예제 #1
// Function to obtain complex conjugate (dagger operation) of
// sparse matrix stored in diagonal form
func SparseDiagDagger(s *SparseMat) *SparseMat {

	// Initiaize variables for indexing purposes
	matSize := len(s.Data)
	numDiags := len(s.Data[0])
	mainDiagIdx := (numDiags - 1) / 2

	// Initialize output variable
	t := SparseCopy(s)

	for idx0 := 0; idx0 < matSize; idx0++ {
		// Complex conjugate main diagonal
		t.Data[idx0][mainDiagIdx] = cmplx.Conj(t.Data[idx0][mainDiagIdx])

		// When there are more than one diagonal stored, and if we are not in the top left most entry,
		// we will need to swap rows and columns, and complex conjugate those entries as well.

		if (idx0 > 1) && (mainDiagIdx > 0) {
			loopIdx := mainDiagIdx
			if idx0 < loopIdx {
				loopIdx = idx0
			for idx1 := 1; idx1 < loopIdx; idx1++ {
				// Swap row and columns, and conjugate those entries
				t.Data[idx0][mainDiagIdx-idx1], t.Data[idx0-idx1][mainDiagIdx+idx1] = cmplx.Conj(t.Data[idx0-idx1][mainDiagIdx+idx1]), cmplx.Conj(t.Data[idx0][mainDiagIdx-idx1])

	return t
func (a *matrix) choleskyDecomp() *matrix {
	l := like(a)
	// Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm
	for r, rxc0 := 0, 0; r < a.stride; r++ {
		// calculate elements along row, up to diagonal
		x := rxc0
		for c, cxc0 := 0, 0; c < r; c++ {
			sum := a.ele[x]
			for k := 0; k < c; k++ {
				sum -= l.ele[rxc0+k] * cmplx.Conj(l.ele[cxc0+k])
			l.ele[x] = sum / l.ele[cxc0+c]
			cxc0 += a.stride
		// calcualate diagonal element
		sum := a.ele[x]
		for k := 0; k < r; k++ {
			sum -= l.ele[rxc0+k] * cmplx.Conj(l.ele[rxc0+k])
		l.ele[x] = cmplx.Sqrt(sum)
		rxc0 += a.stride
	return l
예제 #3
// Function to compute basis transformation matrix
func BasisTransform(th, phi float64) *[2][2]complex128 {

	BTMatrix := new([2][2]complex128)
	th_2, phi_2 := 0.5*th, 0.5*phi
	csn := cmplx.Cos(complex(th_2, 0.0)) * cmplx.Exp(complex(0.0, -1.0*phi_2))
	sn := cmplx.Sin(complex(th_2, 0.0)) * cmplx.Exp(complex(0.0, phi_2))

	BTMatrix[0][0] = cmplx.Conj(csn)
	BTMatrix[0][1] = cmplx.Conj(sn)
	BTMatrix[1][0] = complex(-1.0, 0.0) * sn
	BTMatrix[1][1] = csn

	return BTMatrix
예제 #4
파일: fft.go 프로젝트: mingzhi/gomath
func XCorrFFT(x1, x2 []float64, circular bool) []float64 {
	// zero padding.
	ftlength := len(x1)
	if !circular {
		length := len(x1) * 2
		var i uint32 = 1
		for ftlength < length {
			ftlength = 1 << i

	datax1 := make([]complex128, ftlength)
	datax2 := make([]complex128, ftlength)
	for i := 0; i < len(x1); i++ {
		datax1[i] = complex(x2[i%len(x2)], 0)
		datax2[i] = complex(x1[i%len(x1)], 0)

	v1 := fft.FFT(datax1)
	v2 := fft.FFT(datax2)
	temp := []complex128{}
	for i := 0; i < len(v1); i++ {
		v := v1[i] * cmplx.Conj(v2[i])
		temp = append(temp, v)
	v3 := fft.IFFT(temp)

