예제 #1
			var file string
			testPodWithExecHook := func(podWithHook *v1.Pod) {
				podCheckHook := getExecHookTestPod("pod-check-hook",
					// Wait until the file is created.
					[]string{"sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("while [ ! -e %s ]; do sleep 1; done", file)},
				By("create the pod with lifecycle hook")
				if podWithHook.Spec.Containers[0].Lifecycle.PostStart != nil {
					By("create the hook check pod")
					By("wait for the hook check pod to success")
					podClient.WaitForSuccess(podCheckHook.Name, postStartWaitTimeout)
				By("delete the pod with lifecycle hook")
				podClient.DeleteSync(podWithHook.Name, v1.NewDeleteOptions(15), podWaitTimeout)
				if podWithHook.Spec.Containers[0].Lifecycle.PreStop != nil {
					By("create the hook check pod")
					By("wait for the prestop check pod to success")
					podClient.WaitForSuccess(podCheckHook.Name, preStopWaitTimeout)

			BeforeEach(func() {
				file = "/tmp/test-" + string(uuid.NewUUID())

			AfterEach(func() {
				By("cleanup the temporary file created in the test.")
				cleanupPod := getExecHookTestPod("pod-clean-up", []string{"rm", file})
예제 #2
								Name:  busyPodName,
								// Filling the disk
								Command: []string{"sh", "-c",
									fmt.Sprintf("for NUM in `seq 1 1 100000`; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s.$NUM bs=50000000 count=10; sleep 0.5; done",

			AfterEach(func() {
				if !isImageSupported() || !evictionOptionIsSet() { // Skip the after each
				podClient.DeleteSync(busyPodName, &api.DeleteOptions{}, podDisappearTimeout)
				podClient.DeleteSync(idlePodName, &api.DeleteOptions{}, podDisappearTimeout)
				podClient.DeleteSync(verifyPodName, &api.DeleteOptions{}, podDisappearTimeout)

				// Wait for 2 container gc loop to ensure that the containers are deleted. The containers
				// created in this test consume a lot of disk, we don't want them to trigger disk eviction
				// again after the test.
				time.Sleep(containerGCPeriod * 2)

				if framework.TestContext.PrepullImages {
					// The disk eviction test may cause the prepulled images to be evicted,
					// prepull those images again to ensure this test not affect following tests.