예제 #1
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) checkHtmlDoWrite(tplFi, htmlFi os.FileInfo, htmlErr error) bool {
	var doWrite bool
	log.Debug("<Page.checkHtmlDoWrite> ", "p.Config.AutoGenerateHtmlCycleTime:", p.Config.AutoGenerateHtmlCycleTime)
	if p.Config.AutoGenerateHtmlCycleTime <= 0 {
		doWrite = true
	} else {
		if htmlErr != nil {
			doWrite = true
		} else {
			log.Debug("<Page.checkHtmlDoWrite> ", "tplFi.ModTime().Unix():", tplFi.ModTime().Unix())
			log.Debug("<Page.checkHtmlDoWrite> ", "htmlFi.ModTime().Unix():", htmlFi.ModTime().Unix())

			switch {
			case tplFi.ModTime().Unix() >= htmlFi.ModTime().Unix():
				doWrite = true
			case time.Now().Unix()-htmlFi.ModTime().Unix() >= p.Config.AutoGenerateHtmlCycleTime:
				doWrite = true
				globalTplCache := p.site.GetTemplateCache("globalTpl")
				log.Debug("<Page.checkHtmlDoWrite> ", `globalTplCache.ModTime:`, globalTplCache.ModTime)
				if globalTplCache.ModTime > 0 && globalTplCache.ModTime >= htmlFi.ModTime().Unix() {
					doWrite = true

	return doWrite
예제 #2
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) filterDoMethod(tpc reflect.Type, vpc reflect.Value, action string, rvr reflect.Value, rvw reflect.Value) {
	log.Debug("<Page.filterDoMethod> ", "action:", action)
	if aarv := p.callMethod(tpc, vpc, action, rvr, rvw); len(aarv) == 1 {
		if ma, tok := aarv[0].Interface().([]map[string]string); tok {
			log.Debug("<Page.filterDoMethod> ", "FilterMap:", ma)
			for _, filter := range ma {
				doFilter := false
				doMethod := false
				doParam := false
				method, mok := filter["_FILTER"]

				if mok {
					filterType, found := filter[p.CurrentAction]
					if !found && filter["_ALL"] == "allow" {
						doFilter = true
					} else if found && filterType == "allow" {
						doFilter = true

				if doFilter {
					if rm, ok := filter["_METHOD"]; !ok {
						doMethod = true
					} else {
						reqMethods := strings.Split(rm, ",")
						for _, v := range reqMethods {
							r := rvr.Interface().(*http.Request)
							if r.Method == strings.ToUpper(v) {
								doMethod = true

					if rmp, ok := filter["_PARAM"]; !ok {
						doParam = true
					} else {
						reqParams := strings.Split(rmp, ",")
						for _, v := range reqParams {
							_, vgok := p.GET[v]
							_, vpok := p.POST[v]
							if vgok || vpok {
								doParam = true

					if doMethod && doParam {
						p.callMethod(tpc, vpc, "Filter_"+method, rvr, rvw)
예제 #3
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) initModule(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if p.site.supportSession {
		switch p.Config.SessionType {
		case "file":
			p.SESSION = p.FileSession.Get(w, r)
		case "memory":
			p.SESSION = p.MemorySession.Get(w, r)
			p.SESSION = p.MemorySession.Get(w, r)

		var ok bool
		if ok {
			log.Debug("<Page.Init> ", `p.SESSION["__ONCE"] to set:`, p.ONCE_SESSION)
			delete(p.SESSION, "__ONCE")
			log.Debug("<Page.Init> ", `p.SESSION["__ONCE"] to delete:`, p.SESSION["__ONCE"])

	if p.site.supportCookieSession {
		p.COOKIE_SESSION = p.CookieSession.Get(r)

	if p.site.supportI18n {
		p.LANG = func() map[string]string {
			log.Debug("<Page.Init> ", `p.TARGET_LANG: `, p.TARGET_LANG)

