예제 #1
func main() {
	// create the foundation: a new window, basic scene, and game component (node)
	probe := Opengl.Probe()
	Logging.Info("Max Texture Size: ", probe.MaxTextureSize)
	Logging.Info("Max Texture Image Units: ", probe.MaxTextureImageUnits)
	Logging.Info("Shader Version: ", probe.ShaderVersion)
예제 #2
func newAggregateImage() *AggregateImage {
	newIdx := len(aggregateImages)

	aggrImg := &AggregateImage{}
	aggrImg.id = newIdx
	fmt.Println("img id: ", aggrImg.id)

	aggrImg.imageBuddy = NewBuddyAggregator(int(Opengl.Probe().MaxTextureSize))

	aggregateImages = append(aggregateImages, aggrImg)

	return aggrImg

예제 #3
/** NewAggregateImage
 * Walk the directory and aggregate all images to one image and store in meemory
 * @param {[type]} location string [description]
func LoadImages(path string) {


	// create empty image to hold all images
	texSize := int(Opengl.Probe().MaxTextureSize)
	for _, aggrImg := range aggregateImages {

		finalImg := image.Rectangle{image.Point{0, 0}, image.Point{texSize, texSize}}

		rgbaFinal := image.NewRGBA(finalImg)
		// store the final aggregate image
		aggrImg.aggregateImage = rgbaFinal


	// draw all images   img.(*image.RGBA)
	for _, imgSec := range images {
		img := aggregateImages[imgSec.aggrId].aggregateImage
		rgbaFinal, _ := img.(*image.RGBA)
		draw.Draw(rgbaFinal, imgSec.Section, imgSec, image.Point{0, 0}, draw.Src) // draw images

	// now fonts
	for _, fontSec := range fonts {
		img := aggregateImages[fontSec.aggrId].aggregateImage
		rgbaFinal, _ := img.(*image.RGBA)
		draw.Draw(rgbaFinal, fontSec.Section, fontSec, image.Point{0, 0}, draw.Src) // draw images


	//TODO add flag for displaying this
	// for idx, aggrImg := range aggregateImages {
	// 	aggrImg.Print("aggrimg" + strconv.Itoa(idx) + ".png")
	// }