예제 #1
  Conditions to test.

  id   | config  | test name | corpus(source_type) |  digests
  a      8888      foo         gm                      aaa+, bbb-
  b      565       foo         gm                      ccc?, ddd?
  c      gpu       foo         gm                      eee+
  d      8888      bar         gm                      fff-, ggg?
  e      8888      quux        image                   jjj?

  foo  aaa  pos
  foo  bbb  neg
  foo  ccc  unt
  foo  ddd  unt
  foo  eee  pos
  bar  fff  neg


  Note no entry for quux or ggg, meaning untriaged.

  Test the following conditions and make sure you get
  the expected test summaries.

    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1
    bar -                  neg(fff):1   unt(ggg):1

  source_type=gm includeIgnores=true
    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1   unt(ccc, ddd):2
    bar -                  neg(fff):1   unt(ggg):1

  source_type=gm includeIgnores=true testName=foo
    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1   unt(ccc, ddd):2

  testname = foo
    foo - pos(aaa, eee):2  neg(bbb):1

  testname = quux
    quux -                              unt(jjj):1

    foo - pos(aaa):1       neg(bbb):1
    bar -                  neg(fff):1   unt(ggg):1
    quux -                              unt(jjj):1

  config=565&config=8888 head=true
    foo -                  neg(bbb):1
    bar -                               unt(ggg):1
    quux -                              unt(jjj):1

    foo - pos(eee):1


func TestCalcSummaries(t *testing.T) {
	tile := &tiling.Tile{
		Traces: map[string]tiling.Trace{
			"a": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"aaa", "bbb"},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "foo",
					"config":      "8888",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"b": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"ccc", "ddd"},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "foo",
					"config":      "565",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"c": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"eee", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "foo",
					"config":      "gpu",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"d": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"fff", "ggg"},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "bar",
					"config":      "8888",
					"source_type": "gm"},
			"e": &types.GoldenTrace{
				Values: []string{"jjj", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
				Params_: map[string]string{
					"name":        "quux",
					"config":      "8888",
					"source_type": "image"},
		Commits: []*tiling.Commit{
				CommitTime: 42,
				Hash:       "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
				Author:     "*****@*****.**",
				CommitTime: 45,
				Hash:       "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
				Author:     "*****@*****.**",
		Scale:     0,
		TileIndex: 0,

	eventBus := eventbus.New(nil)
	storages := &storage.Storage{
		DiffStore:         mocks.MockDiffStore{},
		ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
		IgnoreStore:       ignore.NewMemIgnoreStore(),
		MasterTileBuilder: mocks.NewMockTileBuilderFromTile(t, tile),
		NCommits:          50,
		EventBus:          eventBus,
		DigestStore:       &mocks.MockDigestStore{FirstSeen: time.Now().Unix() + 1000, OkValue: true},

	assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(map[string]types.TestClassification{
		"foo": map[string]types.Label{
			"aaa": types.POSITIVE,
			"bbb": types.NEGATIVE,
			"ccc": types.UNTRIAGED,
			"ddd": types.UNTRIAGED,
			"eee": types.POSITIVE,
		"bar": map[string]types.Label{
			"fff": types.NEGATIVE,
	}, "*****@*****.**"))

	ta, _ := tally.New(storages)
	assert.Nil(t, storages.IgnoreStore.Create(&ignore.IgnoreRule{
		ID:      1,
		Name:    "foo",
		Expires: time.Now().Add(time.Hour),
		Query:   "config=565",

	blamer, err := blame.New(storages)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	summaries, err := New(storages, ta, blamer)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	sum, err := summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "source_type=gm", false, false)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 0)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 1, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, []string{}, sum["foo"].UntHashes)
	assert.Equal(t, []string{"ggg"}, sum["bar"].UntHashes)

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "source_type=gm", true, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 2)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 1, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{"ccc", "ddd"})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["bar"].UntHashes, []string{"ggg"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries([]string{"foo"}, "source_type=gm", true, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 2)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{"ccc", "ddd"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries([]string{"foo"}, "", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 2, 1, 0)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=8888&config=565", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 1, 1, 0)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 1, 1)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "quux", 0, 0, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["bar"].UntHashes, []string{"ggg"})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["quux"].UntHashes, []string{"jjj"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=8888&config=565", false, true); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 0, 1, 0)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "bar", 0, 0, 1)
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "quux", 0, 0, 1)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["bar"].UntHashes, []string{"ggg"})
	assert.Equal(t, sum["quux"].UntHashes, []string{"jjj"})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=gpu", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(sum))
	triageCountsCorrect(t, sum, "foo", 1, 0, 0)
	assert.Equal(t, sum["foo"].UntHashes, []string{})