			if p.TARGET_LANG == "" {
				p.TARGET_LANG = strings.TrimSpace(r.Header.Get("Accept-Language"))
				if i := strings.Index(p.TARGET_LANG, ","); i != -1 {

			return p.I18n.Lang(p.TARGET_LANG)

	if p.site.base.header != nil || len(p.site.base.header) > 0 {
		log.Debug("<Page.Init> ", "p.site.base.header:", p.site.base.header)
		for t, s := range p.site.base.header {
			for _, v := range s {
				w.Header().Add(t, v)
예제 #4
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) handleRoute(i interface{}) {
	http.HandleFunc(p.site.Root, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if p.Config.Reload() {

		if p.UrlManage.Manage() {
			newUrl := p.UrlManage.ReWrite(w, r)
			if newUrl == "redirect" {
			} else {
				r.URL, _ = url.Parse(newUrl)

		if p.site.supportI18n {
			if err := p.I18n.Setup(p.Config.DefaultLocalePath, p.Config.DefaultLanguage); err != nil {
				log.Panic("<Page.handleRoute> ", "I18n(Setup):", err)

		p.Template = p.CurrentController + p.currentFileName
		log.Debug("<Page.handleRoute> ", "p.Template:", p.Template)

		if !p.loadGeneratedHtml(w, r) {
			p.routeController(i, w, r)
예제 #5
파일: config.go 프로젝트: golangers/config
func readFiles(files ...string) []byte {
	lfs := len(files)
	chContent := make(chan []byte, lfs)

	for _, file := range files {
		go func(chContent chan []byte, configPath string) {
			chContent <- format(configPath)
		}(chContent, file)

	bytess := make([][]byte, 0, lfs)

	for i := 1; i <= lfs; i++ {
		content := <-chContent

		if len(content) != 0 {
			bytess = append(bytess, content)

	buf := bytes.NewBufferString(`{`)
	buf.Write(bytes.Join(bytess, []byte(`,`)))

	var contentBuf bytes.Buffer
	err := json.Compact(&contentBuf, buf.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("<readFiles> jsonData: ", buf.String())
		log.Fatal("<readFiles> error: ", err)

	return contentBuf.Bytes()
예제 #6
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) loadGeneratedHtml(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (b bool) {
	log.Debug("<Page.loadGeneratedHtml> ", "p.Config.SupportTemplate:", p.Config.SupportTemplate)
	log.Debug("<Page.loadGeneratedHtml> ", "p.Config.LoadStaticHtmlWithLogic:", p.Config.LoadStaticHtmlWithLogic)
	log.Debug("<Page.loadGeneratedHtml> ", "p.Config.AutoGenerateHtml:", p.Config.AutoGenerateHtml)

	if p.Config.SupportTemplate && !p.Config.LoadStaticHtmlWithLogic && p.Config.AutoGenerateHtml {
		tplFi, tplErr := os.Stat(p.Config.TemplateDirectory + p.Config.ThemeDirectory + p.Template)
		if tplErr != nil {
			log.Error("<Page.loadGeneratedHtml> ", tplErr)
		} else {
			tmplCache := p.site.GetTemplateCache(p.Template)
			if tplFi.ModTime().Unix() > tmplCache.ModTime {
				return false

		htmlFile := ""
		assetsHtmlDir := p.Config.AssetsDirectory + p.Config.HtmlDirectory
		if strings.HasPrefix(p.Template, p.Config.IndexDirectory) {
			htmlFile = assetsHtmlDir + strings.Replace(p.Template, p.Config.IndexDirectory, "", 1)
		} else {
			htmlFile = assetsHtmlDir + p.Template

		if r.URL.RawQuery != "" {
			htmlFile += "?" + r.URL.RawQuery

		if htmlFi, htmlErr := os.Stat(htmlFile); htmlErr == nil {
			if p.checkHtmlDoWrite(tplFi, htmlFi, htmlErr) {

			htmlContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(htmlFile)
			if err == nil {
				w.Header().Add("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(htmlFi.Size(), 10))
				w.Header().Add("Last-Modified", htmlFi.ModTime().UTC().Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"))
				return true

