예제 #1
func (c *Conn) hcWriteClientHello() error {
	// Generate a random client nonce.
	_, err := io.ReadFull(c.cfg.Rand, c.nonceC.initial[:])
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Ensure client nonce does not have last bit set.
	c.nonceC.initial[23] &= 0xFE

	// Generate our transient public and private key.
	Ct, ct, err := box.GenerateKey(c.cfg.Rand)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	c.curveCt = *Ct
	c.curvect = *ct

	// Send client hello
	b := make([]byte, 65, 81)
	b[0] = byte(opClientHello)
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b[1:5], clientHelloMagic)
	copy(b[9:41], c.curveCt[:])
	copy(b[41:65], c.nonceC.initial[:])

	var nonce [24]byte
	box.Precompute(&c.curveCtS, &c.curveS, &c.curvect)
	b = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(b, nil, &nonce, &c.curveCtS)

	return c.conn.WriteFrame(b)
예제 #2
func (w *encryptWriter) writeBlock(b []byte) int {
	// Length prefix before the encrypted box so that the
	// reader knows how much data should be read;
	eBlock := w.encryptedBlockArray[:len(b)+box.Overhead+2]
	eBlock[0] = byte(len(b) - 1)

	// Length prefix inside the encrypted box so that the
	// reader will be able to check that the unencrypted
	// length was not tampered with;
	cBlock := w.clearBlockArray[:len(b)+1]
	cBlock[0] = byte(len(b) - 1)

	copy(cBlock[1:], b)

	// Encrypt the data.
	eBlock = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(eBlock[:1], cBlock, &w.nonce, &w.sharedKey)

	_, w.err = w.Writer.Write(eBlock)

	if w.err != nil {
		return 0

	return len(b)
예제 #3
// secWriteLoop copies data from pr into w
// doing a nacl seal encryption on the data in the process using shared as the key
func secWriteLoop(w io.Writer, pr *io.PipeReader, shared *[32]byte) {
	var failed bool
	// check for an error, stops the loop and
	// closes the pipe with err to signal the writer we failed
	var check = func(err error) {
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("secWriteLoop err:", err)
			if err2 := pr.CloseWithError(err); err2 != nil {
				log.Println("CloseWithError failed", err2)
			failed = true
	for !failed { // until an error occurs
		// read the clear message from our pipe
		msg := make([]byte, 1024)
		n, err := pr.Read(msg)

		// cut of the unused bytes
		msg = msg[:n]

		// read 24 bytes of random for our nonce
		var nonce [24]byte
		_, err = io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, nonce[:])

		// encrypt and sign our message with the prepended nonce
		buf := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nonce[:], msg, &nonce, shared)

		// copy the sealed message with our passed writer
		_, err = io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader(buf))
예제 #4
파일: golesali.go 프로젝트: d-s-d/golesali
func SealStrippedEnvelope(sealed io.Writer, plain io.Reader, ss *[K_SZ]byte,
	padding byte, msgNumber uint64) error {
	var (
		plainBuf bytes.Buffer
		cipher   []byte
		nonce    [N_SZ]byte

	if padding < 1 {
		return errors.New("padding must be at lest 1.")

	_, err := io.Copy(&plainBuf, plain)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	paddingBuf := make([]byte, padding)
	for i := 0; i < int(padding); i++ {
		paddingBuf[i] = padding

	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(nonce[N_SZ-LN_SZ:], msgNumber)

	cipher = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(cipher[:], plainBuf.Bytes(),
		&nonce, ss)

	return nil
예제 #5
// Write encrypts and writes len(p) bytes from p to the
// underlying data stream.
func (w *SecureWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	// validate the incoming message
	if len(p) == 0 {
		return 0, errors.New("nothing to write")
	} else if len(p) > maxMessageSize {
		return 0, errors.New("message is too large")

	// calculate the size of the resulting encrypted message
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	bSize := len(p) + 24 + box.Overhead
	err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(bSize))
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	size := buf.Bytes()

	random := make([]byte, 20)
	if _, err := rand.Read(random); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// first 4 bytes of nonce are the encrypted message size
	// last 20 bytes are random
	var nonce [24]byte
	copy(nonce[0:4], size[:])
	copy(nonce[4:24], random[:])

	// use shared key to encrypt message
	encrypted := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nonce[:], p, &nonce, w.sharedKey)

	return len(p), nil
예제 #6
func (sw SecureWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {

	// output buffer will contain [nonce + msgLen + encMsg]
	outputBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer)