	res := []float64{}
	for i := 0; i < len(x1); i++ {
		res = append(res, real(v3[i]))
	return res
예제 #5
파일: triangle.go 프로젝트: jvlmdr/lin-go
func (a *triangleMat) Set(i, j int, x complex128) {
	if otherTri(i, j, a.Tri) {
		i, j = j, i
		x = cmplx.Conj(x)
	a.Set(i, j, x)
예제 #6
파일: Arithmetic.go 프로젝트: eddytrex/AIgo
func (this *Matrix) parallel_Traspose(i0, i1, j0, j1 int, res *Matrix, done chan<- bool, conjugate bool) {
	di := i1 - i0
	dj := j1 - j0
	done2 := make(chan bool, THRESHOLD)
	if di >= dj && di >= THRESHOLD && runtime.NumGoroutine() < maxGoRoutines {
		mi := i0 + di/2
		go this.parallel_Traspose(i0, mi, j0, j1, res, done2, conjugate)
		this.parallel_Traspose(mi, i1, j0, j1, res, done2, conjugate)
	} else if dj >= THRESHOLD && runtime.NumGoroutine() < maxGoRoutines {
		mj := j0 + dj/2

		go this.parallel_Traspose(i0, i1, j0, mj, res, done2, conjugate)
		this.parallel_Traspose(i0, i1, mj, i1, res, done2, conjugate)
	} else {

		if !conjugate {
			for i := i0; i <= i1; i++ {
				for j := j0; j <= j1; j++ {
					res.SetValue(j, i, this.GetValue(i, j))
		} else {
			for i := i0; i <= i1; i++ {
				for j := j0; j <= j1; j++ {
					res.SetValue(j, i, cmplx.Conj(this.GetValue(i, j)))
	done <- true
예제 #7
파일: cmplxv.go 프로젝트: a4a881d4/gosse
func (self *ComplexV) VmulConj(b *ComplexV) *ComplexV {
	r := Zeros(len(*self))
	for k, a := range *self {
		(*r)[k] = a * cmplx.Conj((*b)[k])
	return r
예제 #8
파일: cmplxv.go 프로젝트: a4a881d4/gosse
func (self *ComplexV) Conj() *ComplexV {
	r := Zeros(len(*self))
	for k, a := range *self {
		(*r)[k] = cmplx.Conj(a)
	return r
예제 #9
파일: zdotc.go 프로젝트: RomainVabre/origin
func ZdotcInc(x, y []complex128, n, incX, incY, ix, iy uintptr) (sum complex128) {
	for i := 0; i < int(n); i++ {
		sum += y[iy] * cmplx.Conj(x[ix])
		ix += incX
		iy += incY
예제 #10
파일: util.go 프로젝트: jvlmdr/go-cv
// ci <- k conj(ai) bi
func scaleMul(c *fftw.Array2, k complex128, a, b *fftw.Array2) {
	m, n := a.Dims()
	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			ax := cmplx.Conj(a.At(i, j))
			bx := b.At(i, j)
			c.Set(i, j, k*ax*bx)
예제 #11
파일: cmplx.go 프로젝트: jvlmdr/lin-go
// Creates a conjugated copy of the matrix.
func Conj(a Const) *Mat {
	m, n := a.Dims()
	b := New(m, n)
	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			b.Set(i, j, cmplx.Conj(a.At(i, j)))
	return b
예제 #12
파일: util.go 프로젝트: jvlmdr/go-cv
// ci <- ci + conj(ai) bi
func addMul(c *fftw.Array2, a, b *fftw.Array2) {
	m, n := a.Dims()
	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			ax := cmplx.Conj(a.At(i, j))
			bx := b.At(i, j)
			cx := c.At(i, j)
			c.Set(i, j, cx+ax*bx)
예제 #13
// implementation of Trans method
func (v *vectorComplex) Trans() {
	if v.Type() == ColVector {
		v.vectorType = RowVector
	} else {
		v.vectorType = ColVector

