_cluster/state"
	m := map[string]map[string]int{settingType: map[string]int{key: value}}
	body, err := api.DoCommand("PUT", url, m)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #17
// The inspecting the response
func ExampleBulkIndexer_responses() {
	indexer := core.NewBulkIndexer(10)
	// Create a custom Sendor Func, to allow inspection of response/error
	indexer.BulkSendor = func(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
		// @buf is the buffer of docs about to be written
		respJson, err := api.DoCommand("POST", "/_bulk", buf)
		if err != nil {
			// handle it better than this
		return err
	done := make(chan bool)

	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		indexer.Index("twitter", "user", strconv.Itoa(i), "", nil, `{"name":"bob"}`)
	done <- true // send shutdown signal
예제 #18
파일: health.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// HealthWithParameters gets cluster health data and exposes all parameters to the caller
// level - one of cluster, indices, or shards
// wait_for_status - green, yellow, or red. Will wait until the status changes to passed status
// wait_for_relocating_shards - How many relocating shards to wait for. Default no wait
// wait_for_nodes - The request waits until N nodes are available
// timeout - How long to wait if any wait_* params are passed. Defaults to 30s
func HealthWithParameters(pretty bool, level string, wait_for_status string, timeout string,
	wait_for_relocating_shards int, wait_for_nodes int, indices ...string) (ClusterHealthResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval ClusterHealthResponse
	url, err := getHealthUrl(pretty, level, wait_for_status, timeout, wait_for_relocating_shards, wait_for_nodes, indices...)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #19
파일: search.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// SearchRequest performs a very basic search on an index via the request URI API.
// params:
//   @pretty:  bool for pretty reply or not, a parameter to elasticsearch
//   @index:  the elasticsearch index
//   @_type:  optional ("" if not used) search specific type in this index
//   @query:  this can be one of 3 types:
//              1)  string value that is valid elasticsearch
//              2)  io.Reader that can be set in body (also valid elasticsearch string syntax..)
//              3)  other type marshalable to json (also valid elasticsearch json)
//   out, err := SearchRequest(true, "github","",qryType ,"", 0)
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/uri-request.html
func SearchRequest(pretty bool, index string, _type string, query interface{}, scroll string, scan int) (SearchResult, error) {
	var uriVal string
	var retval SearchResult
	if len(_type) > 0 && _type != "*" {
		uriVal = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_search?%s%s%s", index, _type, api.Pretty(pretty), api.Scroll(scroll), api.Scan(scan))
	} else {
		uriVal = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_search?%s%s%s", index, api.Pretty(pretty), api.Scroll(scroll), api.Scan(scan))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", uriVal, query)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #20
// Refresh explicitly refreshes one or more index, making all operations performed since
// the last refresh available for search. The (near) real-time capabilities depend on the index engine used.
// For example, the robin one requires refresh to be called, but by default a refresh is scheduled periodically.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-refresh.html
// TODO: add Shards to response
func Refresh(indices ...string) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	if len(indices) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_refresh", strings.Join(indices, ","))
	} else {
		url = "/_refresh"
	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #21
//Modified from elastigo to use custom response type
func elasticGet(pretty bool, index string, _type string, id string) (elasticResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval elasticResponse
	if len(_type) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s?%s", index, _type, id, api.Pretty(pretty))
	} else {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s?%s", index, id, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #22
// The cluster health API allows to get a very simple status on the health of the cluster.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-cluster-health.html
// TODO: implement wait_for_status, timeout, wait_for_relocating_shards, wait_for_nodes
// TODO: implement level (Can be one of cluster, indices or shards. Controls the details level of the health
// information returned. Defaults to cluster.)
func Reroute(pretty bool, dryRun bool, commands Commands) (ClusterHealthResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval ClusterHealthResponse
	if len(commands.Commands) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/_cluster/reroute%s&%s", api.Pretty(pretty), dryRunOption(dryRun))
	} else {
		return retval, errors.New("Must pass at least one command")
	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", url, commands)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #23
// Explain computes a score explanation for a query and a specific document.
// This can give useful feedback whether a document matches or didn’t match a specific query.
// This feature is available from version 0.19.9 and up.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/explain.html
func Explain(pretty bool, index string, _type string, id string, query string) (api.Match, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.Match
	if len(_type) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_explain?%s", index, _type, api.Pretty(pretty))
	} else {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_explain?%s", index, api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, query)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #24
// AnalyzeIndices performs the analysis process on a text and return the tokens breakdown of the text.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-analyze/
func OptimizeIndices(max_num_segments int, only_expunge_deletes bool, refresh bool, flush bool, wait_for_merge bool,
	indices ...string) (OptimizeResponse, error) {
	var retval OptimizeResponse
	var optimizeUrl string = "/_optimize"
	if len(indices) > 0 {
		optimizeUrl = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", strings.Join(indices, ","), optimizeUrl)
	var values url.Values = url.Values{}
	if max_num_segments > 0 {
		values.Add("max_num_segments", strconv.Itoa(max_num_segments))
	if only_expunge_deletes {
		values.Add("only_expunge_deletes", strconv.FormatBool(only_expunge_deletes))
	if !refresh {
		values.Add("refresh", strconv.FormatBool(refresh))
	if !flush {
		values.Add("flush", strconv.FormatBool(flush))
	if wait_for_merge {
		values.Add("wait_for_merge", strconv.FormatBool(wait_for_merge))

	optimizeUrl += "?" + values.Encode()