	// Update nonce filling the first 8 bytes with counter
	// Counter ensures nonce uniqueness and will take hundreds of years to overflow at uint64
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(sw.nonce[:], sw.counter)

	// Write nonce

	ret := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, p, &sw.nonce, &sw.sharedKey)

	// Preface encrypted message with length of that message
	binary.Write(outputBuffer, binary.BigEndian, uint64(len(ret)))

	// copy encrypted message to output buffer
	n, err = outputBuffer.Write(ret)
	if err != nil {
		return n, err

	// flush output buffer to underlying writer

	// caller only needs to know how many if it's bytes were written, not the encrypted byte count
	return len(p), nil
예제 #7
// Write handles encryption and sends the data off with nonce and length in the
// header. Do note that any error is unrecoverable if data has been sent, as
// the recipient will be unable to understand the stream.
func (srwc SecureReadWriteCloser) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	// The structure of a packet for reference is:
	//      [ length uint32 | nonce [24]byte | enc_message []byte ]

	// Test if the input is too long
	if len(p) > MaxLength {
		return 0, ErrOutputTooLong

	length := uint32(len(p) + NonceBytes + LengthBytes + box.Overhead)

	// Prepare the nonce
	// Using the same nonce twice reduces the difficulty of "guessing" the key,
	// so that's a big no-no, but while random numbers have a risk for collision,
	// NaCL docs (http://nacl.cr.yp.to/stream.html) state that, due to the large
	// nonce size (24 bytes), that randomly generated nonces have negligible risk
	// of collision.
	nonce := new([NonceBytes]byte)
	if _, err := rand.Read(nonce[:]); err != nil {
		return 0, ErrRandom

	// Make a slice with capacity for the entire thing, and the length set to the
	// length/nonce we'll be copying in
	message := make([]byte, LengthBytes+NonceBytes, length)

	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(message[0:LengthBytes], length)
	copy(message[LengthBytes:LengthBytes+NonceBytes], nonce[:])

	// Encrypt!
	ret := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(message, p, nonce, srwc.secret)

	// Write all the things! We just use this as the return value.
	return srwc.writer.Write(ret)
예제 #8
// Write encrypts the given data and writes it to the given
// Writer interface
func (w *SecureWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	encrypted := make([]byte, 1024)
	encrypted = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, p, &w.nonce, &w.SharedKey)
	n, err = w.Writer.Write(append(w.nonce[:], encrypted...))
	return n, err
예제 #9
// Write encrypts the given bytes and writes them to the underlying writer.
// Upon any write error, the writer should not be used further as the stream
// may be in an inconsistent state.
func (sw *SecureWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	// create & write the nonce
	var nonce [24]byte
	var nonceID = nonce[:8]
	var nonceRand = nonce[8:]
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(nonceID, uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	if _, err := rand.Read(nonceRand); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if _, err := sw.writer.Write(nonce[:]); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// write the length of the cipher text
	var ctLen = make([]byte, 4)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(ctLen, uint32(len(p)+box.Overhead))
	if _, err := sw.writer.Write(ctLen); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// generate & write the cipher text
	ct := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, p, &nonce, &sw.sharedKey)
	if _, err := sw.writer.Write(ct); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	return len(p), nil
예제 #10
// Write encrypts the data in p before writing it to the
// underlying writer.
func (sw secureWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	// generate random nonce
	var nonce [nonceLen]byte
	if _, err := rand.Read(nonce[:]); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// write the plain-text nonce first, followed by len(p)
	if _, err := sw.w.Write(nonce[:]); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// we can assume a max message size of 32 kB, so a uint16 will
	// be sufficient to hold the length
	lenp := uint16(len(p))
	if err := binary.Write(sw.w, binary.BigEndian, lenp); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// "clear" the write buffer, encrypt, and send
	sw.buf = sw.buf[:0]
	sw.buf = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(sw.buf, p, &nonce, &sw.key)
	n, err := sw.w.Write(sw.buf)

	// seal adds box.Overhead additional bytes to p
	// but we don't want to report that we wrote more bytes than requested
	if n == len(p)+box.Overhead {
		n = len(p)
	return n, err
예제 #11
// Write encrypted data
func (srw *SecureReadWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
	if srw.writer == nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("writer not set")

	if len(b) > maxLength {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("data is too big")

	buf := make([]byte, sizeLength+nonceLength, len(b)+box.Overhead+sizeLength+nonceLength)

	size := uint64(len(b)) + nonceLength + box.Overhead
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[:sizeLength], size)

	var nonce [nonceLength]byte
	_, err := rand.Read(nonce[:])
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	copy(buf[sizeLength:], nonce[:])

	buf = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(buf, b, &nonce, srw.shared)