	for i := 0; i < v.Dim(); i++ {
		v.elements[i] = cmplx.Conj(v.elements[i])
예제 #14
파일: triangle.go 프로젝트: jvlmdr/lin-go
func (a *triangleMat) At(i, j int) complex128 {
	swap := otherTri(i, j, a.Tri)
	if swap {
		i, j = j, i
	x := a.Mat.At(i, j)
	if swap {
		x = cmplx.Conj(x)
	return x
func main() {
	a := 1 + 1i
	b := 3.14159 + 1.25i
	fmt.Println("a:      ", a)
	fmt.Println("b:      ", b)
	fmt.Println("a + b:  ", a+b)
	fmt.Println("a * b:  ", a*b)
	fmt.Println("-a:     ", -a)
	fmt.Println("1 / a:  ", 1/a)
	fmt.Println("a̅:      ", cmplx.Conj(a))
예제 #16
파일: mandel.go 프로젝트: mandel59/gochaos
// Calc tests whether c is in the Mandelbrot set.
// return 0 if c is in the set,
// otherwise return i (> 0) where i is number of trials
// when absolute value of z exceed by 2.
func Calc(c complex128, limit int) (int, complex128) {
	z := c
	for i := 1; i <= limit; i++ {
		if real(z*cmplx.Conj(z)) > 4 {
			return i, z
		z *= z
		z += c
	return 0, z
예제 #17
파일: cdma.go 프로젝트: postfix/gocomm
func (cdma *CDMA) DeSpread(InCH gocomm.Complex128Channel, OutCH gocomm.Complex128Channel) {

