func (db *MongoDB) SetDebug(on bool) { mgo.SetDebug(on) if on { mgo.SetLogger(log.New(os.Stderr, "[db] ", log.LstdFlags)) } else { mgo.SetLogger(nil) } }
func (s *MgoSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) { if MgoServer.addr == "" { c.Fatalf("No Mongo Server Address, MgoSuite tests must be run with MgoTestPackage") } mgo.SetDebug(true) mgo.SetStats(true) // Make tests that use password authentication faster. utils.FastInsecureHash = true }
func (s *S) SetUpSuite(c *C) { mgo.SetDebug(true) mgo.SetStats(true) s.StartAll() session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost:40001") c.Assert(err, IsNil), err = session.BuildInfo() c.Check(err, IsNil) session.Close() }
func main() { logout := log.New(os.Stdout, "MGO: ", log.Lshortfile) mgo.SetLogger(logout) mgo.SetDebug(false) session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer session.Close() db := session.DB("bookdb") cbooks := db.C("bookcoll") cauthors := db.C("authorcoll") aids := []bson.ObjectId{bson.NewObjectId(), bson.NewObjectId()} authors := []Author{{ aids[0], "Author 1", }, { aids[1], "Author 2", }} cauthors.Insert(authors[0]) cauthors.Insert(authors[1]) // Insert some books mine := Book{ bson.NewObjectId(), "Gang of four thingy", aids, } cbooks.Insert(&mine) var assembl []AssembledBooks cauthors.Find(bson.M{}).All(&assembl) str1, _ := json.MarshalIndent(assembl, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s\n", str1) var allauthors []Author cauthors.Find(bson.M{}).All(&allauthors) str, _ := json.MarshalIndent(allauthors, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s\n", str) var allbooks []Book cbooks.Find(bson.M{}).All(&allbooks) str, _ = json.MarshalIndent(allbooks, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s\n", str) fmt.Println("Dropping all collections...") cauthors.DropCollection() cbooks.DropCollection() fmt.Println("Done") }
func (s *MgoSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) { mgo.SetDebug(true) mgo.SetStats(true) dbdir := c.MkDir() args := []string{ "--dbpath", dbdir, "--bind_ip", "", "--port", "50017", "--nssize", "1", "--noprealloc", "--smallfiles", "--nojournal", } s.server = exec.Command("mongod", args...) s.server.Stdout = &s.output s.server.Stderr = &s.output err := s.server.Start() c.Assert(err, IsNil) }
func main() { logout := log.New(os.Stdout, "MGO: ", log.Lshortfile) mgo.SetLogger(logout) mgo.SetDebug(false) session, err := mgo.Dial("localhost") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer session.Close() db := session.DB("bookdb") coll := db.C("bookcoll") // Insert some books mine := Book{ bson.NewObjectId(), "I never wrote a book", bson.Now(), } coll.Insert(&mine) hpott := Book{ bson.NewObjectId(), "Harry Potter", time.Now(), } coll.Insert(&hpott) var alldocs Books coll.Find(bson.M{}).All(&alldocs) str, _ := json.MarshalIndent(alldocs, "", " ") fmt.Printf("%s\n", str) c, err := coll.Count() fmt.Printf("Total documents: %d\n", c) fmt.Println("Dropping entire collection...") coll.DropCollection() fmt.Println("Done") }
func (this *FunServantImpl) createServants() { log.Info("creating servants...") // proxy can dynamically auto discover peers if this.conf.Proxy.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: proxy") this.proxy = proxy.New(this.conf.Proxy) } else { panic("peers proxy required") } log.Debug("creating servant: idgen") var err error this.idgen, err = idgen.NewIdGenerator(this.conf.IdgenWorkerId) if err != nil { panic(err) } if this.conf.Lcache.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: lcache") = cache.NewLruCache(this.conf.Lcache.MaxItems) = this.onLcLruEvicted } if this.conf.Memcache.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: memcache") = memcache.New(this.conf.Memcache) } if this.conf.Redis.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: redis") this.rd = redis.New(this.conf.Redis) } if this.conf.Lock.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: lock") = lock.New(this.conf.Lock) } if this.conf.Mysql.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: mysql") = mysql.New(this.conf.Mysql) switch this.conf.Mysql.CacheStore { case "mem": this.dbCacheStore = store.NewMemStore(this.conf.Mysql.CacheStoreMemMaxItems) case "redis": this.dbCacheStore = store.NewRedisStore(this.conf.Mysql.CacheStoreRedisPool, this.conf.Redis) default: panic("unknown mysql cache store") } } if this.conf.Mongodb.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: mongodb") = mongo.New(this.conf.Mongodb) if this.conf.Mongodb.DebugProtocol || this.conf.Mongodb.DebugHeartbeat { mgo.SetLogger(&mongoProtocolLogger{}) mgo.SetDebug(this.conf.Mongodb.DebugProtocol) } } if this.conf.Couchbase.Enabled() { log.Debug("creating servant: couchbase") var err error // pool is always 'default' this.cb, err = couch.New(this.conf.Couchbase.Servers, "default") if err != nil { log.Error("couchbase: %s", err) } } log.Info("servants created") }