예제 #1
// RunKubelet is responsible for setting up and running a kubelet.  It is used in three different applications:
//   1 Integration tests
//   2 Kubelet binary
//   3 Standalone 'kubernetes' binary
// Eventually, #2 will be replaced with instances of #3
func RunKubelet(kubeCfg *componentconfig.KubeletConfiguration, kubeDeps *kubelet.KubeletDeps, runOnce bool, standaloneMode bool) error {
	hostname := nodeutil.GetHostname(kubeCfg.HostnameOverride)
	// Query the cloud provider for our node name, default to hostname if kcfg.Cloud == nil
	nodeName, err := getNodeName(kubeDeps.Cloud, hostname)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	kubeDeps.Recorder = eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(v1.EventSource{Component: "kubelet", Host: string(nodeName)})
	if kubeDeps.EventClient != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Sending events to api server.")
		eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: kubeDeps.EventClient.Events("")})
	} else {
		glog.Warning("No api server defined - no events will be sent to API server.")

	// TODO(mtaufen): I moved the validation of these fields here, from UnsecuredKubeletConfig,
	//                so that I could remove the associated fields from KubeletConfig. I would
	//                prefer this to be done as part of an independent validation step on the
	//                KubeletConfiguration. But as far as I can tell, we don't have an explicit
	//                place for validation of the KubeletConfiguration yet.
	hostNetworkSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(kubeCfg.HostNetworkSources)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	hostPIDSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(kubeCfg.HostPIDSources)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	hostIPCSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(kubeCfg.HostIPCSources)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	privilegedSources := capabilities.PrivilegedSources{
		HostNetworkSources: hostNetworkSources,
		HostPIDSources:     hostPIDSources,
		HostIPCSources:     hostIPCSources,
	capabilities.Setup(kubeCfg.AllowPrivileged, privilegedSources, 0)

	glog.V(2).Infof("Using root directory: %v", kubeCfg.RootDirectory)

	builder := kubeDeps.Builder
	if builder == nil {
		builder = CreateAndInitKubelet
	if kubeDeps.OSInterface == nil {
		kubeDeps.OSInterface = kubecontainer.RealOS{}
	k, err := builder(kubeCfg, kubeDeps, standaloneMode)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create kubelet: %v", err)

	// NewMainKubelet should have set up a pod source config if one didn't exist
	// when the builder was run. This is just a precaution.
	if kubeDeps.PodConfig == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create kubelet, pod source config was nil!")
	podCfg := kubeDeps.PodConfig


	// TODO(dawnchen): remove this once we deprecated old debian containervm images.
	// This is a workaround for issue: https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/issues/726
	// The current chosen number is consistent with most of other os dist.
	const maxkeysPath = "/proc/sys/kernel/keys/root_maxkeys"
	const minKeys uint64 = 1000000
	key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(maxkeysPath)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Cannot read keys quota in %s", maxkeysPath)
	} else {
		fields := strings.Fields(string(key))
		nkey, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[0], 10, 64)
		if nkey < minKeys {
			glog.Infof("Setting keys quota in %s to %d", maxkeysPath, minKeys)
			err = ioutil.WriteFile(maxkeysPath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(minKeys))), 0644)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to update %s: %v", maxkeysPath, err)
	const maxbytesPath = "/proc/sys/kernel/keys/root_maxbytes"
	const minBytes uint64 = 25000000
	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(maxbytesPath)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Cannot read keys bytes in %s", maxbytesPath)
	} else {
		fields := strings.Fields(string(bytes))
		nbyte, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[0], 10, 64)
		if nbyte < minBytes {
			glog.Infof("Setting keys bytes in %s to %d", maxbytesPath, minBytes)
			err = ioutil.WriteFile(maxbytesPath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(minBytes))), 0644)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to update %s: %v", maxbytesPath, err)

	// process pods and exit.
	if runOnce {
		if _, err := k.RunOnce(podCfg.Updates()); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("runonce failed: %v", err)
		glog.Infof("Started kubelet %s as runonce", version.Get().String())
	} else {
		startKubelet(k, podCfg, kubeCfg, kubeDeps)
		glog.Infof("Started kubelet %s", version.Get().String())
	return nil