	despcode := vlib.Conj(cdma.SpreadSequence)
	var result complex128
	for i := 0; i < len(despcode); i++ {
		rxchips := (<-InCH).Ch
		result += rxchips * cmplx.Conj(despcode[i])
	var chdataOut gocomm.SComplex128Obj
	chdataOut.Ch = result
	OutCH <- chdataOut
// conjugate transpose, implemented here as a method on the matrix type.
func (m *matrix) conjTranspose() *matrix {
	r := &matrix{make([]complex128, len(m.ele)), len(m.ele) / m.cols}
	rx := 0
	for _, e := range m.ele {
		r.ele[rx] = cmplx.Conj(e)
		rx += r.cols
		if rx >= len(r.ele) {
			rx -= len(r.ele) - 1
	return r
예제 #19
파일: cmplxv.go 프로젝트: a4a881d4/gosse
func (self *ComplexV) FindMax() (inx int, a float64) {
	a = 0.
	inx = 0
	for k, x := range *self {
		p := x * cmplx.Conj(x)
		if real(p) > a {
			a = real(p)
			inx = k
	return inx, a
예제 #20
func ComplexRoots(f []complex128, p0 complex128, p1 complex128, p2 complex128, e float64) complex128 {
	k := 0 + 0i
	m := cmplx.Sqrt((HornerItCmplx(f, p2)) * cmplx.Conj(HornerItCmplx(f, p2)))
	n := cmplx.Sqrt((HornerItCmplx(f, p2))*cmplx.Conj(HornerItCmplx(f, p2))) - cmplx.Sqrt((HornerItCmplx(f, k))*cmplx.Conj(HornerItCmplx(f, k)))
	var mr, nr float64
	mr, nr = real(m), real(n)
	j := 1
	for (mr > e || math.Abs(nr) > e) && j < 1000*len(f) {
		A := ((p1-p2)*(HornerItCmplx(f, p0)-HornerItCmplx(f, p2)) - (p0-p1)*(HornerItCmplx(f, p1)-HornerItCmplx(f, p2))) / ((p0 - p2) * (p1 - p2) * (p0 - p1))
		B := ((cmplx.Pow(p0-p2, 2))*(HornerItCmplx(f, p1)-HornerItCmplx(f, p2)) - (cmplx.Pow(p1-p2, 2))*(HornerItCmplx(f, p0)-HornerItCmplx(f, p2))) / ((p0 - p2) * (p1 - p2) * (p0 - p1))
		C := HornerItCmplx(f, p2)
		div1 := cmplx.Sqrt((B + cmplx.Sqrt(cmplx.Pow(B, 2)-4*A*C)) * cmplx.Conj(B+cmplx.Sqrt(cmplx.Pow(B, 2)-4*A*C)))
		div2 := cmplx.Sqrt((B - cmplx.Sqrt(cmplx.Pow(B, 2)-4*A*C)) * (cmplx.Conj(B - cmplx.Sqrt(cmplx.Pow(B, 2)-4*A*C))))
		var div1r, div2r float64
		div1r, div2r = real(div1), real(div2)
		var D complex128
		if div1r > div2r {
			D = (B + cmplx.Sqrt(cmplx.Pow(B, 2)-4*A*C))
		} else {
			D = (B - cmplx.Sqrt(cmplx.Pow(B, 2)-4*A*C))
		p3 := p2 - ((2 * C) / D)
		k = p2
		p2, p1, p0 = p3, p2, p1
		m := cmplx.Sqrt((HornerItCmplx(f, p2)) * cmplx.Conj(HornerItCmplx(f, p2)))
		n := cmplx.Sqrt((HornerItCmplx(f, p2))*cmplx.Conj(HornerItCmplx(f, p2))) - cmplx.Sqrt((HornerItCmplx(f, k))*cmplx.Conj(HornerItCmplx(f, k)))
		mr, nr = real(m), real(n)
	return p2
예제 #21
파일: err.go 프로젝트: jvlmdr/lin-go
// Returns an error if the matrix is not Hermitian.
// Assumes that matrix is square.
func errNonHerm(a Const) error {
	n, _ := a.Dims()
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		for j := i; j < n; j++ {
			ij, ji := a.At(i, j), a.At(j, i)
			want, got := ij, cmplx.Conj(ji)
			if !(eqEpsAbs(want, got, EpsHermAbs) || eqEpsRel(want, got, EpsHermRel)) {
				return fmt.Errorf("not Hermitian: at %d, %d: upper %g, lower %g", i, j, ij, ji)
	return nil
예제 #22
// isLeftEigenvectorOf returns whether the vector yRe+i*yIm, where i is the
// imaginary unit, is the left eigenvector of A corresponding to the eigenvalue
// lambda.
// A left eigenvector corresponding to a complex eigenvalue λ is a complex
// non-zero vector y such that
//  y^H A = λ y^H,
// which is equivalent for real A to
//  A^T y = conj(λ) y,
func isLeftEigenvectorOf(a blas64.General, yRe, yIm []float64, lambda complex128, tol float64) bool {
	if a.Rows != a.Cols {
		panic("matrix not square")

	if imag(lambda) != 0 && yIm == nil {
		// Complex eigenvalue of a real matrix cannot have a real
		// eigenvector.
		return false

	n := a.Rows

	// Compute A^T real(y) and store the result into yReAns.
	yReAns := make([]float64, n)
	blas64.Gemv(blas.Trans, 1, a, blas64.Vector{1, yRe}, 0, blas64.Vector{1, yReAns})

	if imag(lambda) == 0 && yIm == nil {
		// Real eigenvalue and eigenvector.

		// Compute λy and store the result into lambday.
		lambday := make([]float64, n)
		floats.AddScaled(lambday, real(lambda), yRe)

		if floats.Distance(yReAns, lambday, math.Inf(1)) > tol {
			return false
		return true

	// Complex eigenvector, and real or complex eigenvalue.

