예제 #1
func StatePost() http.HandlerFunc {

	return http.HandlerFunc(func(pResponse http.ResponseWriter, pRequest *http.Request) {

		requestPost := new(RequestPost)

		contentType := pRequest.Header.Get("Content-Type")
		var err error = nil
		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

		requestBody := buf.Bytes()
		fmt.Println("Executing State Method POST")
		// Si el cuerpo de la peticion contiene informacion se procesa, de lo contrario no se procesaran  peticiones vacias
		if len(requestBody) > 0 {

			if contentType == "application/x-protobuf" || strings.Contains(contentType, "application/x-protobuf") {
				fmt.Println("Executing Error Protobuf ")
				p := &example.Person{
					Id:    proto.Int32(1234),
					Name:  proto.String("John Doe"),
					Email: proto.String("*****@*****.**"),
				data, err := proto.Marshal(p)
				if err != nil {
					// In case does not catch the Host name
					log.Error("It has occur an Error when the proto.Marshal", err)
				pResponse.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf")

			} else if contentType == "application/json" || strings.Contains(contentType, "application/json") {
				err = json.Unmarshal(requestBody, requestPost)
				if err != nil {
					fmt.Println("Executing State Method", pResponse, err)

				} else {
					// It manege to catch the name of the machine(HostName)
					hostname, err := os.Hostname()
					if err != nil {
						// In case does not catch the Host name
						log.Error("It has occur an Error when the HostName", err)
					fmt.Println("Executing State Method POST inside")
					state := StateService{"ok", "Tuesday", "6:42 AM", hostname, "ruote"}
					js, _ := json.Marshal(state)
					pResponse.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")


예제 #2
func State() http.HandlerFunc {

	return http.HandlerFunc(func(pResponse http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// It manege to catch the name of the machine(HostName)
		hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		if err != nil {
			// In case does not catch the Host name
			log.Error("It has occur an Error when the HostName", err)
		fmt.Println("Executing State Method")
		state := StateService{"ok", "Tuesday", "6:42 AM", hostname, "ruote"}
		js, _ := json.Marshal(state)
		pResponse.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
			// It manege to catch the name of the machine(HostName)
		    hostname, err := os.Hostname()
		    if err != nil {
		      // In case does not catch the Host name
		      log.Error("It has occur an Error when the HostName", err)
		    state := StateService{"ok","Tuesday","6:41 AM",hostname,"ruote"}
		    js, _ := json.Marshal(state)
		    pResponse.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
예제 #3
func main() {

	// It is used to get the name of the file

	var cfgConfig util.Config

	// It reads the configuration file and it will filled the fileConfig Struct
	err1 := gcfg.ReadFileInto(&cfgConfig, *fileConfig)
	if err1 != nil {

	// It sets up the Log File
	initLogs(cfgConfig.Logs.LogPath, cfgConfig.Logs.LogName, cfgConfig.Logs.LogLevel)
	//initLogs("/home/ubuntu/workspace/logs/", "DockerServiceLog.log", 1)

	//This method contains the mapping between URL and Handlers.

	// If debug is enable, this message will be printed
	log.Debug("Server Started")

	// The server is started
	// Only the ports 8080, 8081 y 8082  can be visibles on the Internet when it works with cloud9
	err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

	// If an Error occur
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("The service could be started", err.Error())