	_, err = srw.writer.Write(buf)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return len(b), nil
예제 #12
파일: io.go 프로젝트: billyboar/GCSolutions
// Write implements io.Writer.
func (w SecureWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
	if uint64(len(buf)) > maxMessageSize {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("input is too large. Got %d bytes, max: %d", len(buf), maxMessageSize)

	// Create a nonce.
	nonce, err := NewNonce()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	debugf("Write: nonce\n%s\n", hex.Dump(nonce[:]))

	// Encrypt the message with the nonce prefix.
	sealed := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nonce[:], buf, nonce, w.key)

	debugf("Write: sealed %d bytes\n%s\n", len(sealed), hex.Dump(sealed))

	// Write a fixed header indicating how long the message is.
	header := uint64(len(sealed))
	headerSize := binary.Size(header)
	if err := binary.Write(w.w, binary.BigEndian, header); err != nil {
		return headerSize, err

	// Write the message.
	messageSize, err := w.w.Write(sealed)

	// Return the size of the header and the message.
	return headerSize + messageSize, err
예제 #13
// Write satisfies the io.Writer interface. It encrypts the given message and writes the following sequence to the underlying writer:
//    1) the fixed length nonce used during encryption
//    2) the length of the original message
//    3) the encrypted message
func (w *SecureWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	// make sure we're not trying to send an oversize message
	if len(p) > MaxMessageBytes {
		return 0, ErrMessageTooBig
	// make sure that the nonce hasn't wrapped around
	if w.rawNonce == w.iNonce {
		return 0, ErrTooManyMessages

	// write the nonce
	binary.PutUvarint(w.nonce[:], w.rawNonce)
	n, err = w.w.Write(w.nonce[:])
	if n != len(w.nonce) || err != nil {
		return 0, err
	w.rawNonce++ // and increment it to ensure uniqueness

	// write the message length
	err = binary.Write(w.w, binary.BigEndian, uint32(len(p)))
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// encrypt the message
	buf := w.buf[0:0]
	em := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(buf, p, &w.nonce, &w.shared)

	// and write it
	n, err = w.w.Write(em)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return len(p), nil
예제 #14
func secureWrite(w io.Writer, p []byte, sharedKey *[32]byte) (n int, err error) {
	if len(p) > MaxMsgLen {
		p = p[:MaxMsgLen]
	//log.Printf("Writing: %s\n", p)

	nonce := &[24]byte{}

	//log.Printf("Writing nonce: %v\n", nonce)
	n, err = w.Write(nonce[:])
	if err != nil {

	o := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, p, nonce, sharedKey)

	//log.Printf("Writing encrypted message length: %v\n", uint16(len(o)))
	err = binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(len(o)))
	if err != nil {

	//log.Printf("Writing box: %v\n", o)
	i, err := w.Write(o)
	n = n + i
	if err != nil {
	n = len(p)
예제 #15
// Write will encrypt message and write it
func (nw NaCLWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	// generate a random nonce
	nonc := (&Nonce).GenerateNonce(*nw.Shared)
	out := make([]byte, n)
	b := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(out, p, &nonc, nw.Shared)
	return nw.Writer.Write(b)
예제 #16
// Encode encrypts a Message and sends it over a Writer
func (enc *Encoder) Encode(msg *Message) error {
	// rand.Read is guaranteed to read 24 bytes because it calls ReadFull under the covers
	nonceBytes := make([]byte, 24)
	_, err := rand.Read(nonceBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// We create a fixed array to copy the nonceBytes (there is no way to convert from slice to fixed array without copying)
	var nonce [24]byte
	copy(nonce[:], nonceBytes[:])

	// box.SealAfterPrecomputation appends the encrypted data to it out and returns it
	// We pass nonceBytes to the out parameter so we get returned data in the form [nonce][encryptedData]
	data := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nonceBytes, msg.Data, &nonce, enc.sharedKey)

	// Prepend the length to our data so the reader knows how much room to make when reading
	var length = uint32(len(data))
	err = binary.Write(enc.w, binary.BigEndian, length)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	_, err = enc.w.Write(data)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
예제 #17
// Write encrypts the message and
// writes the result to the underlying data stream.
func (s secureWriter) Write(message []byte) (int, error) {

	// Generate a random nonce
	nonce, err := generateNonce()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, errors.New("Failed to encrypt")

	// Prepend the nonce to out
	out := make([]byte, nonceSize)
	copy(out[:nonceSize], nonce[:])

	// Encrypt the message and prepend to out
	out = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(out, message[:], nonce, s.sharedKey)

	// Prepend the length of the message in Uint16 to out's beginning
	size := make([]byte, 2)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(size[:], uint16(len(out)))
	out = append(size, out...)