	// Compute A^T imag(y) and store the result into yImAns.
	yImAns := make([]float64, n)
	blas64.Gemv(blas.Trans, 1, a, blas64.Vector{1, yIm}, 0, blas64.Vector{1, yImAns})

	// Compute conj(λ)y and store the result into lambday.
	lambda = cmplx.Conj(lambda)
	lambday := make([]complex128, n)
	for i := range lambday {
		lambday[i] = lambda * complex(yRe[i], yIm[i])

	for i, v := range lambday {
		ay := complex(yReAns[i], yImAns[i])
		if cmplx.Abs(v-ay) > tol {
			return false
	return true
예제 #23
파일: complex.go 프로젝트: pto/go-book
func main() {
	f := 3.2e5
	x := -7.3 - 8.9i
	y := complex64(-18.3 + 8.9i)
	z := complex(f, 13.2)
예제 #24
// implementation of Trans method
func (m *matrixComplex) Trans() {
	transMatrixNumCols := m.numRows
	transMatrixNumRows := m.numCols
	transMatrixElements := make([][]complex128, transMatrixNumRows)

	for i := 0; i < len(transMatrixElements); i++ {
		transMatrixElements[i] = make([]complex128, transMatrixNumCols)

	for i := 0; i < transMatrixNumRows; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < transMatrixNumCols; j++ {
			transMatrixElements[i][j] = cmplx.Conj(m.Get(j, i))

	m.numRows = transMatrixNumRows
	m.numCols = transMatrixNumCols
	m.elements = transMatrixElements
예제 #25
파일: Arithmetic.go 프로젝트: eddytrex/AIgo
// return a ConjugateTraspose
func (this *Matrix) ConjugateTraspose() *Matrix {
	if this.m == 1 || this.n == 1 {
		c := this.Copy()
		t := c.m
		c.m = c.n
		c.n = t
		c = c.Apply(
			func(a complex128) complex128 {
				return cmplx.Conj(a)

		return c
	out := NullMatrixP(this.n, this.m)
	done := make(chan bool)
	go this.parallel_Traspose(1, this.m, 1, this.n, out, done, true)
	return out
예제 #26
// Function for calculating the self-energy matrices
func SelfEnergyEntries(currEnergy, modeEnergy, delta0, delta1, potential float64, t0 complex128, BT_Mat *[2][2]complex128) *[2][2]complex128 {
	s := new([2][2]complex128)

	SumEnergy := complex(currEnergy-modeEnergy+0.5*potential-delta0, utils.Zplus)
	SumEnergy /= complex(-2.0, 0.0) * t0
	SumEnergy += complex(1.0, 0.0)

	sig_uu := complex(-1.0, 0.0) * t0 * cmplx.Exp(1.0i*cmplx.Acos(SumEnergy))

	SumEnergy = complex(currEnergy-modeEnergy+0.5*potential-delta1, utils.Zplus)
	SumEnergy /= complex(-2.0, 0.0) * t0
	SumEnergy += complex(1.0, 0.0)

	sig_dd := complex(-1.0, 0.0) * t0 * cmplx.Exp(1.0i*cmplx.Acos(SumEnergy))

	s[0][0] = cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[0][0])*sig_uu*BT_Mat[0][0] + cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[1][0])*sig_dd*BT_Mat[1][0]
	s[0][1] = cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[0][0])*sig_uu*BT_Mat[0][1] + cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[1][0])*sig_dd*BT_Mat[1][1]
	s[1][0] = cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[0][1])*sig_uu*BT_Mat[0][0] + cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[1][1])*sig_dd*BT_Mat[1][0]
	s[1][1] = cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[0][1])*sig_uu*BT_Mat[0][1] + cmplx.Conj(BT_Mat[1][1])*sig_dd*BT_Mat[1][1]

	return s
예제 #27
// Given a buffer length, symbol length and a binary bitstring, compute the
// frequency domain of the preamble for later use.
func NewPreambleDetector(n uint, symbolLength float64, bits string) (pd PreambleDetector) {
	// Plan forward and reverse transforms.
	pd.forward = fftw.NewHCDFT1D(n, nil, nil, fftw.Forward, fftw.InPlace, fftw.Measure)
	pd.Real = pd.forward.Real
	pd.Complex = pd.forward.Complex
	pd.backward = fftw.NewHCDFT1D(n, pd.Real, pd.Complex, fftw.Backward, fftw.PreAlloc, fftw.Measure)