	if sum, err = summaries.CalcSummaries(nil, "config=unknown", false, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to calc: %s", err)
	assert.Equal(t, 0, len(sum))
예제 #2
func TestBlamerWithSyntheticData(t *testing.T) {
	start := time.Now().Unix()
	commits := []*tiling.Commit{
		&tiling.Commit{CommitTime: start + 10, Hash: "h1", Author: "John Doe 1"},
		&tiling.Commit{CommitTime: start + 20, Hash: "h2", Author: "John Doe 2"},
		&tiling.Commit{CommitTime: start + 30, Hash: "h3", Author: "John Doe 3"},
		&tiling.Commit{CommitTime: start + 40, Hash: "h4", Author: "John Doe 4"},
		&tiling.Commit{CommitTime: start + 50, Hash: "h5", Author: "John Doe 5"},

	params := []map[string]string{
		map[string]string{"name": "foo", "config": "8888", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "foo", "config": "565", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "foo", "config": "gpu", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "bar", "config": "8888", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "bar", "config": "565", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "bar", "config": "gpu", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "baz", "config": "565", "source_type": "gm"},
		map[string]string{"name": "baz", "config": "gpu", "source_type": "gm"},

	DI_1, DI_2, DI_3 := "digest1", "digest2", "digest3"
	DI_4, DI_5, DI_6 := "digest4", "digest5", "digest6"
	DI_7, DI_8, DI_9 := "digest7", "digest8", "digest9"

	digests := [][]string{
		[]string{MISS, MISS, DI_1, MISS, MISS},
		[]string{MISS, DI_1, DI_1, DI_2, MISS},
		[]string{DI_3, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS},
		[]string{DI_5, DI_4, DI_5, DI_5, DI_5},
		[]string{DI_6, MISS, DI_4, MISS, MISS},
		[]string{MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS},
		[]string{DI_7, DI_7, MISS, DI_8, MISS},
		[]string{DI_7, MISS, DI_7, DI_8, MISS},

	// Make sure the data are consistent and create a mock TileStore.
	assert.Equal(t, len(commits), len(digests[0]))
	assert.Equal(t, len(digests), len(params))

	eventBus := eventbus.New(nil)
	storages := &storage.Storage{
		ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
		MasterTileBuilder: mocks.NewMockTileBuilder(t, digests, params, commits),
		DigestStore:       &mocks.MockDigestStore{FirstSeen: start + 1000, OkValue: true},
		EventBus:          eventBus,
	blamer, err := New(storages)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	// Check when completely untriaged
	blameLists, _ := blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
	assert.NotNil(t, blameLists)

	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists["foo"]))
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_1].Freq)
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_2].Freq)
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_3].Freq)

	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists["bar"]))
	assert.Equal(t, []int{2, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_4].Freq)
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_5].Freq)
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_6].Freq)

	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{1}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_1, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{3}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_2, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_3, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{1}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_4, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_5, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_6, commits))

	// Classify some digests and re-calculate.
	changes := map[string]types.TestClassification{
		"foo": map[string]types.Label{DI_1: types.POSITIVE, DI_2: types.NEGATIVE},
		"bar": map[string]types.Label{DI_4: types.POSITIVE, DI_6: types.NEGATIVE},
	assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))

	// Wait for the change to propagate.
	waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
	blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()

	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["foo"]))
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["foo"][DI_3].Freq)

	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["bar"]))
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_5].Freq)
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 2, 0}, blameLists["baz"][DI_8].Freq)

	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("foo", DI_3, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{0}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_5, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{3}}, blamer.GetBlame("baz", DI_8, commits))

	// Change the underlying tile and trigger with another change.
	tile := storages.MasterTileBuilder.GetTile()

	// Get the trace for the last parameters and set a value.
	gTrace := tile.Traces[mocks.TraceKey(params[5])].(*types.GoldenTrace)
	gTrace.Values[2] = DI_9

	assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))

	// Wait for the change to propagate.
	waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
	blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()

	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["foo"]))
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(blameLists["bar"]))
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_9].Freq)

	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{2}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits))

	// Simulate the case where the digest is not found in digest store.
	storages.DigestStore.(*mocks.MockDigestStore).OkValue = false
	assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
	blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
	assert.Equal(t, 3, len(blameLists))
	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(blameLists["foo"]))
	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(blameLists["bar"]))
	assert.Equal(t, []int{1, 0, 0}, blameLists["bar"][DI_9].Freq)

	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{2}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{1}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits[1:4]))
	assert.Equal(t, &BlameDistribution{Freq: []int{}}, blamer.GetBlame("bar", DI_9, commits[0:2]))
예제 #3
func testStatusWatcher(t assert.TestingT, tileBuilder tracedb.MasterTileBuilder) {
	eventBus := eventbus.New(nil)
	storages := &storage.Storage{
		ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
		MasterTileBuilder: tileBuilder,
		DigestStore:       &MockDigestStore{},
		EventBus:          eventBus,

	watcher, err := New(storages)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	// Go through all corpora and change all the Items to positive.
	status := watcher.GetStatus()
	assert.NotNil(t, status)

	for idx, corpStatus := range status.CorpStatus {
		// Make sure no digests has any issues attached.
		storages.DigestStore.(*MockDigestStore).issueIDs = nil

		assert.False(t, corpStatus.OK)
		tile, err := storages.GetLastTileTrimmed(true)
		assert.Nil(t, err)

		changes := map[string]types.TestClassification{}
		posOrNeg := []types.Label{types.POSITIVE, types.NEGATIVE}
		for _, trace := range tile.Traces {
			if trace.Params()[types.CORPUS_FIELD] == corpStatus.Name {
				gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
				testName := gTrace.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
				for _, digest := range gTrace.Values {
					if _, ok := changes[testName]; !ok {
						changes[testName] = map[string]types.Label{}
					changes[testName][digest] = posOrNeg[rand.Int()%2]

