예제 #1
파일: heart_beat.go 프로젝트: tengteng/logd
func (this *HeartBeat) registerSelf(reg bool) bool {
	conn, err := lib.GetConnection(this.monitorAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	defer conn.Close()

	req := "register"
	if !reg {
		req = "unregister"
	m := map[string]string{"req": req, "ip": lib.GetIp(), "port": this.port, "hostname": lib.GetHostname(), "role": this.role}
	msg, err := json.Marshal(m)
	if err != nil {
		loglib.Error("marshal " + req + " info error " + err.Error())
		return false
	_, err = conn.Write(tcp_pack.Pack(msg))
	if err != nil {
		loglib.Error("send " + req + " info failed" + err.Error())
		return false
	} else {
		plen, ret := tcp_pack.UnPack(conn)

		if plen > 0 {
			err = json.Unmarshal(ret, &m)
			r, ok := m["err"]
			if err == nil && ok && r == "0" {
				loglib.Info(req + " to monitor success!")
				return true
			loglib.Error(req + " heart beat failed!")
	return false
예제 #2
파일: receiver.go 프로젝트: tengteng/logd
//clear list & zipping & send_to_buffer
func (r Receiver) writeList() {
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			loglib.Error(fmt.Sprintf("receiver panic:%v", err))

	st := time.Now()
	var nLines = 0
	var id = r.initId()
	ip := lib.GetIp()
	var changed = false

	for logMap := range r.receiveChan {
		logLine := logMap["line"]
		changed = false

		if logLine == "logfile changed" {
			changed = true
		} else {
		nLines = r.logList.Len()
		if nLines >= r.listBufferSize || changed {
			hour := logMap["hour"]
			repull, ok := logMap["repull"] //兼容补拉

			b := r.clearList()
			//r.sendBuffer <- b
			ed := time.Now()
			elapse := ed.Sub(st)
			loglib.Info(fmt.Sprintf("add a pack, id: %s_%d, lines:%d, elapse: %s", hour, id, nLines, elapse))

			m := make(map[string]string)
			m["ip"] = ip
			m["hour"] = hour
			m["id"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", id)
			m["lines"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", nLines)
			m["stage"] = "make pack"
			m["st"] = st.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
			m["ed"] = ed.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
			m["elapse"] = elapse.String()
			if ok && repull == "1" {
				m["repull"] = "1"

			if changed {
				m["done"] = "1"
				if nLines == 0 {
					m["repull"] = "1"

			vbytes := tcp_pack.Packing(b.Bytes(), m, false)
			r.sendBuffer <- b
			st = time.Now()
			nLines = 0

		if changed {
			id = 1 //每小时id刷新


	if nLines > 0 {
		loglib.Info(fmt.Sprintf("receiver abandon %d lines", nLines))

예제 #3
func (t *TcpReceiver) handleConnnection(conn net.Conn, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			loglib.Error(fmt.Sprintf("tcp receiver connection panic:%v", err))
	var quit = false //用于标识是否要退出

	go lib.HandleQuitSignal(func() {
		quit = true

	request := make([]byte, 512*1024) //缓冲为512k

	var packLen int = 0
	currLen := 0
	var b = new(bytes.Buffer)
	var content = new(bytes.Buffer)
	inAddr := conn.RemoteAddr().String()
	parts := strings.Split(inAddr, ":")
	inIp := parts[0]

	packId := "unkown"

	var routeInfo map[string]string
	var rePull = false //是否补拉,如果是补拉就不做重复包检验

	loglib.Info("incoming: " + inAddr)

	for !quit {

		st := time.Now()
		if packLen == 0 {
			conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute))
			time1 := time.Now() //时间打点
			// read zlib pack header length
			buf := make([]byte, 4)
			_, err := conn.Read(buf)
			if err != nil {
				loglib.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, get header len, tcp receiver read error:%s, elapse:%s", inAddr, err.Error(), time.Now().Sub(time1)))
			l, _ := binary.Uvarint(buf)
			headerLen := int(l)
			//get pack header
			headerBuf := make([]byte, headerLen)
			time2 := time.Now()
			_, err = conn.Read(headerBuf)
			if err != nil {
				loglib.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, get header, tcp receiver read error:%s, elapse:%s", inAddr, err.Error(), time.Now().Sub(time2)))

			route0 := tcp_pack.ParseHeader(headerBuf)
			if v, ok := route0["repull"]; ok && v == "1" {
				rePull = true
			} else {
				rePull = false

			buf = append(buf, headerBuf...)
			header, _, err := tcp_pack.ExtractHeader(buf)
			if err != nil {
				loglib.Error("wrong format header " + string(headerBuf) + " " + err.Error())
				conn.Write([]byte("wrong header"))

			packId = tcp_pack.GetPackId(buf)
			packLen = header.PackLen
			currLen = 0
			routeInfo = make(map[string]string)
			b = new(bytes.Buffer)
			content = new(bytes.Buffer)

			loglib.Info(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, start receive pack %s, pack len:%d, header len:%d, header elapse:%s", inAddr, packId, packLen, headerLen, time.Now().Sub(time1)))

			routeInfo["ip"] = lib.GetIp()
			routeInfo["stage"] = "tcp recv"
			routeInfo["st"] = st.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
		conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute))
		time3 := time.Now()
		//read enough bytes
		for currLen < packLen {
			requestLen, err := conn.Read(request)
			if requestLen == 0 || err != nil {
				packLen = 0 //设为0以便读取新的包

				ed := time.Now()
				loglib.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, not full! ip:%s, packid:%s, received:%d, end recv:%s, elapse:%s, body elapse:%s, error:%s", inAddr, inIp, packId, currLen, ed, ed.Sub(st), ed.Sub(time3), err.Error()))
				break outer //连接出错直接跳出外层循环
			currLen += requestLen
		if packLen > 0 && currLen >= packLen {
			_, err := conn.Write([]byte("ok"))
			if err != nil {
				loglib.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("ip:%s, packid:%s received, but response back error:%s", inIp, packId, err.Error()))
			} else {
				loglib.Info(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, response to packid:%s", inAddr, packId))
			appeared, ok, code := t.hasAppeared(content)
			if !ok || rePull {
				ed := time.Now()
				routeInfo["ed"] = ed.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
				routeInfo["elapse"] = ed.Sub(st).String()
				vbytes := tcp_pack.Packing(b.Bytes(), routeInfo, true)
				b = bytes.NewBuffer(vbytes)
				t.buffer <- *b
				packAppear := PackAppear{time.Now().Unix(), packId}
				t.footPrint[code] = packAppear //这里挂过

				loglib.Info(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, finish ip:%s, packid:%s, repull:%v, received:%d, elapse:%s, body elapse:%s", inAddr, inIp, packId, rePull, currLen, ed.Sub(st), ed.Sub(time3)))
			} else {
				loglib.Info(fmt.Sprintf("conn:%s, pack %s repeat %s already appear at %s", inAddr, packId, appeared.Id, time.Unix(appeared.Time, 0)))
			packLen = 0

	loglib.Info("conn finish: " + inAddr)