	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", optimizeUrl, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #25
// DeleteByQuery allows the caller to delete documents from one or more indices and one or more types based on a query.
// The query can either be provided using a simple query string as a parameter, or using the Query DSL defined within
// the request body.
// see: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/delete-by-query.html
func DeleteByQuery(pretty bool, indices []string, types []string, query interface{}) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	if len(indices) > 0 && len(types) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:9200/%s/%s/_query?%s&%s", strings.Join(indices, ","), strings.Join(types, ","), buildQuery(), api.Pretty(pretty))
	} else if len(indices) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:9200/%s/_query?%s&%s", strings.Join(indices, ","), buildQuery(), api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("DELETE", url, query)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #26
// AnalyzeIndices performs the analysis process on a text and return the tokens breakdown of the text.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-analyze/
func AnalyzeIndices(index string, analyzer string, tokenizer string, field string, text string, filters ...string) (AnalyzeResponse, error) {
	var retval AnalyzeResponse
	if len(text) <= 0 {
		return retval, errors.New("text to analyze must not be blank")
	var analyzeUrl string = "/_analyze"
	if len(index) > 0 {
		analyzeUrl = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", index, analyzeUrl)
	var values url.Values = url.Values{}
	if len(analyzer) > 0 {
		values.Add("analyzer", analyzer)
	if len(tokenizer) > 0 {
		values.Add("tokenizer", tokenizer)
	if len(field) > 0 {
		values.Add("field", field)
	if len(filters) > 0 {
		values.Add("filters", strings.Join(filters, ","))
	// text will not be blank
	values.Add("text", text)
	analyzeUrl += "?" + values.Encode()

	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", analyzeUrl, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #27
// Snapshot  allows to explicitly perform a snapshot through the gateway of one or more indices (backup them).
// By default, each index gateway periodically snapshot changes, though it can be disabled and be controlled completely through this API.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-gateway-snapshot/
func Snapshot(indices ...string) (api.ExtendedStatus, error) {
	var retval api.ExtendedStatus
	var url string
	if len(indices) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_gateway/snapshot", strings.Join(indices, ","))

	} else {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/_gateway/snapshot")
	body, err := api.DoCommand("POST", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #28
// Validate allows a user to validate a potentially expensive query without executing it.
// see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/validate.html
func Validate(pretty bool, index string, _type string, query string, explain bool) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var url string
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	if len(_type) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_validate/query?q=%s&%s&explain=%t", index, _type, query, api.Pretty(pretty), explain)
	} else {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_validate/query?q=%s&%s&explain=%t", index, query, api.Pretty(pretty), explain)
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #29
파일: status.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// Status lists status details of all indices or the specified index.
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-status.html
func Status(pretty bool, indices ...string) (api.BaseResponse, error) {
	var retval api.BaseResponse
	var url string
	if len(indices) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_status?%s", strings.Join(indices, ","), api.Pretty(pretty))

	} else {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("/_status?%s", api.Pretty(pretty))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err
예제 #30
파일: search.go 프로젝트: malysoun/elastigo
// SearchUri performs the simplest possible query in url string
// params:
//   @index:  the elasticsearch index
//   @_type:  optional ("" if not used) search specific type in this index
//   @query:  valid string lucene search syntax
//   out, err := SearchUri("github","",`user:kimchy` ,"", 0)
// produces a request like this:    host:9200/github/_search?q=user:kimchy"
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/uri-request.html
func SearchUri(index, _type string, query, scroll string, scan int) (SearchResult, error) {
	var uriVal string
	var retval SearchResult
	query = url.QueryEscape(query)
	if len(_type) > 0 && _type != "*" {
		uriVal = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/_search?q=%s%s%s", index, _type, query, api.Scroll(scroll), api.Scan(scan))
	} else {
		uriVal = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_search?q=%s%s%s", index, query, api.Scroll(scroll), api.Scan(scan))
	body, err := api.DoCommand("GET", uriVal, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return retval, err
	if err == nil {
		// marshall into json
		jsonErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &retval)
		if jsonErr != nil {
			return retval, jsonErr
	return retval, err