		// Update the expecations and wait for the status to change.
		assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		newStatus := watcher.GetStatus()
		assert.False(t, newStatus.CorpStatus[idx].OK)
		assert.False(t, newStatus.OK)

		// Make sure all tests have an issue attached to each DigestInfo and
		// trigger another expectations update.
		storages.DigestStore.(*MockDigestStore).issueIDs = []int{1}
		assert.Nil(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

		// Make sure the current corpus is now ok.
		newStatus = watcher.GetStatus()
		assert.True(t, newStatus.CorpStatus[idx].OK)

	// All corpora are ok therefore the overall status should be ok.
	newStatus := watcher.GetStatus()
	assert.True(t, newStatus.OK)
예제 #4
func testBlamerWithLiveData(t assert.TestingT, tileBuilder tracedb.MasterTileBuilder) {
	eventBus := eventbus.New(nil)
	storage := &storage.Storage{
		ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus),
		MasterTileBuilder: tileBuilder,
		DigestStore: &mocks.MockDigestStore{
			FirstSeen: time.Now().Unix(),
			OkValue:   true,
		EventBus: eventBus,

	blamer, err := New(storage)
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	// Wait until we have a blamelist.
	var blameLists map[string]map[string]*BlameDistribution
	for {
		blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()
		if blameLists != nil {

	tile := storage.MasterTileBuilder.GetTile()

	// Since we set the 'First' timestamp of all digest info entries
	// to Now. We should get a non-empty blamelist of all digests.
	oneTestName := ""
	oneDigest := ""
	forEachTestDigestDo(tile, func(testName, digest string) {
		assert.NotNil(t, blameLists[testName][digest])
		assert.True(t, len(blameLists[testName][digest].Freq) > 0)

		// Remember the last one for later.
		oneTestName, oneDigest = testName, digest

	// Change the classification of one test and trigger the recalculation.
	changes := map[string]types.TestClassification{
		oneTestName: map[string]types.Label{oneDigest: types.POSITIVE},
	assert.Nil(t, storage.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))

	// Wait for change to propagate.
	waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
	blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()

	// Assert the correctness of the blamelists.
	forEachTestDigestDo(tile, func(testName, digest string) {
		if (testName == oneTestName) && (digest == oneDigest) {
			assert.Nil(t, blameLists[testName][digest])
		} else {
			assert.NotNil(t, blameLists[testName][digest])
			assert.True(t, len(blameLists[testName][digest].Freq) > 0)

	// Set 'First' for all digests in the past and trigger another
	// calculation.
	storage.DigestStore.(*mocks.MockDigestStore).FirstSeen = 0
	assert.Nil(t, storage.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
	waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
	blameLists, _ = blamer.GetAllBlameLists()

	// Randomly assign labels to the different digests and make sure
	// that the blamelists are correct.
	storage.DigestStore.(*mocks.MockDigestStore).FirstSeen = time.Now().Unix()

	changes = map[string]types.TestClassification{}
	choices := []types.Label{types.POSITIVE, types.NEGATIVE, types.UNTRIAGED}
	forEachTestDigestDo(tile, func(testName, digest string) {
		targetTest := changes[testName]
		if targetTest == nil {
			targetTest = map[string]types.Label{}
		// Randomly skip some digests.
		label := choices[rand.Int()%len(choices)]
		if label != types.UNTRIAGED {
			targetTest[digest] = label

	// Add the labels and wait for the recalculation.
	assert.Nil(t, storage.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
	waitForChange(blamer, blameLists)
	blameLists, commits := blamer.GetAllBlameLists()

	expecations, err := storage.ExpectationsStore.Get()
	assert.Nil(t, err)

	// Verify that the results are plausible.
	forEachTestTraceDo(tile, func(testName string, values []string) {
		for idx, digest := range values {
			if digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST {
				label := expecations.Classification(testName, digest)
				if label == types.UNTRIAGED {
					bl := blameLists[testName][digest]
					assert.NotNil(t, bl)
					freq := bl.Freq
					assert.True(t, len(freq) > 0)
					startIdx := len(commits) - len(freq)
					assert.True(t, (startIdx >= 0) && (startIdx <= idx), fmt.Sprintf("Expected (%s): Smaller than %d but got %d.", digest, startIdx, idx))