func main() { if len(os.Args) < 2 || os.Args[1] == "-h" { fmt.Println("Please supply a page id!\nUsage: PageAction [pageName] [args...]") fmt.Println(" [setup]") fmt.Println(" [suggestion]") fmt.Println(" [install_config] [location] [execlocation]") fmt.Println(" [install_dependency]") fmt.Println(" [installation] [nextpage|install]") fmt.Println(" [device_setup] [nextpage|install]") fmt.Println(" [deploy_samples] [nextpage|install]") fmt.Println(" [finished]") fmt.Println(" [query] [compName]") os.Exit(-1) } if os.Args[1] == "query" { //query whethter the component selected compName := os.Args[2] if global.ComponentSelect(compName) { fmt.Println("0") } else { fmt.Println("-1") } os.Exit(0) } pkgname := os.Args[1] if comp, ok := comps[pkgname]; ok { comp.PostAction(os.Args[2:]...) } else { fmt.Println("the pageName is invalidate") } }
func (ds *DeviceSetup) PostAction(args ...string) { //device_setup nextpage|install action := args[0] if action == "nextpage" { //set the NextPage if global.ComponentSelect("allowcompile") { ds.NextPage = "deploy_samples" } else { ds.NextPage = "finished" } fmt.Println(ds.NextPage) } else if action == "install" { if len(args) < 2 { fmt.Println(`Wrong args input. Please input as followings PageAction device_setup install [installdir]`) os.Exit(-1) } installdir := args[1] adb_path := filepath.Join(installdir, "android-sdk-linux", "platform-tools", "adb") console := filepath.Join(installdir, "console") //deploy the cuda runtime to devices //fmt.Println("the devices have been detected: ", global.Detect_devices(installdir)) if global.Detect_devices(installdir) { //device is arm64-v8a exec.Command(adb_path, "wait-for-device").Output() oe, re := exec.Command(adb_path, "root").Output() if re != nil || strings.Contains(string(oe), "adbd cannot run as root in production builds") { //adb root error fmt.Println("Your device is not connected or not allowed adb root.") os.Exit(2) } cuda_runtime := filepath.Join(installdir, "cuda-android-7.0", "aarch64-linux-androideabi") cuda_device := "/data/cuda-toolkit-7.0" _, e := exec.Command(console, "-t", "Pushing cuda-toolkit-7.0", adb_path+" push "+cuda_runtime+" "+cuda_device).Output() if e != nil { fmt.Print(e) os.Exit(2) } } else { //device is armeabi-v7a exec.Command(adb_path, "wait-for-device").Output() oe, re := exec.Command(adb_path, "root").Output() if re != nil || strings.Contains(string(oe), "adbd cannot run as root in production builds") { //adb root error fmt.Println("Your device is not connected or not allowed adb root.") os.Exit(2) } cuda_runtime := filepath.Join(installdir, "cuda-android-6.5") cuda_device := "/data/cuda-toolkit-6.0" _, e := exec.Command(console, "-t", "Pushing cuda-toolkit-6.5", adb_path+" push "+cuda_runtime+" "+cuda_device).Output() if e != nil { fmt.Print(e) os.Exit(2) } } } else { fmt.Println("Wrong args input.") os.Exit(-1) } }
func (f *Finished) PostAction(args ...string) { //finished page actions //option option := args[0] installdir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0])) if err != nil { panic(err) } if option == "create_shortcut" { if global.Global_OS == "windows" { win_sc_folder := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("APPDATA"), "Microsoft", "Windows", "Start Menu", "Programs", "NIDIA Corporation") cmd := os.Getenv("ComSpec") if global.ComponentSelect("docs") { exec.Command(cmd, "/c", `mklink "AndroidWorks Docs" `+filepath.Join(installdir, "docs", "index.html")).Output() os.Rename("AndroidWorks Docs", win_sc_folder) } } return } if option == "remove_logs" { os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(installdir, "_installer")) } if option == "browse_docs" { var url string if global.ComponentSelect("docs") { installdir = strings.Replace(installdir, "\\", "/", -1) //url = "file://" + installdir + "/docs/index.html" url = filepath.Join(installdir, "docs", "index.html") } else { url = "" } global.OpenDocs(url) return } if option == "restart" { exec.Command(os.Getenv("ComSpec"), "/c", "shutdown /r /f").Output() return } if option == "browse_ibdocs" { //browse the incredibuild docs (incredibuild.chm) e1 := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", filepath.Join(os.Getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)"), "Xoreax", "IncrediBuild", "IncrediBuild.chm")).Start() if e1 != nil { fmt.Println(e1) os.Exit(2) } } if option == "create_workspace" { var create_workspace = 0 //create the nvsample workspace for eclipse if global.ComponentSelect("eclipse") { if global.ComponentSelect("tdksample") || global.ComponentSelect("opencv") || global.ComponentSelect("cudasamples65") || global.ComponentSelect("cudasamples70") { create_workspace = 1 } } //fmt.Println(create_workspace) if create_workspace == 1 { var eclipse string if global.Global_OS == "windows" { eclipse = filepath.Join(installdir, "eclipse", "eclipse.exe") } else { eclipse = filepath.Join(installdir, "eclipse", "eclipse") } if global.ComponentSelect("tdksample") { exec.Command(eclipse, "-nosplash", "-data", filepath.Join(installdir, "nvsample_workspace"), "-application", "org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild", "-importAll", filepath.Join(installdir, "Samples", "TDK_Samples")).Output() //fmt.Println(e) } if