예제 #1
// waitForIngress waits till the ingress acquires an IP, then waits for its
// hosts/urls to respond to a protocol check (either http or https). If
// waitForNodePort is true, the NodePort of the Service is verified before
// verifying the Ingress. NodePort is currently a requirement for cloudprovider
// Ingress.
func (j *testJig) waitForIngress(waitForNodePort bool) {
	// Wait for the loadbalancer IP.
	address, err := framework.WaitForIngressAddress(j.client, j.ing.Namespace, j.ing.Name, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		framework.Failf("Ingress failed to acquire an IP address within %v", framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout)
	j.address = address
	framework.Logf("Found address %v for ingress %v", j.address, j.ing.Name)
	timeoutClient := &http.Client{Timeout: reqTimeout}

	// Check that all rules respond to a simple GET.
	for _, rules := range j.ing.Spec.Rules {
		proto := "http"
		if len(j.ing.Spec.TLS) > 0 {
			knownHosts := sets.NewString(j.ing.Spec.TLS[0].Hosts...)
			if knownHosts.Has(rules.Host) {
				timeoutClient.Transport, err = buildTransport(rules.Host, j.getRootCA(j.ing.Spec.TLS[0].SecretName))
				proto = "https"
		for _, p := range rules.IngressRuleValue.HTTP.Paths {
			if waitForNodePort {
				j.curlServiceNodePort(j.ing.Namespace, p.Backend.ServiceName, int(p.Backend.ServicePort.IntVal))
			route := fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v%v", proto, address, p.Path)
			framework.Logf("Testing route %v host %v with simple GET", route, rules.Host)
			framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(route, rules.Host, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, j.pollInterval, timeoutClient, false))
예제 #2
func (j *federationTestJig) waitForFederatedIngress() {
	// Wait for the loadbalancer IP.
	address, err := waitForFederatedIngressAddress(j.client, j.ing.Namespace, j.ing.Name, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		framework.Failf("Ingress failed to acquire an IP address within %v", framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout)
	j.address = address
	framework.Logf("Found address %v for ingress %v", j.address, j.ing.Name)
	timeoutClient := &http.Client{Timeout: reqTimeout}

	// Check that all rules respond to a simple GET.
	for _, rules := range j.ing.Spec.Rules {
		proto := "http"
		for _, p := range rules.IngressRuleValue.HTTP.Paths {
			route := fmt.Sprintf("%v://%v%v", proto, address, p.Path)
			framework.Logf("Testing route %v host %v with simple GET", route, rules.Host)
			framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(route, rules.Host, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, framework.LoadBalancerPollInterval, timeoutClient, false))
예제 #3

		It("shoud create ingress with given static-ip", func() {
			// ip released when the rest of lb resources are deleted in cleanupGCE
			ip := gceController.createStaticIP(ns)
			By(fmt.Sprintf("allocated static ip %v: %v through the GCE cloud provider", ns, ip))

			jig.createIngress(filepath.Join(ingressManifestPath, "static-ip"), ns, map[string]string{
				"kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name": ns,
				"kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http":            "false",

			By("waiting for Ingress to come up with ip: " + ip)
			httpClient := buildInsecureClient(reqTimeout)
			framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/", ip), "", framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, jig.pollInterval, httpClient, false))

			By("should reject HTTP traffic")
			framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/", ip), "", framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, jig.pollInterval, httpClient, true))

			By("should have correct firewall rule for ingress")
			fw := gceController.getFirewallRule()
			expFw := jig.constructFirewallForIngress(gceController)
			// Passed the last argument as `true` to verify the backend ports is a subset
			// of the allowed ports in firewall rule, given there may be other existing
			// ingress resources and backends we are not aware of.
			Expect(framework.VerifyFirewallRule(fw, expFw, gceController.cloud.Network, true)).NotTo(HaveOccurred())

			// TODO: uncomment the restart test once we have a way to synchronize
			// and know that the controller has resumed watching. If we delete
			// the ingress before the controller is ready we will leak.
예제 #4
func (j *testJig) curlServiceNodePort(ns, name string, port int) {
	// TODO: Curl all nodes?
	u, err := framework.GetNodePortURL(j.client, ns, name, port)
	framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(u, "", 30*time.Second, j.pollInterval, &http.Client{Timeout: reqTimeout}, false))
예제 #5
func createComformanceTests(jig *testJig, ns string) []conformanceTests {
	manifestPath := filepath.Join(ingressManifestPath, "http")
	// These constants match the manifests used in ingressManifestPath
	tlsHost := "foo.bar.com"
	tlsSecretName := "foo"
	updatedTLSHost := "foobar.com"
	updateURLMapHost := "bar.baz.com"
	updateURLMapPath := "/testurl"
	// Platform agnostic list of tests that must be satisfied by all controllers
	return []conformanceTests{
			fmt.Sprintf("should create a basic HTTP ingress"),
			func() { jig.createIngress(manifestPath, ns, map[string]string{}) },
			fmt.Sprintf("waiting for urls on basic HTTP ingress"),
			fmt.Sprintf("should terminate TLS for host %v", tlsHost),
			func() { jig.addHTTPS(tlsSecretName, tlsHost) },
			fmt.Sprintf("waiting for HTTPS updates to reflect in ingress"),
			fmt.Sprintf("should update SSL certificated with modified hostname %v", updatedTLSHost),
			func() {
				jig.update(func(ing *extensions.Ingress) {
					newRules := []extensions.IngressRule{}
					for _, rule := range ing.Spec.Rules {
						if rule.Host != tlsHost {
							newRules = append(newRules, rule)
						newRules = append(newRules, extensions.IngressRule{
							Host:             updatedTLSHost,
							IngressRuleValue: rule.IngressRuleValue,
					ing.Spec.Rules = newRules
				jig.addHTTPS(tlsSecretName, updatedTLSHost)
			fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for updated certificates to accept requests for host %v", updatedTLSHost),
			fmt.Sprintf("should update url map for host %v to expose a single url: %v", updateURLMapHost, updateURLMapPath),
			func() {
				var pathToFail string
				jig.update(func(ing *extensions.Ingress) {
					newRules := []extensions.IngressRule{}
					for _, rule := range ing.Spec.Rules {
						if rule.Host != updateURLMapHost {
							newRules = append(newRules, rule)
						existingPath := rule.IngressRuleValue.HTTP.Paths[0]
						pathToFail = existingPath.Path
						newRules = append(newRules, extensions.IngressRule{
							Host: updateURLMapHost,
							IngressRuleValue: extensions.IngressRuleValue{
								HTTP: &extensions.HTTPIngressRuleValue{
									Paths: []extensions.HTTPIngressPath{
											Path:    updateURLMapPath,
											Backend: existingPath.Backend,
					ing.Spec.Rules = newRules
				By("Checking that " + pathToFail + " is not exposed by polling for failure")
				route := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v%v", jig.address, pathToFail)
				framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(route, updateURLMapHost, framework.LoadBalancerCleanupTimeout, jig.pollInterval, &http.Client{Timeout: reqTimeout}, true))
			fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for path updates to reflect in L7"),