예제 #7
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) setCurrentInfo(path string) {
	urlPath, fileName := filepath.Split(path)
	if urlPath == p.site.Root {
		urlPath = p.site.Root + p.Config.IndexDirectory

	if fileName == "" {
		fileName = p.Config.IndexPage

	p.currentPath = urlPath
	log.Debug("<Page.setCurrentInfo> ", "p.currentPath:", p.currentPath)
	p.currentFileName = fileName
	log.Debug("<Page.setCurrentInfo> ", "p.currentFileName:", p.currentFileName)
	p.CurrentController = urlPath[len(p.site.Root):]
	log.Debug("<Page.setCurrentInfo> ", "p.CurrentController:", p.CurrentController)
	p.CurrentAction = strings.Replace(strings.Title(strings.Replace(p.currentFileName[:len(p.currentFileName)-len(filepath.Ext(p.currentFileName))], "_", " ", -1)), " ", "", -1)
	log.Debug("<Page.setCurrentInfo> ", "p.CurrentAction:", p.CurrentAction)
예제 #8
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) handleRootStatic(files string) {
	aFile := strings.Split(files, ",")
	for _, file := range aFile {
		http.HandleFunc(p.site.Root+file, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			staticPath := p.Config.AssetsDirectory + file
			log.Debug("<Page.handleRootStatic> ", "staticPath:", staticPath)
			http.ServeFile(w, r, staticPath)
예제 #9
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) setStaticDocument() {
	fileNameNoExt := p.currentFileName[:len(p.currentFileName)-len(filepath.Ext(p.currentFileName))]

	cssFi, cssErr := os.Stat(p.Config.StaticCssDirectory + p.currentPath)
	jsFi, jsErr := os.Stat(p.Config.StaticJsDirectory + p.currentPath)
	imgFi, imgErr := os.Stat(p.Config.StaticImgDirectory + p.currentPath)

	if cssErr == nil && cssFi.IsDir() {
		cssPath := strings.Trim(p.currentPath, "/")
		DcssPath := p.Config.StaticCssDirectory + cssPath + "/"
		p.Document.Css[cssPath] = p.site.Root + DcssPath[len(p.Config.AssetsDirectory):]
		log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.Css["+cssPath+"]:", p.Document.Css[cssPath])

		_, errgcss := os.Stat(DcssPath + "global.css")
		_, errcss := os.Stat(DcssPath + fileNameNoExt + ".css")

		if errgcss == nil {
			p.Document.GlobalIndexCssFile = p.Document.Css[cssPath] + "global.css"
			log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.GlobalIndexCssFile:", p.Document.GlobalIndexCssFile)

		if errcss == nil {
			p.Document.IndexCssFile = p.Document.Css[cssPath] + fileNameNoExt + ".css"
			log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.IndexCssFile:", p.Document.IndexCssFile)

	if jsErr == nil && jsFi.IsDir() {
		jsPath := strings.Trim(p.currentPath, "/")
		DjsPath := p.Config.StaticJsDirectory + jsPath + "/"
		p.Document.Js[jsPath] = p.site.Root + DjsPath[len(p.Config.AssetsDirectory):]
		log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.Js["+jsPath+"]:", p.Document.Js[jsPath])

		_, errgjs := os.Stat(DjsPath + "global.js")
		_, errjs := os.Stat(DjsPath + fileNameNoExt + ".js")

		if errgjs == nil {
			p.Document.GlobalIndexJsFile = p.Document.Js[jsPath] + "global.js"
			log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.GlobalIndexJsFile:", p.Document.GlobalIndexJsFile)

		if errjs == nil {
			p.Document.IndexJsFile = p.Document.Js[jsPath] + fileNameNoExt + ".js"
			log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.IndexJsFile:", p.Document.IndexJsFile)