	// Zero out input array.
	for i := range pd.Real {
		pd.Real[i] = 0

	// Generate the preamble basis function.
	for idx, bit := range bits {
		// Must account for rounding error.
		sIdx := idx << 1
		lower := intRound(float64(sIdx) * symbolLength)
		upper := intRound(float64(sIdx+1) * symbolLength)
		for i := 0; i < upper-lower; i++ {
			if bit == '1' {
				pd.Real[lower+i] = 1.0
				pd.Real[upper+i] = -1.0
			} else {
				pd.Real[lower+i] = -1.0
				pd.Real[upper+i] = 1.0

	// Transform the preamble basis function.

	// Create the preamble template and store conjugated DFT result.
	pd.template = make([]complex128, len(pd.Complex))
	copy(pd.template, pd.Complex)
	for i := range pd.template {
		pd.template[i] = cmplx.Conj(pd.template[i])

예제 #28
파일: fftw.go 프로젝트: mingzhi/gomath
func (f FFTW) XCorr(x1, x2 []float64) []float64 {
	var v1, v2, temp []complex128
	var rs []float64

	v1 = f.foward.ExecuteNewArray(x2)
	v2 = f.foward.ExecuteNewArray(x1)

	for i := 0; i < len(v1); i++ {
		v := v1[i] * cmplx.Conj(v2[i])
		temp = append(temp, v)

	rs = f.backward.ExecuteNewArray(temp)
	totl := len(f.backward.Real)

	res := []float64{}
	for i := 0; i < len(x1); i++ {
		res = append(res, rs[i]/float64(totl))
	return res
예제 #29
파일: kernel.go 프로젝트: mantyr/go-sound
func (k *CQKernel) ProcessInverse(cv []complex128) []complex128 {
	// matrix multiply by conjugate transpose of m_kernel. This is
	// actually the original kernel as calculated, we just stored the
	// conjugate-transpose of the kernel because we expect to be doing
	// more forward transforms than inverse ones.
	if len(k.kernel.data) == 0 {
		panic("Whoops - return empty array? is this even possible?")

	ncols := k.Properties.binsPerOctave * k.Properties.atomsPerFrame
	nrows := k.Properties.fftSize

	rv := make([]complex128, nrows, nrows)
	for j := 0; j < ncols; j++ {
		i0 := k.kernel.origin[j]
		i1 := i0 + len(k.kernel.data[j])
		for i := i0; i < i1; i++ {
			rv[i] += cv[j] * cmplx.Conj(k.kernel.data[j][i-i0])
	return rv
예제 #30
func (cqi *CQInverse) processOctaveColumn(octave int, column []complex128) {
	// 3. For each taller column, take the product with the inverse CQ
	// kernel (which is the conjugate of the forward kernel) and
	// perform an inverse FFT
	bpo := cqi.kernel.Properties.binsPerOctave
	apf := cqi.kernel.Properties.atomsPerFrame
	fftSize := cqi.kernel.Properties.fftSize

	if len(column) != bpo*apf {
		fmt.Printf("Error: column in octave %d has size %d, required = %d * %d = %d\n",
			octave, len(column), bpo, apf, bpo*apf)
		panic("Invalid argument to inverse processOctaveColumn")

	transformed := cqi.kernel.ProcessInverse(column)

	// For inverse real transforms, force symmetric conjugate representation first.
	for i := fftSize/2 + 1; i < fftSize; i++ {
		transformed[i] = cmplx.Conj(transformed[fftSize-i])

	inverse := fft.IFFT(transformed)
	cqi.overlapAddAndResample(octave, realParts(inverse))