	// Write the message decrypted to out
	ln, err := s.w.Write(out)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// Return the length of the message wrote to buff
	return ln, nil
예제 #18
func (sw SecureWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	nonce, err := generateNonce()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	_, err = sw.w.Write(nonce[:])
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	msgSize := uint32(len(p) + box.Overhead)
	err = binary.Write(sw.w, binary.LittleEndian, &msgSize)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	msg := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, p, nonce, sw.sharedKey)
	n, err := sw.w.Write(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	n -= box.Overhead
	return n, nil
예제 #19
// Write encrypts message and sends to underlying writer.
// Write is not concurrent-safe due to keeping sequence for each message.
func (s *secureWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
	if len(p) == 0 || len(p) > maxMessageSize {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("message is empty or too big: %d (max: %d)",
			len(p), maxMessageSize)
	// Create a frame buffer for sending encrypted message.
	frameSize := headerSize + len(p) + box.Overhead
	frame := make([]byte, headerSize, frameSize)
	// Variable nonce is a pointer to a part of the frame buffer.
	// A new nonce is generated for each message.
	nonce := (*[nonceSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&frame[noncePos]))
	if err := s.generateNonce(nonce); err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not generate nonce: %v", err)
	// Put length of encrypted message after nonce in the header.
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(frame[lengthPos:], uint32(len(p)+box.Overhead))

	// Fill encrypted message which will be box.Overhead bytes longer than
	// the original.
	_ = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(frame[headerSize:], p, nonce, &s.sharedKey)
	n, err := s.writer.Write(frame[:frameSize])
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if n != frameSize {
		return 0, io.ErrShortWrite
	return len(p), nil
예제 #20
func (srv *ConvoService) Get(args *ConvoGetArgs, result *ConvoGetResult) error {
	log.WithFields(log.Fields{"service": "convo", "rpc": "Get", "round": args.Round, "count": args.Count}).Debug()

	round, err := srv.getRound(args.Round, convoRoundClosed)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	nonce := BackwardNonce(args.Round)
	outgoingOnionSize := srv.PKI.OutgoingOnionOverhead(srv.ServerName) + SizeEncryptedMessage

	result.Onions = make([][]byte, args.Count)
	for k := range result.Onions {
		i := args.Offset + k

		if v := round.incomingIndex[i]; v > -1 {
			reply := round.replies[v]
			onion := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, reply, nonce, round.sharedKeys[i])
			result.Onions[k] = onion
		if len(result.Onions[k]) != outgoingOnionSize {
			onion := make([]byte, outgoingOnionSize)
			result.Onions[k] = onion

	return nil
예제 #21
// Seals data
func (c *BoxConn) seal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var nonce [NonceSize]byte
	n, err := rand.Read(nonce[:])
	if err != nil || n != NonceSize {
		return nil, errors.New("Failed to generate nonce")
	return box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nonce[:], b, &nonce, c.sharedSecret), nil
예제 #22
파일: crypto.go 프로젝트: Tox/ToxStatus
// Encrypt uses a crypto_box_afternm-equivalent function to encrypt the given data.
func Encrypt(data []byte, sharedKey *[SharedKeySize]byte) ([]byte, *[NonceSize]byte, error) {
	nonce, err := GenerateNonce()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, data, nonce, sharedKey), nonce, nil
예제 #23
func (sw *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	out := make([]byte, 0, len(p)+box.Overhead+NonceLength)
	nonce := sw.generateNonce()
	out = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(out, p, &nonce, &sw.sharedKey)
	out = append(out, nonce[:]...)

	return sw.writer.Write(out)
예제 #24
// encrypt takes a plaintext message and a key, encrypts the message,
// prepend the nonce and returns the resulting ciphertext and any errors.
func encrypt(msg []byte, k key) (c []byte, err error) {
	nonce, err := randomNonce()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c = box.SealAfterPrecomputation(c, msg, nonce, k)
	c = append((*nonce)[:], c...)
	return c, nil
예제 #25
// handleConnection is the server side function
// handles the public keys exchange as handshake and message serving
func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) error {
	defer conn.Close()
	// Handshake
	// Generate server side keys
	pub, pri, err := box.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
	if *pri == *pub || err != nil {
		return err