	if imgErr == nil && imgFi.IsDir() {
		imgPath := strings.Trim(p.currentPath, "/")
		DimgPath := p.Config.StaticImgDirectory + imgPath + "/"
		p.Document.Img[imgPath] = p.site.Root + DimgPath[len(p.Config.AssetsDirectory):]
		log.Debug("<Page.setStaticDocument> ", "p.Document.Img["+imgPath+"]:", p.Document.Img[imgPath])
예제 #10
func (c *Config) load(data []byte) {
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, c)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("<Config.Load> jsonData: ", string(data))
		log.Fatal("<Config.Load> error: ", err)

	c.UploadDirectory = c.AssetsDirectory + c.StaticDirectory + c.UploadDirectory
	c.ThemeDirectory = c.ThemeDirectory + c.Theme + "/"
	c.StaticCssDirectory = c.AssetsDirectory + c.StaticDirectory + c.ThemeDirectory + c.StaticCssDirectory
	c.StaticJsDirectory = c.AssetsDirectory + c.StaticDirectory + c.ThemeDirectory + c.StaticJsDirectory
	c.StaticImgDirectory = c.AssetsDirectory + c.StaticDirectory + c.ThemeDirectory + c.StaticImgDirectory
예제 #11
파일: config.go 프로젝트: golangers/config
func (c *Config) Load(i interface{}) *Config {
	data := c.data

	err := json.Unmarshal(data, i)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("<Config.Load> jsonData: ", c.String())
		log.Fatal("<Config.Load> error: ", err)

	return c
예제 #12
파일: i18n.go 프로젝트: golangers/i18n
func (i *I18nManager) Lang(lang string) map[string]string {
	lang = strings.ToLower(lang)
	err := i.Load(lang)
	if err != nil {
		lang = i.defaultLanguage
		log.Debug("<I18nManager.Lang> ", `Load error: `, err)

	msgs := i.languages[lang]

	return msgs
예제 #13
파일: config.go 프로젝트: golangers/config
func Data(data string) *Config {
	data = `{` + data + `}`
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err := json.Compact(&buf, []byte(data))
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("<Data> jsonData: ", data)
		log.Fatal("<Data> error: ", err)

	return &Config{
		dataType: "data",
		data:     buf.Bytes(),
예제 #14
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) handleStatic() {
	http.HandleFunc(p.Document.Static, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if p.UrlManage.Manage() {
			newUrl := p.UrlManage.ReWrite(w, r)
			if newUrl == "redirect" {
			} else {
				r.URL, _ = url.Parse(newUrl)

		staticPath := p.Config.AssetsDirectory + p.Config.StaticDirectory + r.URL.Path[len(p.Document.Static):]
		log.Debug("<Page.handleStatic> ", "staticPath:", staticPath)
		http.ServeFile(w, r, staticPath)
예제 #15
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) callMethod(tpc reflect.Type, vpc reflect.Value, action string, rvr reflect.Value, rvw reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
	arv := []reflect.Value{}
	if rm, ok := tpc.MethodByName(action); ok {
		mt := rm.Type
		log.Debug("<Page.callMethod> ", mt.String()+".NumIn():", mt.NumIn())
		switch mt.NumIn() {
		case 2:
			if mt.In(1) == rvr.Type() {
				arv = vpc.MethodByName(action).Call([]reflect.Value{rvr})
			} else {
				arv = vpc.MethodByName(action).Call([]reflect.Value{rvw})
		case 3:
			arv = vpc.MethodByName(action).Call([]reflect.Value{rvw, rvr})
			arv = vpc.MethodByName(action).Call([]reflect.Value{})

	return arv
예제 #16
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) handleStaticHtml() {
	StaticHtmlDir := p.Config.SiteRoot + p.Config.HtmlDirectory
	http.HandleFunc(StaticHtmlDir, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if p.UrlManage.Manage() {
			newUrl := p.UrlManage.ReWrite(w, r)
			if newUrl == "redirect" {
			} else {
				r.URL, _ = url.Parse(newUrl)

		staticPath := p.Config.AssetsDirectory + p.Config.HtmlDirectory + r.URL.Path[len(StaticHtmlDir):]
		if r.URL.RawQuery != "" {
			staticPath += "?" + r.URL.RawQuery