global.ComponentSelect("opencv") { exec.Command(eclipse, "-nosplash", "-data", filepath.Join(installdir, "nvsample_workspace"), "-application", "org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild", "-importAll", filepath.Join(installdir, "OpenCV-")).Output() } if global.ComponentSelect("cudasamples65") || global.ComponentSelect("cudasamples70") { var cudasample_path = filepath.Join(installdir, "CUDA_Samples") if global.Exist(filepath.Join(installdir, "CUDA_Samples", "7.0")) { cudasample_path = filepath.Join(cudasample_path, "7.0") } else { cudasample_path = cudasample_path } exec.Command(eclipse, "-nosplash", "-data", filepath.Join(installdir, "nvsample_workspace"), "-application", "org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild", "-importAll", filepath.Join(installdir, "Samples", cudasample_path)).Output() } } } }
func (i *Installation) PostAction(args ...string) { if len(args) < 1 { fmt.Println("Please input the option nextpage|install to continue") os.Exit(-1) } option := args[0] if option == "nextpage" { i.NextPage = "finished" if global.ComponentSelect("drivertools") { i.NextPage = "device_setup" } else if global.ComponentSelect("allowcompile") { i.NextPage = "deploy_samples" } else { i.NextPage = "finished" } fmt.Println(i.NextPage) } else if option == "install" { //copy the files to the installdir if len(args) < 4 { fmt.Println("Please input the args as followings ") fmt.Println("PageAction installation install [pksrc] [installdir] [exefile]") os.Exit(2) } pksrc := args[1] installdir := args[2] exefile := args[3] if _, e1 := os.Stat(installdir); e1 != nil { os.Mkdir(installdir, 0777) } if _, se := os.Stat(filepath.Join(installdir, "_installer")); se != nil { os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(installdir, "_installer"), 0777) } e := global.CopyFileExp(pksrc, installdir, exefile) if e != nil { fmt.Println(e) } //fmt.Println(os.Args[0]) if global.Global_OS == "darwin" { global.CopyFile(os.Args[0], filepath.Join(installdir, "PageAction")) os.Chmod(filepath.Join(installdir, "PageAction"), 0777) } else if global.Global_OS == "linux" { //add the Chooser to desktop entry chooser_entry := `[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=AndroidWorks Component Manager GenericName=AndroidWorks Component Manager Icon=` + filepath.Join(installdir, "TegraDeveloperKit.ico") + ` Exec=` + filepath.Join(installdir, "Chooser") + ` TryExec=` + filepath.Join(installdir, "Chooser") + ` Keywords=androidworks;nvidia; Terminal=No Categories=Development;` entry_folder := os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.local/share/applications" if _, se := os.Stat(entry_folder); se != nil { //fmt.Println("no folder exist") _, ce := exec.Command("mkdir", "-p", entry_folder).Output() if ce != nil { fmt.Println(ce) } } fp, fe := os.OpenFile(entry_folder+"/AndroidWorks.desktop", os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0600) if fe != nil { fmt.Println(fe) } fp.WriteString(chooser_entry) } //set the uninstaller to the registery if global.Global_OS == "windows" { _, e0 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "DisplayVersion", "/d", `1R1`, "/f").Output() _, e1 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "NoModify", "/d", "0", "/f").Output() _, e2 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "Publisher", "/d", `NVIDIA Corpration`, "/f").Output() _, e3 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "DisplayIcon", "/d", filepath.Join(installdir, "Chooser.exe"), "/f").Output() _, e4 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "ModifyPath", "/d", filepath.Join(installdir, "Chooser.exe"), "/f").Output() _, e5 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "UninstallString", "/d", filepath.Join(installdir, "Uninstaller.bat"), "/f").Output() _, e6 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/v", "DisplayName", "/d", `NVIDIA AndroidWorks`, "/f").Output() if e0 != nil || e1 != nil || e2 != nil || e3 != nil || e4 != nil || e5 != nil || e6 != nil { fmt.Println(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6) } df, _ := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(installdir, "uninstaller.bat"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0777) _, e7 := df.WriteString("@cd %~dp0\r\n@set /a count=0\r\n@start /wait Chooser.exe -u -v\r\n" + "@ping -n 10 -w 1000>null\r\n" + ":Repeat\r\n" + "@del Chooser.exe\r\n" + "@set /a count=%count%+1\r\n" + "@ping -n 3 -w 1000>null\r\n" + "@if exist Chooser.exe (\r\n" + "@if %count NEQ 60 goto Repeat\r\n" + ")\r\n" + "@reg delete \"HKLM\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\microsoft\\windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\NVIDIA AndroidWorks\" /f\r\n" + "@rmdir /S /Q " + installdir + "\r\n@del null\r\n" + "@del Uninstaller.bat\r\n") if e7 != nil { fmt.Println(e7) } //add the AndroidWorks to HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\AndroidWorks _, e8 := exec.Command("reg", "add", `HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation\AndroidWorks`, "/v", "Location", "/d", installdir, "/f").Output() if e8 != nil { fmt.Println(e8) } } } }