예제 #1
파일: dns.go 프로젝트: alex-mohr/kubernetes
func (kd *KubeDNS) newPortalService(service *v1.Service) {
	subCache := treecache.NewTreeCache()
	recordValue, recordLabel := util.GetSkyMsg(service.Spec.ClusterIP, 0)
	subCache.SetEntry(recordLabel, recordValue, kd.fqdn(service, recordLabel))

	// Generate SRV Records
	for i := range service.Spec.Ports {
		port := &service.Spec.Ports[i]
		if port.Name != "" && port.Protocol != "" {
			srvValue := kd.generateSRVRecordValue(service, int(port.Port))

			l := []string{"_" + strings.ToLower(string(port.Protocol)), "_" + port.Name}
			glog.V(2).Infof("Added SRV record %+v", srvValue)

			subCache.SetEntry(recordLabel, srvValue, kd.fqdn(service, append(l, recordLabel)...), l...)
	subCachePath := append(kd.domainPath, serviceSubdomain, service.Namespace)
	host := getServiceFQDN(kd.domain, service)
	reverseRecord, _ := util.GetSkyMsg(host, 0)

	defer kd.cacheLock.Unlock()
	kd.cache.SetSubCache(service.Name, subCache, subCachePath...)
	kd.reverseRecordMap[service.Spec.ClusterIP] = reverseRecord
	kd.clusterIPServiceMap[service.Spec.ClusterIP] = service
예제 #2
파일: dns.go 프로젝트: alex-mohr/kubernetes
func (kd *KubeDNS) generateRecordsForHeadlessService(e *v1.Endpoints, svc *v1.Service) error {
	// TODO: remove this after v1.4 is released and the old annotations are EOL
	podHostnames, err := getPodHostnamesFromAnnotation(e.Annotations)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	subCache := treecache.NewTreeCache()
	glog.V(4).Infof("Endpoints Annotations: %v", e.Annotations)
	for idx := range e.Subsets {
		for subIdx := range e.Subsets[idx].Addresses {
			address := &e.Subsets[idx].Addresses[subIdx]
			endpointIP := address.IP
			recordValue, endpointName := util.GetSkyMsg(endpointIP, 0)
			if hostLabel, exists := getHostname(address, podHostnames); exists {
				endpointName = hostLabel
			subCache.SetEntry(endpointName, recordValue, kd.fqdn(svc, endpointName))
			for portIdx := range e.Subsets[idx].Ports {
				endpointPort := &e.Subsets[idx].Ports[portIdx]
				if endpointPort.Name != "" && endpointPort.Protocol != "" {
					srvValue := kd.generateSRVRecordValue(svc, int(endpointPort.Port), endpointName)
					glog.V(2).Infof("Added SRV record %+v", srvValue)

					l := []string{"_" + strings.ToLower(string(endpointPort.Protocol)), "_" + endpointPort.Name}
					subCache.SetEntry(endpointName, srvValue, kd.fqdn(svc, append(l, endpointName)...), l...)
	subCachePath := append(kd.domainPath, serviceSubdomain, svc.Namespace)
	defer kd.cacheLock.Unlock()
	kd.cache.SetSubCache(svc.Name, subCache, subCachePath...)
	return nil
예제 #3
파일: dns.go 프로젝트: alex-mohr/kubernetes
func (kd *KubeDNS) generateSRVRecordValue(svc *v1.Service, portNumber int, labels ...string) *skymsg.Service {
	host := strings.Join([]string{svc.Name, svc.Namespace, serviceSubdomain, kd.domain}, ".")
	for _, cNameLabel := range labels {
		host = cNameLabel + "." + host
	recordValue, _ := util.GetSkyMsg(host, portNumber)
	return recordValue
예제 #4
// Generates skydns records for an ExternalName service.
func (kd *KubeDNS) newExternalNameService(service *kapi.Service) {
	// Create a CNAME record for the service's ExternalName.
	// TODO: TTL?
	recordValue, _ := util.GetSkyMsg(service.Spec.ExternalName, 0)
	cachePath := append(kd.domainPath, serviceSubdomain, service.Namespace)
	fqdn := kd.fqdn(service)
	glog.V(2).Infof("newExternalNameService: storing key %s with value %v as %s under %v", service.Name, recordValue, fqdn, cachePath)
	defer kd.cacheLock.Unlock()
	// Store the service name directly as the leaf key
	kd.cache.setEntry(service.Name, recordValue, fqdn, cachePath...)
예제 #5
파일: dns.go 프로젝트: alex-mohr/kubernetes
func (kd *KubeDNS) getRecordsForPath(path []string, exact bool) ([]skymsg.Service, error) {
	if kd.isPodRecord(path) {
		ip, err := kd.getPodIP(path)
		if err == nil {
			skyMsg, _ := util.GetSkyMsg(ip, 0)
			return []skymsg.Service{*skyMsg}, nil
		return nil, err

	if exact {
		key := path[len(path)-1]
		if key == "" {
			return []skymsg.Service{}, nil
		defer kd.cacheLock.RUnlock()
		if record, ok := kd.cache.GetEntry(key, path[:len(path)-1]...); ok {
			glog.V(3).Infof("Exact match %v for %v received from cache", record, path[:len(path)-1])
			return []skymsg.Service{*(record.(*skymsg.Service))}, nil

		glog.V(3).Infof("Exact match for %v not found in cache", path)
		return nil, etcd.Error{Code: etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound}

	defer kd.cacheLock.RUnlock()
	records := kd.cache.GetValuesForPathWithWildcards(path...)
	glog.V(3).Infof("Found %d records for %v in the cache", len(records), path)

	retval := []skymsg.Service{}
	for _, val := range records {
		retval = append(retval, *val)

	glog.V(4).Infof("getRecordsForPath retval=%+v, path=%v", retval, path)

	return retval, nil