		log.Debug("<Page.handleStatic> ", "staticPath:", staticPath)
		http.ServeFile(w, r, staticPath)
예제 #17
파일: page.go 프로젝트: wenhaokl/framework
func (p *Page) reset(update bool) {
	p.setLog(p.Config.SupportLog, p.Config.LogWriteTo, p.Config.LogLevel)
	p.setUrlManage(p.Config.SupportUrlManage, p.Config.SupportUrlManageWithCache, p.Config.UrlManageRule)

	if update {
		if p.site.supportSession != p.Config.SupportSession {
			p.site.supportSession = p.Config.SupportSession

		if p.site.supportCookieSession != p.Config.SupportCookieSession {
			p.site.supportCookieSession = p.Config.SupportCookieSession

		if p.site.supportI18n != p.Config.SupportI18n {
			p.site.supportI18n = p.Config.SupportI18n

		if p.Document.Theme != p.Config.Theme {
			p.Document.Theme = p.Config.Theme

		if p.Document.Static != p.Config.SiteRoot+p.Config.StaticDirectory {
			p.Document.Static = p.Config.SiteRoot + p.Config.StaticDirectory

		if p.site.Root == p.Config.SiteRoot {
		} else {
			log.Info("<Page.reset> ", "p.Config.SiteRoot be changed:", p.Config.SiteRoot)
			p.UpdateController(p.site.Root, p.Config.SiteRoot, p.DefaultController)
			p.site.Root = p.Config.SiteRoot
	} else {
		p.site.supportSession = p.Config.SupportSession
		p.site.supportCookieSession = p.Config.SupportCookieSession
		p.site.supportI18n = p.Config.SupportI18n
		p.Document.Theme = p.Config.Theme
		p.site.Root = p.Config.SiteRoot
		p.Document.Static = p.site.Root + p.Config.StaticDirectory
		p.RegisterController(p.site.Root, p.DefaultController)
		p.site.globalTemplate = template.New("globalTpl").Funcs(p.site.templateFunc)

	if globalCssFi, err := os.Stat(p.Config.StaticCssDirectory + "/global/"); err == nil && globalCssFi.IsDir() {
		DcssPath := p.Config.StaticCssDirectory + "global/"
		p.Document.Css["global"] = p.site.Root + DcssPath[len(p.Config.AssetsDirectory):]
		log.Debug("<Page.reset> ", `p.Document.Css["global"]:`, p.Document.Css["global"])

		if _, err := os.Stat(DcssPath + "global.css"); err == nil {
			p.Document.GlobalCssFile = p.Document.Css["global"] + "global.css"

	if globalJsFi, err := os.Stat(p.Config.StaticJsDirectory + "/global/"); err == nil && globalJsFi.IsDir() {
		DjsPath := p.Config.StaticJsDirectory + "global/"
		p.Document.Js["global"] = p.site.Root + DjsPath[len(p.Config.AssetsDirectory):]
		log.Debug("<Page.reset> ", `p.Document.Js["global"]:`, p.Document.GlobalCssFile)
		if _, err := os.Stat(DjsPath + "global.js"); err == nil {
			p.Document.GlobalJsFile = p.Document.Js["global"] + "global.js"

	if globalImgFi, err := os.Stat(p.Config.StaticImgDirectory + "/global/"); err == nil && globalImgFi.IsDir() {
		DimgPath := p.Config.StaticImgDirectory + "global/"
		p.Document.Img["global"] = p.site.Root + DimgPath[len(p.Config.AssetsDirectory):]
		log.Debug("<Page.reset> ", `p.Document.Img["global"]:`, p.Document.Img["global"])

	if globalTplFi, err := os.Stat(p.Config.TemplateDirectory + p.Config.ThemeDirectory + p.Config.TemplateGlobalDirectory); err != nil {
		log.Error("<Page.reset> ", err)
	} else {
		p.setGlobalTpl(globalTplFi.ModTime().Unix(), false)