	// cpubk is the client public key
	cpubk := make([]byte, 2048)
	n, err := conn.Read(cpubk)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// client public key
	cpub := &[32]byte{}
	copy(cpub[:], cpubk[:n])

	// send server public key to client
	_, err = conn.Write(pub[:])
	if err != nil {
		return err

	shared := &[32]byte{}
	// Let's get a bit faster
	box.Precompute(shared, cpub, pri)

	// reading message
	msg := make([]byte, 2048)
	n, err = conn.Read(msg)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("could not read message %s", err)
		return err
	// Generate a nonc, to keep it simple we synchronize
	// nonces between Clietn and Server
	nonc := &helper.Nonce{}
	nv := nonc.GenerateNonce(*shared)

	out := make([]byte, n)
	// decrypt message
	dm, ok := box.OpenAfterPrecomputation(out, msg[:n], &nv, shared)
	if !ok {
		m := fmt.Sprintf("could not decrypt message %v", msg[:n])
		return errors.New(m)

	// Send back message encrypted
	em := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, dm[n:], &nv, shared)
	_, err = conn.Write(em)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
예제 #26
파일: key.go 프로젝트: lgierth/cryptoauth
func (c *Connection) NewKeyPacket(e *fsm.Event) {

	var err error
	var secret [32]byte

	challenge, err := c.NewChallenge()
	if err != nil {

	h := &Handshake{
		Stage:     c.local.nextNonce,
		PublicKey: c.local.perm.PublicKey,

	if h.Nonce, err = newNonce(); err != nil {

	secret = computeSharedSecret(&c.local.perm.PrivateKey, &c.remote.temp.PublicKey)

	// Build the packet
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, h.Stage)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, challenge.Type)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, challenge.Lookup)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, challenge.Derivations)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, challenge.Additional)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, h.Nonce)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, h.PublicKey)

	var out []byte

	if c.local.temp == nil {
		c.local.temp, _ = createTempKeyPair()

	encryptedTempPubKey := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(out, c.local.temp.PublicKey[:], &h.Nonce, &secret)

	if debugHandshake {
		log.Printf("encryptedTempPubKey:\n\tnonce [%x]\n\tsecret [%x]\n\tmyTempPubKey [%x]", h.Nonce, secret, c.local.temp.PublicKey)

	binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, encryptedTempPubKey)

	//handshake, err := NewHandshake(c.local.nextNonce, challenge, c.local, c.remote, &c.passwordHash)
	n, err := c.conn.WriteToUDP(buf.Bytes(), c.raddr)
	if err != nil {
	log.Printf("wrote %d to %s", n, c.raddr.String())
예제 #27
// Write encrypts b and writes it to the embedded Writer
func (s SecureWriter) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	msg := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(empty, b, &s.nonce, &s.key)

	n, err = s.w.Write(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return n, err

	return n, nil
예제 #28
파일: box_test.go 프로젝트: ak-67/vuvuzela
func BenchmarkSealAfterPrecomputation(b *testing.B) {
	_, myPrivate, _ := box.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
	theirPublic, _, _ := box.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
	message := make([]byte, 256)
	nonce := new([24]byte)
	sharedKey := new([32]byte)
	box.Precompute(sharedKey, theirPublic, myPrivate)
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nil, message, nonce, sharedKey)
예제 #29
// Write ciphers incoming data `p` and writes it
func (w *secureWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	nonce := [24]byte{}

	_, err = rand.Read(nonce[:])
	if err != nil {

	out := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(nonce[:], p, &nonce, w.key)

	return w.w.Write(out)
예제 #30
// WriteFrame(b) writes the frame to the connection in a length-value-encoded
// for so it can be read using ReadFrame on the other side. Returns len(b).
func (c *Conn) WriteFrame(b []byte) (int, error) {
	if len(b) > c.maxFrameSize {
		return 0, errors.New("write frame too large")
	var nonce [24]byte
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(nonce[:], c.writeNonce)
	c.writeNonce += 2
	i := binary.PutUvarint(c.writeBuf, uint64(box.Overhead+len(b)))
	buf := box.SealAfterPrecomputation(c.writeBuf[:i], b, &nonce, &c.key)
	if _, err := c.unencrypted.Write(buf); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return len(b), nil